
Naruto: Madara Uchiha Template System

Donations to improve the quality of the book: https://www.paypal.me/fire725 Announcement: If you want more chapters of this novel support me in my other novel Return Of The Demon God Dusk and help me in the book collections and voting since I know you will love it if you take a look at it the more people go to your collection New chapters will be uploaded of this novel. *** Obtain the First Upper Moon Template and reincarnate in the world of Naruto to reach the pinnacle of the sword and rule in the world of Naruto.

Demon_Asmodeo · Cómic
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33 Chs

The Devil Fruit that grants you immortality.

Author's note: after finishing the chapter go to my other novel: Return Of The Demon God Dusk, I assure you that you will love it and I hope you will support it in collections.


Soon Indra asked the system to spin the little spinner while Indra was very worried about what might come out of him.

Soon Indra could see on the roulette platform a small bottle with 3 pills that said Hermit Seeds from dragon ball.

Indra was stunned by the reward but he soon recovered since although he never thought of a reward how is it could help him survive any crisis he finds himself in.

After that Indra asked the system to spin the big wheel while Indra was very anxious to know what kind of reward he would get.

Soon the raffle wheel could be seen spinning as many weapons and all kinds of items from different animes went around.

After a while the arrow that pointed to the prizes slowly stopped while Indra watched as it was going to stop at a Kekei Genkai of the nature of Ice but just after it passed the arrow and stopped at a red fruit with the name.

*Devil Fruit, the Ope Ope no Mi*

Indra at this moment was in a state of absolute shock at how excited he was at this moment.

Indra read the description of the fruit a moment later.

The Ope Ope no Mi, coming from One Piece, is a paramecia-type devil fruit, which gives it the power to make modifications at will within a certain area, so those who are trapped in its room can be considered "patients" in an operating room.

What completely excited Indra is that with this devil fruit he could operate on himself and obtain the so-called immortality.

In addition to being able to operate on more people, but of course he knew how dangerous it would be since the consequence would be death once that ability was used on another person, but Indra had the absolute confidence of a genius to be able to fix those problems.

While Indra was thinking all this the system notified him again as a screen of different types of missions to do and become stronger appeared in front of him.

Indra also noted that if he got enough points he could buy things from the system item shop.

After reviewing that for a while Indra returned to reality although he was aware of the environment to be able to stop any type of ambush or attack from someone.

After that, Indra spoke, took out his new sword while with one hand he said room and a semi-circular sphere was created around him.

Soon he realized that he really had the devil fruit and decided to put it into practice but for that he needed to hunt some living being to do the experiment.

Some time later Indra found a fairly medium-sized bear and approached it to test the new ability.

The gray colored bear noticed Indra's approach and roared in anger at the puny human who dares to cross his territory.

Then he got up on his 2 legs and started moving towards Indra's direction with a trace of anger.

Indra when he noticed the bear's distance used his left hand while saying room and the semi circular sphere appeared again and soon Indra located the bear's position and teleported to his right while using the sword cut using the devil fruit ability at a time and split the bear's body into 2 parts as the oversized bear fell to the ground and noticed that the entire half of its body had split in half and a look of despair appeared on its face.

When Indra noticed what he could do he started laughing like crazy as this devil fruit ability was incredibly powerful.

If someone in the surroundings saw this scene, they would think that the boy had gone completely crazy because of the way he was laughing right now.

He could also snatch people's hearts but right now he felt that he was still too weak and inexperienced to use that skill so he decided to practice it.

Indra thought to hide these abilities and his sword from other people since he didn't want to seem like a threat to the village as that would be really a big problem.

Some time later Indra calmed down since he was too excited by everything that had happened and began to return to his apartment where he stayed to sleep since it was getting dark.

Soon when he entered the room and lay down on his bed he began to remember the character named Trafalgar D. Water Law nicknamed the Surgeon of Death.

Since he as a reincarnator knew very well the number of things he could do with his new devil fruit.

It is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit which turns the user into a free modifier human.

That is, it gives the user the ability to create an "operations room" where he, within this space, has absolute control over the location and orientation of everything in this area.

This area, known as the room, is something like a thin blue curtain.

The powers of this fruit gave the nickname to the character the title of the Surgeon of Death.

After thinking about that, he fell into a deep sleep.


Pd Author's Message: I have to admit that I got quite excited writing this chapter of the novel, I hope you enjoy it.


Edited by: Demon_Asmodeo

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In the novel many things will happen that you will like I hope you can enjoy it since the main character will take out the template of Indra Otsutsuki I hope you can support my other novel Return Of The Demon God Dusk in collections.

The new month I want to increase the number of collections in likes of the book you just have to click on the like on the page of the novel I will be uploading many chapters I hope you enjoy the ones that are coming and do not forget to go to my profile page and Support me another novel in Return Of The Demon God Dusk collections.

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I also hope your opinions on this chapter and if you like it.

I also hope you will read my other novel that you will like: Return Of The Demon God Dusk

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