
Naruto: My Wife is Tsunade

Haruki travels to the world of Naruto and becomes Tsunade's boyfriend. This world is plagued by endless wars, with crazy geniuses persistently being eccentric. For Tsunade's goal of becoming Hokage, Haruki awakens the Favorability Romance System. Thus, a special change quietly occurs in the ninja world. A high-speed railway is built between Sunagakure and Konohagakure, boosting economic trade. Minato Namikaze leads the commoners of the Land of Fire to rise, and a wave sweeps across the ninja world. The awakened Mikoto Uchiha punches Sasuke and kicks Itachi, restoring her mother's glory. Under the concept of science, Orochimaru studies the essence and origin of chakra. The Hyuga clan picks up Gatling guns with explosive tags, and with their Byakugan, they wreak havoc. ------------------------------------------------------- ORIGINAL: 我的老婆是木叶纲手 AUTHOR: 枯水歌者 ------------------------------------------------------- This is a translation of a Chinese Web Novel, with minor changes in some parts of the original story. -------------------------------------------------------

FakeSmile13 · Cómic
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142 Chs

Chapter 141

After leaving the black market, Kakuzu remained silent.

Once again, he experienced Haruki's maliciousness.

Luckily, he was already well-established. Otherwise, this black market reform would certainly reduce his income.

"Where are you going?"

After a while, Kakuzu noticed something unusual and couldn't help but ask.

Haruki wasn't heading towards the inn.

Judging by the direction, it seemed they were heading towards the edge of the Land of Water.

Could it be... he was going to kill him for knowing his business secret?

"To Fujiwara Island."

Hearing this, Kakuzu immediately sighed in relief but then shook his head.

Fujiwara Island, the nameless island where Lord Fujiwara was last seen according to legend.

After that, he disappeared into the vast ocean, never to be seen again.

In other words, there couldn't be any treasure on Fujiwara Island.

Kakuzu, seizing a rare opportunity, snorted and said:

"Don't waste your time. Fujiwara Island, though an uninhabited deserted island, has been visited countless times since the legend of Fujiwara's treasure. What you think is a quiet path is actually bustling with people."

Haruki glanced at him, a bit surprised.

Unexpectedly, you can speak such profound truths.

Feeling uncomfortable under his gaze, Kakuzu frowned and said, "Don't you understand this simple truth?"

"Of course, I understand."

Haruki smiled without refuting him. "But our goal is to create another treasure."

Kakuzu was stunned, recalling Haruki's plan discussed with the black market leader, and immediately understood.

"So, you want to fake Fujiwara's treasure and the story of One Piece?"


"But are you sure people will believe in the One Piece story you fabricated?"

"Under normal circumstances, they wouldn't. But what if someone finds a Chakra Fruit in Fujiwara's treasure?"


Kakuzu blurted out without thinking.

He had never heard of a Chakra Fruit in his long life.

If consuming it could grant bloodline limits, it would have caused chaos in the shinobi world long ago. There was no need for Haruki to stir things up.

"Never say impossible so easily."

Haruki leaped into the sea.

Kakuzu quickly followed.

They walked on water.

"Do you know what the various ninja clans in Kirigakure want most?"

Haruki slowed down to walk alongside Kakuzu.

"What? Money?"

Kakuzu hesitated for a moment before answering.

Though ninjas seem like a high-end profession, they essentially earn money through mission rewards.

"You're not wrong, but Kirigakure's bloodline clans mostly desire a cure for the Bloodline Disease."

In the original story, many ninjas died from the Bloodline Disease, and some clans were even wiped out because of it.

For instance, Kimimaro's Kaguya clan.

Kakuzu instinctively wanted to say it was nonsense.

No one had ever cured the Bloodline Disease.

But remembering Haruki's earlier words, he remained silent.

"If we claim that consuming the first Chakra Fruit can grant bloodline limits and the second can cure the Bloodline Disease, what do you think will happen?"


Kakuzu envisioned the scenario and felt they might fail.

If they did, Haruki could easily escape with the Flying Thunder God Technique, but what about himself?


He suddenly felt like turning back and running away.

"Of course, now we need to prove the existence of Fujiwara's treasure and the effect of the Chakra Fruit."

Haruki stopped and used a teleportation jutsu to land on the shore.

He surveyed the area.

It was a small island, about the size of a football field.

As Kakuzu mentioned, there were several man-made pits.

Haruki thought of lottery tickets from his previous life.

Despite the low winning probability, people kept buying them daily.

Just for that elusive chance.

Treasure hunting was similar.

What if they struck it lucky?

Everyone had a hopeful mindset.

Otherwise, why would the most profitable games in his past life often include card-drawing features?

"How do we modify it?"

Kakuzu stood in front of Haruki, understanding his fate.

Labor work.

Sigh, there's no escape. Might as well see if he can enjoy it.

"A labyrinth."

Haruki didn't hesitate.

Mentioning treasure naturally brought up labyrinths.

In various games from his past life, labyrinths were a classic element.

He planned to transform Fujiwara's treasure into a complex labyrinth filled with dangers and opportunities.

Brave adventurers, after battling their way through, would reach the ultimate treasure.

Which was, supposedly, the Chakra Fruit.

Of course, consuming it would have no effect.

Haruki's plan was to select a lucky person, build a rapport, and then directly grant them an ability.

According to the system, the minimum requirement was a favorability of 60.

Which wasn't particularly hard.

Equivalent to being slightly familiar friends.

Helping out a few times in the labyrinth should suffice.


Kakuzu pondered, "Doesn't that contradict the legend? Besides, Fujiwara's treasure should be in the depths of the ocean."

"Legends are legends, and facts are facts. When legends and facts differ, people will find reasons to prove the facts are true."

Haruki started making hand seals, summoning nearly a thousand shadow clones in front of Kakuzu.

"Moreover, with benefits at stake, who cares about the authenticity of legends? Enough talk, let's get to work."

Kakuzu gaped.

Such insane chakra levels!

He knew what shadow clones were.

Too absurd!

Typically, a ninja could manage dozens of shadow clones at most.

Over a hundred meant they were among the top jonin.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Kakuzu dazed, Haruki said, "We don't have much time. Let's hurry."

"...I know."

Kakuzu sighed, obediently creating five hundred shadow clones.

That was his limit.

Any more and his body couldn't handle it.


While Haruki and Kakuzu acted as foremen, the story of One Piece spread through the Land of Water from unknown sources.

At first, no one paid attention, dismissing the Chakra Fruit as nonsense, but the rumor spread more widely, bolstered by messages from the black market.

They referred to the Seven Ninja Swordsmen as the Shichibukai and several high-ranking officials of Kirigakure as admirals.

Coincidentally, an elder in Kirigakure with a status equal to the Third Mizukage was named Marshal.

With increasing rumors, some people began to believe.

Two weeks later, Kirigakure's S-class rogue ninja Chiba Kaketsuki, after robbing an island, declared himself one of the Four Emperors.

According to island residents, Chiba Kaketsuki obtained a map of Lord Fujiwara's treasure.

Suddenly, the Land of Water was in turmoil, with countless ninjas embarking on treasure hunts.