
Naruto: Overlord of Gamers: Book 3 (Butterfly Effect) By: YinShadow

Book 3 of Overlord of Gamers PS->Copy from By: YinShadow on Fanficti*n.net fanficti*n.net/s/13025352/1/Naruto-Overlord-of-Gamers-Book-3-Butterfly-Effect If you like, follow his work on the site above

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28 Chs

Chapter 16: Academy Days (and Nights)

38-48 minutos

Overlord of Gamers

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Overlord or the following tales that are shown in this tale.

A/N: Rest assured this is NOT a rewrite of the Maelstrom Overlord, this crossover has a totally different plot.

Second A/N: Co-written by Chaossonic1

Chapter 15

The Cold and Dark is all that welcomes the silver haired bastard known as Mizuki, slowly he regains conscious after being ambushed an unknown assailant in dark European medieval style armour while he attempts to sabotage Naruto Uzumaki's test results. Now he is in the cold dark, and he cannot move his arms to that he could hold his head from a migraine he now has or to rub the sleep off his eyes after Kami knows how long he's been out cold.

"Hello?" said Mizuki "Anyone here?"

"Who's that?"

"Mizuki, is that you?"

"That voice" said Mizuki as recognised that voice already. "Iruka, is that you?"

"Hai, it's me." said Iruka's voice echoing in the dark "Did they get you too?"

"What are you talking about, where are we?" said Mizuki as he tries to move but cannot, as if is wrists are stuck on something.

"I don't know, but I think we're in some sort of dungeon" said Iruka "And we aren't the only one's here."

"Who else is there?" said Mizuki

Suddenly light comes on and lights up the unknown area Mizuki and Iruka are in. The silver haired chunnin looked around and noticed a row of tick iron bars in front of him and surrounding him are stone walls with a chains screwed in and neglected skeletons in rags. Iruka is right, he is in a dungeon and each are in their own cells. Mizuki looks up to see his wrists are strapped into the wall so that he cannot move or perform handsigns to escape. Whoever captured him knows wat they were doing when it comes to imprisonment.

Mizuki's noticed that Iruka isn't the only prisoner in this unknown prison, there are also Hisashi Hyuuga, blindfolded also restrained to the wall. Ibiki Morino is gagged and heavily chained so much he might as well wear a chainmail straight jacket. Hayate Gekko look worse than ever, laying in bed with medical gear by his side so that he is kept alive in his cell. And Yugao Uzuki, huddled up in the corner of her cell, restraints around her wrist, ankles and neck while her ANBU uniform now dirty from days of incarceration.

"What is this place?" said Mizuki until he heard footsteps echoing. 5 hooded figures in armour enters the area and approach a large sloped platform which a sudden skylight beams down upon, they pull-down their hoods to expose their helmeted heads and they gather together in a circle.

"I will answer that question, Mizuki" the head Remnant of Ombré turns to Mizuki's cell and pulls out his helmet. Mizuki widen his eyes in shock to see that the Head Remnant is Iruka, but Iruka is imprisoned in a cell like he is, so how can there be 2 Iruka's. Then more shock comes for Mizuki when the Remnants remove their helmets, each bearing the faces of the prisoners in their cells. "This is the Guild of the Remnants of Ombré, the Ombré Dungeons."

"H-How is this possible?"

"The Head Remnant pulls a face at Mizuki's shock while putting his helmet one. "Seriously, out of all the amazing jutsus we learned, this is what shocks you? I thought you were the smart one in our class. Then again, that was a long time ago and the human brain does tend to lose it's knowledge through time to time. Brains of Bigots actually."

"Who are you, you are not Iruka?"

"I'm not this realm's Iruka, that is correct" said the Head Remnant "But who can tell the difference, I'm still a Chunnin of Konoha...well was from my realm, but a small difference makes no difference to be honest…which sounds confusing at first."

"Why am I here?" said Mizuki

"Isn't it obvious?" said the Head Remnant "You tried to sabotage my master's progress, then again I knew this would happen and I waited for the right moment to catch you off guard and bring you here."

"For what?" said Mizuki

The Head Remnant chuckles under his visor as he returns to his fellow Remnants.

"For the future" said the Head Remnant as the platform opens between him and the remnants and something rises to the surface. A scale of a city of Konoha, suddenly the Head Remnant pulls out a sword and strikes at the model, destroying the Hokage tower model and cutting the Hokage Mountain in half.

The Remnants then bring out candles and buckets of oil and set fire at specific spots in Konoha and watch the fires burn.

"Konoha will fall, and Ombré will rise again."

Dark Tower: Main Quarters

Naruto returns to the Dark Tower, after earning welcomes Gnarl, his servants and the other guests inside he heads for the main quarters to freshen up with a nice warm bath. The Demon Sisters are aware of their master's desires and prepared a bath for him. Steam and sweet aroma from exotic soaps fill the air in the quarters. And Scanty and Kneesocks bow to Naruto while dressed in black two piece bathing suits that mimic their dominatrix piece. Kneesocks blushes a light red on her devil red cheeks while her sister stays true to her name and showed no shame or embarrassment.

