
Chapter 10

The Ninja Village

As Naruto settle himself in the Capital, no-one in Konoha were aware in his status. This include the ninja village's spy master Jiraiya. Unfortunately Jiraiya only learned of this 1 month before the final Chunin exam. By then he was forced to confine in the village because of his teammate's appearance.

This was both agreed by his sensei and the elders of the village. In fact, the whole village was on high alert since the snake sannin had warned them the consequences in canceling the exam. However, nothing happened but Konoha extended that unrest for a few more months. Thanks to Orochimaru's cunninginess, the village be too careful.

Nevertheless, the top brass still couldn't understand why he would make such declaration while not acting on it. The village's strategist Shikaku thought the snake sannin would have something planned. After-all he did appear and marked Sasuke. So the village remain on lock down for extra 2 months.

As for Jiraiya, since he's the village's 'key' defence against the rogue sannin they forbid him from going anywhere. This includes searching for his godson. He's overruled by the elders as well as his own sensei. "Jiraiya, I know you are frustrated but as you know the village must come first."

"The village, the village! Minato's son is out there in prison. Put there by the village he gave his life for."

"JIRAIYA! You and I know we can not change the past. Right now the village is in a crisis."

Sternly, the Sandaime reminds him of his duty and importance of the current event. What he's saying is Naruto's situation being 6 years ago therefore isn't as important as what the village is now facing.

Unfortunately, the Toad Sannin understood his sensei very well. As the need of one could never outweight the many. He may hate himself for it but the Hokage is right, it's already been 6 years whatever's been done is done. So as much as he didn't want to admit it the damn elders were also right, he had no choice but stay on stand by.

Despite his decision, since the exam the Snake Sannin never appear on the village's radar. The village tighten its security even after the exam and 1 month since then, still no Sannin. It confuses the higher ups because they had no idea what happened. Either Orochimaru is overly patient and cunning, or something actually caught his attention.

Cunning, yes, but patient?

That's debatable.

Didn't he tell them not to cancel the exam?

Or was it all just a ruse?

Even poor Anko had to be called in for questioning and Inoichi mind walked her just to be sure. Unfortunately, they never got their answer. Only poor Jiraiya was punished to remain on standby whereas other ninjas went back to active duty. Even then, he was further detained for another 4 months because the council couldn't figure out the Snake Sannin's plan.

(Note: Jiraiya was in the village near the 1st month period of the Chunin exam, he was on standby for another month because of village security. His duty then further delayed him because the village was being overly cautious thus another 4 months went by. Based on the Naruto Timeline Naruto should be around 12 years old, soon going to be 13 during the Chunin exam. In the manga, Jiraiya took him on a 3 year journey and on last day of the 4th Shinobi War he will turn 16. Hence, as some of you can see, in this story the timeline is changing.)

Hence, it's easy to imagin the Toad Sannin's frustration over the months. Just when he thought he's finally free from his duty he was given another mission and that's to find his other teammate. The Sandaime may not have voiced it but the way he had handled Naruto and Orochimaru made him realized how old he is. He was overdue for retirement, thus before his student leave he want him to recall his other student - Tsunade Senju.

Jiraiya wanted to curse his sensei but seeing his tired and wary expression he had to swallow that anger. 'Damn him, damn the village.'

Even he's starting to see why his female teammate left. Hiruzen Sarutobi had to sigh as he watch his student storm off.

He knew he's angry but as the saying goes, the many outweigh the few. As Hokage it's his duty to ensure the people in his village is safe. Unfortunately, for both his student and Naruto, he will have to repent in some other way. Sadly, he couldn't help but wonder if he will live to see that day.

In his mind, he's seeing another flash back as he thought back the times he train his students. The most talented of the 3 turn enemy whereas the deadlast became the strongest and most loyal. Just what did he do wrong? Even today, he still couldn't figure out what he should had done to change that.

While the Hokage is reminiscing the old days, Jiraiya is already at the gates.


Izumo and Kotetsu knew better than to stop him, as they aren't foolish enough to halt an angry Sannin.

"Was that Jiraiya?!"

"Sure is, you can recognize him with that wild white hair."

"I heard he was confined to the village because of that Orochimaru mess."

"No wonder he's pissed. Good thing there's no protocol for leaving the village, at least not one for a Sannin."

It was the only thing the eternal gate guardians can do with their boring job.

As for the Toad Sannin, he quickly summon Gamabunta and be on his way.

"JIRAIYA?! WHA..." the toad boss was cut off from his rant.

"Save it, Gamabunta. We have more pressing business. I will tell you on the way."

Gamabunta knew something serious is going on so he will abide to his summoner's command.

On their way, the toad boss too is told about Naruto's situation. It will later pass on to Mount Myoboku as the elder toads wonder about the 'child of prophecy'. Even Jiraiya will wonder about that once he calms down but unfortunately no-one will have an answer, not even the toad whom made that prediction. Nevertheless, Jiraiya must first find Tsunade.

Sadly, her location is currently out of date because the last Intel was her being in Tanzaku Gai. Hence, his only option is to go there and trace her steps. Which in turn would take more of his time. He's no longer angry with his sensei as he re-direct it to his teammate.

It's human nature so no-one can blame the Toad Sannin for it as he thought dark thought of his female teammate.

"Damn her, she's wasting her life away whereas Naruto was locked away."

"Where the hell is she, Tanzaku Gai is famous for its casinos no doubt she's gambling again."

"Damn her, I am wasting my time on her while Naruto is god knows where."

The more he thinks about it the more frustrated he is. Thankfully, Jiraiya knew how to focus on his objectives. Thus, despite his dark thoughts his senses remain sharp to not miss any detail. Hence, it was easy to trace all the places she's been to.

The tricky part is to figure out where she would go. Unfortunately, in order to do that he will have to be patient and gather more information. It's not likely she will tell her debt collectors where she will go. Luckily he isn't a master spy for nothing as he slowly traces her steps.

