
Naruto: Shadows Of Perfection

Isaac is someone who possesses an unwavering pursuit of perfection. His obsession extends beyond mastering jutsu; he seeks to perfect not only himself but also the world around him. However, Isaac's perfectionism becomes a double-edged sword, threatening to consume him. Isolation and inner turmoil ensue, prompting Isaac to confront the shadows of his own obsession. Will Isaac follow through with his Eternal Quest for perfection? Or will he fall short, embracing what he hates most, imperfection?

VQuintessence · Cómic
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59 Chs

Isaac I

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Chapter 1: Isaac I


"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." ~ Oscar Wilde

Unfortunately, Isaac wasn't himself. He found himself in a six year old body in a completely alien world with different memories.

The memories were of a child who was still in the process of overcoming the grief of losing his loved ones, his parents who unfortunately lost their lives in a mission, something common in this world.

Therefore, Isaac can not be truly himself, at least not yet. He has to be the depressed kid who's losing himself to grief, and that's how he has been for the past month since he found himself in this world.

Today was different. Today, the grief seemingly ended as Isaac woke up by dawn, heading directly to the shower, starting by brushing his teeth.

Isaac couldn't help but eye himself in the mirror, face to face with those unfamiliar eyes, inky eyes. The face was still unfamiliar to him despite seeing it every day in the mirror for the past month.

Uchiha Isaac, perfect dark hair falling to his shoulder, and similarly inky eyes as well as his perfectly angular face made him the cutest child in school, a school he hadn't been to for a month since his parents died which coincided with Isaac's coming to this world.

No, maybe it wasn't transmigration but reincarnation for the death of his parents seemed to awaken the memories hidden deep in his mind. How or why he's here is unknown to him, and it isn't something Isaac can delve into right now. 

Isaac has more pressing matters to tend to, and that's taking a shower, "Ahh, so good," The same words spoken in the same tone for the past month. Taking a shower in the morning is truly one of the loveliest moments of his life, albeit a quick shower.

He then wore his usual clothes, white pants and a white shirt with the Uchiha symbol on the back, 'Uchiha, huh... The advantages still outweigh the disadvantages.' Isaac mused as he walked into the living room.

Uchiha's parents were both ninjas, his mom was even able to open Sharingan. As such, they went out to perform missions regularly and naturally accumulated some funds.

The fruit of their hard work was the inheritance they left for him, this decent house being a part of it, and well, the company was nice, "Good morning," Said Isaac.

"Good morning,"

"Good morning!"

The same exact voice resounded about a dozen times as the other Isaacs responded. Indeed, he wasn't alone but was accompanied by his dear clones, each tending to their own business.

Some of the clones were walking around the room on the wall, moving horizontally as if the rules of gravity were meaningless to them. All the while, they were reading through either scrolls or books.

Others were standing on large buckets of water, or rather, walking on the water surface, again as if the common sense of the world was broken... The common sense of his old world.

Isaac certainly didn't spend the last month in grief. It's precisely because he knows how dangerous the world is that he chose to be in 'grief' for a month. That and he truly needed to be someone else.

Isaac absolutely cannot be himself, at least not in front of others. His personality... Well, it's not suitable for children, so he became Uchiha Isaac and spent the entire month trying to maximize his survivability.

The clones before him were the fruits of his hard labor and the result of the most important inheritance left by his parents, Shadow clone Jutsu.

"Let's start," Isaac said, upon which one of the clones dissipated into a cloud of smoke, and with that came pain as the accumulation of all of the clones' memories for the past day was transferred to him at once.

However, that seemed to be something he was used to as he recollected himself relatively quickly before performing a few hand seals, giving birth to a new clone, one with the latest sets of memories.

That's something he does every day to refresh the clones' memories and transfer what the old clones learned to all the newer ones, and that works quite well as Isaac can create clones this way three times a day.

The clone he just created is the second one as he had already created one upon waking up. The second one is the clone before which he can only create due to the dissipated clone transferring its chakra back to him, and the third one is at night after a full day of rest.

