
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

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292 Chs

Chapter 142

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Perhaps now one could consider himself a force to be reckoned with? As Kyomu stands once again on the assembly platform, he exudes a sense of victory, while Tsunade quietly observes from the side, her discomfort dissipating with the wind.

The old man truly went too far this time.

Kyomu, my dear brother, isn't one to harbor so many malicious thoughts.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the previous orders were false," Kyomu announces calmly to everyone.

"Victory to Kyomu!"

"We will always follow you!"

"Victory to Kyomu!"

"We will always follow you!"

Kyomu gestures for silence and looks towards Tsunade, but she shakes her head. Were there anyone else, Tsunade clearly wouldn't want to get involved in these whirlwinds.

Now that Kyomu, a leader of the younger generation, is here, she's even less inclined to act.

"I'm about to announce a series of appointments," Kyomu continues, without specifying whether these were his own ideas or arranged by Hiruzen. "Hatake Kakashi, step forward. I appoint you as…"

Having taken this step, Kyomu naturally intends to be decisive, and to favor those close to him.

Kakashi, Obito, Guy, Genma, Ebisu, and others are all entrusted with significant responsibilities by Kyomu, either as leaders of the main force or captains of their divisions.

With Kyomu's reputation laying the foundation, and the commendable performances of Kakashi and the others, Kyomu's arrangements are universally accepted, with no one outwardly dissenting.

Of course, Kyomu doesn't practice nepotism exclusively; some ninjas who have performed outstandingly on the battlefield and are loyal to Kyomu are also promoted.

Balancing both core and auxiliary forces tightly, Kyomu not only further consolidates his leadership position but also unites the troops internally and externally.

However, there are still vulnerabilities.

For instance, Kakashi and others are still young, lacking sufficient prestige, which sometimes leads to disputes.

But as long as the war continues, not just Kyomu but also Kakashi and his peers will accumulate enough prestige within a year.

After all, not everyone will let Kyomu have his way without proving their worth.

Once everything is settled two hours later, Kyomu declares, "The Stone and Mist villages have already made their moves, leading to a shortage of frontline troops. Therefore, I've decided we must resolve our conflict with the Sand swiftly."

Kyomu announces the combat orders, "Prepare yourselves. In a few days, my favorite phase of the war will begin, and so will your opportunity to achieve glory.

And I assure you, the ultimate victors on this battlefield will be us alone!"




With a wave of his hand, Kyomu dismisses the assembly. As he steps down from the platform, he spots someone in the distance.

It's Orochimaru.

The Leaf ninjas also notice him and respectfully greet him. Although they still show respect, his prestige has clearly diminished.

In a clash of titans, Kyomu, the newer force, wins more hearts than Orochimaru.

"Kyomu-kun, you truly amaze me," Orochimaru stops in front of Kyomu. "I didn't expect to find myself so displaced here."

"If Orochimaru-sama wishes, I can offer my position as deputy to you."

"I do not need charity," Orochimaru replies coldly, issuing a warning, "Kyomu-kun, your actions are dangerous, truly dangerous."

"It's just my subordinates being unruly. I've explained to the Third Hokage already," Kyomu responds with a slight smile. "The Third Hokage did not object, and even confirmed my title as deputy."

"That would be for the best," Orochimaru chuckles, then looks towards Tsunade, "And what do you think?"

"I have my thoughts," Tsunade crosses her arms. "Some things are better prevented early on."

"Ha, ha, ha…" Orochimaru suddenly laughs aloud, "Kyomu-kun, you indeed are a breath of fresh air. I look forward to seeing what the future holds."

After speaking, Orochimaru no longer lingers, moving through the Leaf camp towards the village.

This place no longer belongs to him; his new journey lies in the Mist.

But the Mist battlefield will not be easy, and who knows…

Glancing back, "Kyomu-kun, I suppose you'll come, won't you?"

Aragami Kyomu indeed will, but not now. He must first resolve the situation with the Sand before he can provide support elsewhere, otherwise, Hiruzen would not allow him to continue increasing his prestige on another battlefield.


In the Hokage's office within the Leaf Village, "Hiruzen, Kyomu's ambition is now uncontainable; we must act!"

Homura's words are filled with urgency, his fears coming to fruition, "It's clear, Kyomu holds a grudge for the death of Sakumo; should he act on it... the consequences are unthinkable!"

Fully prepared to depart for the frontlines, Danzo also joins the conversation.

"Hiruzen, I've said it before, Kyomu should be under my command. Had you agreed then, we wouldn't be in this situation."

Koharu adds, "Hiruzen, think of something. We can't let Kyomu continue like this. He's now bold enough to defy orders and even coerce you. What if later... he attempts to usurp the title of Hokage?"

Hiruzen, lost in thought and smoking his pipe, doesn't know where to begin. He's come to realize that his previous actions, seemingly suppressive, actually gave Kyomu opportunities.


And trying to balance power, yet Sakumo's reputation suffered as a result.

More foolish!

"Let's focus on the current war," Hiruzen finally speaks, powerless. "As long as we win the war, other issues can be resolved."

"But Kyomu's growing influence..." Danzo tries to interject.

"It's not his turn yet!" Hiruzen slams the table, "I'm not old yet, neither are you, and my three students are in their prime. What are you worried about?"

Though a valid point, it's more a statement of Hiruzen's resignation than anything; he senses a change in the winds of the future.