"Your bath is ready, sire" said Scanty while she approaches Naruto and tears off the offending clothes he was forced to wear back in the academy. Naruto is relieved that the orange is off his person, leaving him only his black shirt, and green boxers. But those are also torn off and both Demon Sisters lead their Overlord into the steamy waters awaiting him. Naruto sits in the bath and sighs in bliss while Scanty and Kneesocks prepare the soaps and cloths to wash him with.

Scanty swims behind Naruto, she lavish the soaps on his back and moves up to wash and massage his shoulders. Kneesocks, shy as she may be is in front of him, his strong young body in her sight, such a sight so delicious for a demoness like her to feast upon. She hesitantly caress him while she lavish the sweet soaps on him. Naruto simply enjoys this, the scent of the fragrant soaps is euphoric and drowns him in sweet bliss, now a slave to pleasure with red skinned beauties caressing him. And it didn't take long when Naomi, Naruto's NPC joins in and help the Demon Sisters wash their Master.

But sadly all good thing s must come to an end when a knock on the door is heard, the 3 servants finished washing Naruto and joined him a soak in the bath, but Scanty did provide him a bottle of Nuk'em Cola and a bowl of Ramen for him to enjoy.

"Who is it?" said Naruto while taking a gulp of Nuk'em Cola, Naomi snuggles at his side while Scanty and Kneesock relax with their cleavage buoyant in the surface.

Gnarl's voice calls out from the other side of the door, dare not to enter and disturb his master further on.

"Forgive me for intruding but you have a visitor to see you." said Gnarl

"Did you get a name?" said Naruto while he stroke Naomi's red hair and massage her left fox ear. The NPC purrs with delight as she enjoys the pleasant fingers of her master.

"He goes by the Head Remnant, Sire" said Gnarl

"Iruka" Naruto said quietly, for he might have an idea why said person is here. "Let him in"

"At once" said Gnarl "He'll see you now"

"Thank you" Iruka's voice is heard on the other side before the doors open to reveal Iruka in his Remnant Armour, his helmet is off to reveal his face to that Naruto will know it was him talking. Iruka bows to Naruto and stands by the edge of the bath. "My Lord"

"So, what can I do for you?" said Naruto

"I have the results for you" said Iruka as he pulls out a scroll, he passes it to Scanty who then gives it to Naruto. Naruto moves away from Naomi's cuddle, which she pouts in disappointment and leers at Iruka. Iruka winces at the angry red vulpine eyes of Naruto's NPC and gulps with fear and regret. "I-it would please you to know that we have also apprehended Mizuki and is now our prisoner of our Guild."

"Excellent" said Naruto before opening the scroll to see the results.

Quest Completed: Academy Entrance Exam

Quest Alert: Ninja Academy

Attend Lessons on appointed Days

Study new Jutsus

Improve on Basic Education: I.e Math, language, literature, history.

Winning Conditions:

Keep attendance at 80%

Pay attention

Stay out of Trouble

Losing Conditions:

Bad attendance below 80%

Get Detention (0/10)

Skip Class (-5% on attendance)

Get in trouble (0/15)

Get Suspended/Expelled (if detention or get in trouble is at maximum)

Reward: Choice of Teammate and Sensei.

Penalty: Get Sasuke Uchiha as Teammate and Kakashi Hatake as Sensei

Naruto looked at his new quest and grimace at how challenging is can be, school is truly the band of children and teenagers, so much obstacles to face and avoid. But Naruto likes a challenge and accepts it.

"Judging by your face that the next quest involves the first seminar" said Iruka

"Hai," said Naruto as he rolls up the results. "I'll be seeing you tomorrow then"

"Don't be late or play hooky" Iruka joked before he bows to his Master goodbye and leaves.

Naruto tosses the scroll behind him until it lands on the floor, and as Iruka leaves the room Naomi immediately glomps into him ad the Overlord accepts the returned embrace. Right now, he'll enjoy this evening before continuing his quest.

With Sakura

Sakura returns home, as she opens the door she is greeted back by her mother Mebuki, Sakura looks at her mother and smiles but noticed that her father isn't here.

"Hello dear, you do well?" Mebuki asked.

"Hai, just need to wait for the results to come" said Sakura

"And what do you think did?"

"Well, I think I done well." said Sakura "Maybe I passed in flying colours"

Mebuki smiles at Sakura and pulls her in a hug, Sakura blushes in embarrassment at first but got over it and accept it. Sakura returns the hug and both resume their embrace for a while.

"I would be prouder other way" said Mebuki "And if Tou-san disagrees, then he's a fool."