That's the only way he can bear creating shadow clones at all. After all, he's not like Naruto who seemingly has an endless supply of chakra, so Isaac had to cheat, exploiting a loophole in the jutsu.

The jutsu allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves, and the user's chakra is evenly divided between themselves and their clones: creating one clone will give it half the user's chakra, creating two clones will give each a third of the user's chakra, and so on. 

Most importantly, depending on how much chakra the user has and how many clones they make, this rapid depletion of their reserves can be dangerous. Because of this, usually only those of at least jōnin-level can safely use the standard Shadow Clone Technique.

Isaac's chakra reserve is naturally nowhere near that of a Jonin. However, who said one has to create all the clones at once? Isaac chose to create just one clone, dividing his chakra into two, then waiting until his chakra recovered before repeating the process, rinse and repeat.

'Aghh,' Isaac rubbed his temple, a sharp headache muddling his thoughts, 'The jutsu is still too damn imperfect, just like this godforsaken world.' None of which he can change right now.

So he concentrated on what he could do as he brightly smiled and personally went to cook himself some breakfast, a very simple meal he loved very much in his last life, Shakshuka.

The simplest description of the dish would be eggs poached in tomato sauce, although it's a bit more complicated than that, and the dish is quite healthy and customizable.

Soon Isaac left his house, finding someone waiting for him nearby. He lives in the Uchiha compound which lies near the center of the village, so the person waiting for him could only be a Uchiha, "Uncle Yashiro, good morning!"

"Good morning," Yashiro calmly nodded, "How are you feeling? Ready to go back to the academy?"

"Yes," Isaac nodded.

"Good, you can't lose yourself to grief," Uchiha Yashiro nodded approvingly, "You'll have a lot of responsibilities as someone who awakened Sharingan, just like your mother. She would be proud of you."

"Understood uncle," Isaac nodded seriously, "I will become a great shinobi and I will protect my compatriots."

It seemed subconscious, at least to Yashiro, how Isaac's eyes shone with a red light as they slowly rotated to form a one-tomoe Sharingan, although only appearing for a split second.

The Sharingan is the dōjutsu bloodline limit of the Uchiha clan that appears selectively among its members. It is regarded as one of the Three Great Dōjutsu, the others being the Byakugan and the Rinnegan.

It's said that When a wielder of this bloodline limit experiences a powerful emotional condition, their brain releases a special form of chakra that affects the optic nerves, transforming the eyes into Sharingan, and Isaac obviously experienced similar things due to the death of his parents.

In fact, even with the death of loved ones, most Uchihas still don't awaken Sharingan as according to Isaac's hypothesis, awakening Sharingan has to really mess with the Uchiha's head and have them experience something they are not ready for.

It has to be something that deeply affects them and maybe changes the course of their life, a prime example of someone who couldn't open Sharingan even after the death of his parents is nearby right now.

"Obito, you're here," Said Yashiro as he called over the nervous Uchiha boy heading their way, "You already know each other, so I won't say much except to take care of each other in school, especially for you Isaac, you've missed school for a month and you have a lot of catching up to do, so don't feel embarrassed to rely on Obito, understood?"

"Understood," Obito nervously nodded, not used to the attention of someone of such a high stature in the Uchiha such as Yashiro, especially since he's someone who failed to awaken Sharingan even after the death of his parents, so he was kind of an outcast.

"Understood," Isaac smiled brightly as he nodded, extending his hand to Obito, "Long time to see, Obito." 

Isaac, the one who laughs, that's the meaning of his name, as his parents wished him a joyful life, and indeed, Isaac laughed a lot. He had been quite the charmer in the month he spent in school before his parents' passing, so he was friends with pretty much everyone, including Obito.

"Long time no see," Obito responded in kind, all the nervousness slipping away, seeing that Isaac was somewhat still the same, just like him who also lost his parents, so he could not help but relax as he shook hands with his dear friend.

'So this is the lovesick, mind-broken, rather stupid individual that will start the fourth shinobi war in the future, huh?' Isaac mused with a lovely innocent smile.


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