
Chapter 26 The Divine Flower

Naruto was siting at the table as Tsunami prepared the food. While that was happening he was thinking to himself so for he had little luck finding he Divine Flower. His clones searched far and wide though they could not find it. As Tsunami prepared the table a young child came to the table. His demeanor was that of a child who had little to no emotions, he reminded Naruto of Konohamaru after the Yithian took over his body. The boy glared at them. Tazuna introduced the child as his grandson Inari. Inari said nothing to anyone while he ate. However It did not escape Naruto that Inari would look at him. Naruto looked at Inari.

"Yes, can I help you", asks Naruto.

"What's wrong with your eyes", asks Inari.

"Inari, don't be rude", says Tsunami.

"No it's fine. My eyes are not like yours. They have special attributes that are unique to me", says Naruto.

Inari narrows his eyes.

"Like what", asks Inari.

"Well, I can't see illusions for one, I can read any language, and I can see sound. Right now I can see your heart beating as small waves of different colors. I can see a trail of small sounds coming from that fly buzzing behind you, I can see the howl of the wind just outside the window, all at the same time", says Naruto.

"Sounds weird", says Inari.

Inari pushes his food away. Without saying a word he walks away upstairs.

"Is he ok", asks Sakura.

"He just has gone through a lot for one so young", says Tazuna.

"What happened to him", asks Naruto.

Tazuna told a story of Inari's father figure. Who was killed by Gato's men. It was an interesting story, told as if the death was the last acts to stomp out hope for wave country.

"Poor kid", says Sakura.

Naruto thinks over the story. He still thought Gato was a fool of a man, though he was very dangerous. Whatever the reason he wanted to rule a country in some fassion. As if he could handle the responsibility or work necessary to do so. There was no other reason to put this country under his thumb. Though his methods were atrocious the ends were pitiful, his work may have led him to become quite rich but eventually his grip on wave would kill everyone here, and he would be a leader without followers other than those who he had to pay to do so. Taking this theory into account it became clear Gato was ambitious though he was no more fit to rule a country as a fish was to swim in ammonia, the results could only hurt him.

Naruto pushed those thoughts from his mind. He had more pressing matters to deal with. Finding the Divine Flower, preparing for Zabuza, and protecting Tazuna. The only saving grace was Naruto could literally be in many places at once. He finished the last of his food.

"I'm going to go out and train some more", says Naruto.

"Just watch out don't forget Zabuza is still out there", says Kakashi.

"Don't forget sensei I'm always careful", says Naruto.

Naruto walks out the door walking back to the field he bites his thumb. Slamming it to the ground a Byakhee appears. Naruto walks up to the creature and pets it's head.

"What is that"

Naruto turns to see Sakura staring at the Byakhee. Naruto sighs.

"This is a Byakhee, a flying creature that can fly through space fast as light", says Naruto.

Sakura looks at the winged horse like creature.

"Be careful, they are predators", says Naruto.

Sakura backs off for a moment.

"You have some weird summons", says Sakura.

"You should see the Shoggoth", says Naruto.

Sakura raises an eyebrow at that.

"Yeah, not going to ask", says Sakura.

"So why did you come here", asks Naruto.

Sakura shifts her feet for a moment.

"Nothing", says Sakura.

Naruto sighs. He bites his thumbs he summons another Byakhee.

"If it's privacy you want for this conversation there is nowhere more private than the sky", says Naruto.

Sakura looks at the winged creature before her. Reluctant at first she walks up to it. She pets it's head.

"Looks like a dragon mixed with a bug", says Sakura.

"I suppose, still it is fun to fly", says Naruto.

Sakura gets on the second Byakhee. Naruto walks to his and climbs it's back.

"Hold on tight", says Naruto.

The two Byakhee flies into the sky. Smiling a bit as Sakura screams Naruto makes her Byakhee follow his. Fling above the clouds the two Byakhee hovers off the ground. Naruto turns to see Sakura holding around her Byakhee's neck with her eyes closed.

"Its ok to open your eyes", says Naruto.

Reluctantly Sakura opens her eyes. looking around she begins to calm.

"See, you can't get much more private than several thousand feet above the ground so whats wrong", asks Naruto.

Sakura loosens her grip around her Byakhee but still holds on tight. Taking in a beep breath she looks at Naruto.