His other problem is her weird psychic senses. He didn't know what to call it. Although it doesn't help her in her gamble but it's oddly accurate when it comes to knowing when trouble is coming her way. Sadly that's when it becomes tricky because she could be very unpredictable.

Hence, including the travels, Jiraiya had to waste over another 4 months just to find her. In the end he wasn't even appreciated for his effort only to be shut out. That's when he cracked and lash out. Months of frustration finally caught up to him as he unload all his anger on his teammate.

Obviously, Tsunade was stunned because for as long she knew him, he never once lose control like this. Jiraiya always has a soft spot for her.

"What's this about?" she's obviously asking about his own agenda and not about the Hokage matter.

Catching his breath, Jiraiya had to sigh but didn't immediately answer. Tsunade too didn't say anything for while, giving him time to re-organize his emotions.

"Come on, I am sure you can spare a few minutes to tell your old teammate what's going on. Obviously this isn't about me becoming Hokage."

This time, the toad Sannin couldn't hold it thus start telling her about his godson. A godson he thought was safely left in the village only for him to find out a year ago being sent to Fire Prison. The Slug Sannin knew whom he's talking about, she may had left the village but the Minato and Kushina's son was all her teammate talk about before the Kyubi incident. However, to hear that he was sent to prison shocked and disgust her.

Especially after hearing about the incident on how a young child can be incriminated.

What was her sensei doing?

What about the ninja clans?

Shouldn't they be actively object to these decisions?

The more she hears, the more she's disgust by what her grandfather's village had became. Near the end, Jiraiya had to apologize for his outburst but Tsunade forgave him. She's more pissed at the village. However, the troubling aspect is she's split between accepting her job just to set the village straight or outright forget about the cesspool of a village.

"Go! Jiraiya. Go to your Godson." she said.

"Hime?!" he hesitated because his mission is to bring her back to Konoha.

"I will handle the village. You go find Naruto." her intention is clear as she's telling him to do what he should be doing and she will return to the village on her own.

From the way she had said it, the Toad Sannin knew she meant what she say.

So with a grateful nod, Jiraiya set off on his quest. Tsunade too after finishing her drink return back to her room and she didn't lie as she inform her travel companion their next destination.

"Shizune, pack our things. We will be leaving for Konoha tomorrow!"

The younger ninja although a little surprised but nevertheless welcomed the decision because she had not seen her home for a long time.

On the other hand, Jiraiya is left with a dilemma what he should say to his godson when they finally meet. Despite the long trek, the Toad Sannin felt very uneasy. He didn't even know how to approach him. As according to the Hokage, the boy was sent to prison since he was 6.

Even then what will he do once he saw him, it's not like he had a pardon letter. In his rush to leave, he had forgotten about that. However, he continued anyway because he wanted to at least see his godson. As to getting him out, he will figure something out on the way.

Maybe he can get to know him if he can rescue him.

Train him like he's supposed to.

Is Naruto the so-called 'Child of Destiny'?

Either way, he will have to find him first.

Still, it took Jiraiya over a week to get there without Gamabunta because he wanted time to think up something to say to his godson. As much as he wishes to hurry, he really need that 1st impression. Especially when the kid practically didn't know him. It certainly didn't help when he introduce himself as ninja of the village that sent him to prison.

Unfortunately, which ever scenario he see himself in, he find himself in a very unfavorable position. After-all, how can one forgive being hated for years and later accuse of a crime you didn't commit. What is worst is that he was forgotten or abandoned as he was left there for over 6 years. As soldier that fought in wars, the Sannin knew the feeling.

When Jiraiya first heard it, he had asked for details.

So he knew what happened to his godson.

As the Hokage had tirelessly investigated, the evidence was long gone.

The accusation was also solid as multiple witnesses points his godson being involved.

Unfortunately, finding these witnesses were impossible as one way or another they were either missing or died in line of duty. Jiraiya was pissed but the crime was too perfect and the so-called evidences presented too all points to his godson involved in some way. Everything was just too perfect like they were staged. The Sannin wanted to kill someone but the councilman had left the village.

Rumor has it that he got rich thus moved into the Capital. He can smell corruption but all he could do is curse the people. They may not be silent killers like them (shinobis), but their methods can be just as ruthless.

Without him knowing, Jiraiya found himself already at his location. However, what surprise him is the oddity in the prison's appearance. The first thing that strike him odd is - there is only one guard?!

"Halt! Who are you?!" at least he's attentive.

Nevertheless, he responded as politely as he can.

"I am Jiraiya the Sannin, I wish to speak to the warden."

"Warden?!" This time it was the guard's turn to be confused.

"Ah, I think I understand. For your information, this is no longer a prison."

"As a matter of fact, it's been closed for over 2 years."

"However, you are in luck as the former 'Warden' Dojima-san is still here."

"Perhaps he can help you? I will go get him."

"Em, thanks." The Toad Sannin didn't know what to say as his mind had been racing and have been focusing on his godson.

'Closed?! Closed for over 2 years?! So where's Naruto now?'

Over 6 years they left him and now they don't even know where he is. He hope the old warden have some useful information.

Then there's the issue about the closed prison. Why was it closed, he didn't think it mattered as it's the least of his concern. Things are getting complicated but at least the old warden is still around. Jiraiya hope he can tell him something and thankfully he didn't have to wait long.

"Hi, I am the Toad Sa..." but he was cut off.

"I know who you are, Jiraiya. What do you want?"

The white-haired Sannin was a little surprised by the tone of his resentment.

'Why is he angry at me?'

However, Jiraiya is in urgent need of information so he ignore his attitude in hope he can find out more on his godson's whereabouts.

"Er, I am here about a Konoha citizen that was here over 6 years ago."

The ninja can sense his attitude change as Dojima's expression harden and glare right at him. Thankfully, he answered anyway.

"You are wasting your time here, the prison is closed and all prisoners were transferred to the Shinobi Prison."

He didn't exactly lie as 'all' prisoners were indeed transferred. However, what he left out is the majority of prisoners were pardoned by the Daimyo thus were no longer considered as 'prisoners'. What pisses him off is Konoha showing up now. Dojima wasn't just angry as he's furious and had to suppress that rage before coming to see him.