"But we shouldn't bad talk Tou-san like that." said Sakura

"You leave him to me" said Mebuki "Now clean up for supper"

"Hai" said Sakura as she rushes for her room. As she enters the room, she gasped in shock when she saw something terrifying and unexpected. Her reflection show on her wall mirror is pressing on the other side leering angrily at Sakura. And that's not all, her reflection is a monochromic negative version of herself with Kanji markings on her forehead which inscribed as "WHAT THE FUCK?!"


"Huh?" said Sakura as she is frozen in fear from the sight of her sentient reflection.

Her reflection, or her Inner Sakura if you refer groans with annoyance pounds the mirror which causes it to crack and make Sakura flinch.

"Did you forget that you need to do?"

"D-do what?" said Sakura

"What do you think? FIGHT HINATA HYUUGA!" roared Inner Sakura

"I've nothing personal against Hinata, she's a good girl."

"Her actions speak otherwise" said Inner Sakura "She's like you, but awake while you're bearly awake yourself."

"I am awake!" exclaimed Sakura

"I don't mean literally, BAKA!" exclaimed Inner Sakura, causing Sakura to flinch again. Inner Sakura snarls at the sight of Sakura flinching at herself, her own reflection. "How pathetic, and I thought Hinata was the weak and cowardly one. Here I am, finally free from that bastard's seal he placed on you and now you're still cowering at your own reflection.

Now listen up because I hate repeating myself, if you don't go out there and demand a challenge against Hinata Hyuuga, I will haunt your every dreams every night and scream in your mind until you go fucking mad. GOT IT?!"

Sakura then gets up and stands up against her inner self, suddenly her pride kicks in and comes to her reflection face to face for an equally pissed off look.

"No you listen, I will not have you threaten me like you're the boss around here." said Sakura "You're just a fragment or my subconscious and nothing else. I'll fight Hinata, but first I'm gonna have my tea and get some FUCKING SLEEP!"

After that, Sakura punches the mirror so that she will not have to see her inner self, sadly that doesn't prevent her from hearing it.

"Ha, so you do have guts after all."



"Sakura-chan, are you alright?" Mebuki's voice calls from the other side of the door. "I heard a smash."

"Just an accident with the mirror, Kaa-chan" said Sakura

"You're not hurt are you?" said Mebuki

Sakura looks at her fist, normally her hand would be covered in bleeding cuts, but no damage was occurred and the smell lingers on, this surprised Sakura but then she smiled. Especially when the smell made a smile creep up on her face

"No...I'm fine" said Sakura before leaving her bedroom.

With Hinata

Hinata returned home, not surprising that Hiashi didn't bother welcomig her as he is occupied in training her little sister Hanabi. But Hizashi welcomed her instead, and Hinata couldn't be more happy to have such a caring uncle.

Sadly their little talk is short for Hizashi has duties as a Side Branch member and Side Branch don't have social privileges that the Main Branch has. Such segregation sickens Hinata but there is nothing she can do about it...for now.

Right now she retreats to the Hyuuga Clan Crypt where she made base as a Gamer, and there the 2 Goddesses Blanc and Vert welcome her back from the final entrance exams.

"We had the pleasure watching your match, Hinata-chan and I was quite pleased with your progress" said Vert as she pulled Hinata in a loving hug. "I'm so proud of you."

"Hai, but she's got a lot to learn if she wanted to be a gamer" said Blanc crossing her arms and leaning on the wall. She may not show it but she is proud of Hinata too.

Next Day: Ninja Academy

"Welcome all to your first seminar of this academy and to your first step of Nindo" said Iruka as he starts the academy orientation to the applicants who are now academy students in the Ninja Academy.

The speech was long and getting boring for Naruto to hear, but he'll have to tolerate it since it's one of the winning conditions in this new academy quest...he is hating it already. But luckily Naruto was given a choice to chose a study buddy since he is in the top 10 to pass the entrance exams...even though he's at number 10. being last is perfect, meaning that no one will draw their attention on him given his reputation.

After the speech, Iruka dismiss them for breaktime, giving Naruto the chance to speak with Hinata. He finds her out in the yard under a tree all alone, in truth she is conversing with Madame Butterfly. Naruto smiles at Hinata and gets a slightly nervous one in return.

"You mind if I join you?" said Naruto

"No, I don't mind" said Hinata as she nervously pat on the grass, guetureing the Overlord join her.

Naruto sat next to Hinata under the tree, if got awkward for a moment until Naruto broke the silence.

Hinata-chan, since we'll be in the academy for a while, would you like to study with me?" said Naruto "It'd be beneficial for both of us when we aren't training as Gamers"

"You mean as study buddies?" said Hinata with a faint blush on her face, the idea of sitting next to Naruto daily, helping each other on studies and even arrange study dates at home when they aren't free to take quests together. "Hai...I would like that."