"It's just, well it's Sasuke", says Sakura.

"I see, what about him", asks Naruto.

"Well, he rarely talks to me no matter what I do, but he talks a lot to you. Do you know what he thinks about me", asks Sakura.

Naruto shakes his head.

"The main reason Sasuke tolerates me is because I helped him unlock his sharingan. He's antisocial to a fault Sakura, you do know what happened to his family", says Naruto.

"Yeah but", she doesn't get any further.

"Sakura, why ask me. I'm socially retarded remember, hell I don't even know what to do about the girl that likes me", says Naruto.

Sakura looks at Naruto smiling.

"Oh what's this, does someone have a crush on little Naruto", asks Sakura teasing.

"You know I could tell that Byakhee to let you drop", says Naruto.

"Yeah right that'll happen, so tell me who is it", asks Sakura.

Naruto looks at her.

"Hinata", says Naruto.

Instantly he regrets telling her as she lets out a high-pitched squeak.

"Please do that again, I think I can still hear correctly", says Naruto.

"I'm sorry but that is so adorable, your crush is shy little Hinata. So what are you doing about it, dates, holding hands, kissing maybe", asks Sakura mischievously.

"Sakura, look down", says Naruto.

Confusingly she does. After a moment she realizes just how high up she is. She grabs tighter to her Byakhee.

"Now that we got that out of your system, I haven't done anything. She doesn't even know that I know she likes me", says Naruto.

"Why don't you ask her out", asks Sakura.

"I'm the Jailor for a demon fox, have the social instinct of a sloth, and have never had anyone who liked me in such a way. Forgive me if I am inept in this field", says Naruto.

"That's your problem Naruto, you are always so serious. Loosen up a little, your going to have a heart attack if you don't", says Sakura.

"Enough with me, why don't we continue with your Sasuke problem", says Naruto.

Sakura pets her Byakhee as she thinks of what to say.

"Well, I was wondering what I could do to get him to notice me. You are at least a friend with him. I thought you could help", says Sakura.

"Well in some psychology books I've read I have learned a bit on how people act. Given Sasuke's attitude suggest a superiority complex, paradoxically he also seems to show symptoms of an inferiority complex when it comes to people he believes stronger than himself. This is obvious when he looks at Kakashi, I think I am exempt from this because he thinks I care more for studying and research than I do for ninja work, which is not entirely true I give each equal attention but that is what I think he thinks. My best Jutsu other than Shadow clones is a tentacle that others may find grotesque so I am not surprised by this. It's my opinion that if you want Sasuke to be your boyfriend as you call it, it would be best to have an evolving relationship", says Naruto.

"What do you mean", asks Sakura.

"You can stop chasing him like he's some prize and view him as a teammate, then a friend. Whatever happens after that is just the progression of of that relationship. Relationships can evolve in a myriad of ways, right now you are young, you may not really want Sasuke as a boyfriend latter in your life, then again maybe you do I don't know. The important thing to remember is the foundation of that relationship, how it evolves is up to both of you and how you interact with each other", says Naruto.

Sakura smiles and chuckles a bit.

"Emotionally retarded huh?", says Sakura jokingly.

"To be honest, all of that was from one of those psychology books, I have yet to apply it to how I deal with people. Hopefully you will fair better", says Naruto.

Sakura laughs.

"Ok, well lets get down, I'm a little light-headed up here", says Sakura.

The Byakhee flies Quickly in a nosedive. Naruto notices Sakura smiles as they fly down. The Byakhee slows its decent and lands softly on the ground.

"That was fun", says Sakura.

"I like riding them, it's a good way to calm down and get your mind off things", says Naruto.

Sakura nods.

"Anyway, thanks for the talk Naruto, I'm going to practice that genjutsu on Kakashi, I'd ask you but it wouldn't work", says Sakura as she walks off.

Naruto waves as one of the Byakhee dispels. He gets back on his.

"Alright lets go see if we can find that flower", says Naruto as the Byakhee takes off.

A feminine figure watches Naruto as he takes off.

"Those things are fast", says the feminine figure as it follows Naruto.

Naruto lands in a of flowers. He dispels his Byakhee. He begins going though the flowers looking for any that glow. As he searches he becomes aware of a faint color of sound coming from the trees.

"You can come out now", says Naruto.

