
Naruto: My Wife is Tsunade

Haruki travels to the world of Naruto and becomes Tsunade's boyfriend. This world is plagued by endless wars, with crazy geniuses persistently being eccentric. For Tsunade's goal of becoming Hokage, Haruki awakens the Favorability Romance System. Thus, a special change quietly occurs in the ninja world. A high-speed railway is built between Sunagakure and Konohagakure, boosting economic trade. Minato Namikaze leads the commoners of the Land of Fire to rise, and a wave sweeps across the ninja world. The awakened Mikoto Uchiha punches Sasuke and kicks Itachi, restoring her mother's glory. Under the concept of science, Orochimaru studies the essence and origin of chakra. The Hyuga clan picks up Gatling guns with explosive tags, and with their Byakugan, they wreak havoc. ------------------------------------------------------- ORIGINAL: 我的老婆是木叶纲手 AUTHOR: 枯水歌者 ------------------------------------------------------- This is a translation of a Chinese Web Novel, with minor changes in some parts of the original story. -------------------------------------------------------

FakeSmile13 · Cómic
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142 Chs

Chapter 111

After breakfast the next day, Haruki anticipated the long-awaited showdown.

Uchiha Mikoto vs. Namikaze Minato.

However, to his disappointment, Mikoto did not use the abilities of her Mangekyō Sharingan.

Haruki glanced at Uzumaki Kushina, who was cheering someone on from the side. He suspected that Kushina had said something to Mikoto last night, as the previously angry Mikoto had returned to her usual self. Otherwise, how could they be so harmonious?

But without the imagined scenario of Mikoto beating up Minato, what was the point?

Haruki sighed.

He was already bored of their regular sparring. Even though Mikoto's chakra had greatly increased due to the Mangekyō Sharingan, Minato's Flying Thunder God technique was too OP. Uchiha's fire jutsu and ninja tools couldn't threaten him, making it similar to yesterday's fight between Minato and Deiku. Despite Minato being vulnerable to a single hit, he remained untouchable. His combat ability allowed him to sneak in a Rasengan during jutsu hand signs and releases, making it hard to defend against.

The sparring ended with Minato's chakra depleted, which Haruki found unsurprising. A ninja's peak strength is around twenty years old, with physical abilities, chakra reserves, combat experience, and jutsu all at their peak. Minato hadn't reached that age yet.

"Minato, how do you feel?" Haruki asked, glancing at the panting Minato and then at the calm Mikoto.

"My moves are completely exposed to her Sharingan," Minato said, recalling the battle scenes with lingering fear. Previously, Mikoto could keep up with his speed, but not to this exaggerated extent. If not for Flying Thunder God, his attacks might have been ineffective.

Haruki nodded slightly. The Sharingan was indeed this unfair. The world of Naruto was also known as the world of eye ninjas for a reason.

"Let's go to the military camp," Haruki said, performing a hand seal. Light green medical ninjutsu eased Minato's fatigue.

"Thank you, Sensei." Minato sighed in relief, dusting off his clothes. Then he remembered that today's sparring was Haruki's idea and grumbled internally.

Haruki didn't know what his student was thinking. He casually found a guard in the palace to lead them to the outskirts of the metropolis. There stood a massive military camp surrounded by tall wooden fences. The Daimyo had conscripted ten thousand civilians. But Haruki was slightly disappointed when he saw them. Although their clothes were intact, their physical conditions varied greatly: tall, short, fat, thin. Many were malnourished.

Haruki understood that the Land of Fire's standing army was small due to the enormous costs. Most of the military were semi-agricultural, farming in peacetime and summoned with basic equipment as cannon fodder during war. Naturally, the Daimyo was reluctant to provide Minato with well-trained standing troops for the new army.

Haruki had anticipated this and quickly adjusted his mindset. The people's army naturally comes from the people. He surveyed them, noting their mostly fearful expressions. In feudal times, military service often meant uncertain life and death, with years or even decades away from home. Haruki didn't deliver a motivational speech, as there was no need; they wouldn't understand. Likely, none of them had received a formal education, and literacy was rare.

"Minato," Haruki stepped back, leaving Minato to handle it. The recruits finally realized Minato was their instructor or commander, causing a stir. Minato looked too young, like a child in their eyes. But without saying anything, Minato demonstrated by blowing a large fireball and conjuring a huge storm, silencing the crowd. No one objected.

Minato recalled Haruki's advice and started with the first task: organization. He divided them according to the standards: ten people per squad, thirty per platoon, one hundred per company, three hundred per battalion, one thousand per regiment, three thousand per brigade, and ten thousand per division. This took two days, mainly because selecting officers was challenging. Fortunately, Mikoto's Sharingan was helpful, exposing people's deepest thoughts, allowing them to reluctantly choose some suitable individuals.

The second task was formation training and military posture. Faced with these strange exercises, enthusiasm was low. Minato's strategy was simple: better food for those who completed training. For the often hungry civilians, this was very effective. Formation training significantly improved discipline and compliance, achieving good results within a week. It was reminiscent of Haruki's military training in college in his previous life. Inspired, Haruki also ordered evening entertainment activities to foster camaraderie, even if most performed poorly. They now had hope.

Seeing the new army's training on track, Haruki prepared to leave, giving Minato one last task: selecting a group to use the Heavenly fire weapons, with the sole criterion being a certain level of red ideology. How to teach them was up to Minato.

Haruki and Mikoto returned to Konoha, while Kushina stayed in the Fire Nation's metropolis, claiming she wanted to play a few more days. Minato assured Haruki he'd bring Kushina back safely. Haruki could only think, youth is wonderful. With the diamond kunai he left with Kushina, any life-threatening danger would trigger it.

"I want to spar with Fugaku again," Mikoto called out to Haruki at the crossroads of Konoha's streets, "Sensei, please stay."

"Will you use the Mangekyō Sharingan?" Haruki stopped, intrigued.

"Yeah, before Fugaku is too influenced by the radical clansmen, I want him to delve deeper into Sensei's teachings," Mikoto said seriously. She had long wanted to do this but hadn't been strong enough to convince Fugaku.

"Alright," Haruki thought of her saying the ability had significant burdens. He could check the side effects and, if severe, limit her usage. He might also transplant cells from Hashirama to her, though it would only delay blindness. The only permanent solution was the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, achieved in the original story by Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Sasuke through transplanting their brothers' Mangekyō Sharingan. However, Mikoto had no siblings.

Suddenly, Haruki thought of Uchiha Fugaku. Could it work between spouses?