
Naruto: Road To Godhood

A Naruto fan finds himself in the body of Uchiha Clan's black sheep. It doesn’t matter how or why he found himself in there. All it matters is what’s he going to do next. Disclaimer: I own nothing.

NoobMastar69 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs


I was sleeping peacefully when I suddenly got a disturbing feeling that something was going wrong. The kind of feeling that puts one at the edge, forcing them to wake up and work it out before they can go back to sleeping.

I forced myself to get up, grumbling to myself 'Did I leave the stove open, or forgot to lock the door?' as I stumbled off the bed.

After taking a good look around the room my first thought was 'What the fuck?' My second thought was 'Did someone put pot in those brownies?' I put a hand to my head and rubbed my temples for few seconds, waiting for my headache to cease.

My headache finally ceased and I realised this place I was in wasn't even my room.

Except for some reason I knew that it was actually my room and it was all I had been left with. 'Wait what is happening? And why am I so short?'

Despite being so much shorter than I was yesterday I was able to use this new body to move with relative grace. I walked into the bathroom and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

My reflection appeared to be a 6 year old boy. He was short, had spiky black hair with a blue tint and pitch black eyes... Holy shit!?!! Who the hell is this? Bu-but this can't be right, this guy looks nothing like me.

I was terrified as a rush of memories come crushing. Majority of these memories were terrible. I, or more specifically this boy was an orphan from Uchiha Clan, his mother died at child birth, and father passed away a year ago on his birthday. Majority of the clan, being the stupid sheep they were assumed it was his fault and blamed him for his parents dead and ostracised him for it.

Apparently he, Uchiha Daisuke was trying to prove them wrong. Daisuke trained very hard and finally learned their coming of age rite Jutsu, Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu.

But since he had no one helping him learn and he exerted his body and chakra, he died in his sleep, either form extreme exhaustion or more likely chakra depletion.

Also, continuing with his trend of good luck, Daisuke just happens to be in the same generation as 'Clan Killer' Itachi. Which led to Daisuke feeling like shit every time someone compares him with the most talented Uchiha since Madara.

Despite all this Daisuke never gave up, saying he would make them 'recognize my awesomeness'.

But since he didn't have the plot armor of an important character, he got himself killed.

FUCK!!! Despite Naruto being my favorite show, it is one of the worst anime to live in. A world where children are cold blooded killers, where your own flesh and blood can kill you. Hell Itachi was only 13 when he was ordered to slaughter his own clan, including new born babies. How messed up is that?

*Sigh* I guess having the Sharingan, one of the biggest hax in Naruto Verse is still a good enough trade for threats that will target me later on. Threats like Danzō, Itachi, Orochimaru, Obito, Zetsu, hell maybe even Bad Bitch herself.

Ohh being Daisuke is not that bad. He has a great advantage over other Uchiha's... his mother.

Or more specifically her eyes.

Daisuke's mother was a Jounin who had awakened Mangekyou Sharingan, she was forced into retirement after nearly going blind.

Upon her death she left her eyes for Daisuke, they were hidden inside a blood seal on his person, only accessible to him once he was strong enough. That is according to his father.


Leaving all of that aside for now I should start planning. I don't have much time, I'll need everything I can get my hands on to get stronger and survive everything this crazy world throws at me.

Since Daisuke learned the Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu he is considered an adult by clan law and gains free access to the Clan Library. I should go see Fugaku and show him I can use the Jutsu, that should give me access to most jutsus Uchiha collected *cough*steal*cough* over the years.

Using the clan library I should create a training schedule. Hopefully I can find guide books on physical training, taijutsu and chakra control. The library should be enough to help me with this step. At least I hope it would. If not I might be forced to seek out a YOUTFUL Shinobi.

I will also need to awaken my Sharingan as soon as possible. Having eidetic memory and memorizing everything in Uchiha library would be amazing, that is in addition to everything else it could do.

I should also copy all the knowledge Uchiha has on medical ninjitsu and Fuinjutsu. They are not useful for me yet, but they will be later on.

Finally, I should get my hands on Sasuke and Naruto's DNA, the transmigrants of Indra and Asura. Combining their chakra/DNA would allow me to awaken my own Rinnegan. Sasuke's blood shouldn't be a problem, but I should be very careful while getting Naruto's blood. No reason to put myself on Hokage's radar, or worse... Danzō's.

Now that I think about it, I SHOULD be careful. Considering what kind of a person Danzō is, and Uchiha's lack of kindness towards me I should hide my strength and intelligence, at least until I'm strong enough. *Sighs* Mendokusē.

What the hell Hiruzen is doing anyway, I'm not sure if those fan fics saying he was even worse than Danzō were true or not; but he lets someone like Danzō to operate within his village which makes him either an incompetent old man or someone who agrees with Danzō's views.

*Shaking my head* I don't think a man known as 'God of Shinobi' is that incompetent, so that only leaves one option.

*Sigh* I should really not think upon it much and just get going, Fugaku and his family should be up by now.