
Naruto: Sealing Monarch

Leo Aramaki is reincarnated into an AU of the Shinobi World. He has to claw his way to power as a civilian because no one is going to take care of him but himself.

Ash_D_Born · Cómic
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

2 weeks after joining the Academy

I live alone in my home now. At first they wanted to put me in an orphanage but I argued my parents owned the house so I'll stay. Not to mention its in a decent corner of the village which gives me space to myself unlike if it was in the centre.

After I calmed down when time passed since I put my mom to rest. I decided that I don't care enough about these people to do much with my metaknowledge if it still applies.

I'll only use what I know to my benefit. Fuck Konoha. Fuck Naruto. Especially fuck Danzo.

I applied for the academy and after some tests I was pit into class A even though I am a civilian. I guess I have enough potential for one in their eyes.

I've been trying to lockdown the exact time period I am in and I still don't know exactly but at this point I don't care I'll just do my best in this crazy world.

I started physical training by running around training ground 13. Taking inspiration from the futute Maito Gai by pushing my body to its limits to enhance it thanks to chakra.

Chakra is a really magical source. Even the books can't explain fully why it does what it does. Just applications. Based on what I understand its a mix of physical and spiritual energy merging and coexisting. The energies can be separate though.

On my fifth day at the academy we started sparring lessons. It was some sort of hazing excercise cause the clan members were so far ahead of us it was not even funny. Yamanaka Gintoki beat the lights out of me. In less than five seconds I was writhing of the ground after he punched me in the guts. These fuckers are strong as fuck and pack a mean punch.

Kids are mean.

This kept going on for weeks as I slowly improved my taijutsu by mixing in mma moves and principles from my past life. I started trying to make my chakra flow through my fist and kicks to enhance their strength as other ninjas do according to Tanaka-sensei.

I messed up. Because of my unfamiliarity to it I inadvertently did what Yuji Itadori did in JJK. I created divergent fist. There is a slight lag in my chakra enhancement that made my punches have a second impact disorienting my opponent.

It was how I got my first win against Nara Isamu. A punch connected and whike he wanted to press on the chakra created a second impact disorienting him enough for me to land a high kick knocking him out.

More attention was put on mw after beating a clan kid. More expectations. I could tell because the teacher seemed to ask me more questions as we went on.

All in all it was good for me. More attention meant a better chance of me getting a jonin-sensei after graduation.

Now I need to train to get my chakra enhancement right while training divergent fist in a way to be part of my arsenal instead of just lack of control.

Year 9

In my third year in the academy I finally figured out my timeline. Kakashi is 5 years old and has joined the academy. Which means he's graduating this year too.

Lord Sakumo is dying this year too. After a bit of calculation that means at 17 the kyuubi will attack. Nothing I can do to help him. I don't even know him.

With that settled I finally controlled divergent fist and I mixed it in with all my strikes even academy taijutsu. I tried to learn the interceptor fist from an Uchiha but it doesn't work well without the extra perception of the sharingan.

The academy in this reality is different. There are alot of extra courses (basic) that students can take, maybe its because of the wars and they need their genins to be decent at least. I picked up kenjutsu, genjutsu, ninjutsu creation and finally fuinjutsu and let me tell you.

I took to fuinjutsu like a fish to water. It surprised me too. I thought it was like coding. Well it is but instead its like trying to suggest something to reality on a major or minor scale.

I just call it minor reality warping because that's what it does.

My brain is just built different for it. I took a look at storage seals and after three tries I was able to use ink to recreate it. After 15 tries all I need is chakra.

Eventually I started making explosion tags and stuffing them into my storage seal. I tweaked them abit and made a seal for flashbangs. After that timed explosion seals. It was exciting. I finally found my talent in this world. I'll be the best seals master in history.

stones i guess

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