
Naruto: life of an average reincarnated soul with power cheat

death ☠️ did not even feel it , what is that voice? A baby ... oh wait I am the baby And this world is NARUTO WORLD watch the MC as he gains power and become one of the greatest worrier I don't own NARUTO nor the other stuff I am going to add the only thing I own is the MC I am new to this writing thing and still figuring it out so don't know how it is going to be. English is not my main language. it is a test work of mine in the future I might rewrite it, it is rushed.

Ashish_Patra · Cómic
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26 Chs

Missing pieces part 1

Before reading this I instruct you to read the first 3 chapters.

Age 5

I just applied for the academy, there are many children who also applied but the thing is there are not many clan children.

There are only 6 clan children who applied this year.

1. Hinatsu hyuga, a branch house hyuga

2. Yarogi kurama, brother of current head

3. Inokin yamanaka, cousin of the head

4. Tamayo uchiha

5. Hitomi inuzuka

6. Rei Aburame

To enter the academy we have to clear a test in which I gained 86% and a running test  in which I aced.



First day in academy and I already am in a fight.

That uchiha was being too arogant and bullying the cute hyuga girl so as the hero I had to interfere.

Result I punched him black and blue.

I got a detention for that and the kid often started to pick fight with me.

With that jerk nagging me my whole year went by.




I am wondering in the forest of death why?

Well to collect fighting experience ofcourse.

I suddenly got attached by a huge tiger and that wes the time I knew I F* Ed up.

I healed my damage with medi ninjutsu.

But that tiger is overwhelming and I dropped my weapon bag when it attacked.

In the heat of the battle, with the influence of my Yang chakra something changed.

The tiger jumped at me

Next thing I knew the tiger's head is stabbed with a bone.

Thus the origin of my Bone release.



One day while returning from my training in the night time I saw a string of red hair and I understood what is happening, as my stealth is top notch I followed the trail.

After some time I saw a blonde kid and as to not effect the plot I stoped, but then the cheat displayed that I need some Uzumaki chakra to awaken the blood line.

So I followed them saw everything and when I got some time I stole some of her chakra.

After training many days I achieved UZUMAKI BLOODLINE.




My first mission with my team..... A d ranked one.

We have to recieve the supplies and store them.

From this I can understand war is close and ore root ninja teacher is so fake.

I just wanted to take care of her as soon as possible.

A week later in a C ranked mission,

It was my time to kill her but she sacrificed our teammate, yet she fell in a trap and died.

The sorrow and guilt of our teammate dying was eating me away and somedays later the string snapped and I awakened my 1 tomoe sharingan.




I don't own Naruto 🙂