

When I was writing this chapter, I was feeling very emotional. This fanfic is the very first novel I have completed. So I guess it's normal to feel emotional. This fanfic is so far the longest fanfic I have ever written.

On 23rd august 2021, I started writing this fanfic after my novel "Ideal Son in law" failed very badly. My contract was disapproved and rejected 7 times before I gave up and stopped my novel. Another big reason why I stopped writing was because no one was reading that novel anymore.

At that time, I was very depressed. I wanted to write but I didn't had the courage to start a new story. I feared to fail. I feared that I would again flop my novel.

After a month, I just couldn't stop after reading more than 50 Naruto fanfics out there. 99.9% times those fanfic were abandoned in mid way or after writing between 30 to 50 chapters. I started writing this fanfic on a sudden impulse. I had no plans for this fanfic. In the middle, when I was around chapter 90 I kind of lost myself. I couldn't find the path of this fanfic. Fortunately I managed to make this far and bring a closer to this story.

There was a times when I wished to stop. I wanted to stop. Sometimes some people's comments really discouraged me. Reading those toxic comments were really painful and depressing. But there were some loyal readers who encouraged me to not stop writing.

It was only because of them I never stopped and came this far. I don't how to say it but from the deepest part of my heart the readers who have supported me throughout this journey have my gratitude.

Thank you very much.

When I started this fanfic my writing absolutely sucked. But as I progressed I think I have made improvement though there are still so many spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes which needs to be fixed.

I would like to mention that my writing started to improve when I started to follow "Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse" novel author XIETIAN. I have learned a lot from him and I would like to think that reading his novel has pushed me to become a better author.

In conclusions, even though I have faced ups and downs throughout the entire journey, I enjoyed myself. I am glad that I am able to complete this fanfic with 191 chapters. I am extremely happy that my fanfic has reached 3 millions views.

"[It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters, in the end]"

Writing 191 chapters was like a journey for me and my loyal readers. It was a emotional experience. I really wish I hadn't messed up with Finn's harem characters. If only I had realized my mistakes little sooner than I could have increased the quality of this fanfic by few levels.

This is no way the end for me. I know I am not the best author. But I don't plan on stopping. I have future plans for a new fanfic and a novel.

I hope you will read my other present and future stories.

"[And finally I can put my pen down. Thank you everyone.]"

Aziure_warrior will be back with a new. Please be sure to continue your support to Azure_warrior

Peace out!!!!!

Azure_warriorcreators' thoughts