

Word Count: 1005

[A:N]: Sorry for no chapters last few days, I have been busy with a few things irl and have not had a chance to write this chapter. And I guess I will do what other authors are doing because why not i dont know, every 15 power stones this novel gets until Sunday, I will post an extra chapter (This will be an extra chapter not required for normal schedule.) I will try to post another chapter today, if not I will do 2 tomorrow (and if we get the power stones goal i guess more than 2)

[A:N]: Please tell me what you think and any ideas for the MC to do sense he does not want to be bored.


-Konoha ROOT-


As soon as everyone in the ROOT heard that, everyone froze.

'What? Who said that? Why can't I move?' Thinks Danzo, as he starts getting worried and mad. 'WHY CANT I MOVE?!'

*tap tap tap*

As they all hear footsteps getting closer, they see a young man with pinkish red hair, shining golden eyes, with crystal earrings and a red hoodie strapped to his waist.

"How dare you touch him?" Asks the young man, as he walks up to Danzo and looks him in the eye. "How dare you?"

After the young man says that, Danzo was suddenly able to move and speak and immediately gets some distance and asks. "Who are you?"

"You may call me Yasu, but tell me, Danzo, what made you think you could touch this young boy?" Says Yasu, as he glares at Danzo.

"What I do does not concern you, and from the looks of things you are not even from Konoha... capture him!" Says Danzo, as he tells the ROOT members to capture Yasu.

After nothing happens, Danzo looks around and sees his men still frozen and looks even more confused.

"What did you do?! Release them now!" Yells Danzo, as he suddenly has a bad feeling.

"I did not give them permission to move, that is why they are stuck there... sense you tried to touch something of mine, I will do the same thing to you." Says Yasu, as what he does next shocks Danzo to his core.


As if obeying his command, every single ROOT member explodes into pieces, as he shields Kenji from the body parts.

"YOU!" Yells Danzo, as he immediately tries to run and then says. "You will regret this!"

"And who said you could go?" Says Yasu, as he creates a barrier with his Authority, surrounding the room they were in so no-one could escape or interfere.

"Sense I can't leave, I will just kill you!" Yells Danzo, as he runs towards Yasu and preforms a Ninjutsu. "Wind Style : Great Breakthrough!"

As the Ninjutsu approaches Yasu, he simply raises his hand and clenches it, and the Ninjutsu vanishes from existence.

'How is he doing that?!' Thinks Danzo, as he tries to think of a way out of this situation. 'I do not recognize who he is but he is so powerful... maybe if I bait him into thinking he killed me and I use Izanagi.'

After Danzo thinks of that, he immediately starts to fight Yasu with Taijutsu.

"This is really boring, I wouldn't have went after you get if you didn't decide to touch someone under my protection" Says Yasu, as he grabs Danzo by the neck and slams him into the ground.

"Under your protection? What makes you think you can put a Konoha ninja under your protection?" Asks Danzo, as he looks at Yasu with hatred.

"Simply because I want to, who will stop me? You? Please, a kitten as a higher chance of that than you." Says Yasu, as he looks at Danzo with disgust remembering everything about Danzo from when he watched the Naruto anime.

After Danzo hears that, he could feel that something snapped inside him and yells. "I WILL KILL YOU!"

"Sure you will..." Says Yasu, as he snaps Danzo's neck and throws him onto the ground.

After a moment of waiting, Yasu sees what he was waiting for and he does a quick 180 and grabs Danzo's neck again as he sees Danzo with a Kunai trying to stab him from behind.

'What?!' Thinks Danzo, with a surprised expression.

"You think I don't know about that Jutsu? I already know about the Sharingan you have." Says Yasu, as he shakes his head.

"And what are you going to do about it? I'm immortal with this Jutsu." Says Danzo, as he tries' to bluff his way out.

"Yes, until you run out of Sharingan... but you know that is just a child's game to me, Here let me remove all the Sharingan in your arm for you." Says Yasu, as he snaps his finger and continues. "And that should do it, you no longer have any Sharingan in your arm."

After Yasu says that, he drops Danzo to the ground to let him see for himself.

As soon as Danzo lands on the ground, he unwraps his arm in a frenzy and sees all the empty slots where his Sharingan was.

"How..." Mutters Danzo, as he starts to realize he is fighting an undefeatable opponent.

"I just chose that they shouldn't exist." Says Yasu, as he looks at Danzo, waiting to see what he will do next.

'Maybe...' Thinks Danzo, as he gets up and looks at Yasu. "I'm not done yet."

"Hmm?" Hums Yasu.

After a second of hesitation, Danzo immediately runs to Yasu and tries to stall by using Taijutsu, as he unwraps his other eye.

As Yasu sees what he is doing, he decides to make Danzo feel even more hopeless as he decides to let Danzo use that Sharingan to try to rewrite his will.

"Kotoamatsukami!" Yells Danzo, as he meets Yasu's eyes.

After Danzo, uses his ability, Yasu can feel something trying to change something in him but does not succeed sense he is the true god of the world, but he decides to give Danzo a false sense of victory to shatter him, and looks down as if it worked.

"YES!" Says Danzo, as he looks at Yasu with an excited look. "I got such a powerful tool!"

As Danzo was approaching Yasu to get his revenge, Yasu suddenly moves extremally quickly and grabs Danzo's neck again.

"Nice try, but that wont work on me." Says Yasu, as he looks at Danzo with a grin.

"HOW?!? THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" Yells Danzo, as he starts breaking down and goes crazy. "THIS SHOULDNT BE POSSIBLE!!"

"Haha, well it would be a shame if you died like this... Ah I have an idea, lets do this..." Mutters Yasu, as he prepares to use his Authority for something.

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