
Naruto : Sadistic Devil

SI in Naruto - Gin Ichimaru Advance chapter out on ko-fi .com/zeroski

Zeroskii · Cómic
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11 Chs

Graduation Part 2

<Scene Break Academy> 3rd POV

As the morning sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, the grounds of the Konoha Ninja Academy buzzed with anticipation. Students of varying ages and skill levels converged toward the academy examination area. Among them were two figures that stood out – Gin Ichimaru and Minato Namikaze.

As they neared the entrance to the academy examination area, the air buzzed with a mixture of excitement and nervous tension. The students, are all vying for the coveted title of a full-fledged ninja and infamous headbands that signified you're a Konoha Shinobi.

As Gin and Minato stepped through, their eyes widened at the sight that greeted them – an unexpected assembly of prominent figures from Konoha.

The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, stood at the forefront. Beside him stood, Danzo Shimura,

Tsunade Senju, the renowned medical ninja, her strength and resolve evident in every step, stood alongside Orochimaru, the prodigious genius known for his unconventional approaches.

Jiraiya, the Toad Sage, exuded an air of casual interest, his eyes dancing with mischief. Completing the ensemble was Sakumo Hatake.

'Yo….wtf is with this line-up for a graduation exam' contemplated Gin

Gin's eyes narrowed in suspicion as he observed the prominent figures standing before them. He was well aware that such gatherings were unusual for a simple graduation examination. The Hokage was a regular presence, but the addition of Danzo, Tsunade, Orochimaru, and others raised his guard.

It also did not help that Sakumo was directly staring right at Gin.

Danzo, standing at the Hokage's side, observed the two boys with an intensity that hinted at hidden agendas.

The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, stepped forward, his eyes scanning the crowd of candidates. He raised his hand, signalling for attention.

"Today, you will need to prove yourself as potential assets to Konoha," Hiruzen began, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "But your journey doesn't end here. In fact, it's only just begun."

"Based on your performance, my esteemed students – Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru – have been given the authority to choose a few students. These chosen individuals will be taken under their wings for further training and guidance."


The announcement sent a ripple of excitement through the candidates. The prospect of being selected by one of Hokage's students – Jiraiya, Tsunade, or Orochimaru – was both an honour and a promise of advanced training that could elevate them to new heights.

Hiruzen's voice carried the weight of authority. "Today marks a significant juncture in your ninja careers. We have gathered to witness your graduation examinations, and it is not just any examination. It is an assessment that will determine your future roles within Konoha."

Hiruzen continued. "Your first test will be a written examination, a measure of your knowledge, strategic thinking, and understanding of the shinobi code. Be prepared to demonstrate not just your skills in combat, but the intellect that guides those skills."

As he spoke, the academy instructors started distributing scrolls containing the written exams.

"Following the written exams," the Hokage continued, "the second test awaits. It will assess your proficiency in the Clone Technique or your control over any other Jutsu you may have mastered. Precision and finesse will be key. Show us the mastery you have attained through your training."

The candidates absorbed the challenge, some nodding confidently while others exchanged glances, contemplating the skills they would showcase.

"Look at those Uchiha kids grinning they probably can't wait to fire off their water ball Justu nay ~Minato?" asked Gin

Minato just started to look at Gin like an idiot. "Gin they will most likely use Fireball Jutsu…Not Water Ball….."

"Eh…Potato Tomato" Gin just shrugged.

"Ah, but there's more," the Third Hokage added, a twinkle in his eye. "A bonus test, for those who seek to elevate their scores further. You may have the opportunity to spar with someone we choose. A true test of your mettle, so to speak."

The cryptic nature of the Hokage's words hung in the air, leaving the candidates intrigued and slightly uneasy. The identity of their potential sparring partners remained a mystery, adding an element of unpredictability to the challenge.

As the written exams concluded, the candidates moved to the designated area for the practical tests. The air carried the scent of anticipation and nervous energy. Instructors supervised as candidates demonstrated the Clone Technique or showcased their control over various Jutsu.

