
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] https://zaelumtranslations.com/ [+3 Extra Chapter FOR FREE] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

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178 Chs

Chapter 88

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Kyomu was not clear about Chiyo's arrangement, and Orochimaru was equally unaware.

After all, it was their first encounter, and feeling each other out was common.

Moreover, even if encountering danger while infiltrating, Orochimaru wouldn't hesitate for a second.

Achieving success would be ideal, but if they were to fail, it wouldn't matter. Orochimaru could use this failure to understand the details of the Sand Village's side and find loopholes, thus adjusting tactics in time to provide necessary support for the next victory.

Even among the sacrificed hundred and fifty ninja, there were many skilled individuals and those with great potential, but for Orochimaru, it was entirely acceptable.

All he desired was to win this war; everything else was not within his consideration.

This aligned well with Orochimaru's title of 'Cold Sovereign.' (T/N: Like it more!)

"Captain Kyomu, no traces of Sand Village ninja were found along the way," Hyuga Rin, a branch member of the Hyuga clan, reported within the team.

"Rin, thank you for your hard work," Kyomu nodded, "Since that's the case, let's continue forward!"

However, the deeper they delved into the battlefield, the heavier Kyomu's unease became.

It was his sixth sense at work, and Kyomu had great confidence in it.

Feeling the warning necklace hanging around his neck, Kyomu made a sudden decision.

"It's too quiet," Kyomu raised his hand to halt the team, "During the Second Great Ninja War, didn't we clash with the Sand Village?"

"We did," Rin nodded, affirming.

Hinata Rin was an elder, similar in age to Might Duy, a veteran who had participated in the Second Great Ninja War. His words were convincing.

"In that case, the Sand Village should know the capabilities of the Byakugan on the battlefield, right?" Kyomu asked again, then answered his own question, "Since they suffered losses, why didn't they take precautions?"

Extending two fingers, "Firstly, the Sand Village's commander is a fool when it comes to military strategy. Secondly, the Sand Village's commander has already found a countermeasure and set up a trap."

Turning to the two squad captains behind him, "What do you think about our current situation?"

The two squad captains were elite jonin with ample experience and intelligence.

Those with less capacity in the head either were well-protected or had been remolded early on. Everyone who survived wasn't a fool.

But understanding was one thing; whether they could act accordingly was another.

"Captain Kyomu is correct in his analysis, but the mission we received conflicts with your current inference."

This person had a brain but lacked decisiveness.

"If we delay the mission and fail to coordinate with the other six teams, the situation for those six teams will be extremely dangerous."

Kyomu fell silent. Disobeying orders on the battlefield was indeed lethal, especially when there were set tasks to be accomplished and coordination with brother teams was necessary.

Understanding the art of infiltration was one thing, but turning it into a trump card and playing it with finesse was another. Only Kyomu's former team from his past life could do that.

Others couldn't handle it well; it might even become a joke, not because they didn't understand but because the coordination with brother teams wasn't as tight-knit and intuitive.

Just like now, Kyomu discovered something fishy. He would choose to continue to infiltrate a distance backward to ensure everything was safe before proceeding according to the original plan.

If there existed an invisible understanding, the remaining two brother teams would naturally make the same choice.

Because during infiltration, there was no room for the slightest error. Moreover, the timing and position of the infiltration were not fixed.

Only when the established strategy was completed could infiltration become a trump card tactic rather than just adding fuel or delivering food.

However, it was evident that after asking the opinions of the remaining two squad captains, Kyomu understood the choices of the other two teams.

"There's no flexibility and ability to seize opportunities. What's the point of infiltrating like this!" Kyomu muttered to himself, but he promptly arranged the tasks, "Rin and the members of my original squad will continue forward, and the two of your teams will continue with the established tasks."

The two squad captains glanced at each other, wanting to speak but hesitated. Eventually, they could only nod in agreement.

Before parting ways, Kyomu instructed, "If everything goes smoothly, I will return as soon as possible, and I will personally explain to Lord Orochimaru. But if there are any problems, it's likely Sand Village's counter-encirclement strategy. So if things go south, I'll tear open an exit at three o'clock in the center of the battlefield for you to escape. But remember, be swift! I only have eighteen people here, and we can't hold out for long."

