
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

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292 Chs

Chapter 135

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Cloud Ninja Camp.

The Eight-Tails' Tailed Beast Chakra, filled with various negative emotions, spread, causing unrest among the people around.

The Eight-Tails' rampages weren't new to Kumogakure, with each outbreak spreading fear and dread due to the evil energy of the Tailed Beast Chakra.

For powerhouses like the Third Raikage, subduing the rampaging Eight-Tails wasn't particularly challenging, but the collateral damage to the surroundings and potential harm to other ninjas and civilians was a significant concern.

Thus, Tailed Beast rampages were a headache for all hidden villages.

"Doroi, I'll take Killer Bee back to the village," decided the Third Raikage, "I can't deal with the sealing technique Kyomu branded on Killer Bee's abdomen. If we delay, the Eight-Tails might rampage right here in our camp."

"But that means..." Doroi hesitated, concerned about the frontlines and the village's unrest.

This was a dilemma.

Leaving Killer Bee at the frontline wasn't just about managing the unrest; the potential rampage of the Eight-Tails required constant vigilance. Yet, bringing him back meant the Third Raikage, crucial for the Jinchuriki's safety, would also have to leave, reducing Kumogakure's advantage at the front.

And if Killer Bee rampaged within the village, it would be a significant loss.

Either decision was fraught with difficulty.

"It's decided," the Third Raikage resolved, "We can't delay Killer Bee's issue. I can feel the Eight-Tails' negative emotions starting to influence him. His troubled childhood could be triggered, posing a great threat to him, us, and the village."

With the Third Raikage's decision, Doroi didn't argue further, though he reminded, "Before Killer Bee stabilizes, it's best not to let him into the village."

"I'm aware," the Third Raikage nodded, instructing to prepare for their departure back to the village.

As preparations to return Killer Bee to the village began, Jiraiya found Kyomu.

"My apologies for disturbing your rest, Kyomu," Jiraiya spoke with respect, acknowledging Kyomu's worthiness of such courtesy.

"There's no need for formalities, Lord Jiraiya," Kyomu bowed slightly, "Just tell me what needs to be done."

"It's not about orders," Jiraiya clarified, inviting Kyomu to sit, "I wanted to discuss our next steps."

Observing the direction of the Cloud ninja camp, "Even here, I can feel the Eight-Tails' massive negative chakra. It's unreasonable to think the Cloud wouldn't act.

And while the Five Elements Seal is simple, it's difficult to undo without specific methods. This means Killer Bee will be absent from the battlefield for the next two to three months, along with the Third Raikage.

This is our chance to breathe and to counterattack.

However, the Cloud will certainly strike back, possibly with their Two-Tails Jinchuriki."

Understanding Jiraiya's point, Kyomu knew this was part of his initial plan.

The Five Elements Seal disrupts the Eight-Tails' chakra and affects the seal within Killer Bee, darkening his psyche and risking a rampage.

A rampaging Jinchuriki is a liability, unlikely to be deployed by Kumogakure.

Clearly, Jiraiya considered a more permanent solution to the Killer Bee issue.

"Lord Jiraiya, are you planning to kill Killer Bee, the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki of Kumogakure?"

"Essentially," Jiraiya nodded, "Ideally, have the Eight-Tails rampage within Kumogakure. It would drain the village's war potential and distract them with the next Jinchuriki, keeping them off the frontlines longer."

"Are you suggesting I lead a team into Kumogakure, release the Eight-Tails from Killer Bee?" Kyomu understood instantly.

"Exactly," Jiraiya snapped his fingers, "Without the Jinchuriki's body as a restraint, the unleashed Eight-Tails would be even more destructive and harder to capture, a significant headache for the Third Raikage.

Capturing the Eight-Tails and selecting a new Jinchuriki takes time, not to mention the adaptation period. It's likely Kumogakure won't deploy a new Eight-Tails Jinchuriki for a year, possibly missing this war entirely.

This is good news for us."

Jiraiya explained further, "I know direct assassination of Killer Bee would extend our delay, but it might drive Kumogakure to desperation. Thus, releasing the Eight-Tails by removing Killer Bee's seal, without or with minimal harm to you or future battles, is the best option."

Kyomu nodded, "I understand your intentions, thank you, Lord Jiraiya."

"You're too polite," Jiraiya patted Kyomu's shoulder, becoming serious, "But about the Jinchuriki's seal, it's a village secret. Even though I want to assign you this task..."

"I understand," Kyomu nodded, aware of the importance and secrecy surrounding Tailed Beast sealing techniques.

Tailed Beasts were crucial to each village, and their sealing techniques were closely guarded. Like with Gaara of the Sand, learning to unseal or manipulate these seals was near impossible for individuals.

