
The Capture of the Jinchuriki Part 3

Author's note: after finishing the chapter go to my other novel: Return Of The Demon God Dusk, I assure you that you will love it and I hope you will support it in collections.


Back to the present...

The three-pronged kunai would hit the water hard so that immediately afterwards the fourth hokage would fall to his knees before the worried eyes of everyone who didn't know what had happened since from one second to the next.

Minato just fell hard against the water, however they couldn't keep thinking about what had happened to the fourth hokage since the other two akatsuki members were in front of them about to attack and finish them off.

Kushina with some anger took out her golden chains, to immediately throw them against kisame who only smiled at this, so that in a single cut with samehada the golden chains would be absorbed? by that sword as if it were spaghetti.

Kisame without wasting time would launch a second cut against Kushina who only saw with some fear that cut that she could not block in time, but to her luck Kakashi would block that cut with a kunai and Kushina taking advantage of this distraction would take out a sword from a seal of storage to immediately shoot out against Kisame that would only create a clone of water that would block Kushina's attack.

Naruto when he was close enough to gai and assumed he would take a breath and then his posture was done.

Sixth Posture: Solitary Moon at Night

Avīci -said naruto for a devastating cut against his opponents who would open their eyes before such an attack given by kokushibo.

Gai would manage to block most of those attacks with his nunchakus, but I assume he didn't have the same luck since he couldn't block the number of cuts receiving most of them so that he limply fell to his knees in the water while his blood was sprayed on the surface. water surface.

Gai would look at this with concern, but seeing how kokushibo got back in position to attack quickly and without hesitation he would open the first 5 gates, to shoot out against kokushibo.

He was surprised by Gai's speed, but without giving it much thought he would quickly place his sword.

Like a shield to block gai's blow, but his surprise was pleasant since after receiving that blow he would be thrown backwards by its power.

Naruto would do a somersault in the air to land on his feet in the water and then shoot out against gai who did exactly the same so that when they both met face to face.

The first to attack was Naruto with one of his postures-Third Posture: Deadly Moon of Abandonment - said Naruto so that in a quick movement gai was surrounded by several cuts of cuts.

However, gai, taking a fairly powerful jump, would dodge those cuts that

they wanted to kill.

Gai in mid-air would launch an ax kick against Naruto who only made another posture to defend himself from that attack

Fifth Stance: Phantom Moon Cursed Vortex -said naruto so that in one movement hundreds of cuts came out defending him from gai's ax kick who could only use his nunchakus to block the incoming attacks and take a position.

Edited by: Demon_Asmodeo

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In the novel many things will happen that you will like I hope you can enjoy it since the main character will take out the template of Indra Otsutsuki I hope you can support my other novel Return Of The Demon God Dusk in collections.

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