Even then, it wasn't enough to hold back that disdain he had on the Sannin. Shortly after the kid's picking up his life, Konoha choose now to show up. Hence, Dojima didn't care thus how he's less helpful with information. Then again, it was the fault of the Toad Sannin whom wasn't very specific and the ex-warden is less forth coming to correct him.

There's an awkward silence soon after as Jiraiya's lost in what he has to say. It's not often he get such treatment, especially after knowing whom he is. Nevertheless, he had correctly deduced the man for some reason didn't like him. Unfortunately, for the life of him he could not figure out why.

'Did I spy on his wife or something? Or his daughter? Or something about my book?'

Nervously, he thought he should get going before things turn ugly. His godson is more important anyway.

"Alright, thanks. I will be on my way."

Impassively, Dojima watched him leave. He thought he could make it less personal but years in dealing with those extreme Konoha prisoners made him a little biased. Seeing the Sannin disappearing, he too starts to return back to his own station. However, on his mind he's thinking of something else.

'I guess it's starting.'

He and the Fire Daimyo had long predict Naruto is someone more connected to the village than anyone from the leaf. Hence, despite his message hidden in his painting the two firmly believe he and Konoha will one day face one another. Therefore, the appearance of the Sannin did not surprise him. Instead he thought it was long overdue. However, he still thinks he should work harder to find the kid thus giving him a tougher time.

As for the Sannin, it's like one obstacle to another. This time it's the guards. At least this time, the prison looked more like a prison because the security is intense. Unfortunately for him he was prohibited to enter or granting an audience.

"Look, it's important. I just need to speak to your supervisor."

"I don't care if you are the Hokage, you have no authority here."

"No paperwork, no deal."

Even the easy going Jiraiya is getting pissed by the guard's attitude but he had to at least make an effort for his godson.

"I just want one name, Nar..."

Sadly the guard wouldn't even hear him.

"Like I said, no signature, nothing!" the lead guard said firmly.

Shinobi sometimes acted as pigs and samurai guards were no different. If they have an opportunity to boss a ninja around some would literally jump the chance. Then again, this is a high security prison. Hence, there had been countless ninjas trying to both break-in and break-out for one reason or another. Therefore, extra and sometimes extreme counter measures are employed.

Like any other ninja, Jiraiya wouldn't give up. Especially when he's Konoha's spy master. So if he couldn't get in on the front entrance, he will have to go in through the back. It wasn't literal, it just means he will have to infiltrate it some other way.

Unfortunately, the shinobi prison isn't just big it's also built like a fortress. It's built to not only keep prisoners in, it's built to repel specially ninjas. Not to forget, seals at every doorway to dispel genjutsu and henge. Even he was almost discovered when the guards thought they saw his summon.

Lucky for him, they thought it was a rat so they couldn't link the incident to him. News of him trying to break-in to their lord's prison certainly wouldn't look good on Konoha's end. As being said, the whole prison was alerted because of one animal. Then again, he couldn't fault them as ninjas have far too many means to count.

Nevertheless, his situation didn't improve as he had to beat an hasty retreat. He got out before the lockdown took place. So all he could do is gather information from nearby towns. Even if he couldn't do anything, he wants to confirm what the ex-warden said was true.

Despite their meeting being less than pleasant, Jiraiya didn't think he had a reason to lie. At least with the prison on lock-down, that's all he could do anyway. He left a toad to keep watch over the prison to inform him when security is not so tight. As it turns out, there's indeed a massive transfer of prisoners over a couple of years ago.

However, what he didn't find out is it's capacity. Then again, those prisoners were inside massive steel cages, accompanied by the Fire Daimyo's personal guards (they took care of the transfers). Hence, to normal civilians it gave them a false illusion that something big is going on. Like rumors go, the event was exaggerated.

Unfortunately, through Jiraiya's ears he's thinking such security measure could be because of Naruto's Jinchuriki status. Since the Fire Lord wasn't present at the time, thus they must be transporting high priority targets. Unknown to the Sannin, the Fire Lord's personal guards and army were split in two to both defend the Fire Country Ruler and handled the transportation. It's a momentary decision, hence why it was the royal army doing the transportation.

Then he realized something else. Did Naruto even receive the same treatment as his fellow prisoners? His biggest concern is, what did they do to him. Did he even get a cell to see daylight?

Under normal circumstance, because of Jinchuriki status they could lock him in a heavily sealed room - like in a dungeon. The Sannin again curse the villagers what they had done to Minato's son. Most of all, he curse himself for leaving him in the village. Considering the possibilities, he sees no alternatives but to see the Fire Lord.

He dreaded the meeting because the Fire Lord will most likely ask him questions he wouldn't want to answer. In the worst case scenario, penalties and lost of funding may happen. Unfortunately, with Akatsuki on the rise, his godson became an important figure of interest.

Fire Capital

When Jiraiya finally reached the capital. As expected, the Fire Lord asked him to explain to him the whole ordeal. Knowing he couldn't lie his way, he explain what he knew thus leaving nothing out. Oddly enough, Jiraiya had expected the man to be furious but he took it rather well.

"Just as I had suspected, your civilians had planned the whole thing."

That's where Jiraiya noticed something.

"Just as you had suspected?!" the Sannin unconsciously repeat what the Daimyo had said then quickly asks.

"What do you mean by that, my lord?"

"I am quite surprised Dojime hadn't told you, but I wouldn't blame him. As he was one of many that watched over him over the years."

Then it clicked, since he was the warden it's obvious he knew Naruto. After a while, Jiraiya had to ask.

"Is Naruto still with him?"

"Naruto-kun is here, and in the Capital."

His affectionate used of 'kun' was not missed by the Sannin but he let the Daimyo finish.

"Seeing his people had practically abandoned him."

Jiraiya wanted to correct him but couldn't rebut that accusation.

Technically, Konoha did forsaken him. The civilians were obvious, unfortunately the clan also did not care to vote against that decision. Sadly the final nail was the Hokage as he controls the final verdict. So, the Fire Daimyo was right, the village did abandoned him.