Jiraiya, knowing the technique, couldn't easily teach Kyomu without Hiruzen's consent. Yet, considering Kyomu's integrity and prowess, he saw no reason for Hiruzen to refuse.

Thus, Jiraiya believed Kyomu was the perfect choice for the task.

No complications expected.

But after their conversation, as Kyomu turned to leave the tent, he couldn't help but smile, knowing this task wouldn't fall to him.

Would Hiruzen and others trust him with the knowledge to unseal Tailed Beasts?

If he truly learned it, they'd likely lose sleep over it.

Without testing Kyomu over years, they wouldn't dare entrust him with such a 'heavy weapon'.

Just like in the original story with Kakashi, who was kept from young Naruto for fear of influence.

Hiruzen would be cautious of anyone suspect, especially someone he had vague concerns about like Kyomu.

As expected, when the news reached Konoha, Hiruzen immediately made his decision.

"This..." Jiraiya was stunned, "How could you..."

Struggling to continue, Jiraiya felt as if slapped, "Had I known, I wouldn't have spoken to Kyomu..."

Bewildered, Jiraiya pondered how to explain to Kyomu.

Not only was the task rejected by Hiruzen, but Kyomu was also reassigned away from the Cloud front to the Sand battlefield, replaced by Minato.

A troubling, exceedingly troubling situation!

Hiruzen's actions effectively set Minato against Kyomu, creating tension where none needed to exist.

"Kyomu, don't take it to heart. Minato, as my student, I know he didn't mean any harm," Jiraiya explained awkwardly.

"I know," Kyomu smiled nonchalantly, "I won't take it personally."

But what his team thought was beyond his control.

With potential third and fourth instances on the horizon, while Minato was innocent, merely caught in Hiruzen's schemes, he benefited the most. Kyomu understood, but would others?

"What!" someone slammed the table, "Again, Minato? After Kyomu led us through the toughest battles, why should we be reassigned to the Sand battlefield once the Tailed Beast threat is gone?"

"It's probably the knife's purpose," Genma sarcastically commented, "Pulled out when needed, sheathed when not."

"I believe Teacher Minato isn't that kind of person," Obito calmly interjected, "More specifically, it's..."

Stopping mid-sentence, including Obito, everyone fell silent, knowing who was behind this.

"It's not a big deal," Ebisu forced a smile, "It's just our First Ninja Squad being reassigned, not the entire First Combat Team, right?"

"But the leader now is Minato!" Genma spat out his senbon, looking up at Kyomu, "Captain, speak up for us, this is too suffocating!"

Kyomu internally chuckled.

Hiruzen, you're fanning the flames. My team's resentment is strong; what do you expect me to do?

If this continues, they might prepare the Hokage's cloak and hat for me.

To wear it or not? That's the question.

This puts me in a difficult position.

"Guy, what do you think?" Kyomu turned to the mummified Might Guy.

"Me?" Guy, confused and unable to scratch his head, candidly shared, "I'm not smart, don't know what to do, but whatever you say, Kyomu, I'll do."

"That much trust?" Kyomu looked earnestly at Guy.

Guy, with his innocent heart and straightforward nature, was Kyomu's biggest concern.

"Yeah, I trust you. Whatever decision you make is right, I firmly believe that."

Kyomu grinned, delighted.

Turning to Genma and the rest, "And you?"

"We'll always follow Captain Kyomu's lead!" the team roared in unison.

"Then follow the orders."

"Ah? But we..."

"Follow the orders!" Kyomu emphasized, "True talent shines anywhere, and everyone sees clearly."

Leading the team out of the tent, Kyomu looked up, seeing the trust in the eyes of the Leaf ninjas.

"See, this is our answer," Kyomu whispered to his team, "Rather than a few people's approval, this is what we aim for, isn't it?"

Looking up, his team saw hope and unwillingness in their comrades' eyes; they knew who the true leader was.

Kyomu turned back, "Still think we're abandoned or had our fruits stolen?

Not at all.

Our efforts will be remembered, that's our direction and motivation.

Don't worry, we won't be forgotten, and we'll shine so brightly that... even buried deep underground, we can't be hidden."

Turning back, Kyomu smiled at the surrounding Leaf ninjas, "Go back, rest. I hope to see you all when I return."

"We'll be here!" the Leaf ninjas shouted back, "Always waiting for your return!"

"Thank you for your trust," Kyomu lowered his hand and left.

Though the Leaf ninjas made way, they didn't disperse.

Without looking back, Kyomu led his team forward.

"Captain Kyomu, we can petition together..." someone shouted from behind.

Stopping, Kyomu waved goodbye, "Your memory of me is my greatest reward.

Take care!"

As he walked on, the future seemed to lay beneath his feet.

(End of Chapter)