But, helpless to act differently, continuing to suppress Kyomu would only worsen the war effort and lose more hearts on the frontlines—a loss greater than any gain.

Seeing Hiruzen's indecisive stance, Homura and Koharu are dissatisfied. At such a critical moment, why can't he be more decisive?

They look to Danzo, hoping for a strategy.

Danzo, unusually silent, leaves without further comment.

Danzo harbors his own thoughts.

"Hiruzen, you're no longer fit to be Hokage," he muses as he walks, "If you can't control Kyomu, how can you manage the entire village?"

Returning to the Root's base, Danzo contemplates the evidence he's gathered, a smile forming on his lips. These documents will be his leverage to sway Kyomu.

After all, Hiruzen is the true architect of the tragedy that befell Sakumo, not him. Danzo merely played a small part.

"Summon them," Danzo orders, ready to tie up loose ends, "Those involved in framing Sakumo need to be dealt with."

"Yes, Danzo-sama," a Root ninja obeys and departs, leaving Danzo at ease.

He's skilled at erasing evidence, ensuring "no witness remains."

"Perfect," Danzo chuckles to himself, "Kyomu, I admit you're adept at endurance, but to clear Sakumo's name and punish those responsible, you need me. You have no choice, and as a smart man, you'll make the right decision."

A coup d'état?

Danzo sees it as impossible; the Hokage's lineage isn't something Kyomu can overthrow with his mere title and the support of three thousand ninjas.

Moreover, Danzo believes Kyomu wouldn't take such action. What benefits would a coup bring him

Such actions risk total loss and wouldn't clear Sakumo's tarnished name. Kyomu himself might end up vilified.

"You can only succeed by pledging loyalty to me," Danzo's eyes gleam, "You have no choice, and I believe you're wise enough to make the correct decision."

Back at the Sand battlefield in the Leaf camp, Kyomu and Tsunade finalize a battle plan, with Kakashi and others participating in the war game simulations.

The plan is perfect but also fraught with danger.

"Kyomu, are you sure about this?" Tsunade expresses concern. "If something goes wrong, my chances of survival are slim..."

"I can handle it," Kyomu assures confidently. "With the village opening up battlefronts on four fronts, we're in a critical situation. We need to make a swift and decisive move."

Pointing firmly at the map, "We'll make our stand at Kikyō Pass. This is where we'll strike a decisive blow against the Sand."

Kyomu again chooses Kikyō Pass as the main battleground to severely weaken the Sand. Its strategic location makes it a vital point.

Should the Sand seize it, they could swiftly control a large portion of the Fire Country's western border. Conversely, it would be a difficult position for the Leaf to attack but easy for the Sand to defend with minimal forces.

Thus, Kikyō Pass is like a reverse spike in the heart of the Fire Country, a strategic must-have for the enemy.

Previously, under Orochimaru's leadership, the Sand almost succeeded in capturing it. However, due to Kyomu's interventions, they had to retreat.

Now, Kyomu plans to lure the Sand's main force here and annihilate them.

To attract the Sand, they must appear weak but convincingly so.

The agreed plan involves Kyomu leading a small force in defense while Tsunade takes the main force to assist in the Stone battlefield, feigning a diversion to the Rain Country, which would not raise the Sand's suspicions.

Even if doubts arise, the opportunity to seize Kikyō Pass would be too tempting to pass up.

At that critical moment, Tsunade's forces would strike from the Rain to the Sand in the River Country, cutting off their retreat and encircling them with Kyomu for the final blow.

Everything hinges on Kyomu's ability to withstand the entire Sand army.

If he withstands, Kyomu's legend will be cemented, and the Sand will suffer a massive defeat. If he falls, Kyomu will be branded a traitor, and the Sand will push forward.

This is a high-stakes gamble.

"Still, I worry..."

"Tsunade, let's take a chance," Kyomu interrupts, pulling out a coin. "If I win, we proceed with my plan. If you win, we abandon this risky strategy."

Tsunade's losing streak is almost a cosmic constant, yet she agrees to the gamble, choosing heads.

Kyomu flips the coin; it lands on tails.

"Losing again..." Tsunade murmurs, slightly relieved this time, knowing the gravity of her unique curse.

"I guess we proceed with the plan," she concedes, removing a pendant from around her neck and placing it on Kyomu.

"This is for you..."

"I believe you're the one," Tsunade says with conviction and a touch of regret. "Forgive my selfish wish, but I want to try one last time."

"Do you really trust me that much?" Kyomu asks, half-smiling. "And if we succeed, what will you do? If we fail..."

"We won't fail," Tsunade interrupts firmly. "You can only succeed. There's no room for failure!"

After a pause, Tsunade smiles, "If you succeed, once you're grown, I'll allow you to find someone just like me."

With that, Tsunade leaves, not wanting Kyomu to see her reluctance to let go.

It's her last hope, firmly believing in Kyomu's capability.

Touching the still-warm pendant, Kyomu sighs, "The hardest thing to repay... is the grace of a beautiful person."

Tsunade has given him much, both in terms of support and skill, rivaling even Sakumo, perhaps even surpassing.

The princess of Leaf is not just a title.

"If you trust me, I won't let you down," Kyomu steps out of the tent, instantly regaining his composure.

Just a pendant, if Naruto could wear it, why couldn't Aragami Kyomu?


Kyomu steps onto the assembly platform, ready for the new journey that lies ahead.

(End of Chapter)