Gin Ichimaru, looked carefree, executed the Clone Technique with precision, and showed flawless mastery over it. Nothing too out of the ordinary than what the other candidates were showcasing.

Minato Namikaze, swift and agile, demonstrated flawless control over a wind-based Gale Surge Jutsu, leaving the instructors impressed.


<Scene Break Examination Hall> 3rd POV – Minato's test

Minato Namikaze prepared for his third test – a sparring match against a Chunin selected by the Hokage himself as Gin and a few other clan children also started getting warmed up for their spars.

"Minato Namikaze Please make your way to the center" Commanded a Chunin already in the middle of the Hall.

"Kill em dead ~Minato" Yelled Gin casually as Minato made his way to the middle.

'Not so loud Gin…..' as Minato now noticed the grim face of his challenger.

The Chunin chosen for this challenge, a seasoned warrior with a reputation for his prowess in taijutsu, stood on the opposite side of the training ground, a grim expression masking his thoughts.

The Third Hokage's voice cut through the silence, resonating in the room. "Minato Namikaze, show us the skills you've honed during your time at the academy. Your objective is clear survive twenty hits from your opponent. This will not only showcase your defensive abilities but also your resilience in the face of adversity. Let the sparring match begin."

With the Hokage's signal, the Chunin launched into action, his movements fluid and precise. Minato, ever the strategist, focused on evading rather than blocking.

*Swoosh* *Swoosh* *Swoosh*

The Chunin's strikes came with speed and precision, each blow calculated to test the young academy student's limits. Minato, displaying his renowned agility, gracefully danced between the onslaught, narrowly avoiding the initial strikes.

As the count of avoided hits reached double digits, a murmur of approval circulated among the observers. The Chunin stopped his moments "Heh…Not too shabby kid well done." Congratulating Minato.

Many of the other clan kids were surprised by Minato as none of them were able to dodge more than 5 blows from a Chunin.

The Hokage, his wise eyes observing every nuance, noted the calculated precision in Minato's evasion. Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru exchanged subtle nods, recognizing the potential of the young prodigy.

The crowd erupted in applause, acknowledging the impressive feat achieved by the academy student.

Jiraiya walked up to Minato "That was quite the performance Kid. Surviving twenty hits against a Chunin – you've got some serious skills!" Jiraiya clapped Minato on the back, his eyes sparkling with pride.

While all this was happening, Gin was subtly observing Danzo like a hawk. He suspected Danzo would make a move during Minato's test to poach him but he made no moves…Gin suspicions are slowly being confirmed.

'This FUCK is definitely aiming for me no doubt about it now.' Thought Gin

Minato's gaze shifted towards Gin, who had been observing the sparring match. However, what caught Minato off guard was the expression on Gin's face. The usually carefree and mischievous Gin now bore a serious, contemplative look that sent a chill down Minato's spine.


<Scene Break Examination Hall> 3rd POV – Gin's test

The atmosphere in the training ground shifted as the Third Hokage called upon Gin Ichimaru to step forward for his turn in the sparring matches.

As Gin stood before the Hokage, Hiruzen's gaze pierced through the facade of innocence that often cloaked him. "Gin Ichimaru," the Third Hokage spoke "Your test will be different from the others. Your objective is to fight this Chunin as if your life depended on it, with the intention to kill."

 A collective gasp rippled through the crowd. The announcement was met with stunned silence. To ask someone not even a Genin, even one as peculiar as Gin, to engage in a sparring match with the intent to kill was unprecedented and shocking. Whispers of concern and disbelief circulated among the spectators.

Both Jiraiya and Tsunade cast a side glance at their Sensei.

Gin's response, however, was unexpected. Instead of trepidation or fear, a subtle smile crept onto his face. He lifted a small hand, touching his own cheek, and chuckled as if he had just heard the punchline of a private joke. *Chuckle* *Chuckle*

Minato also narrowed his eyes and contemplated 'Did Gin suspect something was off? Was that why he was so serious before.'

