
Naruto Returns From the Genshin Impact World

The young Naruto accidentally arrived in Teyvat during the time of the Demon War, was adopted by Morax, and received a good education and influence. He witnessed the stories in the Demon War and also experienced the heart-wrenching pain when his companions died. The returning Naruto, looking at his current world, murmured: I have seen the towering Earth Dragon King; I have seen the Ice Wolf’s claws tearing the earth; I have seen war machines sweeping everything; I have seen the divine punishment falling from the sky; I have seen the dream of cutting everything… Note: This is a translation 从魔神战争归来的鸣人 =========================== You can support me at patre on and read +20 chapters in advance patre on.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Cómic
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204 Chs

Chapter 11: Effective Anger

"As expected of my comrade."

Nine-Tails said with a proud smile

A large amount of red chakra passed through the seal and flowed into Naruto's body.

On the other side of the seal, Naruto couldn't help but show a smile on his face, and said softly, "As long as you are here, even if I have to be an enemy of the entire ninja world in the future, I won't feel that I am alone."


The red chakra gradually rose, covering Naruto like a liquid coat containing bubbles. The terrifying and ominous chakra scattered. Naruto raised his head, his eyes had turned into red vertical pupils, exuding an extremely strong oppressive feeling.

The young man who was just jokingly looking at Naruto had a sudden change in his face. He quickly stepped back, but accidentally fell to the ground. He looked at Naruto in fear and shouted, "It's bad, it's bad, Nine-Tails has gone berserk!"

Naruto picked up the crumpled money, slightly tidied it up and put it back into his pocket. Feeling the fear of the people around him, he felt a strange sense of satisfaction in his heart.

Many Anbu who were secretly watching him appeared. They watched Naruto from a distance and took out their weapons, but they didn't dare to approach. It seemed that they were afraid of Nine-Tails' power.

"I'll say it again, I want to eat."

Naruto's tone was indifferent when he spoke, but it contained extreme danger. His red vertical pupils were terrifying, like a ferocious beast choosing people to devour.

He had been hungry for a day now, and now he just wanted to eat, just wanted to have a full meal, that's all.

But even such a small and ordinary wish would be obstructed in the process of realization, and even be humiliated. Faced with this situation, how many people can control themselves?

"Ninja... where is the ninja? Quickly catch this guy and kill him. We can't let this guy continue to harm Konoha Village!" The young man shouted like a madman.

Hearing this, Naruto's Nine-Tails chakra became even stronger. It even formed two substantial tails that swung freely behind Naruto.


An Anbu instantly found out what was wrong. He directly used a body flicker technique to come to the young man's side. A big slap knocked him out. Then he said, "Calm down, calm down. Of course you can eat. Don't let anger control you."

"But I've been hungry for a day now. I'm really hungry now." Naruto said.

"You can eat as much as you want. Don't mess around." Seeing that Naruto still had consciousness, the Anbu was relieved and continued to speak.

"I have no money."

Naruto took out the hand that had just picked up the money and put it in his pocket. He looked at the Anbu in front of him with righteousness.

"It's okay! You can eat without money!"

The Anbu quickly said so, then turned his head back and shouted at the kitchen: "Cook quickly! Hurry up! Do you want to destroy the whole street?"

The chef woke up instantly and started cooking at the fastest speed in their lives without any delay.

"Is this okay?"

The Anbu said.


Naruto nodded his head. The Nine-Tails chakra on his body dissipated again. Then he said softly: "So you guys are so afraid of me getting angry. Hmm, I understand now. You guys dared to bully me so much before because I have a good temper, right? Hehe...hehe..."


Looking at Naruto whose Nine-Tails chakra had dissipated but whose mouth was raised to an eerie angle, the Anbu felt more fearful than relieved.

Could it be that this guy can now actively control Nine-Tails' chakra? Can he actively use Nine-Tails' chakra through anger? What does he mean by what he said?

"Okay, I've decided that from now on when I'm hungry I'll get angry when I'm bullied I'll get angry anyway as long as I get angry the problem will definitely be solved right away right?" Naruto said with a smile his smile revealing an extremely dangerous aura.

There was no sound around no answer only extreme silence.


Naruto shouted loudly and a huge amount of Nine-Tails chakra erupted instantly even forming substantial shock waves. Three tails formed behind him in an instant and the terrifying and evil power erupted again with even a trend for the fourth tail to form further.

"Ah yes yes yes! You're right!"

The Anbu responded for the first time while frantically signaling to the people behind him.

"Yes yes yes."

"That's right."

"That's how it is."

The other people around were also scared one after another admitting they looked at Naruto who was going berserk like looking at a terrifying comet they dared not be angry or speak. At this moment they seemed to have returned to the night of Nine-Tails recalling the fear dominated by Nine-Tails.

Looking at the ninjas and villagers who were subdued by power and fear in front of him Naruto suddenly laughed again. The smile on his face was even more complicated than before. His strength hadn't changed much but he had given up some things he had originally adhered to and achieved such a good effect.

It seems that he really didn't say it wrong. He was bullied in Konoha Village before not because he was weak but simply because he had a good temper so others dared to bully him. If he was like a powder keg getting angry and going berserk which villager would dare to scold him? Who would dare to bully him?

"Ah, Wonderful! Red bean paste Wonderful~ Hahaha, ahahaha!" Naruto laughed loudly and the Nine-Tails chakra on his body slowly dissipated again. He continued to say: "Now I'm so high! Haha..."


At this moment an inharmonious sound rang out Naruto lowered his head to look at his stomach the smile on his face gradually disappeared and he actively sat on a chair next to him with one leg raised and said: "I'm hungry!!"

"Cook quickly!"


Half an hour later Naruto walked out of the restaurant with satisfaction laughing and waving his hand saying: "The food in your restaurant tastes really good I'll come again next time if it wasn't for that guy making me so angry I wouldn't know that I could eat so simply thank you so much he's really a great good person."


The shop owner let out a bitter laugh, but deep down, he couldn't help but curse the young man's entire family tree. If he hadn't interfered and prevented the Jinchuriki from eating, they wouldn't be facing these problems now. He had to bear the loss in his shop!

Naruto is Nine-Tails Jinchuriki who dares to ask him for money? If his mood is not good and starts to destroy with Nine-Tails chakra then their whole street will have to be reduced to rubble and the loss will be far more than just these meal money.

The threat of the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki going berserk has subsided, leaving the Anbu group with a mix of relief and unease. They're relieved because there's no immediate danger, but uneasy about having a powerful new figure in their midst.

When a Jinchuriki possesses moral education and self-control, they may not be feared. However, once their restraint is lost, and they unleash their Tailed Beast chakra, that Jinchuriki becomes the most formidable force in the entire village. Who would dare provoke or mistreat them if they were to go berserk? Bullying and humiliation would be out of the question!