
Naruto: Mastered Your Strategy?

Ren finds himself at the center of unexpected attention in Konoha. The more he distances himself from the kunoichi, the more they’re drawn to his mysterious aura. Armed with a system that grants him abilities from other powerful ninja, Ren faces an unexpected twist: the system's objectives push him toward building a harem, something he's entirely uninterested in.

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30 Chs

Chapter 30: Protecting in the Shadows

In the Hokage's office...

"A B-rank mission, huh?"

Sarutobi looked at the mission request file from the reception desk with a slight frown. Normally, he would reject such a request, but the person applying for the mission was none other than his son, Asuma.

"It's too dangerous for you to take on a B-rank mission alone," Sarutobi said.

"I'm already a jōnin, qualified to take on B-rank missions by myself," Asuma countered.

The mission was a suppression task in the Land of Hot Water. Initially, Asuma wanted to invite Kurenai to join him, even going as far as speaking to the mission reception desk in advance to reserve the mission. As the Hokage's son, he was afforded some convenience.

The Land of Hot Water was a well-known tourist destination, famous for its hot springs, and Asuma saw this mission as the perfect opportunity to spend time with Kurenai and deepen their relationship.

Everything seemed set, but when he asked Kurenai, she declined, citing her preparations for the Special Jōnin exams.

Frustrated, Asuma still didn't want to turn down the mission after the reception desk had gone to the trouble of reserving it for him. However, he also wasn't eager to go with anyone else.

"You need to form a team," Sarutobi insisted, knowing full well that his son would argue back.

"If I meet the qualifications, why can't I do it alone?" Asuma snapped, his frustration spilling over.

"You always treat me like a child!"

"I'm not," Sarutobi sighed. "But this isn't something to take lightly. Let Guy go with you."

"No need!" Asuma refused.

"In any case, you're not going alone," Sarutobi said firmly, not budging.

"You think only elites like Kakashi are capable of this?!" Asuma shouted in frustration.

"If you don't think I'm qualified, why did you even approve my jōnin application?!"

At that moment, the door to the office opened, and Danzo stepped inside.

Seeing him, Asuma decided to drop the argument, turning to leave angrily.

"Asuma is here, I see," Danzo remarked.

"Danzo-sama," Asuma greeted him respectfully.

Danzo nodded and noticed Asuma's foul mood. "Is something the matter?"

Asuma let out a heavy sigh. "No, nothing. I'll be on my way."

As he reached the door, he glanced at the two guards stationed there. In addition to the white-haired Anbu who had been there earlier, there was now a Root ninja as well.

"Talking about me behind my back isn't very nice, you know," the white-haired Anbu, Kakashi, remarked.

Clearly, Kakashi had overheard everything, and Asuma couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"Who was bad-mouthing you? I was obviously complimenting you," Asuma shot back irritably.

"Really? It didn't sound very complimentary," Kakashi replied dryly.

Asuma waved dismissively, walking away.

Kakashi watched his retreating figure and thought to himself, Only Asuma could speak to the Hokage like that.

Inside the office...

"What's bothering Asuma?" Danzo asked Sarutobi.

"He wants to take on a B-rank mission alone, and I didn't approve it," Sarutobi replied, sounding a little weary.

"He's a jōnin now. He's capable," Danzo remarked.

"I know his capabilities well, but B-rank missions vary greatly," Sarutobi countered, picking up his pipe and taking a slow drag from it.

Danzo observed Sarutobi's complex expression and realized the old man was likely reminiscing about something.

"If you're worried, why not send someone to protect him discreetly?" Danzo suggested.

"The Anbu are for the village, not for my personal concerns," Sarutobi rejected the idea.

"Ren," Danzo called.


In an instant, a masked Root ninja appeared beside Danzo, kneeling in silence.

"If you don't wish to mix personal matters with duty, let one of my men handle it," Danzo offered.

Sarutobi looked at the kneeling figure thoughtfully.

"Ren, isn't it?" Sarutobi asked.

"Yes, Hokage-sama," Ren responded calmly.

So, this boy was now one of Danzo's trusted guards...

Sarutobi thought to himself.

To be held in such high regard by Danzo meant this young man's abilities were indeed extraordinary.

At first, Sarutobi had been reluctant to let Ren join the Root.

This boy has suffered enough...

"Asuma's protection is in your hands," Sarutobi sighed.

"Yes, sir," Ren replied.


At the Tavern...

Asuma sat by himself, drinking in silence. He wasn't really upset about his father refusing to let him go on the mission alone; their father-son disagreements were common. Ever since his older brother had died in battle, Sarutobi had treated Asuma as if he were still a child.

No, what really frustrated him was the situation with Kurenai. His attempt to get closer to her had only resulted in rejection, leaving him feeling dejected.

Asuma couldn't figure out what he was doing wrong. Every time he tried to approach her, she only seemed to pull away.

Back when he left to guard the Daimyo, things had been going so well between them.

He had returned to Konoha full of pride, but reality kept slapping him in the face. His accomplishments as one of the Twelve Guardian Ninja hadn't earned him his father's praise, and Kurenai now seemed to be distancing herself from him.

"Hey, Asuma!"

Hearing his name, Asuma looked up to see Guy, Genma, and Ebisu approaching.

"Why are you drinking alone?"

The three of them sat down at Asuma's table.

"It's nothing," Asuma sighed.

They ordered more drinks and a few more cups.

"I heard you guys are preparing for the Special Jōnin exams?" Asuma asked, looking at Genma and Ebisu.

"Yeah, along with Hayate, Aoba, and Raido," Genma replied.

"Anko and Kurenai, too," he added casually.

Asuma coughed awkwardly.

"Kurenai was invited by Anko," Genma noted with a grin.

"So, you're all going for it together?" Asuma asked, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"It started as just an idea, but when we mentioned it to the others, everyone decided to join," Ebisu explained.

"Kurenai's bound to pass; she's definitely got the skills," Genma added.

"Good luck," Asuma muttered, raising his glass.

They clinked their glasses and drank deeply.

"You and Guy are already jōnin, so the rest of us need to catch up," Genma laughed.

"It's about time we stopped slacking off."

"Genma, if you want to train harder, you can always come find me!" Guy said enthusiastically.

Genma rolled his eyes while Asuma and Ebisu chuckled.

Asuma hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I met Ren recently."

Genma paused, taking a sip of his drink. Ebisu remained silent.

"Oh? What was he like?" Guy asked curiously.

"He's kind of a loner," Asuma replied.

"If I had to compare, he's a bit like Kakashi, but even more distant."

Guy seemed lost in thought.

"I have to say, he doesn't seem like the rumors suggest," Asuma added, looking at Genma.

"You were right, rumors are never reliable," Genma laughed.

"That whole incident was our fault anyway. We should probably apologize if we get the chance."

"You're surprisingly easygoing," Asuma said with a grin, raising his glass.

"Admitting your mistakes is a virtue," Genma replied, clinking his glass against Asuma's.


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