
Chapter 46 The Horrors of the Dune

Naruto returned to his lab the next day. When he arrived Xel gave him the list of everything he knew about Akatsuki. Naruto was rather surprized by some names. Esspecially Itachi Uchiha, that little tidbit of information would prove useful latter on. Zabuza had walked in and was looking at the list as well.

"Kisame, well that's surprizing", said Zabuza.

"You know him", asked Naruto.

"Yeah, one of the seven ninja swordsman of the mist like me, a complete monster with a blade, brutal and sadistic. His sword Samehada shreds instead of cuts. It also eats chakra and is alive. He's loyal to his friends, but not necessarily his teammates. We aren't exactly friends more like acquaintances", said Zabuza.

"A living sword huh. What does it look like?", asked Naruto.

"Covered in scales, has a mouth, usually kept in bandages", said Zabuza.

"So, an eldritch abomination on a stick, neat", said Herbert who had just walked into the room.

"Shouldn't you be reading", said Naruto.

Herbert sighed. He took off his mask to light a cigarette. A sign of his agitation.

"But those books are so stupid, if you expect me to read them you are beyond insane", said Herbert.

Naruto smirked at Herbert's choice of words.

"Hello pot, I'm kettle. You're black", said Naruto.

Herbert reached in his pocket pulling out a book titled 'Acting, the Art of the Craft'. He opened it to a page with it's corner bent.

"Don't believe me this is stupid. Listen to this. ' When playing a character who is talking to a friend in a crowd it is important to act as a ninja hidden among the enemy, an actor must remember that he or she is a zebra and everyone else are lions. They do not know you are a zebra and you must feel, live, and breathe like a zebra hiding amung hungry lions'. What the hell does that even mean. Acting is stupid and pretentious", said Herbert.

"Well you need to be able to be able to convince Akatsuki you are deadly and not a mentally unstable clone. Sorry Herbert, you have to read", said Naruto.

"Fine, maybe a different book. I think whoever wrote that has his head stuck so far up his own ass that he can kiss his own brain", said Herbert.

"Cute metaphor, just remember what we stand to gain Herbert", said Naruto.

"Yeah yeah I know. Don't worry, once I'm done with this I'm taking out my anger on the fox that always calms me down", said Herbert as he flicked his cigarette away.

"Please don't burn everything down Herbert", said Naruto.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah", said Herbert as he left.

"So Zabuza, what were you saying on the sword", asked Naruto.

After finishing his work Naruto left his lab to explore the village to ease his mind. While walking through the village Naruto had come across two surprizing people. Temari and Kankuro. Naruto looked at them with his hand to his chin. These two were the older siblings of a Jinchuruki, it would be interesting to speak to them. So he walked forward.

"Good day", said Naruto.

Both seemed to flinch at his mere presence. Naruto moved his arms behind his back as he examined the two.

"I promise I mean you no harm. I was just hoping we could talk", said Naruto.

"About what exactly", asked Kankuro.

"Nothing of importance, just of your brother", said Naruto.

"You already know he is like you, and is insane. What more do you want", asked Kankuro.

Naruto only shrugged.

"Just his story, I would like to know why he turned out the way he did", said Naruto.

"Actually I would like to know why you didn't turn out like him", asked Temari.

"If you tell me the story I can answer that question", said Naruto.

Reluctantly Temari gave an abridged version of Gaara's life. His treatment from others, the assassination attempts, and his decent into madness. At the end of it Naruto nodded.

"At most all I get is the occasional glare. At worst some kick me out of their stores but most do not. My main problem is people talking behind my back.I would just hide and listen to them. I've never had an assassination attempt or even have been physically harmed for it and truthfully I enjoy my privacy. Also only those older than I know the truth, the Hokage made a law against revealing the fox though I am exempt from it. Most of the village is rather indifferent, or they are smart enough to know that attacking me is counter-productive. After all a traumatized child who carries a demon is not good for a village though I'm sure you two know that more than most considering your brother", said Naruto.

"I wish Suna was like that, maybe Gaara would act normally", said Temari.

"I'm sure most would be emotionally harmed by what I went through, but I am as many call me emotionally retarded. Admiringly I don't associate with those who despise me. The worst I ever had to deal with was some drunk who trew a bottle at me. It missed and hit a cat named Tora. I almost felt sorry for the guy after that cat was done with him", said Naruto.

"So Gaara could have had some semblance of a normal childhood, man reality is a bitch", said Kankuro.

"You're telling me", said Temari.

"Well, look on the bright side. In the multiverse an alternate version of you ended up much worse than you did", said Naruto.

Temari and Kankuro looked at naruto with confusion on there faces.


Naruto smiled as he delved into his favorite subject to discuss the multiverse. The two sand ninja listened to everything he said with there faces growing more confused by the second.

"Ok you lost me", said Kankuro.

