
Naruto: Satoru Gojo

Gojo who finally dealt with Kenjaku suddenly finds himself in another world and hopes to find a worthy opponent in this world but in the end he had to say these words again. "Throughout Heaven and Earth; I Alone am Honored"

Shinigami_8468 · Cómic
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63 Chs

Chapter 27 Enlightened Tsunade

Land of Fire.

At the clear field,

"Hmm~ did I use too much force?"

Gojo rubbed his chin as he looked at the trembling Tsunade before him, a bit confused.

He had absolute confidence in his power control ability and was sure that the force behind that kick should have only injured her slightly.

"Tsunade Sama, I'm here, don't worry"

Shizune consoled Tsunade like a child, and green energy appeared around her hands as she brought them near her face.

"Oh~ it seems I only know a fur about Chakra"

In the surprised eyes of Gojo, the complexion of Tsunade began to improve, but her eyes still had fear in them, looking at the blood on the ground.

Gojo followed the terrified eyes of Tsunade and spotted blood on the ground.

"Don't tell me?"

A guess came to his mind, but he just couldn't bring himself to believe it; a war hero like Tsunade would be afraid of blood, so he looked at Shizune for confirmation.

"Does she have Hemophobia?"

Gojo asked Shizune, who hearing his words, remained silent for a moment and finally sighed.


"Since you saw it already, there's no point in hiding it from you"

Shizune sighed and decided to tell Gojo the truth.

"Long time ago, Lady Tsunade had a younger Brother and a Lover who was my uncle, but the cruel war took both of them away from her."

"Especially my uncle, he died right before the eyes of Lady Tsunade as no matter how much she tried, she couldn't save him."

"From that day on, Lady Tsunade has been afraid of blood, to the point that even seeing a drop of blood would scare her"

With a sad expression on her face, Shizune told the story of Tsunade as to her, Tsunade has gone through too much in her life.


Shizune expression changed immediately as she looked at Gojo with shock and wondered whether what she heard was wrong.

Even Tsunade, who had her head in her knees, suddenly looked towards Gojo.

"Haha!!!, What's with the shocked face? Did you think I'll sympathize with her after hearing something so pathetic"?

Gojo had a grin on his face as he mercilessly tagged the story of Tsunade as garbage, not caring for her feelings one bit.

"How can you say that?!!!"

Shizune stood up, and with anger evident on her face, she roared while looking at Gojo.

"The legendary Sannin, more like a Legendary Failure, what a waste of time."

Gojo ignored the angry Shizune and expressed his disappointment while shaking his head and turning around, ready to leave.

"You have no right to say this, after what she did for the village!!!"

Shizune got even more riled up after seeing Gojo ignoring her and spouting nonsense.

"Stop it… Shizune"

Tsunade suddenly spoke as she stopped Shizune from speaking anymore and looked at Gojo, already floating in the air, ready to leave.

"Why… do you say that?... can I not even remember them."

With some sadness in her eyes, Tsunade asked as she demanded an answer.

"Is it wrong to remember those she lost? She can't understand it?"

Gojo, who was about to leave hearing her question that announced her helplessness, stopped.


"I really have changed after that incident."

Gojo hearing her weak voice, couldn't bear to leave; if he was still that Gojo from before being sealed, he wouldn't have flinched even after hearing this helpless voice.

"What are you doing is not remembering them!!"

(AN:- This is pseudo talk no jutsu not the real one)

Gojo looked at her as memories of his past came into his mind; he lost his Sensei, had to kill his best friend with his own hands, lost so many of his precious comrades like Nanami.

But he never ran away and didn't let their sacrifice go in vain and completed what they couldn't.

"You are insulting their sacrifice, for the thing they even sacrificed their lives for; you ran away from it"

"Your story may sound sympathetic to others, but to me, it is an insult to those who trusted you"

Gojo looked at the stunned Tsunade and said why she was pathetic to him.

Gojo always believed that you can achieve everything with strength, but his friends were the ones who changed his thoughts.

Even in this world, he met so many interesting people like Naruto.

"Sister, I will always protect the village that my Grandfather made" (Poor Madara)

"Tsunade, this village and its people I will always protect them, and one day, I will become a Hokage"

"Nawaki… Dan…"

With tears running down, Tsunade said in a slightly choking voice.


Seeing Tsunade crying, Gojo was surprised as he knew he might have done something he never intended to.


But he didn't care much and the next moment disappeared as there was no point in staying here anymore.

"You… really are annoying, Kid"

Tsunade stood up as she began to wipe her tears and said with a smile on her face.

But there was no response to her words as she looked in front and saw no sign of Gojo.

"He... suddenly vanished Lady Tsunade"

Seeing the confusion on her face, Shizune told Tsunade.

Haha!!! that brat is really hateful, but... he's not that bad either."

Tsunade laughed with some emotion in her eyes as she never expected to be taught something so crucial by a brat.

"Let's go, Shizune; we need to quickly pay the debt so that... we can go back"

Tsunade said to Shizune, whose eyes widened hearing her words, but she didn't have time to confirm her doubt as Tsunade began to run forward, and Shizune had no choice but to follow her quickly.