The Hokage and the Chunin shared a wary glance, unsure of what to make of Gin's peculiar reaction.

Gin casually walked towards the area of weapons and picked up a Wakizashi. Everyone including Minato looked at Gin surprised as no one had ever seen him use Wakizashi let alone a Kunai.

Meanwhile, Gin, his eyes glinting with an eerie light, adopted a stance that hinted at a level of proficiency beyond his years.

He lowered his centre of gravity brought his left hand forward to cover most of his Wakizashi.


The sparring match escalated rapidly. Gin moved with speeds that defied his age, dodging the Chunin's first attacks effortlessly by a hair-width while his Wakizashi in a blink darted forward, targeting the Chunin's jugular with lethal precision.

DEATH is all the Chunin felt before he felt his head forcefully pulled back by Jiraiya. Gin's eyes widened.

However, before the strike could land, Jiraiya intervened with lightning speed. With a decisive motion, he intercepted Gin's strike and sent Gin flying with a kick.


The training ground erupted in gasps and exclamations as Jiraiya saved the Chunin from imminent danger.

"Hahahahah… Hahahahah ~Scary.. ~Scary"

Gin while sent flying let go of his Wakizashi, controlled his centre of gravity to spin himself mid-air, and used the wall behind him as a platform to launch himself right back at Wakizashi.

*Boooom* Cracks formed on the wall as his figure blurred reaching speeds even faster than before.

Gin Precisely kicked Wakizashi's hilt while it was in mid-air. *THUMP!!*

'This BASTARD!!' Jiraiya, intervened just in the nick of time again with his palm intercepting Wakizashi by getting impaled.


The clash of metal against flesh echoed through the training ground. Jiraiya's eyes bore into Gin's. The force behind Gin's attack was evident, yet Jiraiya's palm held steady, preventing the wakizashi from penetrating further.

For a brief moment, time seemed to freeze. The Chunin, spared by Jiraiya's intervention for the second time, watched the scene unfold with a mix of gratitude and disbelief. The Third Hokage observed from a distance, his expression unreadable as he assessed the situation.

Gin's eyes gleamed with a mischievous light as he stood there, seemingly unfazed by the gravity of his actions.

"~Damn…almost had you ~Mr. Chunin" Gin's maniacal grin widened.

"Enough," Hokage declared, his voice cutting through the tension like a blade. "The test is concluded."

Jiraiya reluctantly withdrew his hand from the Chunin. The Examination Hall, once filled with the echoes of conflict, fell into an uneasy silence. The Chunin, now more than ever aware of the danger Gin posed, took a cautious step back.

Tsunade approached Gin, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. "What were you thinking, Kid? You can't take the Hokage's orders so literally. Killing a shinobi of Konoha is not the answer."

Gin's response was an innocent shrug, the mischievous glint returning to his eyes. "But it was a test, right? I was just playing along. I'm sure ~Mr.Chunin could have stopped that no?"

Gin tilted his head and waved at the pale faced Chunin.

Without even waiting to hear Tsunade's retort Gin made his way to Sakumo.

"What do you think ~Hatake-San? Care to take me as your disciple before the old ~Mummy over there decides to take me to a place where the Sun don't shine?" Gin joked to lighten the mood.


Jiraiya and Tsunade almost lost their cool listening to this kid.


<Scene Break Hokage's Tower> 3rd POV

Gin Ichimaru, now a full-fledged Genin, found himself standing outside the Hokage's office as he was asked to report in once he officially received his headband. Gin was about knock on the door but the door creaked open, revealing Sakumo's tired yet piercing gaze.

"~Hatake-Sama, Lovely to see you again. Will you train me in the art of Kenjutsu?"

Sakumo's expression remained impassive as he regarded the persistent young shinobi before him. "Ichimaru, I've already told you—"

Before Sakumo could finish his sentence, a commanding voice resonated from behind Gin. "Gin Ichimaru, a moment if you please." The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi pointed towards the seat inside the room.


Sakumo just sighed after closing the door Shunshined out of the tower.