As soon as he says that a feminine figure walks out of the forest. Wearing an elaborate kimono and carrying a basket.

"Sorry, I saw you coming on that animal, I was curious"

Naruto looks at the figure. Examining it for a moment he believes the figure to be a girl, but as it approaches he can see an adams apple. The boy walks forward.

"It's fine", says Naruto.

The boy smiles.

"I'm Naruto who are you"

"My name is Haku"

Naruto nods.

"So what are you doing here", asks Naruto.

Looking at the boy and his style of dress, Naruto can tell that Haku is not from the village, for one the elaborate clothing and the smile showed that this boy was not down in spirits like the other villagers.

"I was just picking flowers to make some medicine, you never know when you need some", says Haku.

Naruto looks at the basket. He analyzes the plants.

"So, you are a ninja I presume", asks Naruto

"Why do you say that", asks Haku.

Naruto points to the basket.

"Typha latifolia the Common Cattail can be used for wounds and burns, Aloe Vera usually used in burns also useful in wounds, Equisetum arvense the horse tail used to stop bleeding, Lavandula angustifolia or lavender used as an antiseptic, and Calendula officalis or Marigold used for treating Wounds and soothing skin. All of your plants are used more for wounds than for illness, and only ninja get wounded enough to justify all those plants. In fact Judging from the amount of plants collected you are preparing for something big", says Naruto.

"Honestly you lost me at the weird names you called the plants", says Haku.

"Not my fault, I just read a lot", says Naruto.

"So you are a ninja as well", asks Haku looking at Naruto's headband.

"I am, though I see myself as a scholar as well", says Naruto.

Haku smiles.

"I can see that", says Haku.

"So can I ask you something Naruto"

Naruto looks up.

"Sure go ahead"

"What are you looking for", asks Haku.

"Divine flower, you'd think a bioluminescent flower would stick out", says Naruto.

Haku smiles he reaches into his basket. He pulls out a glowing flower.

"This what you are looking for", asks Haku.

Naruto runs over to him.

"Yes, where did you find it", asks Naruto.

Haku points toward a nearby pond.

"Over there, but this was the only one I found", says Haku.

Naruto nods.

"Well at least I know the habitat they grow in", says Naruto.

Haku hands Naruto the flower.

"Here I don't mind, I only use it to prevent infection, and there are better plants to use for that", says Haku.

Naruto carefully takes the flower.

"Thank you so much, you have no idea how important this flower is", says Naruto.

Haku shrugs.

"So Naruto tell me why do you need that flower", asks Haku.

"It is not well known that the divine flower can prevent necrosis and has beneficial effects on the mind even after death, let me just leave it at that. I am working on a powerful medicine, with this plant hopefully I can grow more. It does seem as if a few small seeds on this flower, that will be useful. Thank you again Haku I don't know how I can repay you", says Naruto.

"Think nothing of it Naruto", says Haku.

Naruto smiles.

"So what village do you belong to", asks Naruto.

"I don't have a village, I only follow one man who is precious to me", says Haku.

"I see, so you are a missing nin", says Naruto.

"Technically I have never had official ninja training", says Haku.

"Implying you had unofficial ninja training, don't worry your secret is safe with me", says Naruto.

Haku smiles and nods.

"So who is this man who is precious to you, he must be great for you to refer to him as such", asks Naruto.

"I'd love to tell you but he is very secretive, and I would never betray his trust", says Haku.

"I understand", says Naruto.

Haku nods.

"So Naruto do you have anyone precious to you", asks Haku.

Naruto thinks for a moment.

"Strictly speaking I have never got along with many people, It may be my eyes, I don't know. However I recently I do have a friend, at least I consider her a friend. As for my other friends, well they are a bit crazy, not to mention they hate each other and one is a fish. Why do you ask", says Naruto.

Haku raises an eyebrow at the fish line but smiles none the less.

"I believe that people are strongest when they protect someone precious to them", says Haku.

Naruto nods.

"I like that, and considering what I know about people it is true. When someone you love is in danger you will do all you can to help them", says Naruto.

They continue to talk to each other. As the day slowly becomes night Haku leaves. As he does Naruto takes out the Divine flower. Smiling he takes out a scroll unsealing his chemistry equipment. Placing the flower in a sealed container to keep it safe he reseals the equipment. Finally after this he could work on the reagent. The power to bring the dead to life would be his.