
Naruto: My Hunting System

I previously posted this fanfic and am currently rewriting it. Also, English is not my native language, so some parts might be confusing to read. ---- Waking up in the body of Nawaki Senju, a ninja student, I was only one year away from graduating and becoming a genin. The fact that it had been 3 years since the second ninja war started made the original Nawaki eager to graduate as soon as possible to pursue his big dream: to become Hokage! However, even though I retained Nawaki Senju's memories, I was no longer the same person. --- My Discord: https://discord.gg/wTzSM3mPD6 My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Tozoku

Tozoku · Cómic
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71 Chs

Chapter 67: Hidden Feelings

Nawaki and Tsunade were meticulously preparing for an important mission, each ensuring they had all the necessary equipment for the task. Nawaki wore a dark green shirt adorned with the Senju Clan symbol on its sleeves and back, along with black pants and ninja sandals. He placed a headband on his forehead, displaying the Konoha symbol. Wielding his Tang sword, Nawaki's blade was sharp with an upward-curved tip, reminiscent of a kunai. The sword was proportional to his size, and the handle featured a ring suitable for an adult's finger, allowing Nawaki to hold it with firmness and control.

Meanwhile, Tsunade was also meticulously preparing for the mission, ensuring she had all the necessary equipment. She wore a red hooded cloak with the Konoha symbol on the back, a white top, black pants, and combat sandals. Before departing, Tsunade organized her medical kit and ninja supplies, making sure she had everything to deal with injuries and other emergencies. She carried various weapons, including kunais and shurikens.

Tsunade walked with determination and self-confidence, demonstrating her impressive natural leadership. Her striking presence inspired respect and trust in people.

Although it was a fake mission, considering that Danzo was actually sealed in the statue of the Third Hokage and the trail they were following was something created by Nawaki, it was important to maintain an image and not raise suspicion.

Soon, both set out together towards the courtyard, where they met Kushina.

Kushina, wearing an orange or red mesh shirt with the Uzumaki Clan emblem - a red spiral with a white mark in the center - was ready for the mission. Her high collar covered her neck, while her tight black pants allowed for a wide range of movement. She wore durable and sturdy ninja sandals, and the white belt around her waist served as support for her ninja pouch, which contained kunais, shurikens, and other essential equipment.

"Let's go, Hikari and Kushina must already be at the location," Tsunade said firmly.

"Yes," - "Yes dattebane!" Nawaki and Kushina agreed and moved forward.

They quickly reached the village's exit gate, where they found Hikari and Mikoto, also ready for the mission. Hikari had dark blue loose hair and a delicate, gentle appearance, with fine, soft features and fair skin. She wore a uniform that included a light blue, sleeveless shirt with the Hyuga Clan symbol, a high collar, and a waistband, tight black pants, high boots, ninja sandals, and her Konoha headband around her neck. Hikari carried a ninja pouch attached to her waist, containing kunais and shurikens.

Mikoto, with her long black hair and intense black eyes, wore a uniform consisting of a dark blue shirt with the Uchiha symbol on the back, black pants, and ninja sandals. Her Konoha headband adorned her forehead, and a ninja pouch tied to her waist stored kunais and shurikens.

Together, they set off towards the Land of Water, their mission being to follow the trails of 'Danzo'. The determination and focus of the five ninjas were palpable as they advanced through the trees and terrain.



They had been traveling for hours and finally decided to take a break to rest before continuing. They found a suitable place and created a tent with earth jutsu.

At some point, Nawaki was alone with Hikari.

The two sat in silence for a moment, taking deep breaths and enjoying the tranquility of the environment. Hikari was a bit nervous.

Nawaki, noticing her shyness, decided to start a conversation. He began to talk about his dreams and goals in life, and Hikari listened attentively, admiring his determination.

She began to feel something different inside her, a feeling she couldn't explain. She had always admired Nawaki, but she was realizing that her feelings were deeper than she had thought.

Nawaki, noticing the change in atmosphere, looked into Hikari's eyes and said, "You are an incredible ninja, Hikari. I have always admired you."

Hikari felt her face blush, unsure of how to react. She had always had a crush on Nawaki, but never imagined he felt the same about her.