Narto smiled and thanked her by pulling her in a one arm hug, this causes the Hyuuga Gamer's face to turn red like a beetroot, but she tries not to faint...oh Yami does she try.

"Thank you, Hinata" said Naruto "You won't regret it."

Oh, believe me I won't thought Hinata as a trembling smile creeps on her lips and her eyes sparkle like beautiful pearls in the shining sea, filled with excitement. To her this is a dream come true.

What they now know is that they are being watched discreetly, Sakura is sitting on a bench while sneaking glances at the couple under the tree, but mostly she leers at Hinata but does not know why. As she wanted to stalk and look at Sasuke all day, seeing him is instantly short and she loses interest, she frowns at this and anger brews at such confusion.

But she remembered the words of her inner self, "fight Hinata" she said and she can understand what is so special about her and Naruto, even her newfound strength...yes she remembered her victory against Ino and it surprised her. Ino is now scared of Sakura, kept her distance and dare not provoke her.

Speaking of the Yamanaka girl, her fight did knock some sense out of her as she also lost interest in the Uchiha boy. Sometimes a little violence solves everything, and she's got the bruise on her chin and stomach to prove it.

With Sakura and Ino losing interest with the Uchiha, this gives Sasuke some peace on his own, or so he thought as he was being watched in secret by Julien and Angelica under Saigo no Ha's orders. And the Ainzworths are being watched in secret by Shirou who is blending with the crowd with a book in hand, pretending to read while in truth his eyes are directly at his enemies. Shirou smirks while keeping it hidden by the book so not to look conspicuous around everyone out in the yard and breaks his gaze on Julien and onto the book.

Lessons 1-3

Breaktime is over and all have returned to class, the first few lessons are just some basic civilian lessons such as math, language and literature. Many students aren't happy that they haven't started on learning ninjustu but Iruka stated that it's too soon. Naruto knows this, because he is getting a sense of Deja vu back from his Pre-Gamer years. Yami, he was obnoxious and impatient back then, but Naruto stayed calm for the sake of his new quest.

Luckily the lessons act out as a series of mini-games related to said first subjects. Such as solving random math problems, making words with a bunch of letters, and other brainteasing puzzles. Naruto knew that Iruka created these series of puzzles posing as basic schoolwork so not to bore his master while challenging him.

Hinata found this fun to do, brainteasing puzzles is relaxing for her when she is up to one which is a wordsearch about the names the Hearts of Yami. But they do get more difficult, especially when Naruto is now doing a Sudoku next, he can feel his brain heat up and fry from these puzzles.

But despite everything, Naruto managed to go through this intellectual torture when the bell rings for lunchtime.

Lessons 4-5

Hours of tor-er I mean hard work on the first 3 lessons have passed for our Overlord, and a nice lunch break, the true lessons now start. And unlike the horrible series of educational minigames and puzzles, the shinobi related lessons are peaceful study sessions where Iruka gives each of the students a scroll containing basic jutsus to learn, study and practice either alone or in groups. Naruto didn't mind this, especially when he has having Hinata as his study buddy to help study the selected jutsus for them to learn.

These jutsus are nothing comparing to the skills and magic Naruto has in his arsenal but he considers this a break from Overlording for a while. Plus it helps fade off the boredom and horrors of basic school education as he enjoys the company of a beautiful girl. Shirou felt lonely though and felt jealous of his future parents, what would he give to be with his beloved Sakura again. Unfortunately our future Overlord is alone in this lesson, no study buddy since no one knows who he is.

The ambiance of melancholy plays around Shirou while the area turns black and white, poor Shirou Emiya, depression hits his soul as the lack of a beautiful violet haired kōhai isn't by his side. Hinata noticed Shirou's depression and loneliness and got his attention by waving at him. Shirou saw and discreetly walk pass the column of desks to Hinata and Naruto.

"You wanna join us?" said Hinata to Shirou

"You don't mind?" said Shirou

"Shirou, we're friends, of course we don't mind" said Naruto leaning back to get comfortable and to take a break from staring at a Jutsu Scroll for too long. "If we're to survive the horrors of school life, we'll need to stay together and battle though many obstacles waiting ahead of us."

"clearly you're exaggerating, Naruto" said Shirou

"Oh trust me, you have no idea" said Naruto with a darkened yet serious expression. "I don't know what school you've been in, but this is Konoha's ninja academy and only the exceptional gets the easy path..."

And while he speaks, his eyes shifts to leer at a certain boy brooding by the window.

"...And the unwanted gets the hard path."

"But I thought the remnants got rid of Mizuki" Shirou whispered quietly so that no one can hear apart from Naruto and Hinata, no need to hide secrets from her since she already knows who Naruto is.

"Mizuki's the main issue, but there are others within the council wanted to sabotage me." said Naruto as he frowns at his desk while blindly staring at the scroll. "The Old Man means well but what's the point of being Hokage if you can't control the backstabbing council secretly plotting against me?"