Continuing from the Daimyo.

"So, I offered him a place here in the Capital."

Jiraiya truly did wanted to rephrase the Fire Lord's statement because he thought it's harsh. However, he's running from the truth.

It was one of the main reason that the royalty wanted him to acknowledge that. He didn't want the village to make excuses, what is done is done and it's already been over 7 years.

"Jiraiya, I want it to be very clear."

"Whether Naruto want to go with you or not, it's up to him."

"If you can't convince him, leave him be."

"But, the vil... he will need the village's protection."

He wanted to say the village need him but after seeing the Fire Lord's harsh look on him he knew he had to change that statement. Hence, the excuse that the ninja village will be protecting him.

"No excuses, let the boy decide his own fate."

He clearly saw through the Sannin's deception thus his warning. The village had already abandoned him once, claiming they will protect him are only empty words. Having said his final piece the Fire Lord turned away.

As for Jiraiya, he's still couldn't understand why his godson wouldn't return.

'Didn't sensei say he loved the village.'

'What about becoming Hokage? I could personally train him, teach him his father's signature moves.'

Having thought about everything his sensei told him, he's already at the main gate.

It wasn't difficult to find his place. Like the Fire Lord says, it's just outside the main gate. He couldn't help but whistle.

'Perhaps, he's better off here."

It may not be a mansion but it's way better than his crappy apartment in Konoha.

'I guess it may be a little more harder to convince him.'

Nevertheless, he step forward for the inevitable encounter.

'I wonder if he's in?'

Unfortunately, little did he know, things are more complicated than he thought. Lucky for him, Naruto came to the door. After a brief meeting, one thing lead to another.

"Just why should I come with you? I have nothing to do with Konoha anymore."

"It's for your safety, there are some dangerous people looking for you."

"You mean the 'Snake Freak'?!"

The Sannin immediately recognize that reference associating to his old teammate.

"WHAT?! You met Orochimaru?"

"That's old news, it happened nearly a year ago and never saw him since."

"Eh?! That doesn't sound like him. Tell me what happened!"

##### Flash Back - Orochimaru #####

What Naruto said was true. Since the Suna episode and 'Sound Four's' failure in stealing the 'Desert Lotus', Orochimaru was there personally to see this hyped painting. He was also curious about its rumors in changing the fate of the village. Most of all, he also wants to confirm his subordinate's tale on the ridiculous security.

They were not wrong as its securities are top-notched. He had been there for over a week and personally witnessed its transition.

'What a marvelous concept.'

The Snake Sannin couldn't help but consider such innovation used in his lair.

Unfortunately, the cost would be astronomical. It wouldn't be practical anyway as his lairs were meant to be a temporary hideouts in case he's found by his many enemies. One thing he learned are that his ninjas didn't lie. Based on his own analysis, even he would have problem bypassing the multi-layer and multi-system defenses.

However, despite the security marvel in the museum it was the 'Desert Lotus' that had he most intrigued. While the Sannin agreed that it's one unique piece of art, Orochimaru couldn't help but find something's missing from it. Even a genius such as he couldn't understand why and he had spent over a week trying to figure it out. Like many experts, he can sense there's no ninjutsu involved.

Like an itch he couldn't scratch, Orochimaru too had his ninja search for the non-existent artist. Too bad, his ninjas had the same amount of luck as any other ninja as the only evidence of the artist's existence is the 'Desert Lotus'. That was until Mizuki comes into play and by chance Kabuto discovers his true identity.

This happen right after the Forbidden Scroll incident. Like it is fated to happen, Mizuki steals the scroll only to be caught. Long story short, after they managed to get every information off him, they shipped him off to the Shinobi Prison. That's where he met the civilian prisoners.

As fellow Kyubi hater, the group got along well and the ex-Chunin learn about the blond's predicament. He vowed to find the demon and finish the job. Normally, Orochimaru or Kabuto would have left him to rot but with Suna out of the picture they needed another strategy, thus the prison. That's how the Snake's right-hand man learned about the blond Jinchuriki.

It may seem like a long shot but Kabuto was confident that Naruto Uzumaki is the true face behind this mystery artist. The reason no-one knew whom he is or find him is because he's locked up in prison. It was also for same reason why there's so few of his art on the elemental nation. As the civilian prisoners vowed with their own lives, Kabuto had no doubt his work are still in the old prison.

Once Kabuto report his surprising find, Orochimaru too came to the same conclusion. Thus, ignoring his plan to the leaf village he left to see this old prison for himself. Since the 'Desert Lotus', his mind had been itching. At the same time, he also wanted to find what he was missing.

He had already marked the Uchiha, hence his main objective is more or less completed. The destruction of the village would have been a nice bonus but he isn't arrogant enough to think he can fight the top hidden village by himself. Without support from Suna, it's one huge set back to his original plan. Since he couldn't get the Kazekage alone or him to agree, he had to scrap the invasion.

Although he has another trump card in form of the past Hokages but he wouldn't get the satisfaction in seeing his sensei's look when he summons them. His feud with his sensei was personal, hence the destruction of the village is only a bonus. As a genius, Orochimaru also took pride in his plans thus he wouldn't fight a pointless battle where he will be put on a disadvantage.

That's where strategy comes in. Unfortunately, he had to admit even a prodigy like himself he could never beat a Nara. Combined with the lost of element of surprise because they knew he's coming and home field advantage. His status may cause even Shikaku Nara to be very wary but Orochimaru wouldn't bother fighting a fight where he has to do all the work.

On the other hand, he's also side tracked by another matter. It was an issue that perked his curiority since his visit to Suna. As according to Kabuto's source, the original author of the 'Desert Lotus' is in the old Fire Prison. By latest intel, the prison while no longer operational there's a monument left there by the creator that could not be moved.

Although those fools wouldn't say what it was but claimed it's on the wall, so it wouldn't be so easy to move. Interested in this new development Orochimaru had Kabuto gather more intel whereas he himself go to investigate this monument. Very few things interests him and the genius Sannin wanted to know why even he's entranced by something like a painting. It's very mystery and it hurts his pride to not understand it.

