
Naruto : Reborn as Neji

When a Hishschooler that already knows the ending of Naruto wakes up as Neji Hyuga how will the world change? Will he still die an early death or will he take life into his own hands?

Lightning · Cómic
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 - Waking Up

I woke up with a groan as I pushed myself up off the bed. I shakily got to my feet as I tried to ignore the constant pulses of pain that shot through my head. I systematically tried to reach for my glasses that were on my bedside table. Just for my hands to meet nothing but air.


I rubbed my eyes as I tried to force myself awake. If I lost my glasses I would be blind as a bat.

As I took in my surroundings I noticed I was somehow closer to the ground than I usually was. While I wasn't the tallest person I still stood at a reasonable 5 7"(170 cm). Now as I looked around the room I felt closer to 5 feet or 5 ft 2in.(157 cm)

For some reason, the small room I was in was clearly visible to me even without my glasses. Actually, I don't think things were this clear even when I was wearing my glasses. I made my way to what seemed to be a bathroom in the corner of the room. Inside was a simple toilet with a sink and a mirror above it.

When I saw the face in the mirror I froze. Even though it had been years seen I last saw the face in front of me I still recognized it. Now everything was starting to make sense, why I felt so short, the weird bandages on my right arm and legs, even the headband that I saw covering my forehead.

I was Neji Hyuga.

What the fuck.

Isn't this shit supposed to only happen when you died?

All I did was go to bed after a long day at school. Surely I didn't die just from doing calculus homework. And if I did fuck school.

I felt my vision start to swim as I took deep breaths to calm myself down. I turned on the sink with my left hand and slapped cold water onto my face. The chill got rid of any sleepiness I had left in me letting me think about my situation clearly.

First of why the hell was I Neji anyway. I had binged enough Naruto fanfiction to know that Naruto or Sasuke were the only ways to go. I mean who wouldn't want to be either one of the broken plot armor characters.

As the reality of the situation set into me, I tried my one last hope.




"Fuck," I was fucked. If the view from the window of my room was correct then that meant what I was seeing was the forest of death. That also meant that I would have to fight in the preliminary matches soon depending on which day of the test it was. I don't really remember how quickly Neji's team managed to make it through the forest of death.

I didn't know how to fight. If I got beaten by Hinata during the exams everyone would know that something was wrong.

As I was trying to figure out what I was going to do another throb of pain went through my head. But this time along with the pain there was also something else. Memories.

As if I was stuck in a trance my brain relived every bit of shinobi training I had ever done. All my hours learning the gentle fist and how to use the byakugan, everything I learned at the academy. Even all the training and missions I had been through in the last year with team guy.

After my brain slowly worked through all the memories taking what felt like hours I finally snapped out of my trance.

Moving faster than I ever had before I brought my right hand in front of my face forming a hand sign that I had probably done thousands of times before.

"Byakugan," I whispered.

I felt what I could only assume to be chakra race through my coils as veins bulged around my eyes.

The world seemed to expand as the amount of information that was entering my brain seemed to triple in size. I could see everything. Well, not everything of course as I still could feel the blindspot right around my neck just like I had seen in the anime all those years ago.

But still, this was amazing, I could even see through myself which was a bit disconcerting. Even more so when I realized that I could in fact see not just chakra coils but also clothes too.

I quickly released the byakugan so I didn't waste chakra needlessly as I tried to sort through my memories about the Bakugan.

I found that I could increase the range by controlling the amount of chakra I fed into it and of course with practice. Apparently, some people simply had better eyes than others making it easier to adjust things like range and the depth they wanted to see through.

That was why Neji was able to block chakra points so early on in the series when it took Hinata much longer.

Something else I realized as I looked through Neji's memories was that he was a pretty anti-social dude. While I didn't have memories of his clan life other than the training I did have the ones from his time with team Guy.

He only really talked when he needed to and most of the time responded with a simple nod of the head or grunt. Well, I guess being branded with a slave seal doesn't really make the most outgoing people.

But he did talk a bunch during the exams themselves though, maybe that was just him being forced to monologue for the plot since those actions didn't really match my memories of Neji.

"Neji hurry up we're going to be late for the start of the exams," I heard a voice that I recognized as Tenten's snap me out of my thoughts.