
Naruto : Raijin

Ken is your average 18 year old lost and unsure what to do with his life. He watches a lot of television and one of the show he watched was Naruto. He really thought nothing of it, great show to pass the time. What happens next shocked him to the core.

MorbidCuriosity · Cómic
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29 Chs

Mission (1/2)

Chapter (1/2): A Routine Assignment

The Hidden Leaf Village basked in the golden rays of the sun, casting a warm glow upon its bustling streets. Rai and his team assembled at the Hokage's office, excitement coursing through their veins. It was a day they had eagerly anticipated – the announcement of their first C-rank mission. As they stood before the venerable Hiruzen Sarutobi, Third Hokage of the village, they couldn't help but feel a mixture of nervousness and enthusiasm.

Hiruzen regarded them with a twinkle in his eyes, a sign of his confidence in their abilities. "Today, you embark on your first C-rank mission," he declared, his voice a reassuring presence. "Your task is seemingly simple – accompany a merchant caravan to the neighboring village of Tanzaku. Remember, even seemingly routine missions can reveal unexpected challenges."

Rai exchanged a glance with Aya and Takeshi, his comrades. Aya's determination shimmered in her gaze, and Takeshi's partner, a loyal and fierce canine named Kiba, wagged his tail in agreement. The bonds they had forged through rigorous training and shared experiences were unbreakable, and this mission was a chance to prove their worth as a team.

Exiting the Hokage's office, the trio's spirits soared. Aya's animated chatter and Takeshi's infectious laughter filled the air, painting an atmosphere of camaraderie. Rai couldn't help but smile; their friendship was a driving force that went beyond their roles as shinobi.

Their journey to Tanzaku Village was filled with light-hearted banter and stories exchanged. Nature's beauty surrounded them as they ventured through the village outskirts. Leaves rustled, and birds serenaded them, offering a serene backdrop to their excitement. Yet, beneath the tranquility, an undercurrent of tension seemed to hum in the air.

As they neared Tanzaku, Rai's instincts twitched. It wasn't just the picturesque surroundings that caught his attention; it was an almost imperceptible shift in the atmosphere. Aya and Takeshi seemed to sense it too, their gazes sharpening as they picked up on the unease. What had started as a routine journey now bore an air of unpredictability.

Tanzaku Village greeted them with its quaint charm. The merchant caravan was ready for departure, their expressions a mix of gratitude and relief. Rai took in the diverse group – seasoned traders, a diligent apprentice, and vigilant guards. Each individual carried their own story and motivations, reminding Rai that every journey had layers beyond the surface.

The mission began smoothly, the genin seamlessly integrating themselves into the rhythm of the caravan. Rai's awareness was heightened, scanning their surroundings for any signs of trouble. The team's unity and readiness were palpable, a testament to their shared experiences.

But even as they journeyed, a sense of foreboding clung to Rai's thoughts. His instincts told him that this mission wasn't as straightforward as it seemed. Aya and Takeshi, attuned to his unspoken worries, remained vigilant, their senses on high alert. The tranquility of their surroundings seemed to mask an underlying tension that grew more palpable with each step.

Little did they know that this mission was about to thrust them into the harsh reality of the shinobi world, where danger lurked around every corner. As they continued on their path, the genin's camaraderie would be put to the test, and their abilities would be pushed to their limits. The shadows of conflict were drawing near.