For someone like Orochimaru, it would be a joke to not able to sneak in. Unlike the museum in Suna, the security there were almost none existent. He just slither in like a snake without a sound or being seen. The place was nearly empty but he's surprised to find a gallery in place.

'At least the Intel's legit and his trip is not wasted.'

He hoped Kabuto can get more information on the artist and his whereabouts. As he made his way through the gallery, the first thing he noticed are the style.

'They are all his work. Fascinating! How very Interesting.'

Only the creator of the 'Desert Lotus' can produce something that can effect someone like him. It was for this reason that his respect for the author went up a few notches. To have one that can capture his interest is already a miracle but a gallery of them, that's something else. Unfortunately, despite right in front of him Orochimaru still couldn't understand how they are triggering such foreign feeling within him.

The Sannin took his time and the guards were none consequential as they couldn't even detect him. So slowly he move along and eventually making his way to 'Konohagakure'. The final piece both stunned and mystified him, he too almost thought he's there in Konohagakure. Still he has enough common sense to not attack or hate it, it's just a painting.

Oddly enough, he couldn't hate it.

Is it because he know it's a painting?

Even he doesn't know why.

With this author's work, one can never truly distinguish reality from illusion.

Unfortunately, that's also when Dojima-san happens to see him. At least he thought he saw him.

However, just before he can be sure the figure vanished. Like a dutiful director he is, he start questioning everyone, counting and recounting all the paintings while making sure nothing is amiss.

Meanwhile, Orochimaru was long gone. Like how he arrive, he left without a trace. On his way, he's finding himself even more curious.

'Hopefully, Kabuto have something.'

Despite that, he still couldn't help but contemplating over the strange events.

'Why am I even fuzzing over art?'

'They are more of Sasori or Deidara thing.'

He can see himself relating to forbidden jutsus and eternal life etc but 'ART'?

Another thing that concerns him is despite all the amazing pieces, he found himself unable to connect with any of them. Again it's something even he himself couldn't understand. That's the reason why he's interested in the author because perhaps he has an answer.

Thankfully, Kabuto came back with more useful Intel. He didn't even have to sneak in. Through his connection, he had other prisoners to do his work for him.

"What was that painting crap said last time?"

"What?! Not you too? I told you it's that fu***** demon."

"Damn Hell Spawn even bewitched the Fire Lord and got us sent here."

"You know if you lied to us, all of us will come back for your head."

Of course a threat here and there encourage them to give them better.

"Believe me, the old prison still has the drawing the demon spawn made."

"I doubt it can be moved, anyone can check it out if you don't believe me."

Unlike the old, this prison contain more deadly elements so the Konoha civilians wouldn't dare bantering for anything. Like the saying goes, it's better with the devil than in its path.

Hence, through those conversations Kabuto drew his own conclusion. It's pretty clear since he's also from Konoha.

'It all made sense, it's gotta be the Kyubi Jinchuriki.'

It wasn't hard to deduce whom they were talking about because only those from Konoha would describe the Kyubi Jinchuriki that way.

Kabuto's surprise he's found out this much as the artist they had been search was right under their nose the whole time.

'It's no wonder no-one could find him, he's been locked in prison the entire time.'

'However, the problem is, where is he now?'

'Hmmm, if what they say is true. Then the Fire Lord is also somehow involved.'

Since there's no news for his return to Konoha, he's likely in the Capital. At least based on those conversations, the Fire Lord seem to have a soft spot for him. Fools are easy to read and manipulate, thus Kabuto is sure he can find answer in the Capital. Otherwise it will be another trip to the shinobi prison.

Again, past conversation also conclude that the Jinchuriki could have gone with other prisoners. Another name that came up is Ryoma, whom they mentioned came from a mobster background. In the meantime, he and 'Sound Four' will head to the Capital.

This time 'Sound Four' didn't fail as they brought the artist before their master.

"Hey, what's the big idea?!"

A child was tossed to the cold hard floor and the bag over his head is immediately removed. As the blond's eyes meets the Sannin's, he knew he's the villain.

He's obviously a villain, not only does he look like a snake he even exude an evil presence. Since he's here, there's no doubt in his mind he's also the culprit to his kidnapping. Then the villain starts to talk.

"Boy, I hear you are a painter. Make something to impress me."

It's clearly not a request as it follows with a threat.

"Let me be clear, if your work isn't to my satisfaction I will feed you to my snake."

Orochimaru made sure he understands by summoning the giant snake that will most likely eat him. The message is clear, the huge snake is definitely large enough to swallow him whole. Seeing he understands, the Sannin continued.

"If you are as good as they say. You will have my word, not only will you be freed I will even pay you for your troubles."

"My people will even return you immediately 'WITHOUT' harm."

He emphasize the terms 'immediately' and 'without harm', but that's only on the condition that he succeeds. As he finished, the Snake Sannin is quite amused to see him respond with a glare.

Very few dared to defiant him, hence he too responded with a raised eyebrow. Especially one that's not even a ninja. Anyone would be quite nervous considering his summon is now 'hissing' loudly beside him. One command was all he need and his snake would pounce.

'The kid has guts.'

Nevertheless, it's still very amusing.

On the other hand, Naruto don't like threats. He knew he's a target but he's being stubborn. While he may not know who he is, the threat is clearly very real. However, that wasn't what irked him.

What he couldn't forgive is he looking down on him. Yes, the Evil Snake Ninja can easily kill him but he can't make him do anything. Despite that, what's on his mind is more devious. He will paint alright, he will just paint something beyond the freak's comprehension.

This is another odd scene he's seeing as Orochimaru look at his prey. He may not be able to read his mind, but the kid's emotional change was not lost in his eyes. He recognized that look, it reminds him of his home village. That stupid phase his sensei always says - the 'Will of Fire'.

It's ironic that it came from someone they cast out. The moment they knew whom the artist is, Orochimaru had Kabuto dug up information on him. Thus, he knew about the boy's status. A supposed ninja village weapon reduced to civilian that turn into an artist.