Hikari's heart raced when she heard Nawaki's words. She knew he was a strong and determined ninja, but she never imagined he admired her so much.

Their eyes met and she saw the sincerity in his eyes. She wanted to throw herself into his arms and express all her feelings, but she was too nervous.

Nawaki noticed her hesitation and decided to act. He approached slowly, being careful not to scare her, and gently held her hands.

"You don't have to say anything, I just wanted you to know," he said, smiling at her.

Hikari felt a warmth take over her body as she felt Nawaki's hand in hers. She looked at him and saw the passion in his eyes. She knew he felt something for her, and she felt the same.

She approached slowly and kissed Nawaki's lips, feeling a strong and undeniable connection between them. She wanted to tell him how much she loved him, but at the moment, words were not necessary.

Hikari was so moved by the kiss that she felt her whole body tremble. Her feelings for Nawaki were intense, and now that he had reciprocated her feelings, she didn't know how to deal with it all.

She slowly moved away from the kiss and looked into Nawaki's eyes, seeing surprise and concern on his face. But before she could say anything, she fainted.

Nawaki smiled ironically as he approached Hikari and delicately supported her. He sighed, as if he had been expecting it. His eyes were fixed on Hikari's face.

Kushina, who had returned before them, saw the scene and her eyes widened in shock. She didn't know how to react to that, so she covered her mouth with her hands, trying to contain her surprise and worry. Her eyes moved from Nawaki to Hikari, trying to understand what was happening.

Nawaki picked up Hikari in his arms, like a prince carrying his princess, and started walking towards the tent carefully so as not to hurt her. Hikari was unconscious, looking fragile and vulnerable in his arms. He held her firmly, but gently, as if she were a valuable and precious piece that needed to be treated with care.

Upon arriving at the tent, Nawaki carefully laid Hikari down on the makeshift bed they had set up. He adjusted the blankets around her and stayed there, watching her for a moment.

Meanwhile, Kushina watched the scene with a mix of curiosity and concern. She could feel the romantic tension between Nawaki and Hikari before, but wasn't sure whether to get involved or remain silent. She decided to stay there and watch, trying to understand what was happening and how she could help.

Nawaki was well aware of Kushina's presence there, and he knew she had seen everything that happened. He had noticed her shocked expression when he found her near Hikari, and knew she had seen the kiss between him and Hikari before the ninja fainted.

However, Nawaki didn't seem too concerned about Kushina's presence there.

He had his own plans...

As she watched Nawaki caring for Hikari, Kushina began to feel a strange sensation in her heart. It was a mix of admiration, jealousy, and a confused feeling she couldn't clearly identify.

She placed her hand on her chest, feeling her heart beating faster than normal. Her face started to blush intensely, starting from her face and spreading to her neck and ears.

Kushina wondered why she was feeling this way. She knew Nawaki was a strong and attractive ninja, but she had never considered having romantic feelings for him. However, seeing him care for Hikari with such dedication and affection, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy and desire.

She shook her head, trying to dismiss these thoughts.

Moments later, Tsunade and Mikoto returned.

Seeing Hikari sleeping, they found it strange.

Nawaki lied, saying she was tired and had fallen asleep.

Kushina, who also came, knew he was lying, but she didn't say anything. She herself didn't know how to deal with this situation.

Nawaki briefly shifted his gaze to Kushina, observing her out of the corner of his eye. A small smile formed on his lips, indicating that perhaps he knew Kushina was there and was paying attention. Despite this, Nawaki didn't interrupt the conversation with Tsunade and Mikoto and continued to talk about the mission they were undertaking. His tone was firm and confident, conveying the feeling that he was in control of the situation.

Kushina was wondering what was going on in Nawaki's mind and why he was acting this way. Why did he lie to the others about Hikari just being tired and having fallen asleep? She couldn't understand the reason behind the lie.

Kushina knew that Mikoto was Nawaki's fiancée, but also knew that, as the heir of the Senju Clan, he would have several wives in the future. He had already mentioned his intention to restore the clan.

She tried to suppress her thoughts, but couldn't help but worry about the situation. She didn't know whether to get involved and ask Nawaki about what was happening, or whether to just remain silent and observe.