
Naruto: My Unique System

Sakamoto Tatsuma found himself transmigrated as a war orphan in the world of Naruto, where he quickly realized his seemingly limited potential to become a ninja. Just as hope began to wane, an unexpected invitation arrived, inviting him to join the ninja academy, accompanied by a surprising sound. [Ding! The system has awakened!] Upon careful experimentation, he discovered that his system bestowed him with attributes through challenging and defeating others, be it in training, consuming food, or engaging in games. Victory allowed him to continually enhance his potential and even extract unique talents from those around him! Space-time talent! Ninja Tool Throwing talent! Sensory Talent! Gradually, the once seemingly untalented boy, destined for a bleak future, started unveiling boundless potential! ---- You can get advanced chapters on my Patreon patreon.com/HellGolt

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267 Chs

Chapter 41: Reporting To The Hokage

Tatsuma and Minato could hardly believe it when an unexpected gust of wind played a crucial role in them passing the examination in a somewhat bewildered state. Perhaps it wasn't just the wind; Orochimaru seemed almost eager to find a reason to advance them.

Despite the imperfections in their displayed abilities, there might be a few gaps to bridge before attaining Chunin status. Nevertheless, when it comes to mere graduation, they prove more than competent. In the end, it appeared Orochimaru's intention was to push their limits and assess their true potential.

The following day, the pair adorned with their Konoha Ninja headbands found themselves ushered to a photography studio by Sarutobi Atoma. There, the unmistakable click-clack sound accompanied the capture of their imposing headshots, followed by a visit to acquire new ninja tools.

To be honest, amidst the passing days and after the skirmish with Orochimaru, Tatsuma had almost entirely overlooked the ninja tools promised by Sarutobi Atoma. Were it not for the reminder from Sarutobi Atoma, it might have slipped his mind entirely.

A subsequent day unfolded. After completing breakfast post-morning exercises, Tatsuma pondered the morning's training regimen when he noticed the entrance of an ANBU Ninja donning a mysterious mask into his apartment.

"Sakamoto Tatsuma!"

The ANBU Ninja lowered his voice, rendering his original tone indiscernible. Tatsuma noted a few familiar features about the mysterious figure but refrained from dwelling on his identity. He simply nodded and replied, "Yes."

"Here's your Ninja registration certificate. Please report to the Hokage Tower at your earliest convenience."


Tatsuma nodded, accepting the Ninja registration certificate from the ANBU Ninja's hand. As he glanced at the photo on the certificate, a tinge of regret washed over him. Why hadn't he utilized Chakra Control to style his hair better before taking the picture?

Disheveled like a clump of moldy, sun-dried seaweed, his two eyes appeared unfocused, and the iconic smile was noticeably absent. The photo was an outright failure!

Lost in his momentary distraction, Tatsuma snapped back to reality only to discover that the ANBU Ninja had vanished without a trace, leaving no indication of their presence in the room.

With such skill on display, it wouldn't be an overstatement to declare it ten times more potent than Jiraiya's.

Undeterred, Tatsuma didn't immediately make his way to the Hokage's office. Instead, he opted for a shower, changed into fresh clothes, and meticulously blow-dried his hair with a cool breeze, attempting to restore order to the unruly mess as much as possible.

Only after securing the Ninja headband and clutching the Ninja registration certificate did he make his way towards the Hokage Tower. Upon reaching the tower's base, Tatsuma noticed Minato shivering in the chilly breeze beneath the lingering spring frost.

"How long have you been here?" Tatsuma inquired. Minato sniffled and replied, "Just about an hour."

"After sweating it out and enduring this cold wind, aren't you afraid of catching a cold?" Observing that Minato hadn't even changed his clothes, Tatsuma surmised that this determined individual must have received the order and hastily rushed to the Hokage Tower, still clad in his gear.

Tatsuma wasn't as gullible as Minato. He knew that this early in the morning was when the Jonin class conducted their meetings, and occasionally, one could catch Sarutobi Hiruzen delivering lectures downstairs.

During this time frame, the Ninjas inside the Hokage Tower hadn't yet commenced their daily tasks, and some hadn't even returned to their posts. It was unrealistic to expect them to spare time to receive Tatsuma and Minato and meet with the Hokage.