Naruto looks up to Iruka who is working on his desk.

"Iruka needs to stay in character as the academy teacher to fool the council AND the Censored Justice, so the remaining issue are the other teachers. Not as dispecable as Mizuki, but can be a niusence if they decided to play hardball."

"I see" said Shirou, clearly he now understands the harshness of his future father's childhood. Most of Konoha is truly his enemy and with good reason...or bad depending on case.

Regardless, the 3 Gamers resume their education together as study buddies, the auburn haired Gamer smiles with the feeling of sweet nostalgia about his past, to be with his family again even though they are their past selves. Naruto is still young and growing in power, and Hinata is yet to make a name of herself in history.

Which will happen sooner than you think.


The final bell rings for the academy, everyone leaves the building all but Iruka, Naruto, Hinata and Shirou. The 3 Gamers hide in the toilets so that Iruka can lock up for his Master to have full access to the facilities, for him to train Hinata in the training halls.

Proper training involving weapons each in the 2 Gamer's arsenal. Naruto dons his Darkborne Gear while Hinata is dressed up in her Umbra witch bodysuit and short lavender coat. Naruto classes his Saw Cleaver with Hinata's Rebellion, both dueling in a vast area of the hall while Shirou, who insisted in helping, uses his summoned swords as projectiles for both to obstables and targets during their sparring.

Shirou never thought he'd use his personal arsenal as training targets for his future mother's Gamer training but he like the idea of it being used other than killing his enemies...especially when there is one certain target he would have the pleasure turning into a human pincushion.

The training lasts for a couple of hours unfortunately because Iruka wanted to make sre the council or worse, the Censored Justice to be oblivious of this "unauthorized" training session. The fools in Konoha and CJ no longer hold power in the village's education but they do not know that...yet.

So when Iruka reveals himself in the Hall, Naruto and Hinata knows that their private time in the academy is over, much to their dismay.

"It's time to go home now" said Naruto as he puts his Saw Cleaver away and changes from his Darkborne gear to his orange jumpsuit.

Hinata aw'ed with disappointment and pouted cutely while leering at Iruka, the poor guy flinched and backed away from the Hyuuga's anger stare. Hinata was enjoying her spar with Naruto, the thrill of the fight with her crush pumped her body with adrenaline and a heat that she does not know of yet.

Naruto chuckles at Hinata's angry pout at Iruka and patted her shoulder with reassurance.

"Do not worry, we will continue tomorrow" said Naruto "and we'll use the academy all day and night for ourselves in the weekend where it's closed.

Iruka nods to confirm his master's words, which Hinata softened her start and turns to Naruto with a little smile.

"ok" said Hinata

"We'll see you tomorrow" said Naruto "Get plenty of rest, ok?"

"Ok" said Hinata

"Shirou, can you take Hinata home, I need to speak with Iruka about something" said Naruto

"Sure" said Shirou as he doesn't mind as he knows that Naruto's got something important to do.

Hinata wanted to protest but she was already taken out of the academy by Shirou, Hinata pouted again and this time right at Shirou. The Auburn haired Overlord flinched at this and sweatdropped at his future mother's angry look.

Now I know where Hima-neechan gets it from, I thought she got it from the Uzumaki side of the family. Thought Shirou while leaving the academy with Hinata...with difficulty.

Ombré Dungeons

When Hinata left for home with Shirou, Iruka took Naruto to his guild where he connected access to from the academy. Access to the Ombré Dungeons is similar to entering the Nexus, a doorway that leads to a realm outside time and space, such as the purpose of guilds to have a breather away from their Gamer lives without wasting time.

The Remnants welcome Iruka and Naruto with a bow as the 2 walk through the door, the prisoners noticed their arrival but were shocked to see Naruto here of all places. The original Iruka rushes for the bars and tries to speak to Naruto but his voice did not reach him, that is because the cells have sound seals installed so that they disturb the Remnants within their guild. However, the sound seals works one way, while the prisoners remain silent the prisoners can hear the members of this elusive guild.

Naruto looks around and at the guild's prisoners, he figured why those specific people and chuckled at this. Then he turns to Mizuki, the silver haired bastard is completely chained up and muzzled like a feral beast, only because Iruka got annoyed at him ranting at him with inaudible curses, not even a sound seal can shut him up, you can FEEL the shouts coming out from that man, might as well gag him so he'll be silenced for good.

"Nice place, I feel at home here." said Naruto

"Well I did model it from my old barracks in Ombré, my Lord" said Iruka "You should've seen it, a sight to behold, dark gothic, terrifying, it was beautiful."

"Sounds like my kind of town" said Naruto

"Funny you should say that" said Iruka as he heads for the village model of Konoha. "It's what I am planning to make. An Overlord needs a city to rule and I don't think Konoha is ideal."

