
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] https://zaelumtranslations.com/ [+3 Extra Chapter FOR FREE] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

Zaelum · Cómic
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198 Chs

Chapter 48

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As dusk approached, Kyomu unusually ended his training session early, bidding farewell to Kakashi and the others, returning home alone.

Lying on the rocking chair in the courtyard, Kyomu pondered what level of weapon he should forge.


He had already ruled out the mythological and legendary grades, deciding instead to start with rare equipment.

Glancing at the bowl of medicinal food and a red pill by his side, Kyomu felt somewhat relieved.

Uncle Duy's medicinal food was remarkably effective, helping to replenish his energy to some extent. And the red pill, a gift from Shikaku, was a lifesaving secret medicine from the Nara clan, serving as an excellent backup.

"Come, let's forge a rare-grade weapon following the blueprint of the White Fang's tanto."

With a thought, a wave of normally invisible and intangible energy flowed through Kyomu's body, converging towards his palms.

A faint purple light flashed, and Kyomu, lowering his head, could clearly see in the center of the light a metallic block taking the shape of a weapon embryo.

As the mysterious power representing his energy continued to surge, Kyomu visibly grew weary in both mind and body.

"It feels like running five kilometers under full weight, or even more exhausting," Kyomu experienced real-time feedback from his body, silently calculating the consumption of his energy.

Hum~ For nearly half an hour, the weak light emitted by the purple sphere persisted until the weapon embryo inside was fully formed.

With a trembling, the purple sphere suddenly brightened, illuminating Kyomu's courtyard, causing him to involuntarily close his eyes and tears to flow down his cheeks from the strain.

Phew! Sighing heavily, Kyomu slumped back in the rocking chair, feeling as if his body was filled with lead, making him reluctant to move a single finger.

"Phew, luckily I'm conscious, but it feels like I've been awake for three days and nights, too exhausted to sleep now."

Muttering to himself, Kyomu reached out and grabbed a piece of meat to eat.

A large bowl of medicinal food was quickly consumed, and with the digestion accelerating, in less than half an hour, Kyomu felt about twenty percent recovered.

Kyomu was now certain that the replenishment of his energy mainly relied on his own efforts and external assistance.

This was undoubtedly good news.

After resting for a while, Kyomu picked up the White Fang's short sword he had just crafted.

Its appearance was ordinary, almost identical to the White Fang's short sword, its sharp blade and non-reflective white blade revealed its extraordinary nature.

"A weapon of this caliber, borrowing the words from the neighbor, should belong to the ranks of great swords," Kyomu lightly tapped the blade, listening to its resonance. "It feels like it's a notch above the White Fang in my teacher's hands...

And holding it in my hand, I can establish some inexplicable connection with it, is this an additional benefit from the forging method?" (T/N: Who's the neighbor of Naruto? One Piece!)

Cradling the short sword and closing his eyes, Kyomu, under the gentle swaying of the rocking chair, carefully sensed the information it wanted to convey.

After a while, Kyomu sighed and opened his eyes, "I can vaguely sense its 'sword language,' but it lacks spirit, only intent, clearly missing the spiritual aspect; it can only be said that this is the difference between rare and legendary weapons.

But even so, the sword created by my 'Living Forge' passive skill is inherently half a grade higher than weapons of the same level in the ninja world."

This was another pleasant surprise, and Kyomu's mind became more active.

"If I strengthen it and give it a suitable and unique characteristic, then even though it still won't match the top-tier ninja world artifacts, it will still have a fighting chance."

Putting away the newly forged ninja sword, Kyomu smiled, "Kakashi, as my 'adopted son,' you're destined not to escape. Who made Dad love you."


The next morning, Kyomu got up from bed.

Furrowing his brow and rubbing his temples, his mental state resembled that of a hangover, causing him considerable discomfort.

And his muscles were extremely sore, as if he had fought three wild horses all night without rest.

"I guess even with Uncle Duy's medicinal food, I'll need another day and night to fully recover."

With a clear idea in mind, Kyomu felt reassured, "If I were to forge a divine artifact out of thin air, it would likely confine me to bed for a week like a cripple, but if..."

Turning his head to look at the standard-issue steel ninja sword by his bedside, "Reforging should save some energy, but I think if I'm going to do it, I should do it properly, make it perfect in one go, whether in design, grade, or characteristics."

The passive skill's duration was only one month, and Aragami Kyomu didn't want any regrets.

Slowly calculating in his mind, Kyomu said to himself, "First, forge the artifact I need. If there's time left, prepare something for Obito, Guy, and Rin as well."

Dragging his tired body, Kyomu got up, got dressed, washed up, and then listlessly headed out.