Despite his Jinchuriki status, without training he's still a 'zero' threat. So Orochimaru's amused.

'Just how will he fight him?'

However, on the outside he continues to show his lack-of-interest appearance.

As being said, he's curious. Other than forbidden jutsus, eternal life, he's surprised something like art catch his interest. Or is it just his art that concerns him? Another reason he had him brought here is he's hoping to uncover that secret.

On the other hand, the kid is also interesting. He's without a doubt talented, as his paintings speaks for itself. It's because of this, his heart is for some reason filled with anticipation. When the painting first surfaced, he didn't think much on them but they did catch his interest.

It wasn't the painting itself but its effects had him very intrigued. The Snake Sannin thought he had reached the summit in understanding everything, but was surprised to find something he wasn't even aware of. To make matter more interesting, it's not ninjutsu, senjutsu or any of the areas he's familiar with. Finally, another reason he had the brought here is to see if there's any fuuinjutsu involved.

Since he couldn't sense anything abnormal through his paintings, his only conclusion would be fuuinjutsu. At least that would explain how he's drawn to them. Hence why he had everything prepared before hand.

"You will find everything you need over there, I suggest you get started."

Having finished what he has to say, he silently return the stare. For a few minutes, the two were locked in a silent stand off. Not knowing what to do, the 'Sound Four' took their guest's inaction as some form of refusal thus were about to take action.

"Leave him be."

To their surprise, it was their master that stopped them. Then they thought, the kid's the only civilian in the room, thus it's clear he's not going anywhere. Hence, his only option is to either start working unless he wants to stay for a very long while. Their master's right, the kid's not going anywhere.

On the other hand, Orochimaru saw more than that. The kid never did out right refuse his demand, so he's wondering what he's thinking about. Despite the look, the Snake Sannin didn't think he's just glaring at him.

Instead he felt like he's being scrutinized thus he unconsciously made himself sitting straightener and making himself more regal looking. It's like getting your photo taken, you would try to make yourself look better. As odd as it may seem, the Snake Sannin is quite sharp in picking up those little details. Hence, why he told his guards to let him do as he wish.

As a result 'Sound Four' found themselves feeling like they had been left out on something. It's made them feeling like they were the 3rd wheel. Since Orochimaru hadn't dismissed they had no choice but to stand on standby. The kid may not know how ruthless Orochimaru is but they do.

True to the 'Snake Sannin's' expectation, after a while the blond artist wordlessly made his way to his workstation. It didn't take him long to start working. While the others are curious, none dared to step forth to further incur the Sannin's wrath. His orders were absolute and since he's sitting there patiently, they too must stand idly unless he says so.

As he watch him work, the others too were curious but none of them dared to step forth to incur the Snake Sannin's wrath. Orochimaru's no different as he too is extremely intrigued but didn't let it spoil his surprise.

Internally, Orochimaru too is very intrigued but he didn't let it spoil his surprise. To those used to the Sannin's antics, they would find him very odd and out of character. However, they wisely kept their own thoughts to themselves.

As they thought about it, their master's correct. As a civilian, he isn't likely going anywhere in a room full of ninjas. So he can either start work or stay for the rest of his life. From the looks of it, Orochimaru too is content to wait as long as he want.

Under normal circumstances, patience isn't his strong suit but a civilian trapped in his lair amuse him. Others too can see this thus wouldn't dare interrupting his 'entertainment'. Despite that, the young civilian erratic behavior is not lost on 'Sound Four'.

'Just what the hell is he doing?'

From the corner of their eyes, they can see him splashing a whole bucket of paint on to the canvas. At first they thought he's throwing a tantrum. Seeing Orochimaru not looking what he did, they too wouldn't dare draw attention to themselves.

Curiously, 'Sound Four' continues to take sneak peaks. At least he's now more normal. Well, as normal as he can be climbing the ladder up and down trying to work on the oversized canvas.

The four couldn't help but turn their sight back on their master. The Snake Sannin is oddly silent and hadn't even moved an inch.

'Is he painting the boss?'

It was what's on their minds, but at the same time wouldn't dare to disturb him or make a sound.

Perhaps that's the reason why he's sitting more regal and dignify than he usually is. Orochimaru isn't one for patience and his subjects knew that. Hence, unlike their guest they can see how different he is. He is obviously still very creepy, but oddly 'less creepy'? They all thought about it but clearly wouldn't openly bring it up.

Eventually, it was done.

"Well? Is it finished?"

Naruto said nothing, he returned that same stare while wiping his hands. He want the Sannin to draw his own conclusion.

'The kid sure has guts.'

He still had that defiant look. Ignoring him, Orochimaru turns to the painting, only to see a 'pitch black' portrait.

'What the ?!'

However, before he could turn that anger on the creator, he caught something. A silhouette or something but it only somehow appear on the corner of his eyes. What attracted him is the creepy feeling that's on par of his own.

'Is this some kind of payback from the kid?!'

Payback or not, Orochimaru had to see it closer. The feeling is like knowing there's a buried treasure to be discovered. Hence, his sense is filled with both excitement and anticipation. He couldn't see it fully but he knew the kid did what he asked.

It still amazes him how something you can see but at the same time not. As a scientist, it should be physically impossible. Yet, he's seeing it with his own eyes. It took a while and the trick is to not look at it directly.

Perhaps it's the brat's little childish little revenge but the end result came out better than what he expects. Nevertheless, the brat did fulfil their agreement. He may not be able to see now but through little glimpses he can see a beautiful and majestic creature waiting for him to discover. To some people, the pitch black veil is perhaps an annoyance but to him it was perfect. It adds a sense of mystery to an already enigma painting.

"Paid the kid and take him home!"

'Sound Four' was stunned as they thought they heard him wrong.

Having seen the pitch black painting, the four could not understand what's going on. Then again, how much are they paying him?

Thankfully before they can misinterpret him, he added.

"Use the scroll in my vault!"

It's another bombshell as the four stood rooted in their spot.