"You got that right" said Naruto "15 years of non-stop hatred and discrimination, and with no parents to love and support me."

"I know how that feels" said Iruka as he frowns at Konoha, he was orphaned during the Kyuubi attack, his parents were killed on duty and he hated the village for it. "And I just wanted to forget that horrid memory by burning the remains of it."

"Meaning Konoha?" said Naruto

"Exactly" said Iruka as stomps on the ashen remains of the model, leaving only the slashed Hokage Mountain. "It'll take a while but we the Remnants of Ombré will create for you a city that will honour the memory of my old home."

"So...where to start?" said Naruto

"Well..." said Iruka as he pulls out a model of the Dark Tower and place it in between the cracks of the broken Hokage mountain. "it's start by festering the mound of this village by destroying what they take pride on."

Naruto chuckles at this looks over at the burned Konoha model. Both Naruto and Iruka then starts on scheming their project together, making plans on how to scale his new city and how it will look.

With Hinata and Shirou

Hinata is still upset that she couldn't be with Naruto while she walks home, and Shirou understands her. Things got awkward for the 2 of them, Hinata stayed silent and Shirou had nothing to say. But that ended when Hinata broke the silence with a question.

"So how did you know Naruto?" said Hinata

Shirou was taken by the question, there are 2 versions for this questions such as how did HE know Naruto and how Naruto knows him. Only Naruto knows who he really is and doesn't want to spook Hinata with the truth of him being her son with Naruto. Can you imagine how she react to that big spoiler of life?

"It wasn't long, I just moved in Konoha and I bumped into Naruto when I was about to enroll for the academy." said Shirou "But then, we never got fully acquainted until we met at the Gates of Hell during your first performance. There he and I did our first quest, trained together and slowly became friends and only in those few days."

Hinata didn't say anything after Shirou answered her question, surprised that Shirou was a gamer like her when she first met him and was curious on how he knew Naruto as she never saw him before. And she got her answer, he was a newcomer, he doesn't know about Konoha hating Narto which is a good thing because deep down she wanted Naruto to have friends and allies inside this spiteful village.

"Oh here we are" said Shirou as he saw the Hyuuga compound in sight, he stops and makes his way home. "We'll see you tomorrow, ja ne Hinata"

"Ja ne, Shirou" said Hinata as she waves goodbye to Shirou before he leaves for home. She smiles as the auburn haired gamer walks away, she likes Shirou and yet she somehow gets a strange feeling that he knows him somewhere...but she shook it off and makes way for the compound.

Hinata was too focused on Shirou during her walk home that she didn't notice that she was followed within the shadows and blending with the crowd. Inside the group and dark were a pair of green eyes leering at Hinata like a tiger in tall grass stalking her prey. But it didn't take long now for Hinata to notice and cuts a corner and diverting her path, this forces her pursuer to hasten and catch up for Hinata. Hinata is getting away from her home and heads for the rural plains surrounded by trees and shrubberies.

The persuer enters the plains but cannot find Hinata anywhere, that is because Hinata is hiding up in the trees and with one of her pistols cocked and ready to fire. The Hyuuga girl waits and aims at her pursuer whose identity is concealed by a standard shinobi gear but without the flak jacket, hitai-ate and all bodily features hidden away apart from a pair of green eyes, and a tuft of pink hair sticking out from above.

"Damn it, I lost her" said the pursuer, green eyes shift around but cannot see Hinata anywhere… "Where is she?"


Kizashi yawns at his deck and noticed that it's getting late, he finishes off his paperwork and leaves his study for bed. As he walks across the corridor, he noticed Sakura's door is ajar and peeps over, his wife Mebuki is tucking Sakura in and kissing her forehead goodnight. Kizashi grunts with a frowns at the sleeping girl, but he believes that Mebuki managed to talk some sense into her. Sakura's first day at the academy didn't go well for her and their conversation at dinner time got out of hand.

(Flashback: Dinner Time)

Sakura returned from the Academy, but not in a good mood, she was tired and wanted to be left alone. Kizashi gave her time to calm down before dinner time which he believed to be an appropiate time to talk.

"So, how was your first day?" said Kizashi

Sakura isn't paying attention and starts playing with her food.

"Fine" said Sakura, she's not interested in what her father had to say.

"Sakura, don't be rude to your father" Mebuki scolded "He's just wondering if you're doing well."

"Sorry, just got a lot on my mind" said Sakura

"I can relate, my first time at the academy wasn't easy either" said Kizashi "Back then things were easy with neighbouring lands at war. At least we're at peace at the moment, especially when Kumo declared peace with us after many years of fighting.

"That's nice" said Mebuki

"Hai" said Sakura with an uninteresting tone until her head twitched and muttered under breath. "Sounds bloody boring if you ask me"

"What was that?" said Kizashi

"Nothing" Sakura said instantly, she mentally curses at her inner self. Shut up, you'll give us away.