"Kyomu, what did you do last night? Why do you look like a ghost..." Kakashi's first glance at Kyomu was one of astonishment, even a hint of reproach, "Today's early graduation assessment is important. If you look like this, what if you fail?"

"Son, can't you just wish me luck."

"Say that again!" Kakashi became anxious, "Kyomu, are you asking for a beating?"

"Remember what you just said." Kyomu didn't explain much, just went on his way to the ninja school.

Kakashi followed behind with a sulky expression, occasionally shooting daggers at Kyomu.

This annoying guy dares to joke about anything!

"Hey, it's quite grand."

Kyomu scanned the stands, with almost all of Konoha's top figures present, including Sarutobi Hiruzen, and even Danzo.

However, it was evident that Homura's attention was mostly on Kakashi, paying little heed to Kyomu.

Kyomu wasn't worried in the least. Even if he were targeted by Danzo, he wouldn't have any problems within two years.

While Sakumo doesn't do a mistake, Danzo would only lie low and wouldn't choose to act. But by that time, Kyomu would already have the ability to protect himself, and even if any conspiracies arose, he could handle them calmly.

"Let's begin."

Hiruzen pointed to Kyomu and Kakashi, simultaneously gesturing to two other Konoha Chunin who were ready nearby.

Real combat was an important criterion for early graduation from the ninja school, and Hiruzen didn't have much time to evaluate the two based on their academic lessons.

Keep it simple, straight to the point.

As long as they could win and win handsomely, Kyomu and Kakashi could graduate early from the ninja school.

Kakashi was the first to step up, effortlessly defeating one of the Chunin.

"Kakashi's style is reminiscent of Sakumo's... Whether it's timing, angle of attack, or other abilities' coordination, it can be described as perfect."

"He's indeed outstanding. Sakumo raised a good son!" Danzo's eyes darkened, "Sakumo not only has remarkable military achievements but also teaches the next generation with great skill."

"Indeed, I've always admired Sakumo. He's a person who can carry the heavy responsibility."

Danzo didn't respond, tapping the armrest of the chair with one hand, already determined in his previous thoughts.

But when it came to Kyomu, his performance made Hiruzen furrow his brows.

"Though Kyomu won cleanly, he gives off a feeling as if there's something wrong with his body."

"Overexploiting his physical potential, that's probably what it looks like when one's body is in trouble," Danzo murmured, "I wonder if it's Sakumo's impatience or... Kyomu's physical condition itself."

Hiruzen waved his hand, "Forget it, I trust Sakumo will instruct these two well."

Standing up, a gentle smile appeared on Hiruzen's face, "I announce that Hatake Kakashi and Aragami Kyomu have successfully passed the early graduation assessment. Now, I will personally award the graduation certificates and the ninja headbands to both of them!"

Announcing the results grandly, Hiruzen handed the prepared certificates and headbands to the two, offering some words of encouragement.

Kakashi was excited, and Kyomu pretended to be excited. Their expressions were almost identical.

"Haha, work hard, you two. You're the 'twin stars' of the village, setting a record. Don't let people down."

With these final words, and a pat on their shoulders, Hiruzen left with the others.

"So, we're graduating now?" Kakashi seemed to still be living in the atmosphere from earlier, "And we're being personally awarded certificates and headbands by the Hokage!"

"It's a rare honor." Kyomu's spirits lifted slightly, gaining some strength in his voice, "Call me Dad."

"Kyomu, how could you..."


A short sword, a refined version of the White Fang's, suddenly appeared in front of Kakashi, instantly shutting him up.

Kakashi had a keen eye, able to discern quality, even in a split second, he compared the sword in front of him with the one his father held.

The conclusion was: the one in front of him seemed even better?!

Rubbing his eyes, Kakashi looked at the short sword, then at Kyomu, opening his mouth in disbelief.

"Call me Dad, and it's yours." Kyomu had already raised the corners of his mouth, a kind of madness spreading.

"I..." Kakashi struggled with his expression but couldn't muster any defiance. He really wanted it too badly!


Between dignity and a seemingly perfect short sword, Kakashi chose the former.

"Haha, hahaha!"

Kyomu burst into laughter, cheerfully handing the ninja sword to Kakashi, his expression gradually becoming serious, "Give it a name, Kakashi."


Kakashi caressed the short sword, entranced, and a beautiful name slipped out of his mouth, like giving a nickname to a girlfriend.

"Yukihime... not bad." Kyomu nodded, embraced Kakashi, who was still in a daze, "Let's go, my rebellious son, Dad will take you home."

"Yes, Dad."

Kakashi instinctively responded, wanting to be angry but finding himself unable to, looking at Yukihime in his hand, he couldn't help but smile foolishly.

A good sword, really a good sword, and it's even a top-notch one that's not inferior to the White Fang or even better.

Just one more "Dad," totally worth it!

(End of Chapter)