

Rare people, tends to have rare opportunities like the Kaito Uzumaki, Enjoy the fanfic

99_DRAGONS · Cómic
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31 Chs

A Horrible Beginning after A Tragic end

A/N : Please read the prologue

Kushina "

Kaito and Naruto..Don't be picky.. Eat lots and grow strong..Make sure that you bathe every day and stay warm..Also.. Don't stay up late.. You need lots of sleep..And make friends.. You don't need a lot of friends..Just a few.. Ones you can really, really trust..I wasn't very good at it, but keep up with your studies and practice your ninjutsu hard..Remember that everyone has strengths and weaknesses..So don't get too depressed if you can't do something well..Respect your teachers and upperclassmen at the Academy..Oh, and this is important.. It's about the Three Prohibitions for a shinobi..Be extra careful about lending and borrowing money..Put your mission wages into your savings account..No alcohol until you're twenty.. Too much can ruin your health, so drink in moderation..Another Prohibition is women..I'm a woman, so I don't know too much about this but..All you need to remember is that this world is made up of men and women..So it's only natural to take an interest in girls..But just don't get hooked on bad women.. Find someone just like me..Speaking of the Three Prohibitions, be wary of Jiraiya Sensei, you know..Kaito, from now on, you're going to face lots of pain and hardship..Be true to yourself.. Have a dream and have the confidence to make that dream come true..There's so much.. Oh, so much more that I want to pass on to you.. I wish I could stay with you longer..I love both of you, Minato sorry I used up your time too"

Kaito thought's "Shit, In this life too I am Losing my mom right after my birth, this is unfair, I want to have mother's love, now i am even carving for it"

Minato "It's OK Kushina, I only made one sealing ready, I thought, we will have single son, I prepared a extra cradle just in case, now I can just transfer the other half of Kyubi to Kaito, it is a good thing after all, remember Naruto and Kaito, Preparation is the Key for everything."

Kushina "I love you Kaito and Naruto"

Minato Died sealing Kyubi into Kaito and Naruto, the barrier was broken

Kushina "Minato...."

Hiruzen "Kushina stay alive, for the babies sake"

Kushina "The blonde with whiskers is Uzumaki Naruto and only Blonde is Uzumaki Kaito, we took name Naruto from Jiraiya Sensei's Novel and Kaito was my Grandpa's name, it thought it will be fitting, take good care of them, please"

Hiruzen "I promise"

Kushina left her last breath.

Hiruzen thought's "Why Kushina you too, Minato, I thought you will become the best hokage ever, but why" tears filled Hiruzen's eyes which awakened with weight responsibility.

Hiruzen "Cat"

Cat "Hai"

Hiruzen "order the Dragon Anbu squad to prepare a meeting with Elders and Clan head with civilian head immediately"

Uchiha were relocated at the outskirts of Konoha.,


Why Author-San love the Uchiha's:

Uchiha's were able to come up with genius ninja's, because of not their blood or Dojutsu it's because of their Clan's motto : excellence, if a girl or boy is an Uchiha, he or she will be the best in the class, that's how Uchiha work, they want be the best always and they think it is in their blood to became the best, I never wanted such a great clan to fall down, later the fourth shinobi world war was to stop two Uchiha's from taking 2 strongest tail beast, it is insane, that is why I love Uchiha, such greed, power lust, that clan still gives me a ton of motivation to move forward in real life. They dont care about other's and they just will archive what ever they want, the war's intention was to take Nine tails and Eight tails, It could be safe to say that Obito and Madara almost Won the fourth great ninja War.

# ~Who will you chose Naruto or Itachi, who is your favorite ? ~


Kaito and Naruto Grew up in the Northern Leaf Orphanage under the turtle age of Nonō Yakushi, former Anbu and best medical nin after Tusnade for taking care of Naruto and Kaito Uzumaki.

Kaito was very fast learner, he picked up Japanese and writing skills like it was nothing, he was showing the symptoms of a generational Prodigy akin to Minato Namikaze the Fourth Hokage.