"*Sigh* Fine"

Kizashi looked at Sakura for a moment, then shrugged and got back to eating, Mebuki was discreet about this, she knew what Sakura said and her lip quivered as she tries not to smirk.

"Let's us return to the first subject, did you learn anything interesting Sakura?" Mebuki "Made new friends? I heard that Ino is no longer fighting with you over Sasuke.

"I rather focus on my training, I got over that crush on Sasuke" said Sakura

Kizashi suddenly choked on his food when he heard Sakura spoke and turned to her.

"But I thought you like Sasuke, I even..."

Kizashi covered his mouth and shut up immediately, but that caught Sakura's attention.

"Even what?" said Sakura "is there something you're not telling me?"

Kizashi sighed at this and palmed his face, cursing himself for not thinking.

"I was waiting until you've grown into a fine lady or promoted to Chunnin." said Kizashi as he sighed. "Fugaku Uchiha and I made an agreement for an arranged marriage between you and Sasuke. And since you like the boy, I though it would be a nice surprise."

Sakura was shocked at this and immediately stood up in an outrage, she can feel her Inner self threatening to rant out in anger but she mentally tells her to stay out of this or risk exposing her in front of Kizashi.

"and you never thought of telling me?" said Sakura

"I thought I never had to, you developed a crush on the boy." said Kizashi

"that's what that was, just a crush. I was just a stupid little girl who was allured by how "cool" Sasuke was just because he's from a famous Clan...which I want to be honest with myself, isn't that impressive. All they can do is plagiarize other people's skills and take credit for it."

"Now you see here, young lady!" Kizashi standing up, he will not have her daughter slander the Uchiha with such disrespect. "The Uchiha Clan is one of Konoha's powerful clans during the village's founding, and I will not have you disrespect them like that.

"Then why weren't there any Uchiha Hokages?" said Sakura her left eye is twitching, she is unsure if this herself or her inner self talking...could it be both? "If I remember from history, Madara Uchiha tried to usurp the Shodai Hokage, adding controversy on our beloved Clan."

Kizashi suddenly slams his fist on the table, causing the cutlery to rattle and his cup to spill it contents.

"Alright that's it!" exclaimed Kizashi angrily at is daughter and points at the door "Straight to bed!"

Sakura said nothing and calmly leaves the table, but not before getting the last word.

"I may no longer by a fangirl to Sasuke, but you're still one for Fugaku." said Sakura "I'm surprised that you had me with Kaa-san. You and Fugaku would've make a lovely couple."

Mebuki couldn't help but chuckle at such sass, but Kizashi is not happy with it. He had idea Sakura could be so disrespectful, he wanted to show her discipline but it goes against what his political ideals and honour.

"She is grounded until the first semester" said Kizashi to Mebuki "She can only leave for the academy and nothing else."

After that Kizashi storms off, muttering about how disrespectful Sakura was. Mebuki was alone in the table with her head down which Kizashi assumed was shame.

But it wasn't.


Kizashi leans on the wall and waits for Mebuki to exit the bedroom, Mebuki knows that her husband is watching and she smiled at her.

"I talked to her, and I she'll apologise for her rude behaviour" said Mebuki

"She better, I don't understand how doe can be so disrespectful." said Kizashi

"She's growing up, and it's all confusion her at the moment" said Mebuki "All she needs is some motherly guidence."

Kizashi sighs at this and nods.

"If it helps, then I'll leave her to you" said Kizashi before pulling her into a kiss, Mebuki doesn't kiss back but doesn't resist either...it's good enough. "But she's still grounded until first semester, goodnight."

"goodnight dear" said Mebuki as Kizashi heads for bed, she turns to close Sakura's door. She shift her green eyes and whispers into the room. "Good luck, my darling."

Mebuki closes the door, moonlight shines down on the window and at the top half of the bed. Revealing that Sakura is not in bed, instead is a burlap sack with a painted face and wearing a pink wig.

End of Chapter

Level up: 38

HP: 1258500

Mana: 6554500

Rage: 5239000

Chaos: 3622500

Void: 3622500

Phazon: 10411111

Shuriken: 120

Kunai: 120

Insight: 43


Weapon: Sting

Description: An ancient Elven Short sword made of an alloy that glows blue when evil creatures are close, like an early warning before an attack is made by the enemy. This weapon has been passed down from many generations of Halfling Heroes, down from a Halfling Thief who travelled with a Dwarf Prince, to a Halfling hero who ventured through various dangers to destroy an object of pure evil. Any Halfling who possess this legendary sword is forever branded as a legend and a hero to his/her people.

Bonus Perk: Glowing blade (Long-range enemy presence)

Uchiha Katana

A Katana used by the Uchiha clansmen, forged and treated to be stronger than any blade, such like the Uchiha. Ha, such arrogance, but this weapon is indeed strong and will eventually drink in the blood of Uchihas.