"I'm more af a tactician, science was never my strong suit", said Temari.

"Yeah, I ususally get that reaction. It happens", said Naruto.

"One question. How could you be a water slide. That doesn't make sence", said Kankuro.

"Thats the point. The multiverse is never-ending. every single possibility to ever exist has happened or will happen. With every action a separate universe is formed where the opposite action was preformed. There is no right universe. Even we just branched from one. And in infinity everything no matter how impossible is possible", said Naruto.

"Ok...Thats nice", said Kankuro his face betraying his confusion.

Temari shook her head.

"Anyway we should go but it was nice talking to you Naruto", said Temari.

"Not at all the pleasure was all mine", said Naruto.

As they left Naruto went to his home. While walking he saw the colors of sound indicating some one was following him. He walked through an alley to see if that was the case. Colors of sound came from the roof tops as he waited. Naruto looked up for a moment to see who was following him. There he saw Gaara. With a quick body flicker Naruto was standing next to the boy.

"What do you want", asked Naruto.

"Your blood", said Gaara.

Naruto crossed his arms as he leaned against a nearby pole. He examined Gaara as he thought of what to say.

"You know when I first figured out you were like me I thought we could have a conversation based on that common ground. Why do you kill anyway", asked Naruto.

"I kill because mother wants blood, I kill to prove I exist", said Gaara.

"You do know that 'mother' as you call it is just a demon right. Now I don't claim to know everything, but I cannot think of one example where listening to a demon is a good idea", said Naruto.

Gaara did not answer.

"You have one within you as well, and you summon demons...", Was all Gaara said before there was a cloud of smoke. Before him stood a black faceless demon like creature.

Sand whirled around Gaara but Naruto lifted his hand motioning him to stop.

"It won't attack you. This is a Nightgaunt, it may look like a demon, but looks can be deceiving. In reality it is more of a race of tricksters, they tickle you with their barbed tail and claws then drag you off to the dreamlands, they are strange but by no means demons", said Naruto.

He dispelled the Nightgaunt.

"The same is true for us. Demons are sealed inside of us. That does not make us demons as well. Though we can use their power, it is important to remember might does not make right. We have great power and the ability to do greater deeds, you want revenge against others thats fine, but I say the best revenge is to prove them wrong", said Naruto.

Gaara only glared at Naruto.

"When we fight I will kill you, and I will make it last", said Gaara. His face did not change showing he was quite serious.

Naruto shook his head before he disappeared in a cloud of smoke then appearing at his door. He thought about his conversation with Gaara.

"Actions speak louder than words. How to prove his way wrong", asked Naruto to himself.

Naruto walked into his home. As soon as he got in Naruto proceeded to boil ramen to eat. While his food was cooking there was a knock at his door. Naruto went to answer it. Standing outside was Jiraiya.

"Hello, how can I help you Jiraiya", asked Naruto.

"Yeah, I got you a few things", said Jiraiya.

He handed Naruto a several magazines. Naruto raised his eye at the cover depicting scantily clad women. Naruto looked back to Jiraiya.

"Really Jiraiya. I'm twelve", said Naruto.

"Exactally, which is why the women are in bathing suits and not all out nude", said Jiraiya with a perverted look on his face as his mind went straight to the gutter.

Naruto shook his head.

"Why me", said Naruto to gimself.

Jiraiya shook his head before he walked in and sat down, setting the magazines on the table. He crossed his arms and looked to Naruto.

"Listen Naruto, I was wondering. Well how would you like to be trained by me", asked Jiraiya with a smile on his face.

Naruto thought for a moment before smiling.

"Why not, but I still have training with Ebisu sensei, maybe after I finish with him I can go meet you every other day. But please nothing perverted", said Naruto.

Jiraiya glared at Naruto for a moment before he shrugged.

"Whatever, now I have a summoning contract..."

"Actually I already have my own contract", said Naruto interrupting his Godfather.

At that Jiraiya's eyes went wide as he looked at Naruto in surprize.

"Really, can I see", asked Jiraiya.

Naruto bit his thumb and slammed his palm to the ground. In the cloud of smoke Xel appeared.

"Yes my lord, what do you require", asked Xel.

Naruto pointed to Jiraiya.

"Xel, this is Jiraiya my godfather"

Xel and Jiraiya examined each other for a moment.

"So you can summon, what are you anyway"

"I am a Deep One, the children of Father Dagon and Mother Hydra. We are but one of the races with whom our lord can summon, who are you", asked Xel.

"I am gallant Jiraiya of the Sannin, The Toad Sage, and Super Pervert", said Kiraiya with a smile as he beat his chest.

Xel stood like a statue as he stared at Jiraiya. His face made it difficult to know what he was thinking.


Jiraiya nodded before turning to Naruto. His smile faded.

"Well, interesting. I never expected this", said Jiraiya sounding dejected.

"Whats wrong", asked Naruto.