"But, Orochimaru-sama..."

It's making no sense because they knew what it meant as the scroll contains the village's entire treasury. Having served him for years, they can't believe he would agree to pay let alone such crazy amount.

"Just do it, his work is at least worth that much."

'Had the kid just hypnotized him?'

Orochimaru ignored them as he continues to admire the newly created painting. Despite their uncertainty, 'Sound Four' slowly made their way to the vault. They hesitated because none of them were certain this is exactly what their master wanted. On their way, they stressfully inform him they are leaving and along with the kid's money.

He's clearly still mesmerized with the painting as he waves them off. It didn't take them long to sneak him into his home.

"Here kid, I don't know what you did. I hope you didn't do anything stupid because if our master wakes up from whatever crap he's in he will want retribution."

Having said that, they dropped the scroll and left.

Picking up the scroll, not knowing how to open it he left it where it was before going to sleep.

"Crazy Clients!"

That's all he said before start sleeping. He plans to visit the palace again anyway so the accountant can handle it.

The crazy snake did say it's his payment. Little did he or the accountant know that there is 26 million Ryo stuffed in the scroll. Of course, Naruto probably wouldn't be telling him about the kidnapping.

"Hi Naruto, what can do for you today?"

"Hi Yashiha-san, I just got this yesterday. The ninja said it was my payment, you think you can handle it?"

"Alright, it's no problem. The usual, right?"


While a storage scroll is new coming from Naruto because he usually deal with royalties. However, it's fairly common transaction among the royal court. Even the 26 million came no much a surprise because the blond's work often fetch into 10 million range. As his accountant, Yashiha certainly had seen his paintings so he can understand the hype.

********** Back to Present with Jiraiya

"What?! That's it?!" cries the Toad Sannin.

"Yeah?! That's it! What more do you want?"

"Didn't you even report it?"

"No. I don't see the point."

By then, Jiraiya didn't what to say. Orochimaru, the most wanted missing-nin in Fire Country came and kidnapped him and he didn't even bat an eye. Then again, Naruto is a civilian, why would he care whom the Snake Sannin is.

Even giving him a list of missing-nins or the bingo book, he wouldn't know what to do with them. As a defenseless civilian it's not like he can avoid them. Hence, once Jiraiya realized that he had no come back.

There's also his ex-teammate's overly odd behavior. It's unprecedented and the Toad Sannin can not understand why Orochimaru would spend all that effect to take his godson only to dump him back.

'What the fu** is happening?!'

Unfortunately for him, in Naruto's eyes he's the crazy one. Nevertheless, Jiraiya's still left with a ton of unanswered questions. Sadly, they are something only his ex-teammate can answer and he doubt he will be seeing him anytime soon.

"Wait a minute, he paid?!" only to see the blond nod.

Not just that, he paid 26 million Ryo?! Jiraiya can see him ransacking village, experimenting on villagers, but to actually pay? Again, he had to stress the amount slowly - 26 million Ryo?!

"Wait a minute, are you telling me you are the reason Orochimaru was acting this strange?"

Again, that accusation wouldn't make any sense to the blond. It's not like he knew how the Snake Sannin used to act. Hence, his accusation only made him look more silly to the Jinchuriki.

********** Flashback - Orochimaru & Manda

26 million Ryo while is no small sum, Orochimaru is nevertheless pleased with what he had paid for. In fact he's so pleased with the painting he had it framed behind his throne. It's used to be his lair but now it's his throne. Why? It's because that's where he receive visitors and the guests often found themselves intimidated, and Orochimaru liked that feeling.

He can easily see it in his guests. They tries to hide it but all of them couldn't help but feel a presence behind that mystery pitch black painting. Unfortunately for these people, Orochimaru's presence only amplify that sense of uneasiness. Like a snake he is, Orochimaru enjoyed watching them squirm.

To the him the portrait gave him a sense of power, a feeling of control. Unfortunately, to those in audience with him, the feeling is like having a monster behind him yet at the same time unable to see it. It's exactly what Orochimaru wanted. Hence, what was once considered as his lair which he could abandon at anytime, it's now his throne.

As oddly as it may seem, it change him for the better. Instead of ordering his people, he now listens to them. Even if it's just to see their scared look, Orochimaru nevertheless fulfils his duty as the village's leader.

Naruto's original plan was to make something that would make his captor eat his words. Little did he know, he may had succeeded in making Orochimaru wasting over 2 months to truly see it but it met his taste. Our hero thought he could scare him but instead it was what the Sannin had wanted. The creepiness of the portrait fit his image to a T. Despite not understanding what's behind the pitch black painting, the Snake Sannin sensed a familiarity thus finally found his connection.

Once he figured out what he think it was, he only loved it more. Although he can always ask the kid, but the mysteriousness made it more meaningful. However, what Orochimaru couldn't anticipate was for his summon to find out. One day Manda appear and demanded to know what this painting is.


Apparently, some of his summons was curious about the new painting thus raised a few heads in the summon world. Eventually, the news was leaked to the boss summon. Manda knew his summoner thus it's wondering why a painting is catching his interest.

It didn't take him long to find it as it too narrowed its snake eyes.


Obviously, it's also catching its interest. Unlike its summoner, it only took it 15 minutes to see it.


Unfortunately, his summoners immediately refused him.


"!" equally surprised by his firmness, the snake re-negotiated.


"The answer is still no, Manda. The painting stays where it is."

After some more back and forth negotiation, the two finally came to an agreement. As Orochimaru says, the painting will stay but Manda can summon himself whenever he wants to see the painting.

In exchange for zero sacrifices for his service, Orochimaru also agrees to remodel the throne room to accommodate his massive size. It turns out for the better as aside from the creepy portrait, both the Sannin and his huge summon's presence only unnerve his guest more. Thankfully, Manda too saw the funny side in this whole arrangement. It's like watching the moment rats discovering they were in the same room as the apex predator.

Their expressions were amusing but its entertainment is mostly on the pitch black portrait. Despite what it looked like, Manda was surprised to find something behind that 'pitch black' veil. Like his summoner, he can only glimpse at what it think is there. However, what it saw interest him.