One of the squad captains nodded, but the other had a different opinion, "But even if something unexpected happens, if we withdraw, the frontal force..."

"We can only find opportunities if we're alive. Moreover, who says we're going to withdraw?" Kyomu sighed with frustration, "As long as we're alive, the threat to the flanks and rear of the Sand Village will persist, not us."

The other party shut their mouth as expected, but there was still a hint of defiance in their eyes.

However, Kyomu didn't say much more. He waved his hand, leading his squad members along with Rin to continue forward.

Watching Kyomu's group of eighteen depart, the two squad captains withdrew their gaze, swiftly inserting themselves into the battlefield with their teams.

Meanwhile, in the intense battle against Orochimaru, Chiyo momentarily diverted her attention to the chaos behind. Immediately, she understood that Leaf's infiltration teams had taken action.

"Heh, no matter how many come, I'll swallow them all!"

Chiyo felt invigorated, and the Ten Puppet Brigade under her control fought even more fiercely, nearly suppressing Orochimaru.

Less than two minutes later...

Five Leaf ninja teams, having ambushed from the flanks and converged in the middle of the battlefield, successfully established a blockade line, cutting off the Sand Village's main force into three disconnected parts with a 'T' formation.

Although the number of Leaf infiltrators was limited, they couldn't hold out for long. However, as long as the frontal force reacted in time, they could support before they collapsed.

By then, even if they couldn't annihilate the Sand Village's main force entirely, they could concentrate their efforts to eliminate one-fifth or even more of the Sand Village's forces.

"Where's Aragami Kyomu!" Hizashi was also among the infiltration teams, but after the eight teams converged, he couldn't find Kyomu's whereabouts.

"He's worried about changes in the situation, so he's leading the team to continue infiltrating backward," a ninja explained.

"Does he not trust the Byakugan of our Hyuga clan?"

Hizashi was anxious; he knew Kyomu's combat power, and without him, the time they could hold out would undoubtedly be significantly reduced.

"I'm not sure, but he asked me to tell everyone that if the situation changes, he will tear open a gap at three o'clock. If there's no problem, he will come to support immediately."

"Utter nonsense!" Hizashi clenched his fist, "Forget about him, defend quickly, Sand Village's counterattack is coming!"

Earth Style: Earth Flow Wall!

The elite Leaf ninjas in the team joined forces, utilizing a large-scale Earth Style defensive ninjutsu. A thick wall, over ten meters high and nearly a hundred meters long, emerged from the ground, temporarily blocking the Sand Village's counterattack.

Similarly, the Sand Village's counterattacking ninjas also employed ninjutsu, bombarding the sturdy earth wall in front of them. In just a short while, the thick wall began to crumble.

Hizashi and his team evidently couldn't hold out for long.

Upon seeing this, Orochimaru immediately issued a command for an all-out attack. The pressure on Chiyo's front line increased sharply, and Leaf's side gradually gained the upper hand.

Yet, Chiyo remained unperturbed.

All she needed was less than ten minutes for her arranged counter-encirclement teams to reach the battlefield.

"Everyone, hold on for ten minutes, just ten minutes!"

Chiyo shouted, while Orochimaru, her opponent, narrowed his snake-like eyes, guessing Chiyo's hidden move.

"Having more people can indeed be advantageous sometimes," Orochimaru muttered inwardly, launching even fiercer attacks. He aimed to pierce through the Sand Village's main force from the front within ten minutes, at the very least making the sacrifices appear more meaningful.

——"Kyomu, there's a problem!"

Rin's face changed drastically. "The Sand Village ninjas have set up a fan-shaped encirclement just outside the maximum observation distance of the Byakugan!"

Kyomu immediately understood. "They're casting a wide net, waiting for us to insert into the center of the battlefield before closing in and trapping us all. Having more people can indeed be advantageous sometimes, as it allows for more preparations."

"What should we do?" Rin asked again.

"Casting a wide net has its benefits, but also its drawbacks," Kyomu's eyes gleamed. "Although it can be impenetrable, the longer frontline also makes it easier to be broken through by concentrated attacks."

Raising Yoei, "According to the original plan, we'll break through them from the three o'clock direction!"

"Yes, Captain!"

The sixteen people behind him shouted in unison, their admiration for Kyomu rising, each with a gleam of worship in their eyes.

Kyomu, with both strength and talent, radiated an undeniable brilliance.