Hiruzen ordered to report about Kaito and Naruto frequently.

Soon, Danzo came to know about Nono and he removed from the orphanage for getting more children for Orochimaru experiments and used a women named Bakai a former root ninja to monitor Kaito and to kidnap children from the orphanage for the root.

Bakai was a women who lost her children, Husband and her mom in Kyubi attack, she always held a huge grudge against Uzumaki brothers.

After some point of time the Uzumaki brother's were kicked out of orphanage, due to they were soon to become three year's old.

Kaito and Naruto relied on themselves, caught fishes, hunted rabbits and ate some edible mushrooms.

Life of the Uzumaki brother's started in the forest.

After 2 day's Hiruzen showed up.

Kaito "Naruto dont eat rabbits yet, they must yet to get ready"

Naruto "Yes Big brother"

Kaito smiled and kept more dry sticks to have more fire.

A old man with white dress came up, with bamboo water bottle with wrinkles and huge moles in the face, he seemed Gentle.

The old man came and sat near the fire.

Naruto "Old man do you want fishes, here have one"

Hiruzen "Ha thank you kid"

Kaito "Naruto, I think you should bring some water to drink"

Naruto "Yes"

Kaito changed his demeanor, "I greet the Hokage of the village"

Hiruzen was shocked "How do you know I am the Hokage, child"

Kaito "I saw your face many times in the mountains Gramps. so it is only natural to know"

Hiruzen "Wow, just from that, you are good for your age, so what are you doing in the forest"

Kaito "We received beating form Orphanage mother daily, day before yesterday Naruto called the Orphanage matron a Fool, so she got angry and threw us out, with out mercy"

Hiruzen thought "He can use complex word's for his age, it weird just like Minato, he behaved more matured for his age, it seems it runs in blood" and said "Boy I will give you two home what do you say?"

Naruto came after taking water from the river,"That's cool Dattebayo, we dont want to get beating anymore Dattebayo"

Hiruzen thought "He took after Kushina it seems, he inherited his mom's bad speaking habit, I think he will grow more troublesome than his mom" cough, cough

Hiruzen laughed as if they were a family with Naruto and Kaito.

Kaito "Gramps, I dont know what is this feeling, but I am feeling someone there and many in the trees, and someone like always watching us, could it be ghost?"

Hiruzen eye balls poped out with his jaw wide open and thought "This brat didnt even unlock his chakra, but can sense people like a Ninja already?, what a talent just like Minato"

Hiruzen explained "No, they are not ghost, they are called Anbu, they are exceptional ninja who are recruited directly under the Hokage and carry out what ever order they give."

Kaito "That's Cool"

Naruto "Hokage, I will be Hokage Dattebayo!"

Hiruzen thought "What a noisy kid, they are polar opposites, but they get along very well."

Day's passed, Kaito build a good routine and also got an apartment.

4:00 AM : Wake up

4:00 - 4:30 : Hygiene and stuff

4:30 - 6:00 : Full body workout

6:00 - 7:00 : Meditation and sensing using Kaguya's eye of mind

8:00 : Naruto wakes up, Breakfast and stuff's

8:00 - 13:00 : Leaf library

13:00 - 14:00 : Fish eating and tree jumping

14:00 - 18:00 : Leaf Library

18:00 - 20:00 : Dinner : Hunting wild Boar's/fishing again/BBQ.

20:00 : night night

Kaito and Naruto will be given monthly allowance of 1000 Ryo each

Naruto spent all the money crazy on ramen, and Kaito only eat ramen, if it was on the house. (free food)

Eating fish, boar and poison-less mushrooms are always better than ramen, it has lot of proteins than ramen.

Kaito "Naruto. Dont just eat ramen, ramen and ramen"

Naruto "I love ramen Dattebayo, and nii-san your cooked Fish/Boar from the forest does not have salt nor spice"

Kaito "I know, but we have to go through it"

Kaito does not know how to do transformation jutsu, the rumors have already been spread about the demon brother's. they will not get salt nor essential things.

