
Naruto: I Copy Skills

Goro, a former boxer turned convict, meets an untimely demise in jail, only to be reincarnated into the Naruto world with a unique power: the ability to copy any skill. This extends to mastering even the rarest techniques, including kekkei genkai and dojutsu. Goro exploits every opportunity to grow stronger. The story takes place in the canon timeline. For those wondering all my work is Original and not translated. When I say Original I mean I've written it myself, not that Naruto belongs to me.

DrWright · Cómic
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66 Chs

Sasuke Retrieval Mission (2)

A/N: You guys hit the Double Release goal, so there will be a Double Release next Monday. For a Triple Release next Monday, we need to hit 1000 powerstones by Sunday. This story's continuation depends on your support—so don't forget to give the story powerstones! Next Goal: 1000 Powerstones!


"Goro!" Ino yelled, leaping onto him and throwing her arms around his neck in relief.

"Ino," Goro said firmly, peeling her arms off gently, "take Neji back to the village; he's severely injured." He glanced over at Choji, who was struggling to stand. "And Choji, you go with her. You guys did well; we've taken out two enemies, so only two remain."

Ino's expression turned determined, and she nodded in agreement. Choji, on the other hand, slowly rose to his feet, his body trembling. "I can still—"

"Choji." Goro's tone was serious, his eyes hard. "You did well. But you're in no shape to fight. If you keep going, you'll just sustain more injuries. Go back."

Choji's eyes flickered with hesitation before he reluctantly nodded. Ino helped Neji stand, draping his arm over her shoulder, ready to carry him.

As Choji tried to walk, his legs wobbled beneath him, and he staggered forward, clearly spent. 'He must've used a lot of strength to hold back Jirobo.'

Without hesitation, Goro created a shadow clone. "Take Choji back," he ordered the clone.

The clone nodded and lifted Choji over its shoulder before flickering away. Ino followed suit, heading back to the village.

Once they were gone, Goro turned his attention to Jirobo, who was still unconscious on the ground. Walking over, Goro took his kunai out of his pouch and plunged it into Jirobo's neck, ensuring the kill. He then cut off Jirobo's ear, storing it in his pocket for later.

"A few more of Orochimaru's lackeys to go," Goro said, a faint smirk forming on his lips. "This is a buffet of skills."

Getting up, Goro flickered onto a tree and continued onward. 'So Ino, Neji, and Choji are out, leaving Kiba, Shikamaru, and Naruto. Things should be playing out as they did in the show.'

As he dashed through the trees, the faint sound of battle reached his ears. He flickered forward, quickly spotting Shikamaru, who had Tayuya locked in his Shadow Possession Jutsu.

'I don't necessarily need to help, but it'd be a bad look if I just ran past my teammate and didn't offer assistance. Plus, I'd rather finish her off now than return later to find the corpse… Yeah, I'll get it done all in one go.'

Without hesitation, Goro flickered to Shikamaru's side, startling him. "Goro? Lady Tsunade let you come?" Shikamaru asked, still focused on holding Tayuya with his jutsu.

"Yeah, although it came at a cost," Goro replied calmly.

Tayuya's eyes widened. "Another Leaf ninja? He appears to be a Chunin too... This is bad," she thought.

"Cost? What cost?" Shikamaru asked, his voice strained as he maintained control over Tayuya, his gaze never leaving her.

Goro didn't respond immediately. Instead, he flickered behind Tayuya, weaving a series of handsigns before she could register what was happening.

"Where did he go?!" Tayuya thought, panic flickering across her face.

In an instant, Goro executed his Water Needle Jutsu, sending sharp senbon made of water directly into the back of Tayuya's head. The water needles pierced through her skull, silencing her thoughts before she had time to react. Her body slumped forward, lifeless.

"The cost was a bowl of ramen," Goro finally replied, his voice casual as if nothing had happened.

Shikamaru sighed, releasing his Shadow Possession Jutsu as he turned to Goro, a slight smile tugging at his lips. "You have a way of making things dramatic when they're really not. You also show off too much."

Goro shrugged. "What can I say?"

Shikamaru, though clearly exhausted, straightened his posture, shaking his head. "You heading back? You look beat up," Goro asked, eyeing Shikamaru's torn sleeves and visible fatigue.