"Congratulations on successfully completing your training at the academy. You are now a full-fledged shinobi of Konoha."

Gin bowed respectfully. "Thank you, ~Hokage-sama. I am ready to serve the village to the best of my abilities."

Hiruzen studied Gin for a moment. "I've taken note of your remarkable skills, but I must also address a matter of concern. Your... behaviour, as they say or tendency to easily Kill has not gone unnoticed."

The Hokage continued, "It's crucial for a shinobi to maintain control, not only over their techniques but also over their emotions. The well-being of our village depends on unity and trust among comrades."

Gin tilted his head, contemplating the Hokage's words. He was aware that his tendencies had not gone unnoticed.

"I understand, Hokage-sama. I will do my best to... temper my instincts," Gin replied, a hint of ambiguity in his tone.

Hiruzen nodded, accepting Gin's commitment. "Good. It's essential to recognize fellow shinobi as comrades, not just in the field of battle but in every aspect of life. Now, let's discuss your next assignment."

The Hokage's expression shifted, becoming more serious. "You will be assigned to a special unit led by Danzo Shimura. He has taken a particular interest in your potential, and I believe this experience will shape you into a valuable asset for Konoha."

Gin's grinned slightly at the mention of Danzo's name. The man was shrouded in mystery, and his methods were often unconventional. Still, duty compelled Gin to accept the assignment without reservation.

'Pfft..Get a load of this guy all that talk about toning myself down yet he's sending me to Danzo' Gin laughed internally.

"You will report to Danzo tomorrow. Be prepared for challenges that may test not only your skills but also your resolve," the Hokage advised.

Gin nodded, absorbing Hokage's instructions. As he turned to leave, Hiruzen's voice called him back. "Gin, remember that the bonds you form with your fellow shinobi are as crucial as the techniques you master. In times of trial, it's those bonds that sustain us."

With those parting words, Gin exited the Hokage's office. The path that lay ahead was veiled in shadows, and as he stepped into the moonlit night. He finally broke into a fit of laughter.

"*Pfftfftt*hehehahaa hahahHAAHAHA HAHAAHAHA"


< Scene Break - Flashback 1 day before Graduation> 3rd POV

Gin Ichimaru found himself seated in front of Mito Uzumaki. The air held an undeniable tension, an unspoken understanding that this encounter would set the stage for the path that lay ahead.

For a moment, the two sat in silence, the weight of the room's history settling around them. Mito observed the young shinobi with an inquisitive glare.

Breaking the silence Gin's grin returned as he spoke. "I am not one to be manipulated or used as a pawn in someone else's game. I prefer to play my own hand."

Mito slightly reading between the lines, at his words spoke. "Speak, Gin Ichimaru. Stop talking in circles I am listening."

Gin continued "Okay then…That brings me to the main purpose of our conversation, Mito-sama. I wish to offer you the opportunity to ask for two favours.

If within my powers, I will accomplish them, no matter the cost. You should know that when I set my sights on a goal, I will achieve it, no matter the cost."

Mito's gaze narrowed slightly; her interest piqued by Gin's proposition... "Two favours?" she repeated, her voice carrying a weight of consideration. "What would prompt you to make such an offer, Gin Ichimaru? What do you seek in return?"

Gin leaned back in his seat, the grin on his face widening. "Hahahahahaha…Consider it a pre-emptive strike against the strings that may try to entangle me. By offering you these favours, I create a bond that transcends mere manipulation. I anticipate that the favour I may need from you in the future is simple enough for the Legendary Mito Uzumaki."

Mito's eyes held a discerning gaze, as if she could peer into the labyrinth of Gin's intentions. "Your words carry a certain audacity, Gin Ichimaru."

*Sigh* "Very well, if this is the game you wish to play, I will name my two favours when the time comes. But know this, I do not take such exchanges lightly."

Gin chuckled, his eyes flickering with a blend of amusement and sincerity. "Understood, Mito-sama. I have no intention of treating it lightly. Now, about that something very, very simple favour I need your help with..."


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