Kaito thought "Yeah he is right, for how many days, i am going to eat without salt, isn't it a essential thing for a Human being?"

Kaito did not go to the library, he went to the Hokage office today

@ entrance

Random extra "Boy why are you here, this is not a place for you to come, now get lost" he saw Kaito with a nasty eye like others.

Kaito sighed.

Kaito "My apologies, I am come to meet the Hokage"

Random extra "No, you cant see him now"

Kaito disobeyed him and went inside.

Random extra raised his hand's to slap, but the hands were caught by Kotetsu Hagane, Izumo Kamizuki the gate guards of Konoha.

Izumo "Hey you newbie Chunin, who are you to not allow someone to see the Hokage?"

Random extra had loss for words "I just..."

Kotetsu called the random an Idiot and escorted Kaito to the Hokage, they were here for a mission report it seems.

Hiruzen POV:

Damn, Minato so much paperwork to be done why do you leave me alone with my enemy the paperwork, he is laugh at my strength of handling paperwork, It was officially that you were the only Hokage who kept you desk paper free, how incomponent I am when it comes to paperwork.

Knock, Knock...

Damn who is it "Come in"

Kotetsu Hagane and Izumo Kamizuki along with little, wait wait, what Little Minato?

In meeting the boy for the first time in the office, Hiruzen put his pipe off and hid his pipe.

Kaito "I greet the Hokage"

Hiruzen "Ha, you can call me gramps, as always tell me how are you Kaito?"

Kaito "I am doing fine Gramps, how about you?"

Hiruzen "I am fine as well"

Kaito "Knowing how precious is the time of the hokage i dont want to waste you time gramps" and thought "precious time for peeking"

Hiruzen and gate gaurd's smirked ignorant of Kaito's thoughts

Hiruzen "tell me"

Kaito "there is a rumor spreading that, I and Naruto are the Nine tails demon fox, so all the shop's in Konoha are boycotting us"

Hiruzen "what rumors about the nine tails Jinchuriki?" raised and shouted

Kaito "So me and my brother Naruto is the Jinchuriki as people say?"

Hiruzen was astonished about the knowledge of Kaito in terms as nine tails and Jinchuriki.

Hiruzen "Boy how do you know this terms?"

Kaito "Inside the library, In the book call Hashirama Chronicles, it is mentioned that Jinchuriki are normal people, where monster beast's chakra are stored inside a human, gaining more chakra and it is also said that, lord first Hokage sold all the tailed beast to other elemental nations and small nation's except the nine tailed beast fox demon."

Hiruzen sighed and thought "He is too smart for his own sake" and spoke "Boy, I made a law that, speaking about tailed beast is an offense, so mind what you talk"

Kaito "I am sorry gramps, I never knew there was such a law exist" Kaito said that with a guilt, which made Hiruzen happy

Hiruzen "What do you want Kaito?"

Kaito "I know, it is difficult to change people's hearts, while I was in the library I peeked at the academy, people were changing to another person, I want to try it to buy things by myself, instead of bothering busy people like you"

Hiruzen "It is a good idea anyway, come with me to the ground now, i will teach you and unlock your chakra and the transformation jutsu"

Kaito "alright"

Hiruzen thought "with this I will measure the boy's talent"

When Hiruzen unlocked Kaito's chakra, he had very big Chakra pool as Senju's, he can't help but to get the memories of his sensei.

Hiruzen thought's "Good chakra pool, he could use many large scale Ninjutsu with this easily"

Kaito "I am ready Gramps"

Hiruzen gave him scroll containing three basic ninjutsu,

Transformation Jutsu

Substitution Jutsu

Clone Jutsu

Kaito thoughts "Wow, I never expected him to give me basic jutsu!"

Hiruzen "Complete all these Jutsu's and come to me next month"

Kaito with sheer determination "Hai"

Hiruzen thought "I like the look in his face"

Since Kaito went enough to library, he knows how to answer to peoples, if the ever questioned his knowledge.