Bonus Perk: Sharp (Can cause Bleed)

Demon's Scar

Description: A blade made of entirely out of flames. This chaotic thing, the last flame kindled by a demon prince, is shaped like the claw marks of a demon. It is both a fiery bladed weapon, and pyromancy flame.

Added Skill: Spin Slash – Spin to stoke a fierce chaos flame and use momentum to transition into a spinning strong attack, creating an evanescent lava chamber.

Saw Cleaver

Description: One of the trick weapons of the workshop, commonly used in the hunting business. This saw, effective at drawing the blood of beasts, transforms into a long cleaver that makes use of centrifugal force. The saw, with its set of blood-letting teeth, has become a symbol of the hunt, and only grows in effectiveness the more grotesquely transformed the beast.

Note: Only used in Darkborne Form

Censor Blade

Description: A weapon used by one of the Censored Justice's elite knights. This one was owned by Fugaku Uchiha before his timely defeat against the Gamer named Darkborne.

Bonus Perk: Censorship: Temporally disables skills and abilities.

Astor's Spear

Description: One of the curses that festered within the belly of the Great wood, and a terrible weapon favoured by Earl Astor the Impaler.

Poisoned Blade: The Spear is enwreathed in rotten, heavily poisoned meat. Defeating foes will restore HP

Shield Splitter: Take a large step forward and make a single focused thrust to puncture enemy shields and inflict damage.


Description: The sword of Yami in her personal form and can only be wielded by the champion of Yami from Planeptune.

Note: Only used with Susanoo

Abyss Greatsword

Description: A Greatsword formerly used by Artorias the Abysswalker, tainted by the darkness of the Abyss and blood of many fallen foes.

Bonus Perk: Dark Spell Boost

Note: Only used in Abysswalker form.

Gear (Darkborne)

Head: Black Goggles

Standard Ninja Mask

Hunter's Tricorn

Chest: Leather Trench coat

Mithril Chainmail

Pants: Black trousers

Iron greaves

Arm: Overlord Phazon Gauntlet

Ninja Vambrace

Gear (Abysswalker)

Head: Abysswalker Helm

Chest: Abysswalker Armour

Pants: Abysswalker Leggings

Arm: Abysswalker Gauntlet

Knucklehead Prankster Gear

Head: Green Goggles

Chest: Orange Jacket

Pants: Orange pants

Arm: N/A


Village Pariah: Passive villagers will show hostility and be easily provoked.

Wanted dead: Ninjas and civilians of Konoha will try to kill you, nothing serious but stay alert.


Blood Estus Flask

Description: A flask made of blood red crystal that contains a blood red elixir known as Blood Estus that can restore health. Its flavour is whatever the consumer wishes it to be.

Blue Primordial Gem

Description: a jewel made of blue Phazon, contains the power of Void.

Maelstrom Chain Dart

Description: A Chain Dart used by Naruto's Dimensional Counterpart, the Maelstrom Overlord, who was given by one of his teachers, Hanzo Hizashi A.K.A Scorpion.

Red Primordial Gem

Description: a jewel made of red Phazon, contains the power of Chaos.

Spawn Gem

Description: a gauntlet gem given by the Maelstrom Overlord, used for Spawn control.

White Bell

Description: A bell made of pure crystal, its sound resembles the song of Yami and summons challengers.

Key Items


Share Crystals


Slig Queen Egg

Helm of the Fourth

Strange Ring



Silver Tongue

Body Flicker


Minion Control





Spawn Control

Infantry Level 1: Militia

Ranged Level 1: Archer


Mangekyō Sharingan:


Susanoo (Incomplete)




6 Paths


Human Path

Petra Path

Origins: Darkness


Shadow form

Dark Shift

Children of Darkness


Shadow Clone Jutsu



Dark Haze Jutsu



Lightning Whip






Legendary Baka Bros

Knight Artorias


Demon Sisters: Scanty and Kneesocks


Naomi (Kyūbi)


Megami II (Izumi Uchiha): Uchiha RPG Class Gamer

? (Hinata Hyūga): Hyūga Hack n Slash Class Gamer

Yellow (Yugito Nii): Kumo Poke Trainer class Gamer

Head Remnant of Ombré (Iruka Umino): RPG class Gamer/Guild Leader of Remnants of Ombré


Magic Fire Kunai (1 Kunai and 10 Mana)

Blazing Shuriken (5 Shuriken and 10 Mana)


Hyper Mode (Requires Phazon)

Void Sword (Requires Void)

Void Projection

Void Rasengan (Infuse Rasengan with Void Phazon)

Chaos Claws (Requires Chaos)

Chaos Bomb

Chaos Rasengan (Infuse Rasengan with Chaos Phazon)


Land of Fire

Fire Temple