
Naruto: Secret organization

The world is in chaos. Destiny can not be changed. To protect my people, to reach my goals and ambitions, I'll mold the world from the shadows. Jiraiya: I can't believe it! An organization much more powerful than Akatsuki! Danzo: It's over! My dream of being Hokage... Madara: Impossible! This was not part of my plan! -------------------------------------------------------- I think there's no need to explain any further. English is not my primary language, so I'm sorry if you find so many mistakes, even more in the first chapters, I'll try to fix them, it's just that I don't have a lot of free time. This will be what I'd like to call an EU (expanded universe) since I'll be introducing nations and people who were not present in the original story, so if you want something that will be strictly following the original story, then this is not the place where you belong. Also, I apologize in advance for any mistake in the information of the story, It's just too difficult to search for every little piece of data, so if I don't know anything then I'll just change it. Just give me a chance. I hope you enjoy it.

SteveOl · Cómic
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51 Chs

Chapter 40: Convincing Kurama

The idea of returning to Konoha is not something that Lite thought in the spur of the moment, but it was part of a long-term plan he carefully designed. Obviously, he would not do it at the moment, but even if it's like that, Tsunade may really kill him if she misunderstood.

The reason was simple, they needed someone inside, and out of all of them, only Lite was capable of moving in the village without a problem.

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A week later, Minato and the rest finished moving everything. Now, in the cave where once four kage level ninjas once resided, there was nothing. The cave was deep, really deep, and anyone who discovered it would instantly know that people were living in there until not long ago.

So? Do we just leave It like this? (Tsunade)

Eh… No, I have a better idea. (Lite)

---------------------------- x X x ---------------------------


It was a quiet day in Konoha, some were planning a coup, some were brainwashing kids and others public funds.

Suddenly, the sound of a grand explosion reverberated across the whole village. 

Go! Fast! (Third Hokage)

Yes! (Ambu)

The third sent his most trusted men to investigate.

When they reached the place, they found what seemed to be a cave that had collapsed. Immediately, the news was delivered to the third, who ordered to investigate everything.

The result was out in two days and Sartori immediately felt that the world was against him once again. A cave big enough to accommodate twenty people was in plain sight and the worst part was that it was confirmed that it was occupied until just at most a week ago.

This news, impossible to suppress due to how big the explosion was, the quantity of labor required and the ability of spies, was instantly delivered to the leaders of all around the whole ninja world.

Let the be known that Konoha, the most "powerful" village, was incapable of detecting that there was a group of people living in its backyard and it was hidden until a big enough accident has to occur. The cause of the explosion was never known.

Hiruzen Sarutobi is the laughingstock of all the leaders. But while they were laughing in front of the world, secretly, they were searching all around to see if they had the same problem.

And Kumo and Iwa were the victims who suffered the same.

---------------------------- x X x ---------------------------

Hahahaha did you see his face? (Lite)

 In a building, there were Lite, Kokoe, Tsunade, Minato and Mito, Kushina stayed with Yaeko to help her take care of Karin.

In front of them was a ball of crystal where there was a projection of what was happening in Konoha, the same kind the Hokage has in his office and uses to voyeur.

Lite was always curious about how it was a so convenient tool but was never used in war. It was not until he asked Mito to explain that he finally understood. That ball was nothing special, it's just that it's connected to that barrier surrounding Konoha, and that's why the used can see everything happening inside the village. That's also why it's impossible to use it in war because no one would be stupid enough to let the other party erect a detective barrier to see all of their plans.

Since it's like that, Lite asked Mito if she could make another ball, since she was the one who made the first. And that's how they now have access to Konoha, unless someone erects another barrier inside, then all the information is theirs to see.

Sadly, the office of the Hokage and root are always covered by a barrier, so it's impossible to know a lot about them, but still they can easily monitor their members.

Let there be chaos! (Lite)

Ok ok It's good you're having a good time, but it's time to sleep. (Kokoe)

Eh… (Lite)

Now that they were in a location where they could work without worrying about being discovered, all the projects they paused were ready to shock the world.

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Maybe it was a mistake not to lock you in a room… (Lite)

You know, I'm still a former Hokage, you know… (Minato)

*Sigh* Yeah But still. I don't think there's any excuse. Well. Locking you now won't be good since you're pregnant, but maybe I really should do it after giving birth? (Lite)

… (Kushina)

Now that they finally got a place where they could settle, it was imperative to get the cooperation of the grumpy fox at all cost, after all, Kushina's pregnancy was a huge problem. No one would be able to do anything in case something went wrong. Even more so now that Minato would not be able to fight since the seal also includes him.

So, every day the situation continues is a day closer to a possibility no one want to even think about.

And even if by chance they can contain the fox, such a grand fight would draw attention, and not much time would pass until Konoha came to know that a second kyuubi is roaming the land freely.

Listen well. I've already told you that the fox can sense the feelings of those around him, specifically the negative ones. So, just be honest with him. If you fear him, if you hate him, if you dislike him. The most powerful weapon against him is your sincerity. (Lite)

After saying that, Lite went away. 

Right now, they were in the borders of the country of wind. Mito, Minato, Kushina and Lite came specially to finally talk some sense into the pair of lovebirds who can't wait to be filial to their ancestors and make the Uzumaki clan great again with a lot of little Uzumakis.

Actually, it's not that they are irresponsible, one of them was a Kage and the other has carried the burden of being a jinchuuriki. So, it was extremely rare that they let of themselves so fast. 

