
Advantage and Disadvantage




Hmm to be honest I didn't find Camp Kumo

Or Konoha

Maybe I got somewhere in the wrong place

Hmm, well, I guess I'm not Zaraki?

Hmm Zaraki? Sounds familiar


Now I was just swinging my sword

Trying to come up with some more tricks

In the end I'm just trying to figure out how to improve my ranged attack.

Well, what's the best way to launch Zangetsu?

Hmm maybe I should use Getsuga more often

Just not as powerful

To avoid using up all my reiatsu


I wandered for about two more hours

Hmm, I think I've gone deeper into Kumo territory.

There are a lot of mountains here

It is beautiful


Finally I found a fairly flat place in the middle of the mountains

For now I'm staying here


Zangetsu bandage wrapped around my arm

Well I don't know either

I just throw it around

Trying to increase the speed of his um "flight"?

Well, anyway, I tried several options

I launch it into the air above me

And then I'll lie down for the Bandage so that it falls in front of me

Well, so far it's not going well

For example, according to my idea, he falls with a blade on the enemy and cuts him in two, I think it would look cool and sickening at the same time

But I realized that I can't make it fall with the blade down

He could have fallen on the wrong side or just sideways

Well I'm trying to improve it


I also unrolled more bandages and grabbed the edge and spun

It sure looks ridiculous

And in this case I didn't get something like a meat grinder

I think it's obvious why

Well, I'll still cause pain, right? Well, I think there will be a bruise

It's easier when it flies in a straight line like a spear or senbon

When I attack from the side, I also don't always get hit with the blade, but still quite often

Because first I launch it in a straight line and then I pull it so hard that it doesn't have time to turn around

And due to the width of the blade, the air resistance is quite large

So he turns around

But there is already either a sharp, strict blade

Or the reverse side

Well, at least when he hits with the non-sharp side it can stop the enemy for a moment

Well, or if he is not a jonin or a special chunin specializing in taijutsu, then due to the force of the blow they will simply collapse on the ground

Although I could just show up behind them and cut them open, or cut off their heads


What if I

I took Zangetsu by the bandage and unwound it about half a meter.

Then I started spinning it above me


Small blue crescent moons began to fly off the blade

They flew in all directions

Causing deep cuts in trees and shallow cuts in rocks

I began to spin Zangetsu even more, sending more Getsuga Tensho but even smaller in size.

Because of the force I applied to spinning Zangetsu, the wind rose

In the end it looked like a small tornado that sent blue crescents in all directions

I stopped

A third of my reiatsu is gone

Yes, these Getsugi Tensho were small but there were a lot of them


The attack power is quite low causing only medium cuts on trees and small cuts on rocks


It's wide-ranging

Suitable if I'm surrounded

This is not convenient for the Jounin, but it will certainly hurt and force them to retreat.

Genin get hurt a lot and if they are bad at taijutsu and defense jutsu they can die

Hmm if I had more reiatsu I could send much larger Getsuga Tensho in the same amount

...I definitely need to increase my Reiatsu supply

Hmm, potions introducing the Reiatsu supply are obtained quite rarely

But...surely I can improve him with training

But which ones?


Ha...if reiatsu is a reflection of the soul, its emotions, state of mind, then all this should also influence it?

Can my emotions affect my reiatsu? My goal? Determination?

I don't know

Hmm can I find out?

I didn't feel a lot of emotions, and I didn't feel them that often either.

Is it more like emptiness?

Even if I want to live this life well so as not to regret the past

But...what should I do for this? I'm not sure if this is the goal I really want

Or is it still her?


I feel confused

Hmm, do I want to be happy?

What I like?

I'm not sure

So far the only thing I liked was the tea.

Although I'm also gradually starting to like battles, but not enough to do them only


I also liked brewing potions

I enjoyed the fact that I managed to get the potions I needed

I liked swinging the sword

I like the beauty of nature

Hmm, maybe I should find another hobby?

And enjoy it?

Although I like to brew potions and get the potions that I want, I still can't always brew potions

Even if the Hokage knows that I have something like this, I don't want to show it off publicly.

Hmm, I also like to relax and do absolutely nothing

Although I think everyone likes it


So that I can just live? I think I'll just worry about getting stronger and then go on a trip to observe the beauty of nature

Hmm I'd like to try it

For now I'll stay in Konoha

For some reason I got distracted from the topic

Well, I'll try to increase the reiatsu




Well, when I train in any form, reiatsu also increases, at least a little

Hmm, I think this is the only option for now

Although meditation helps the most

Although I did it pretty quickly

I meditated and eventually found the "source"

This is where my reiatsu comes from

Is this reireku?

Hmm I think something else

Or is it still there?

Don't know

But this is the source

Hmm, I started to think more and remember when my reiatsu increased


This was when I was seriously injured

Well, more precisely, it was the most serious wound I received.

Although I quickly cured her

But still, this happened for the first time after that, my reiatsu increased, but not much

Hm, Battles or situations when I'm on the "edge"?


Although I didn't feel any danger yet

On the Night of the Nine-Tails, I didn't have to worry about myself thanks to my strong regeneration

In other battles I could use potions


The potion also has a downside

I rely on them a lot


What should I do?

Should I only use potions after a fight?

Or only when I know I can't continue?

Haa such a contradiction

If you really have to be on the edge to increase your reiatsu, then my potions will interfere with me

Hm Should I not use potions during battles?

For some time?

Potions.... My advantage and disadvantage


End of chapter

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