
Naruto: knowledge Apostle

Michael was a man who loved the world of Naruto specifically the power system he knew there were other and maybe better ones but for some odd reason he just loved Naruto's power system he studied Jutsus, jujutsu, Juinjutsus, Ninjutsu, and more Ninjutsu, Genjutsu He wished there was a real possibility of learning them for real until something amazing happened.

MorbidCuriosity · Cómic
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14 Chs

Magna Carta

Michael Vons was a lover of the Naruto power system especially The techniques He read up on all of them. He didn't even really watch the show he just read up on the power system. He did all this research to quench the thirst in his mind.

Michael whose full name was Michael Vons studied so much that he got burned out and his drive fizzled until there was nothing left. He eventually forgot about the novel of Naruto completely.

Until one day he awoke while he was getting ready for work. He got an intense headache and collapsed.

When he opened his eyes he was a black void that was completely devoid of light. He turned his head every which way but all he glanced upon was the creeping darkness gnawing at his mind.

Michael who was in a confused and frenzied state blurted out "Hello helloo!"

"Is anyone there, Im Mich!-

Suddenly a Blinding white light filled Michael's vision it made him completely close his eyes.

A booming magnanimous, authoritative voice sounded off.

"Mortal how did you slip through the cracks?"

Michael who had not opened his eyes yet "What! what! what do you mean!"

The mysterious booming voice continued on "worry, not I am not here to harm you calm down".

"How are you here in the Magna-Carta planes?"

Michael with a perturbed expression, "Magna Carla what!"

The once booming voice had gone quiet.


Michael could feel the presence of something squirming about in his mind. he inwardly thought 'Is this thing searching my mind?'

"You are just a mortal who accidentally fell out of the loop" the Authoritative voice pointed out.

Michael who was so confused and scared, "Sir almighty umm.... sir do you know how I got here?"

"Worry not feeble mortal I will take it upon myself to see you out!" "Since you are a mortal you can be directly forced out of this perilous zone!"

Michael screamed inwardly 'ahhhhhh why does this thing scream all the time!'

The booming assumed god with his booming voice spoke," Mortal I will force you out of this zone but I cannot send you back into your world loop!"

"You will have to be forced into another world loop!"

Michael took in all of this information, "Loops... worlds... zones... forced"?

Michael finally spoke up "Almighty sir what do you mean forced?"

The Authoritative being stated, "Thy forcing you into another world is masking your soul with the primordial energy of that realm, and since I'm not the being who resides over that world I'm forcing thee into the world".

Michael pondered upon this....gods? statement

Michael wanted to know, "Can I choose what world, you put me in".

The magnanimous god pondered, "What do you have in mind mortal".

Michael knew what world he wanted to be forced into.

"Can you put me into the World of Naruto and if sir have any questions can just read my mind".

The booming voice was surprised, "You can feel when thy self intrudes the mind?"

"Sigh for a mortal you are very keen".

"Yes, I can send you there and since my humble self hasn't come across any life form for eons I will give you three wishes that are in line with that world".

"The wishes must be balanced no wishing for transcendent power or anything like that".

Michael ruminated, "Can I have a high talent for anything and everything Jutsu-related, I want to have the Senju Tobirama's bloodline, and I want to be able to converge the spirits of the dead"(In layman's terms talk to ghosts).

'I would go for Hashirama's for wood style but even if I obtained wood-style I didn't have the sage body so I would be like Yamato even if I somehow obtained it.'

The God pondered, "Firstly if you want the Senju bloodline you will have to be a Konohagakure citizen Secondly, since all the direct lines of Senju are dead you will have to be a far-related descendant which means your bloodline will be heavily diluted".

Michael had a joyous expression until he heard these words. Michael was going to speak when the god spoke up first.

"Since I'm a magnanimous, almighty, wonderful, benevolent, humble, transcendent, and mighty being I will urge your bloodline to make it go from a measly 10% to a mighty 75%". "With my concept, it's easy to boost your body's blood purity"! Boomed the boing in his loud voice.

Michael's mind wanted to know what he meant by concept 'Is that what he calls his powers'?

"All of your wishes have been taken into account and have been accepted".

"Since you are the first life form I have spoken to in eons I will tether your soul to the Manga-Carta plane".

Michael was bewildered "What does that constitute sir"?

The being responded, "In your new world you will be able to use this plane energy to infuse them into skills and abilities. This plane has the law of erosion so it should be a mighty boon for thee".

"What erosion Michael" spoke in worry.

"Worry not you are under my protection, normally this plane would even erode souls, thoughts, and light but you are with me!"

"Carta energy is powerful be careful with it" the being stated.

"Alright go on now".

Michael who still had his eyes closed heard that and felt he he was traveling away fast.

[Scene Change]

He felt he was lying on something soft he finally opened his eyes only to see a ceiling he looked around, and suddenly Memories flooded into his mind it was not painful like the novels make it out to be, instead it was a warm flow besmirching his brain.

My name is Arashi Shizukesa, "I'm the son of Kyoka and Ikibaru Shizukesa. I'm a chunin and not a strong one at that I was only promoted because of the war".

"He was basically a Genin he only knew the three body techniques and barely at that". I was lying in a tent wrapped in bandages. "I was basically fodder before thankfully I got my three wishes".