Lite thought hard and after a talk with Mito, they concluded that the so-called destiny of this world was much more potent than they originally thought. Since Minato and Kushina were supposed to be dead, it was obvious that they had no role anymore in this world, so they were forced subconsciously to not care anymore about this world.

Lite theorized that Mito was an exception since she came back to life and broke free from destiny. 

They really thought it was a pain in the ass.

---------------------------- x X x ---------------------------

There's a blank space, there's nothing in here, however, Kurama has to admit that it was much better than the last seal he was in. It was still a prison, but at least he could move a little. 

Now was not much larger than before, but the seal folded space in a way that he could walk in a straight line and come back to the same place. If there was some decoration then that detail would become pretty obvious, but the blankness helps to cover that.

— So, why did you come again? (Kurama)

By now, he at least talked back or greeted them when they visited, it's not that he was becoming soft, but he knew from past experiences how annoying this pair could be if he just stayed quiet. 

— You should know by now it's impossible for us not to come. (Minato)

— *Grumps*

Minato and Kushina still didn't know the talk between Mito and Lite. They only thought that they were too irresponsible lately and that was the reason LIte did not comment anything to them. He wanted to give them a sense of urgency, and that was also why he mentioned the new child they were waiting for. Destiny was too dangerous and the only way to fight it was to fight constantly against it. 

While telling them was a way, giving them a sense of danger was more effective, after all, one of the traits of the Uzumakis was how protective they were towards their loved ones.

— Fox, I won't beat around the brush anymore. I want your power. There's someone I want to protect against all odds. I've already failed him as a father, there's nothing that can change that, but I at least want to pave the way for him. For that, I need your power. Honestly, I fear you, you are too strong, too dangerous, and your history with our village is worse than bad. (Minato)

— So, you finally reveal your true colors eh. (Kurama)

— Yes, because the things I'll be fighting in the future are much more dangerous than anything I can ever imagine. So, let's make a deal. (Minato)

— What? (Kurama)

— RIght now Tsunade, the one who punched you when you were trying to attack us, is trying to find a way to keep the jinchuuriki alive after the tailed beast is extracted. If you lend us your powers for the next ten years. I promise that as soon as that time frame is over, I'll set you free. (Minato)

— And why should I believe in you? After all, it was you who impressed me again. (Kurama)

— Yes, that's true, but you would have destroyed my village in case I didn't do anything. Although I can understand you now that I'm no longer bound to anything, that doesn't mean I would have let you kill all those innocent people. (Minato)

— *SNORT* I don't care about some ants. (Kurama)

the tension in the dimension rose to levels so high that it would be no surprise if a fight suddenly broke out. 

Minato was known as a sunny boy, however, he was not like his child, he lost his innocence long ago and was not able to see good in people like Naruto would in the future. He was more inclined to engage in a transaction at most. He could only show his sunny side to those close to him. But that was not enough to placate the fox.

— Hey you! Little fox! I think you should really consider it. (Kushina)

— Shut up! (Kurama)

— I say it for your own good, you know. After all, if you don't, grandma Mito's gonna make you suffer. (Kushina)

— That old witch? *SNORT* She must be only bones by now! (Kurama)

— No, we revived her, she's alive again. (Kussina)

The fox was no fool and his mastery over his ability to sense malicious intents was extremely high. Future Naruto can't be compared. 

Kurama used that ability to gauge them and sound out any lies, but he found nothing. That spoke volumes of him, after all, the fact that someone lies doesn't mean it's due to malicious intentions. But regardless, all humans have some degree of guilt when lying. 

Sadly, right now he wishes so much for that ability to disappear. That way, he could force himself to think they were deceiving him. 

— How!? (Kurama)

For him, the first Hokage was the reason he couldn't sleep every night, his strength so high that it made you think it was impossible to even scratch his nails. Although he did not hate him, he was indeed someone he desired to have no more conflicts aginst again.

The other one was Madara, the one who controlled him and made him fight against the first, Kurama did hate him. 

But there was another one who could tame the fox. Although her fame was nothing compared to the other two, the terror she inflicted on the fox was much major due to the time they spent together. That was precisely Mito Uzumaki.

And now they were telling him she crawled out of her tomb to make his days miserable again? Who could tolerate that? 

— The shinigami helped us. (Mianto)

— So it was that bastard! (Kurama)

For the fox, that was one of the worst news. The fact that they could negotiate with that ghost again only meant that days of peace were over for the world. Because the pact between Uzumaki and that dam ghost was no longer effective, a war was coming, whether they wanted it or not.

— Damm! Was it so difficult for you to keep your mouth shut and don't talk to that guy? Tell me! What did you give to him? (Kurama)

— Just some souls. (Kushina)

'At least they did not make any pact. to revive someone is indeed a lot to ask but… On the other hand, if I do not agree, that old witch is going to come for me. Now I'm only half, so she can toy with me anyway she wants… DAMM!'

— Fine! I'll cooperate with you, but we have to talk about the shinigami, that guy is dangerous, too dangerous. (Kurama)

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I've been busy. 

Well, At first I wanted to make a little timeskp, but I originally started to write this beacuse I did'nt know a lot of fics that centered about development and kimgdombuilding. So, I prefer to take my time but at the to do the things that I wanted.

So, I re-writed this chap!

I hope you like it. :D

BTW If you know a good ff about kigdombuilding pls tell me.

And please leave your reviews and stones. Lite needs your support.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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