

Apollo transmigrated as a boy about to graduate from the university of gods. To graduate from the University of the Gods, the student has to open access to a random world. While most students gain access to worlds of swords and magic, or worlds of cultivation of immortals, Apollo gained access to the world of Naruto. The power of the Gods grows based on the faith they receive from the believers in their worlds. While some Gods create natural disasters for humans to pray in fear, Apollo had a different idea. In order to gain faith in the ninja world, Apollo will take advantage of the Uzumaki Clan being about to be destroyed and give hope to these abandoned people through something called the Internet. Ninjas across the world will be shocked to discover that over the internet they can converse regardless of distance, can learn ninjustsus that only large villages know, and even can glimpse the long-awaited peace. Based on the Internet, Apollo will connect multiple universes that he knew as movies and anime in his previous life, gather countless believers, and create the story of the greatest god in history. -------- Discord server: https://discord.gg/ky35Kv7GHr Author Note: This is my original fanfiction, this is NOT a Chinese translation. Schedule: 1 Daily Chapter (or more)

NunuXD · Cómic
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34 Chs

03 - The Plan Has Begun

As Apollo planned how he was going to develop his believers in this world, he began to notice some shifts between how he was now and how he was in the previous world.

At first, Apollo noticed that his speed of thought was much faster. It was as if he had replaced his computer's 2009 i3 processor with a 2023 i9, even though it was still the same computer, the data processing speed was extremely faster.

It only took him a few seconds to think of a way to get believers, but the next second came a way to disprove that idea, forcing him to think of another way again.

Within minutes Apollo had thought of hundreds of different ways to get believers.

He knew the ninja world very well.

In this world, only powerful ninjas have the right to choose, ordinary people are just vegetables that ninjas can cut with ease. Even weaker ninjas like genins can't choose too much either.

This world is like a jungle, where the strong rule over the weak, and the weak pray to survive each day.

From what Apollo remembered when he read the manga about this world, the world's population was more than 100 to 900 million people during the Naruto era, but among that huge amount of people, the number of Ninjas was infinitely less.

Considering the 5 Great Ninja Villages, which had around 10,000 ninjas each, and that there are thousands more ninjas who do not serve any ninja village, even exaggerating this number, it is difficult to reach the total of 1 million ninjas in the world.

Compared to the population of ordinary people who cannot do Ninjutsu, ninjas are not even 1%, but even though they are such a minority, their strength is so powerful that they practically control the world.

Ordinary people, even though they are the majority, live in fear of ninjas, fearing that one day an evil ninja will enter their small village, kill the men, abuse the women, and leave the children without parents, as this is not difficult with the strength difference.

'Considering that faith is normally conquered by powerful feelings, fledgling Gods usually need to choose a line of development for that world. Either focusing on despair, where believers will be afraid of that God, or focusing on hope, where desperate people will see that only by following that God will they have some chance to improve in the future.' Apollo floated around the island of Uzushiogakure while watching the people.

Even in the Uzumaki family Apollo managed to distinguish the difference between ordinary people and ninjas.

While ninja families lived in large and luxurious houses, enjoying many perks offered by the family. Ordinary people lived in simpler houses, wore clothes made of slightly cheaper material and wore less luxury things.

Placing these ordinary people from the Uzumaki Family anywhere else in the ninja world, these people could be considered noble, as in other places ordinary people don't even have something to eat, but watching the difference that happens in the same family is enough. for Apollo to formulate a plan.

Although ordinary people are the majority, he learned at the University that the more powerful the mortal is, the harder it is to conquer his belief, but if you conquer it, the amount of faith you receive is proportional to his strength, that is, conquering a Genin ninja would be the same as conquering dozens of ordinary people.

With that in mind, even though it was easier to start winning over believers in a small village somewhere in the ninja world at random, Apollo wanted to take advantage of the need the Uzumaki family was going through and win over his first Ninja family in this world.

If he conquered the Uzumaki family now, development in the future would be much easier.

'But I shouldn't be too hasty…' Apollo thought as he looked at a group of ordinary people and a group of ninjas. 'Although the Uzumaki family was abandoned by Konoha, they are still arrogant ninja, so it will probably be better if I start my development among the common people, and let them spread belief in me to the ninja.'

Wondering who the most influential people might be, Apollo saw a group of children running around while throwing toys at each other and pretending to be ninjas.

'Kids! Definitely children are the easiest beings to influence in the world, as long as I do it in a smart way, it's possible that these children will be my first believers, and soon their parents will find out, thus spreading it to the ninjas!' Apollo got excited.

With the target audience defined for children, he only needed to change a few details in the plan he had defined and soon everything was ready.

Playing ninja was probably what children enjoyed the most in this world. As this world was very backward, children did not have television, sports, or comics, at most some boring books made for adults, so the only fun game for these children was to imitate adults and play that they were ninjas.

"Kawata, wait!" A girl screamed at the boy who was running after other children.

This girl was younger than the other kids, so whenever they went to play ninja, she was slower and weaker than everyone else, so they always left her behind as they ran off to play alone.

Momo is her name.

Uzumaki Momo, saw that she had been abandoned again and let her toy kunai fall to the ground a little sadly.

She sat on the floor for a few minutes hoping someone would come get her, but no one did.

Sad, Momo took the toy Kunai and was preparing to go home, when she saw a strange stone on the floor.

That stone was glowing!

It wasn't a shine like metal reflecting light, in fact, it was as if this stone was emitting a golden light.

In Momo's eyes, this was the most beautiful stone she had ever seen in her life!

Seeing that no one was around, Momo slowly picked up the glowing stone on the ground, hid it in her clothes and ran back home.

In the sky, a very handsome boy with golden hair and sparkling eyes was smiling as he watched this scene.

'The plan has finally begun.'