As the King of the Snake summon, Manda was surprised to find himself a little intimated. This in turn made it admiring the creature behind that painting. The two (Orochimaru and Manda) may not be able to see the creature clearly but that's the beauty of it. It's clear to them its what's making the creepiness stand out.

That's when the two's overall appearance starts to changing without themselves knowing. This was clearly not missed when Orochimaru meet with his fellow Sannins.

"Greetings, Jiraiya and Tsunade."

The 2 immediately knew whom that voice belongs to. However, they had yet to see him until all that smoke is cleared.

********* TIMELINE RECAP (The numbers are Naruto's rough age and month of that year along with the events)

Naruto 11, 1 months (Leaves Prison)

Naruto 12, 8 months (Chunin Exam Start)

Naruto 12, 9 months (Chunin Exam Final)

Naruto 13, 1 months (Naruto in Orochimaru's lair)

Naruto 13, 2 months (Jiraiya leave for Tsunade)

Naruto 13, 6 months (Orochimaru meeting with his fellow Sannins)

Naruto 13, 6 months (Jiraiya start seaching for Naruto)

Naruto 14, 1 months (Jiraiya finding Naruto - not decided)

These are roughly the timeline estimated for now (in this story). Just a light warning, they may still vary depending on how the story progresses. The main emphasize is, by the time Jiraiya finds him several key events would have passed. They will obviously come in form of future chapters. Since I haven't written them yet, they aren't fixed.

On another note, I may be complicating things but I want to at least write a story with some sense of logic before releasing them. Hence, when writing some of you will find that I am jumping from timeline to timeline. In a sense, what you see here is just a rough guideline. I would prefer Jiraiya to find Naruto when he's age 15 but that may seem unlikely. One main reason is, it's a little too unrealistic. So we will see.

********* Back to the Story

The smoke took a little while to settle as the two Sannins waited for their ex-teammate to show himself. It was odd because it took a little while longer, just a little to the edge of their patience. Indeed it's the Snake Sannin but before he came out they notice his eyes first. It unnerved them but they didn't release their guard.

That's when he strolls calmingly into view. He didn't just walked, from the way he move it looked like he guided into place. All in one smooth motion. Their ex-teammate is weird but this is beyond his usual standard.

Orochimaru smirked, the two would have snapped but the dangerous vibe is making them overly cautious. This was obviously not lost in the Snake Sannin's eyes. Then there's the stare, the two could not explain it but the feeling is like he's looking down on them. In terms of Strength, Tsunade can easily pulverize him.

Jiraiya too has his 'Sage Mode', therefore he too isn't short on power. Yet despite it's 2 against 1, they couldn't help but get the feeling they were the ones being cornered.

'Something's wrong?!'

Again, none of them could explain it.

Little did they know, this was all part of their teammate's strategy. His entrance may seem strange but they were all preparations to turn the field into his advantage. They were very subtle but at the same time very effective. What Orochimaru did was setting up his stage and as the result suggests, he was very successful.

"Enough of your games, Teme. Why are you here?!"

"I could ask the same of you."

Despite it's still 2 on 1, it certainly doesn't feel that way and Jiraiya's attitude shows as he sounded like a rat about to be cornered. He's already prepared to unleash his attack if Orochimaru don't start answering his question.

"Actually, I was hoping to recruit Hime to my village but I see you beat me to it."

"No way in hell, I will let you - KUCHIYOSE NO JUTSU."

Tsunade had already agreed to return to Konoha, thus she too joined the fight as she too summoned Katsuyu. However, the last to summon had triggered another smoke screen.

You can almost hear the two groan - 'Not again'. They both knew whom it is and so do Gamabunta and Katsuyu. However, like the 2 Sannins when they first encounter this phenomenon they couldn't help but drawn their eyes to the huge shadow behind all that smoke. It's sharp eyes were the first to become visible as it sent shivers down everyone's backs before revealing its glorious self.

Gamabunta couldn't help but whistle at its entrance. Nevertheless the damage is already done as the Toad Boss had unconsciously drawn his blade. Even Katsuyu is tense and she's a slug. All the summon, Manda stood tallest as it look down on them.


He isn't talking in literal sense because they all had a strange sense that's exactly what's happening now. Only Jiraiya and Tsunade marvel what happened to get their teammate like this.

'What's the teme been smoking to get him like this.' secretly wondered Jiraiya.

'He looked damn sane, that is the problem.' Tsunade too added her own two cents from a medical point of view.

Then she barked.

"Everyone look sharp. Manda looked very dangerous."

Despite it's a 4 against 2 (including summons), the 4 are the ones feeling oppressed.

"Looks like I won't be getting anything useful out of this."

"So I will retreat for now."

The other two Sannins didn't object as they watch him leave. In fact, deep down they couldn't help but breath a sigh of relieve.

Sometime after Orochimaru left, Tsunade turns to her teammate.

"Go! Jiraiya. Go to your Godson."


"I will handle the village. You go find Naruto."

********** End of Flashback

"Wait a minute, Orochimaru's strange behavior was because of you?!"

Again, his godson only stared back at him with the look. 'How the heck would I know?' Jiraiya again sweat-dropped.

"Right?! You probably wouldn't know what he was like before."

"Alright, will you stop with that stare."

Naruto said nothing but his eyes said it all. For some odd reason, Jiraiya see what he's thinking thus gaining another large sweat-drop.

'He did say he's a Sannin, perhaps they are all weird like that.'

Jiraiya almost want to yell, he's not weird but a super pervert. Sadly that would make matters worst for him.

'These Konoha ninjas are crazy!'

Again, the kid is very easy to read.

'Damn the kid is really expressive.'

The Toad Sannin thought but outwardly his express didn't change. First impression is everything, Orochimaru made his and now Jiraiya.

'No way in hell I am going with them.'

Sighing to himself, the Sannin knew then convincing him will only be harder from now on. The Fire Daimyo said to let him make his choice. It's also clear why the Daimyo say it will be difficult.