Following such a person was simply the most anticipated thing in life.

The group rushed forward swiftly, with Kyomu leading the charge. After a brief moment of gathering strength, he swung his blade forward forcefully.

The crimson flame blade was dazzling and devastating!

Swish! The sound of the wind echoed as the blade clashed with the approaching Sand Village ninjas, ending the lives of many unsuspecting lower-ranking ninjas in a bloodless manner.

With each swing, Kyomu took down swathes of enemies, especially when they stood close together, increasing the efficiency of his attacks.

Kyomu was now a professional at slaughtering grubs.

Swoosh! Ignoring his teammates behind him, Kyomu used the Body Flicker Technique to advance dozens of meters in the blink of an eye, abruptly plunging into the enemy ranks.

Using genjutsu in conjunction with shadow clones, when Kyomu reappeared, there were over thirty figures of him.

Real and fake, making it difficult for anyone to discern which was the real Kyomu, which was a shadow clone, and which was a genjutsu.

"It's Instant Flash: Aragami Kyomu!"

"Everyone, be careful!"

"Don't gather together, spread out!"

"Use area ninjutsu to counter his move!"

The cacophony of shouts filled the air, but at this moment, Kyomu used the Body Flicker Technique again.


After a slight sound, numerous figures changed their positions and targets.

Meanwhile, the Sand Village ninjas who had been overlooked by Kyomu were now on the ground, clutching their vital points in despair.

It was too fast, and with the combination of real and fake, they couldn't discern how to defend against it.

However, some of the Sand Village ninjas wore expressions of relief. They had survived Kyomu's previous attack, realizing that they had blocked the genjutsu while the one they ignored was a shadow clone.

But before they could even revel in their survival, Kyomu's attack came again!

The same combination of genjutsu and shadow clones, but this time, luck wasn't on the side of the surviving Sand Village ninjas.

Blocking one attack only to realize it was a genjutsu, they were then met with a fatal blow from Kyomu's shadow clone, followed by another Body Flicker Technique, turning to find the next target.

"This is too..." Rin knocked out one person with gentle fists, but the numerous flickering figures of Kyomu on the battlefield truly shook him.

"Such speed and mastery of the Body Flicker Technique and Shadow Clone Technique on the battlefield... is he even human!"


Genma skewered a Sand Village ninja with his thousand needles, a look of admiration in his eyes as he glanced at Kyomu's figure, which had turned this encounter into a one-sided slaughter.

With a look of admiration, he aimed at his next target, but this time, his opponent was a Sand Village chuunin, requiring a bit more effort.

Meanwhile, the father and son pair, Might Guy and Might Duy, were teaming up to attack a special jounin.

"Leaf Style: Dual Strong Fist Tornado!"

The father and son were enveloped in chakra waves, attacking the Sand Village special jounin from both sides.

Bang, bang.~

As expected, the father and son scored another victory, but there was no time to rejoice. They immediately targeted their next opponent.

"Earth Style: Rock Pillar Prison!"

During the interval when Kyomu used the Body Flicker Technique, a Sand Village ninja seized the opportunity to use earth-style ninjutsu to construct a prison, trapping Kyomu inside.

At the same moment.

Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!

Wind Style: Wind Blade!

Fire Style: Fireball!

From three different directions, three types of ninjutsu rushed towards Kyomu.


A cold smile appeared on Kyomu's lips as he wielded Yoei in front of him.

"My Yoei can cut through any ninjutsu, you fools!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, Kyomu swiftly slashed three times.


The Sand Village ninjas were furious. How could a technique like that exist?!

But some of them still refused to believe it and quickly formed hand seals.

Fire Style: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!

A crimson dragon engulfed in flames soared into the air, spewing out fireballs towards Kyomu's direction.

With a flick of his blade, Kyomu dashed forward, stepping past the descending fireballs and the dragon, heading straight for the Sand Village ninja.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh.~

As the fireballs approached, Kyomu swiftly dodged each one, weaving through them like a dance, and in the blink of an eye, he sliced through the Sand Village ninja.


With his body half-crouched, Kyomu sheathed his blade.

Behind him, flashes of light flickered as his shadow clone chopped the fire dragon and the Sand Village ninja into several pieces, ensuring they were truly dead.

(End of Chapter)