"It's just. Well, I was hoping that you would be the next Toad Sage", said Jiraiya.

Naruto nodded as he saw the look in Jiraiya's face. It showed he was disappointed that he would be unable to pass his knowledge on.

"Hey it isn't that bad. You should see what else I can summon", said Naruto.

"Alright, tomorrow after you finish with your sensei, I'll come find you. I'll see what you can do", said Jirayia.

Naruto nodded. Jiraiya smiled as he ruffled Naruto's hair.

"You're not bad kid, even for an...Asexual", Jiraiya said the word and shuttered.

Then he disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Naruto looked to Xel.

"So this should be an interesting month", said Naruto.

"Indeed, though I question his sanity. His pride in his perversion reminds me of those who worship Y'Golonac. If you will excuse me my lord I must return to the lab, I shall speak with you later", said Xel.

Xel dispelled in a cloud of smoke. Naruto turned back to his table and raised his eyebrows at what was still there. The magazines sat in front of him. Naruto sighed and shook his head before leaving to finish his meal.

Nyarlathotep was a powerful god, as the direct son of Azathoth it was to be expected. However he was also a petty God. He made no attempt to hide it. He reveled in the prospect of manipulating, fooling, and torturing mortals. Humans were a favorite reciprient of his will for his mere visage caused there minds to snap. However the current world he inhabited in was much to peaceful. Nyarlathotep knew full well what the future held. War, it was the constant of so many races that to say war was near would be like saying snow was cold It was mearly a statement of fact. However that is not why he chose his current form.

Aku-Shin-Kage was one of Nyarlathoteps thousand forms. Each of his forms granted him different powers when used. Aku-Shin-Kage gave him the ability to exceed combat far beyond what any race or deity could believe possible. The armored samurai trekked through the desert. It was time for this race to understand just how insignificant they were, time to let them know what horrors hide in the shadows.

Not far from the hidden sand village was the proud village Dune. However it was not in it's greatest state. Much like Suna, Dune was suffering an ecinomic depression, two guards stood at the limestone gates watching and waiting, it was common for Dune to have guards frome Suna. While many within Dune were used to the desert heat this day was much more arid than usual. As such the guards were quite tired. Then they looked up. Walking toward the village was a samurai.

Ninja usually looked down on the samurai. comparatively they were weaker. There swordplay was legendary but when you enemy could breathe fire at will, walk up walls, and use powers no normal men could dream of a sword could only last so long.

"Halt", spoke the guard as he examined the samurai before him.

The figure stopped only a meter or so away from the guards. His head was down to hide his face. The guards cautiously approached the figure.

"Lift your head", commanded the Guard.

Slowly the samurai's hand went to the handle of his sword. Before either guard had time to react the sound of metal on metal could be heard. He then let go of the blade never removing it from its sheath. The guard looked at the samurai confused until he heard the sound of something hitting the sand. He turned to his partner. His eyes widened in fear as his partner's head was on the ground. His body still standing. The still living guard was frozen in fear as his partners body melted into gore. How could someone move a sword so fast that a trained ninja could not even detect the slightest of movement. He watched in fear as the man reached for his blades handle again while tilting his head up. As soon as the guard saw the many mouths smiling that covered the face he attempted to scream, he never had the chance. As soon as the samurai's hand touched the handle. The guard knew no more.

Nyarlathotep looked at what was left of the bodies before him. His many mouths smiled as he looked to the gate. He drew his ebony sword pointing it at the gate. The door began to rot. It turned a sickly black before it crumbled like dust. As soon as the door was gone he stepped into the village. This was the last day of the Village in the Dunes.

Over the week news of Dune's destruction scattered across the ninja world. In a single day the city was reduced to rotted ruins. Most o the bodies found were unrecognizable. Several sand shinobi who would check on Dune would swear on their life that death by Gaara's sand coffin would have been a kindness in comparison to the both dead and still living mutilated bodies. Panic flooded the world. A small village like Dune was still much to big to be in this state after a single day. Those who were in Dune who were spared would attack all who came within the village. Screaming about the Black Samurai and other such maddening prospects of this samurai's abilities no ninja would believe possible. It looked like it had been abandoned for decades even centuries rather than a single day.

The second day after being destroyed all traces of life ever existing was gone. As if no one had lived there at all. There were many who investigated the empty entire village, and parts of the desert around it was burned to glass, though no fires were ever seen. Many would claim to see figures in the corner of their eye, who were stuck within the glass trapped trying to escape. Though they would disappear as if they only existed in the corner of the eye.

The third day was the last any trace of the village could be found, but it was also the worst. Those who disappeared came back. The ninja investigating the village would never return. All that was known was that one unfortunate man outside the city was able to hear the screams of the ninja within the village being killed and torn apart. When night came the desert swallowed the village. Never to be seen again. Nyarlathotep was pleased.