Shikamaru shook his head, determination written on his face. "Even if you're here, I can't leave as the leader of this mission while my comrades are still in trouble."

"I can't argue with that," Goro muttered. Shikamaru was nothing if not responsible, even when he was clearly running on fumes.

"Alright, let's get going. I'm assuming Kiba and Naruto are up ahead?" Goro said, feigning ignorance, as he took off, with Shikamaru tailing him.

"Kiba… I don't know exactly where Kiba is, but Naruto went ahead," Shikamaru replied in dismay.

"I'll have my clone search for him," Goro said, weaving a handsign. With a puff of smoke, the clone appeared and dashed back towards where Shikamaru and Goro had killed Tayuya. Pulling out a kunai with a seal on it, Goro stopped on a tree and threw the kunai into the back of the clone's head.

'I need that girl's ear. After you've taken it, use your sensory abilities to look for Kiba. Sakon and Ukon are very important.'

The clone that was running in the opposite direction to Goro and Shikamaru nodded.

'That seal makes it possible for me to communicate with clones over a long range. I haven't tested its limits just yet, though.'

Goro's pace quickened as the two of them sped off toward Naruto.

The trees began to thin as Goro and Shikamaru sped forward, the sunlight breaking through the canopy and growing stronger with every leap. 'Looks like we're exiting the forest. Naruto should be right outside. I'll deal with Kimimaro before Rock Lee or the Sand Ninja can get here. He's high on the list of priorities. I wouldn't mind losing Tayuya or Jirobo, but Sakon, Ukon, and Kimimaro are of utmost importance.'

As the two shinobi approached the edge of the forest, they saw Kimimaro effortlessly taking out Naruto's shadow clones.

Goro and Shikamaru jumped out together into the open field, where Naruto and Kimimaro fought. "Naruto!" Shikamaru yelled, trying to gain his attention.

"Shikamaru and... oh, it's you, Goro..." Naruto said, the excitement in his voice fading when he saw Goro.

Goro clicked his tongue in annoyance. "I came to help you out. The least you could do is say my name with a little enthusiasm."

Naruto glared at him, pointing an accusatory finger. "Nobody asked for your help to begin with!"

'This damn brat.'

Kimimaro, standing calmly in front of the coffin holding Sasuke, barely reacted to the newcomers. His pale eyes focused on them, his expression cold and detached. "More people? It's too late," he said in his quiet, unsettling voice, turning his gaze back to the coffin.

Goro, Shikamaru, and Naruto watched intently as the coffin began to emit smoke.

"Something's happening, and I don't like it," Shikamaru thought.

All of a sudden, the wooden coffin exploded, sending shards of wood flying in every direction and smoke billowing into the air. The smoke slowly dissipated to reveal a familiar figure. Goro, Shikamaru, and Naruto's eyes locked onto the one who emerged—Sasuke.

"Sasuke! What are you doing? Come on, let's go!" Naruto yelled, his voice desperate as he called out to his friend.

Shikamaru, however, remained more cautious. "There's something off about him, Naruto," he warned, his eyes assessing Sasuke.

"His aura's off…" Shikamaru pondered.

Naruto, clearly confused, continued watching as Sasuke, who, instead of answering Naruto's question, broke into a strange laughter, his arms rising as he chuckled. "Heh, heh, heh..."

Naruto's frustration boiled over. "I know you can hear me, Sasuke!" he shouted, his voice echoing in the clearing.

But Sasuke didn't even glance back. With a burst of speed, he turned and began running in the opposite direction, away from his former comrades. Goro instantly sprang into action, attempting to pursue Sasuke. But before he could close the distance, Kimimaro blocked his path, swinging his bone sword towards him.

'I forgot he was here.'

Reacting quickly, Goro kicked the blade aside with a sharp strike, the force of the blow sending Kimimaro slightly off balance. Goro then flickered forward, using the brief opening to get in front of Sasuke, blocking his escape.


Reminder: For a Triple Release next Monday, we need to hit 1000 powerstones by Sunday. This story's continuation depends on your support—so don't forget to give the story powerstones! Next Goal: 1000 Powerstones!