
Naruto: Root Ninja

A young man is killed at the age of 20 and is reincarnated into the world of Naruto. But unlike other reincarnators, he didn't meet anyone, nor did he get any wishes or powers. He wakes up in the body of a 3 year old kid. He looks around and finds a man with bandages covering one side. He said to the three year old kid "From now on, you are Hakuto. Meet Kaze, he will be your brother from now on and the Root foundation, your home." For the first time after writing 4 books, I have decided to go for NO HAREM!!! I am going to try something new and the whole fan-fic is going to be in MC's POV. I know that I am bad at POV and that's why I would like to get some advices after you read a few chapters so that I can improve them in the future Although I plan on making the MC go from weak to strong, I still don't know the power balance and that's what happened in the last fan-fics. I sometimes end up giving him some power that makes him way stronger than others. I did say I wasn't going to write anymore, but I decided to write anyways. For those who already read something I wrote, would know that till date, I haven't completed even a single story. I am. not going to promise that I would finish this, but I will try to finish it. I don't own the cover and got this from an episode. I also don't own anything other than my OC characters.

komega · Cómic
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58 Chs

Chapter 35

Fate and destiny is a weird thing. I fell that I have the luck of shonen protagonist sometimes and sometimes the luck of the villains.

I got jutsu that would take me five to ten years to obtain, found a place to stay and a purpose in life, and most importantly, I found the jinchuriki of the two tail.

I was itching to meet her. I had a theory that, if successful, would help me drastically improve chakra.

Now people would think that I was too focused on chakra and there are important things other than chakra and I agree with them to an extent.

But, everything in this world revolved around chakra. Now, back to Yugito. She said "I hope you know the drill. We will have a test to let me know your level of strength and also help you improve your teamwork." while taking us into the mini forest.

I nodded, as I had already predicted this. I asked "What is the test?"

She replied "Nothing much, just survive till noon." and immediately disappeared after she was done speaking.

I turned to T, who was the only one that could understand Yugito. She raised her shoulders and said "Don't look at me, it's not like my sister tests me at home. The only thing she made clear is that she would attack us."

Yes, that's exactly the problem here. We were surrounded by trees and Yugito was a fire style jutsu.

She should be crazy to pick this place to fight. She could cause a forest fire and it could spread to the academy and the village.

As we looked around to see what she was going to do, I noticed a blue flame coming towards us. It had some black stuff inside and was in the shape of a mouse.

I had seen this in the show. It splits and follows the target. I was glad that she was using her head. If she used some fire techniques in the forest, it would be difficult to control.

G also noticed the mouse and shouted "Hakuto, this is Yugito's Miuse hairball jutsu. Keep dodging, they tend to follow their target, but she needs to control these through her chakra, that means she is close by."

All three dispersed and started dodging the hair that split from the mouse and started following us. I used the trees to escape from them.

The ones they show in movies, where we go close to a wall or tree and move away at the last moment. Yugito didn't want to give us any time to think.

Just when I finished dodging the exploding hair, I felt something pass by behind me. I immediately pulled out my sword and held it before me.

I felt something move before me and my sword shook, with sparks coming from it. I used my Byakugan while hopping from one branch to another.

I found Yugito to my right, sitting on a branch and looking at G, who was on another branch with kunai's in his hands.

I moved towards her and surprisingly, she noticed me and disappeared from there. It wasn't body flicker jutsu or teleportation. It was her physical strength that allowed her to move at such blinding speeds.

I tried following her with my Byakugan, but it was useless. My eye sight couldn't keep up with her speed.

Byakugan offers 360 degree vision. I need to focus on a spot to find something. She was jumping from one tree to another swiftly.

I narrowed my vision to just 1 meter of my surroundings. And then, I felt a chakra signature behind me. I immediately turned and swung my sword.

It clashed with something metallic and produced sparks. Then Yugito stopped on a branch with kunai's in both hands.

She looked at me and said "Good reflexes, but you have to be faster that before to survive."

She again disappeared from my sight and I could hear clashes from other locations. We were completely scattered in the forest and she was playing with us.

So, I looked around to see someone close by and found T behind a tree. I approached the tree and she immediately jumped at me, thinking that I was Yugito.

I blocked her kunai and said "Calm down, it's me."

She relaxed and leaned against the tree, gripping her arm, where there was a cut and was bleeding.

T said "My sister isn't playing around. She tried to go for my neck without hesitating. I only escaped by moving away."

I moved closer to her, reaching my hand out. She caught it and said "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I am doing? I was going to heal you." I replied.

"Don't waste your chakra. We still have a lot of time until noon. I can't believe I suffered this much only during the first 10 minutes of the test." she said.

"I won't heal it completely then, just enough to stop the bleeding." I said and she agreed.

I healed the wound a little and did the basic first aid. "Did you get any hits on her?" T asked.

I shook my head and said "No, what about you?"

"I wouldn't call it a hit, but I did shock her a little with thunderbolt when she was close, but it didn't deal any significant damage." T said.

She was a great ninja I had in our team. Though she didn't have phenomenal chakra or strength, she had talent. She could make hand signs super fast.

She can even do the thunderbolt and lightning rod jutsu without any hand signs. She was an expert in chakra control and ninjutsu.

That's why she was second in the entrance test. T then peeped from behind the tree and asked me "Hakuto, got any plans?"

"Our first priority would be to regroup again. She moves with blinding speeds. only two or four eyes aren't enough to follow her.

So, we first have to search for G. Only then can we plan ahead." I said and she agreed.

She asked "Now, how do we find him? Since we are hiding here for a long time, G should be my sister's only target. Whatever we do, we have to do it quickly."

It would be easy to find him with my Byakugan, but that would expose my eyes. So, I said "It's simple, we just have to give her new targets to distract her."

"What do you mean? Are you thinking of a bait?" she asked.

I nodded and she had a determined look on her face. I could guess what she was thinking. So, I stopped her before she could say anything and said "We both can make clones and send them in different directions to cause distractions.

Your sister also isn't a fool. She would easily figure out our plan as she has more battle experience than us."

"Then what do we do?" T asked.

"I wouldn't suggest this plan if I didn't think it through. How many clones can you make?" I asked and she replied "Two"

Note:- I had to edit this again because I made a mistake and forgot that shadow clone eas made by tobirama and only people from konoha knew it. I will be careful in the future.

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