
Naruto: Root Ninja

A young man is killed at the age of 20 and is reincarnated into the world of Naruto. But unlike other reincarnators, he didn't meet anyone, nor did he get any wishes or powers. He wakes up in the body of a 3 year old kid. He looks around and finds a man with bandages covering one side. He said to the three year old kid "From now on, you are Hakuto. Meet Kaze, he will be your brother from now on and the Root foundation, your home." For the first time after writing 4 books, I have decided to go for NO HAREM!!! I am going to try something new and the whole fan-fic is going to be in MC's POV. I know that I am bad at POV and that's why I would like to get some advices after you read a few chapters so that I can improve them in the future Although I plan on making the MC go from weak to strong, I still don't know the power balance and that's what happened in the last fan-fics. I sometimes end up giving him some power that makes him way stronger than others. I did say I wasn't going to write anymore, but I decided to write anyways. For those who already read something I wrote, would know that till date, I haven't completed even a single story. I am. not going to promise that I would finish this, but I will try to finish it. I don't own the cover and got this from an episode. I also don't own anything other than my OC characters.

komega · Cómic
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58 Chs

Chapter 55

The beast mentioned that it was sealed by Hashirama, which meant that it was sealed for a while.

I asked "What did you do to piss off the god of shinobi?" and he replied in a rage filled voice "I was peacefully sleeping in my cave when he appeared in front of me and asked me to leave the cave just because he wants to build some village near it.

I obviously wasn't going to be ordered by a human, so I attacked him and our battle continued for five days, with even a member of the uchiha clan helping him, until a woman with red hair helped him seal me here."

'So, the leaf village was built around his home and he was kicked out from there just because he refused to move from his home. Seriously, both Madara and Hashirama are bullies.' I thought.

Araio then said "So, help me get out of this place and I will grant you any one wish which is within my powers."

I didn't immediately agree to help him, as he will try to attack the leaf village the minute he is released.

But, since this incident could also help me with my future plans, I decided to help him out.

Before that, I remembered something. so I asked "Araio, you said that you were the eldest among all the spirit Lions in this cave. Does that mean...."

He replied "Yes, there are other spirit Lions who came to help me in the battle and got trapped here with me."

I decided to help them and approached Araio. He didn't say anything and let me what I wanted.

I wasn't good at sealing jutsu and was just a beginner. At most, I can trap a person weaker than me, for a while day.

I looked closely at the chains and I knew the metal used to make them. It was a metal that was a good conductor of chakra.

Another nature of that metal is that it gets harder when you supply chakra. So, the more chakra you pore into it, the harder it becomes.

I activated my byakugan and noticed that the chakra flowing into the chains flowed to the pillars but it didn't stop there. The chakra was moving out of the shrine.

"I might have to check the seals of your friends too." I said and he agreed. He telepathically spoke to the other spirit Lions to co-operate.

After a while, I was done inspecting all the seals and came back to Araio.

I said "Well, Mito Uzumaki sure was smart when creating this cage." and he sure wasn't happy with me praising her.

Ignoring him, I began to explain him about the cage "First, the chains that bind you and your companions are made of a metal that absorb chakra and become harder when you supply chakra.

But, that isn't it. All the chains are interlinked. So, your chakra is being supplied to others to make their chains stronger.

Finally, the sealing jutsu of the Uzumaki clan makes sure that you are bound to those chains."

"Hey genius, we figured that out long back." Araio replied in an angry tone.

"Well, I was getting to the solution. Mito made a seal that just prevents you from moving away from that spot, more like creating a wall around you." I said and again Araio said in the same angry tone "Stop telling me shit I already know."

"I was getting there. Since your chakra is huge and you guys were between a battle, she didn't have enough time to create a perfect seal. So, she just made it so that only you can't move from that seal while others can.

That's why she also sealed this whole area and made it so that no one would find it. Even if someone did, they wouldn't be able to get out of here." I said and Araio also started thinking about what I just said.

"Lucky for you, it was me who stumbled upon this place. Getting you out of there is a simple task for me." I said and placed a teleportation mark on a pillar near me.

I then moved towards Araio and stretched out my hand to place a teleportation mark on him, only to see my hand slip through his body.

"Eh?" I exclaimed and Araio asked "Was something supposed to happen?"

"Yes, only if my hand didn't pass through your body." I said.

"It normal in this condition." he said and seeing my confused face, he decided to explain "We are spirit Lions. We don't have a physical body. We are made purely of chakra. Our bodies are just a dense mass of chakra.

You would be able to touch us if we were in our normal conditions, but now that our chakra is being absorbed by these chains, the density of chakra in our body decreased and hence you can't touch us."

I sighed to myself as this just made it difficult. At first, I thought I could just teleport him out, but that was impossible in that situation.

I kept thinking of other solutions, until I arrived at the only possible solution we had and I knew Araio obviously wouldn't agree on it.

I looked at Araio with a serious expression and said "Araio, there's only one way out of this. Now, you have to take the decision as to whether you want to stay here or free your companions."

Araio didn't say anything and kept listening with a serious look. I continued "I assume that you guys don't get into summon contracts with humans, because that trend started after the ninja villages were formed.( I made this up)

Even to make a contract now, we need a blood contract, which you can't provide. So, the only way out of here, is to get sealed inside me. That way, even if you get out of here, you will be trapped inside me. As for your companions, they will be free. Now, the choice is yours."

Araio flared up in anger, it's Mane, which was made of fire, rose up till it touched the roof. The temperature of the place soared. I guess the other spirit Lions also learnt of the solution and were against the idea.

Araio then calmed down and thought for a while before saying "Alright kid, I agree to go ahead with this method but remember, I have been trapped in here for a while and I want to see Hashirama die."

"He is already dead." I said and he was shocked.

"Its been years since you guys were trapped here. He is long gone." I said and he then said "Fine, I hope you entertain me well kid."

I nodded and got closer to him, to begin the process. The sealing jutsu is the one used to seal tailed beasts. I learnt it when I was travelling. Apparently, the Uzumaki clan survivors didn't have a happy ending after their clan got destroyed. They lived in complete poverty to the point where they sold their clan's secret sealing jutsu for food.

No Uzumaki went back to being a ninja, with fear that ninja from other villages would hunt down their family.

I started the jutsu and the jutsu which was supposed to take only 10 minutes, took 10 days.

I was a complete noob when it came to sealing jutsu. Even with the complete instructions, it took me a lot of time.

With the sealing complete, I felt new. I felt stronger, but I also could feel Araio's presence, which was disturbing.

"Can you see everything Araio?" I asked and he replied "Yes, but don't worry. I can tell what you are thinking and I am not interested in the intercourse of humans. Think of it this way, would you like to see two dogs having sex?"

Even though I didn't like the fact that he compared me to dogs, I was still happy when I heard that.

Araio then asked "Now that you have fulfilled your promise, it's time to fulfill mine. Now what do you want?"

I thought for a while and replied "Teach me Senjutsu."

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