

Rare people, tends to have rare opportunities like the Kaito Uzumaki, Enjoy the fanfic

99_DRAGONS · Cómic
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30 Chs

Gentle Shadow's

Kaito walked to the Hokage office, this time there was no one to stop him.

Kaito "Ohayo Mina san"

Mina "Ohayo Kaito-Kun"

Kaito "Is it OK, to see the Hokage now?"

Mina "Yes, he is free right now"

Kaito "Thanks for your help Mina-San"

Kaito knocked the Office room,

Hiruzen "Yes, come in"

Kaito "Ohayo Gramps"

Hiruzen "Ha Kaito, come in I was waiting for your arrival"

Kaito "Yes, it is my turn to give the scrolls that you lent me, here. I am so grateful gramps"

Hiruzen got the scroll.

Hiruzen "Boy did you learn the transformation Jutsu?"

Kaito "Yes Gramps, here Henge no Jutsu"

He transformed it to kunai.

Hiruzen was shocked at the transformation of Kaito, for the age of four he should have trouble transforming into a person, that is what the case with the clan children, but he is quite good for transforming into a little object.

Kaito de-transformed "How was it Gramps?"

Hiruzen "Impressive, did you learn any other Jutsu?"

Kaito "Yes, the clone jutsu and the substitution jutsu"

Hiruzen "Nani?, both too, just in a month too?"

Kaito "Yeah, is there any wrong with it?"

Hiruzen thought "He is quite good, he will be more than Minato in the future, just transforming into a Kunai itself, shows his hard work, he is a monster in terms of talent" and continued "So, did the Hyuga clan's Jonin visited you?"

Kaito "Yes, his name is Tokuma Hyuga, he said he will teach me form next week, and he said he have mission till the next week"

Hiruzen thought "So, it is Tokuma. Hyuga is a clan, were they uphold their promises, they are really trustable and reliable"

Kaito "What is it Gramps, what are you thinking so hard?"

Hiruzen thought "This is the correct time to tell him" and said "as you see Kaito in next two years, you have to attend the academy strictly, so, there is no extra seat as the clan heirs filled everyone"

Kaito "what it should to with me, come to the point gramps"

Hiruzen "Nothing Kaito, I am planing to give Naruto one of the seats to enter the academy with the clan heir as the top of the class, I want you to write the test from civilian side and attend the academy with Naruto"

Kaito "Oh, test's huh, it is a good way to spend my time, so where to start Gramps, can you explain me the levels of the test"

Hiruzen "there are 5 levels of test"

Level one : Chakra test (checking if he / she possess chakra or not)

Level two : Knowledge test (written exam)

Level three : running test 1 (sprinting test)

Level four : running test 2 (obstacle test)

Level five : Taijutsu spar (random someone in the Genin squad)

To pass the test, one must have 75 percent on each test to attend with the clan heirs.

Average marks were 45 percent, because the civilian kids were not the best.

Kaito "OK, Have faith in me gramps"

Hiruzen remembers (Hiruzen to Minato in the past "I will have faith in your faith")

Hiruzen "I will have Faith in your Faith Kaito" and thought "Like father, Like son"



"When the tree leaves dance,

One shall find flames.

The fire's shadow will illuminate the village,

And once again, tree leaves shall bud anew."

Saratobi Hiruzen : Sandaime hokage

~~~~ who do you hate more Danzo or Hiruzen? ~~~


Kaito "sayonara"

Kaito came out of the Hokage Mansion and went to the place of isolated training area.

Kaito followed the steps of the gentle fist and learned properly, the proper Taijutsu which includes the opening and closing of Tenketsu points, if wanted to increase and decrease the flow of chakra of the opponent.

It is a leathal Taijutsu which could cause fatal internal damage it used correctly.

Kaito thought "If only I awaken my Jogan soon, I will be able to grasp the way of Gentle Fist."

Kaito practiced attacking and blocking with palms not fist.

Exclude chakra with Tenketsu points in the hands and do it with precision.

Kaito practiced and trained the Basic's of Gentle fist again and again, and strengthen the basics form the core, it took him a week, like Tokuma suggested.

After some point of time,

Kaito got bored and slept on grass the experience was pleasant, the sun was warm not harsh like being in earth, under the shade of tree, were the wind dances wildly, it was perfect for sleep.

Coming to Shinobi world is worth after all, No pollution, free electricity, nice sleep.

A tall figure's shadow covered Kaito, it was Tokuma.

Kaito "Welcome Back Tokuma sensei, was your mission a success"

Tokuma "Yes, It was a success, why you are not training the basics?"

Kaito "I already learnt all the Tenketsu points in the body and can locate them, with accuracy, and all the basic stands of gentle fist as well"

Tokuma "That's great, we should go into sparing then"

Kaito "Tokuma sensei, what team are you specialized in?"

Tokuma "Ha glad you asked, I am in Konoha's best Infiltration and tracking team"

Kaito "Wow, so do you know the shadow clone Jutsu since you are in Infiltration?"

Tokuma "How, did you know about the shadow clone jutsu, it is a forbidden ninjutsu"

Kaito "I know the entire process of it, one day in the library, I got a book name shinobi accomplishments, in that, Nidaime hokage invented the shadow clone jutsu, which is also done my all the villages now"

Tokuma "Wow, you read a lot kid"

Kaito "Sensei, will you teach me that technique?"

Tokuma "you dont have enough chakra"

Kaito "I already have more chakra"

Tokuma "let me check" activates Byakugan

Tokuma saw how potent chakra Kaito has, it was dense, so solid and very wild.

After all our Kaito has build a body, which have Otsutsuki Lineage with the unrivaled Jogan Kekkei Genkai, which is legendary and even rare among the Otsutsuki clan.

Kaito "what do you think sensei?"

Tokuma "It is possible for you to learn, the hand signs are just tiger or horse seal"

Kaito used tiger seal, "Shadow clone Jutsu!"

It was weird, that clone was solid yet lifeless.

Kaito succeeded in his fifth attempt.

Tokuma "You know, I am only told to make sure you learn the gentle fist well, but i ended up teaching you something that's is forbidden"

Kaito "You can say it was to increase the efficiency of learning"

Tokuma "How"

Kaito "now sensei, I am going to teach you the secret of shadow clone"

Kaito explained about shadow clone's advantage and memories of each clone.


If Kaito alone practice gentle fist alone for an hour, it is consider as one hour practice.

If he did 10 shadow clones and made them to practice, for an hour, it will be ten hours of practice in an hour.

So if we make practice 10 shadow clones for 5 hours in a day, it will make 50 hours, (two days + two hours in just five hours LOL)

So I draw the conclusion that, how Naruto got matured, it is because of his training in Wind release : Rasenshuriken via multi shadow clone jutsu. (200 clones for an entire day bro.) no offense


Tokuma "Wow, you found a unique way which is suited to have big chakra potent like yourself"

Kaito "it is all thanks to you sensei"

Tokuma "You flatter me Kaito, your a little Genius"

Kaito practiced Gentle fist 70 hours a day with breaks, it worked super fine.


Author's Note: I noted everyone's request, First thanks for response I have made significant changes by making Yin Kurama staying inside Kaito and tell me if you have any new idea's regarding Jogan, you must comment, critics and ideas's are welcomed


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

99_DRAGONScreators' thoughts