

Author's note

Please don't expect an update for a week or two. Three powerful typhoons have hit the Philippines in the past month and from what I heard, our laboratory has been somewhat damaged. I'll be helping with cleaning up before volunteering in some relief operations.

I'll try to right and post new chapters when able.

Thank you for your understanding.

-New York City, New York-

-February 4, 2009, 2030h local-

"I'm Billy Russo, Marine corps."

William Russo or Billy is a 6'1 caucasian with dark eyes and hair. As evident from his nickname, Billy has an attractive face. Combining that with his muscularly lean body and tall frame, he never had problems getting the attention of women and some men. His history, though, is as dark as his eyes.

Billy was abandoned by his meth-addicted mother addicted outside a fire station at a very young age. The system took him in, causing him to bounce from foster home to foster home until he was placed in the Ray of Hope group home. That's where he found his love for baseball and the formation of his dream to be the next Joe DiMaggio. Although, that dream of his would crash and burn even before it can take off.

One faithful night when he was 11 years old, one of the 'good samaritans' of the orphanage named Arthur Walsh took an unhealthy amount of interest in him. He was forced into a secluded area of a park near the orphanage after one stickball game. Arthur yanked his arm, tearing his rotator cuff before proceeding onto breaking his arm. Good thing, his adrenaline kicked in just in time to fight back and escape.

Years later, Billy's patriotism and the lack of prospect to be a baseball star made the choice of joining the US Marine Corps reasonably easy. Everything turned around for him from that point onward. He had made a name for himself in the military, increased his assets, and, best of all, made a buddy he can count on through thick and thin.

"Huh..." Naruto replied while staring at Billy. "So you're who they call 'Pretty Face.'"

Billy flinched when he heard the dreaded nickname. Don't get him wrong. He owns up to the moniker when he's at someplace even remotely military, but it's an entirely different matter otherwise. But, that small detail gave him an idea about Naruto.

"You military?" Billy asked.

"Nope. Close though..." Naruto answered with a teasing smile before sitting beside Jessica. Billy decided to sit beside Trish. "I'm you guys but richer..." Naruto was expecting any negative emotion from Billy since he basically admitted being a merc but was surprised when he detected nothing. "Though I'm more into building stuff these days."

"So, you built a Phalanx?" Billy said incredulously.

"Yup..." Naruto replied while taking two ordering tablets and giving one to Jessica. "Tony designed it, but I made it better."

Trish choked on the water she's drinking when she heard Naruto's statement. She can't pass up on that juicy detail, especially since she's a radio show host that focuses on relevant topics like 'privatization of world peace.'

"By 'Tony designed it,' you mean Tony Stark designed the Phalanx yoy improved, right?" Trish interjected in the conversation.