

Rare people, tends to have rare opportunities like the Kaito Uzumaki, Enjoy the fanfic

99_DRAGONS · Cómic
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30 Chs


Kaito "Were is this, why everything is white, it is not like the Hospital, wait did I?...."

God "Child you have died by truck-kun, according to the divine rule of the rebirth, keeping your good and bad karma intact, we will allow you to reborn in the world of your choice"

Kaito "So, you are the god?"

God "yes child, which world do you wanted to go?"

Kaito never thought about this, he always liked to read Naruto fanfic's but to think he will have a chance to visit Shinobi world, this poor otaku soul was excited for this to happen. "I want to reincarnate in Naruto World along with wishes"

God "I will give you the list of blood lines in Naruto to chose from but time line and birth will be decided by us, we will check your background and reincarnate you"

Kaito thought "Shit"

Divine Record's of Bloodline in Shinobi world : All Kekkei Genkai's available:

Pure Hyuga Bloodline

Pure Uchiha Bloodline (Bonus Karma for Curse removed)

Pure Uzumaki Bloodline

Pure Senju Bloodline

Otsutsuki bloodline (Bonus Karma for Mutations) Locked

Dojutsu Rinnegan (Blue, Gold, Purple and red Bonus Karma for Tomoed ones)

Dojutsu Jogan (Bonus for full control)

Dojutsu Tenseigan

Pure Kaguya clan Bloodline

Ability Jugo (Bonus for side effects removed)

Dojutsu Ability : Daikokuten Sukunahikona. (Isshiki)

Make the Custom setup using the Abilities purchased remember some trait's like Wood release, Sharingan etc... can be only given if the person purchased the blood line, remember it will also affect your rebirth.

Kaito Thought and Thought for a long time and came with lot of contradictions.

If I am born in Hyuga Clan, there is a 75% chance that he might go into Branched Hyuga

If I am born in Uchiha Clan, I am bound to Hatred, though i like the ability, attitude, system of clan and their Unified mindset, there is always a better choice.

I would prefer Uzumaki Clan, they possess the best ability and cheat to learn any jutsu fast.

Kaguya of Eye of Mind,

Chakra chains

High healing factor

Fuinjutsu Legacy

God Cough, Cough "Your have lot of good Karma, with this you can buy three bloodlines and a dojutsu with exception of otsutsuki Bloodline in here ."

Kaito "Let's do this"

Uzumaki Bloodline + Senju Bloodline + Hyuga Bloodline + Jogan Dojutsu.

God "Boy, what the hell, is this so overpowered"

Kaito "You said I will not be able to access the Otsutsuki bloodline so I made one"

God "Ha, ingenious very ingenious, you have entertained me well, so I will say in which body you will go into"

Kaito "Who"

God "Kaito Uzumaki, Naruto's twin brother"

Kaito "That's cool in it's own way"

God "Tell me about your appearance"

Kaito "Before that, Will I able to get the Bloodline I created?"

God "You will, I will make Minato Namikaze as a son of Senju and a failure Hyuga, who's parents died in war and the name Namikaze was made by himself, so you will be able to get both the bloodline as you wish, Naruto will not able to have the powers you possess, be will be as same as in original plot."

Kaito "Nice, as for before, I want to have appearance same like Minato's. "

God "this is what I wanted you to say and I will list the ability you will get"

Elemental Affinity : Wind, Water, Earth, Lightning, Yin and Yang


High Stamina, Healing and Chakra regeneration rates

Very dense Chakra

Uzumaki Adamantine Sealing Chains

Kaguya Eye of mind

Wood Release Kekkei Genkai

Senjutsu Blessed Body

Dojutsu : Jogan (Full control)

Abilities of Jogan:

Enhanced long vision like Hyuga, but can't do the 360 degree.

Can see Tenketsu points and distinguish chakra by colors.

Insight of a three tomoe Sharingan

Teleportation at will

See though various realms, barriers and Dimensional Rifts

Boruto series will reveal in time and fan's suggestions will be taken into account while doing this Fanfic.

Kaito "That's awesome"

God "Now let's move to love interest, you should not disturb the love interest of Main characters like Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura because, there child is already destined to fight the Otsutsuki, clan it will hard to convince Shiba Otsutsuki you see"

Kaito "Why do you have to convince him? you are the God !"

God "Well, he is in charge of that realm, he is also some one who is subordinate of mine, it is like that, you wont understand"

Kaito "I want OC Uzumaki"

God "OK, Perfect, I will"

About MC's Past life:

Kaito is a royalty in Japan, because had lot of money and his father have to look after his only child, he was cherished a lot and taught business from a young age.

He later build his own Business and got eternal wealth, to say he found a way to get money easily regenerated double and tripled in his bank account.

Because of that, he build free high quality hospitals and orphanage and created a lot of Good Karma. That's how he was able get reincarnated.

Many may think how did that rich ass got accident,

He was in the car when Truck Kun crashed at him, to gods who gave him chance to make his wish come true.

God "Kaito do you have any other wishes?"

Kaito "These are my last wishes, I should have insane amount of talent at all types of Ninja Artistry, Even when using Jogan my eyes should look normal, like it can look like normal Jogan without black stuff which is holding Jogan"

God "Reason able, Now Get Reborn already"