Minato sniffled once more and admitted, "The ANBU Ninja-sama told me to hurry, so I didn't think too much about it."

Tatsuma shook his head and advised, "When you return today, brew some ginger honey tea. Also, remember to sleep with an extra blanket to avoid catching a cold on your first day as a Ninja."

"I understand."

Minato nodded, appreciating Tatsuma's concern. Suddenly, the chill seemed to subside. Tatsuma cast a glance at the Hokage Tower, noting that no one had emerged yet. He touched his own headband and remarked,

"Minato, it appears that as a Ninja, you can choose the style of your headband. Would you like to change yours?"

"I think it's fine as it is. Do you want to change yours?"

Minato felt a tad perplexed. After all, wearing the headband on the forehead in the standard way was the most traditional approach. While alternative styles or methods were permitted as long as the symbol remained visible, Minato still held the belief that the standard way was the most optimal.

Tatsuma nodded, gesturing towards his own hair, and remarked, "My hair is too fluffy. If I wear the headband on my forehead, the section pressed down by the strap will leave looking liek a pineapple"

Minato observed Tatsuma's demonstration as he circled around and nodded in understanding. "I see. So where do you plan to wear it? Around your neck? Many Ninjas wear it that way; it can also provide protection for the throat."

"No, that's like donning a turtleneck sweater, right? I've never been a fan of turtleneck sweaters."

Tatsuma decisively shook his head, dismissing the notion of wearing it around his neck. Wouldn't that be too itchy? After pondering for a moment, Tatsuma suggested, "I'm considering wearing it on my arm or as a belt, so it won't impact my agility."

"Wearing it on the arm is a smart choice, but it might limit movement and make it challenging to exert force. You'd have to secure it with elastic bandages. And as for using it as a belt, do you think that might be a bit indecent?"

Minato pondered for a moment and shared his perspective. Tatsuma, lost in contemplation, nodded in agreement. Wearing the headband around the waist did indeed seem indecent, particularly when interacting with Ninjas from other villages.

While Ninjas had vests like Chunin and Jonin vests adorned with village insignias, they didn't always wear them on a daily basis. Consequently, when encountering Ninjas from other villages, the most practical means of identification was through the headband.

If one used the headband as a belt, then during interactions with Ninjas from other villages, they would need to glance at their waist to identify themselves. It might be acceptable when facing female Ninjas from other villages, but if it was a male Ninja...

Tatsuma shivered at the thought, convinced that only Might Guy and Rock Lee, two relentlessly passionate Ninjas, could endure such scrutiny. He decided it was not his style.

"Let's go with the arm. I'll buy some elastic bandages when we get back."

As the two deliberated on high-quality Ninja outfits, a Jonin with a cheerful smile approached them and said, "Sakamoto Tatsuma, Minato Namikaze?"

"Yes." x2

Unacquainted with the Jonin, they both saluted and replied with a simple "yes,". The Jonin didn't provide much information either, stating, "Please follow me. Hokage-sama is already waiting."

Following the Jonin into the Hokage Tower, they reached the Hokage's office. The Jonin knocked on the door, received a "come in" from inside, and then opened the door, signaling the two to enter. As he left, he closed the door behind them.

"Tatsuma, Minato."

"Hokage-sama." x2

The two saluted and addressed Sarutobi Hiruzen. He waved his hand, saying, "You can stand up; no need to be too formal."

After the two stood up, Sarutobi Hiruzen continued, "I'm sure you both know the reason I called you here today. I won't waste much time on words. Your team leader, for now, will be Jiraiya. You should be familiar with him, but this is temporary, as you are only a team of two. There may be changes in the team in the future. Do you understand?"

Upon learning that Jiraiya would be leading the team, Tatsuma let out a slight sigh of relief. He nodded along with Minato and said, "Understood." x2

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded, then turned to the side, saying, "Jiraiya, are you satisfied with your two subordinates?"

The two followed Sarutobi Hiruzen's gaze and only then noticed that Jiraiya had been standing there with a cheerful smile, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. He nodded and said, "If possible, I'd even like to take both of them as my disciples."

Upon hearing Jiraiya's words, Minato happily smiled, but Tatsuma discerned a hint of significance in Jiraiya's statement.


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