
NARUTO : I am not a mob Character

What will you do if you found out that the whole world you are living in is a storyline written by someone else? . As our main character, Ryuma found out about this he was confused about what should he do. He found out that he was inside Naruto verse as a half Uchiha ready to be annihilated in a year. What precautions should he take and how would he be able to survive in a world where strength matters without any golden finger? . -------------------------- Author this side, It's a Naruto fan fiction so it's all thanks to Kishimoto sensei that I can write this piece of work. The story will get off track but not in the og Naruto you can accept it in Shippuden. but many small changes will happen due to the presence of our main character. Each chapter gonna be around 2000 words or longer so sit back tightly and enjoy the chapters. I will upload it regularly and it's gonna be 1/2 chapters per week. Importantly Cover is not mine so if you're the owner and have a problem with that please contact me. Lastly, any ideas and criticisms will be accepted happily. So I hope you will point out my mistake in each chapter and told me about them so that this piece of work will improve alongside me. Enjoy the read and comment with your opinions..... you can also support me here and I hope you will. this will surely cost you much less than your girlfriend's expenses (^^) ---> patreon.com/Xine4fanfic.... (remove ....)

xine_reader · Cómic
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13 Chs

I am not the protagonist of my world

A bright full moon was shining on the mountain where 4 faces carved can be seen. Beneath the four faces, a big city was prospering and It looks like those 4 faces were overlooking the whole city.

 The city was surrounded by densely packed trees and at the back of the mountain a river flowing can be seen. Right below the mountain on the biggest building in the whole city had the word 'fire' written on it. Even though the sky was pitch black but the city was itself shining brightly like a gem.

A strong gust of wind blew the leaves in the air and landed on the balcony of a big house. On the sundeck, a young boy can be seen looking towards the moon and by his facial expressions, it seems he was contemplating something very important.

Ryuma was standing on the small balcony of his room and looking outside even though his face was not showing any emotion but deep inside he was in chaos. The secret of Ryuma that no one knew was his biggest weapon and the biggest reason for his worry in this world. The little secret was he found out that he was inside a fantasy story "Naruto" till now.

He knew this world very well due to the memories of his past self. His past self like many others, was a huge fan of this work known as 'Naruto'. This was also his first anime and the anime he liked it to the extent of collecting every bit of knowledge he can get from other sources like Databook, light novels, etc. He even read Boruto till the day he died which was pretty early because he was not able to finish it. Even though the series itself has many problems like bad character designs, contradicting their previously told information, and the worst anime, he still accepted its flaws and decided to watch it till the end. But no way in hell he had imagined that after his death he would be reincarnated in Naruto verse.

Ryuma massaged his forehead because the situation he was in was dire. It was tomorrow after he got the news of Shisui's death from his father and all the memories of his previous life flowed inside his brain.

The memories of his past self left him devastated. He found out that he was living his second life in his past self's favorite pieces of work. He was totally confused because now his 9 years old self and 24 years old self were kinda not on the same footing.

For the Ryuma of now, his past self looks somewhat 'crazy'. Even though he was a doctor he still don't have any companions. Instead of spending time with others, he would spend time alone re-watching the Naruto series most of the time.

Maybe it was because he didn't get his past self's complete memories or maybe him being entirely different from his past self, he didn't feel the man in the memories as his past self. Even though he knew that wasn't the case.

Ryuma moved towards his bed and looked at his reflection in the full body-size mirror standing beside the bed. What looked back at him was a 9-year-old boy with pale white skin and dark black eyes and hair. Suddenly his eyes turn red with one tomoe on both. 

'A clansman of the Uchiha clan' the fact due to he felt proud earlier was now the reason for the dire situation that he was worrying about. His being a half Uchiha was not concerning but the fact that they were living in Uchiha compounds was. His living in the Uchiha clan compounds signifies that death was lingering upon his head and the death of Shisui was the countdown for the main event which will happen approximately one year from now, 'the Uchiha massacre'. 

Even though Ryuma didn't get the entirety of his past life memories but the amount he got already foretold him the future of the world he was living in. He would have never once thought in his life that the world he was living in was this much complicated and dangerous. Who would have thought that their origins were related to a parasitic alien species and that he have to fight them a decade from now?

sighing outwardly Ryuma started clearing the storyline that he was a part of and assigning the event he need to face from now on. First of all, he knew he was 2 years older than rookie 9 and 1 year from team Gai.




After Putting every big event in order in his mind he concluded, ' Yosh! First I have to survive a massacre alongside Dad. Secondly, prepare for the after-graduation team test and chunin exam. Also, It would be better if I was able to take the exam alongside Konoha 12, even though it was dangerous but I knew everything about that one at least. And lastly, survive Konoha crush '.

Ryuma thought that if he was able to survive these first three events then he would hopefully get some time to prepare for the next events.

Coming back to his senses Ryuma closed his sharingan. After getting memories from his past life his emotions spiked up a lot which resulted in his sharingan awakening. Even though it is a great boon, it is also a great threat if others get a wisp of it. Ryuma knew if he wanted to survive long enough then he might have to hide the fact he had sharingan until or unless he found himself in a life-threatening situation.

As Ryuma was thinking while sitting on his bed a Voice called him.

" Ryuma come down let's eat dinner together"

It was none other than Ryuma's dad who came back from his mission. Ryuma's dad was a civilian ninja but on the other hand, his mother was the one who belonged to the Uchiha clan. That's why even though he lived in Uchiha compounds his name was not 'Uchiha Ryuma' but it was 'Hibana Ryuma'. Ryuma himself knew that his name doesn't have that much weight like other names but what he can do about it after all it is how it is….

Moving downstairs Ryuma thought about his mom, even though he didn't see her but he heard a lot from his dad and looked at her photo a lot of times. She was very beautiful even after remembering his past life memory Ryuma can surely say that his mother was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen.

Ryuma's mother married his father against her family's will, thus his father faced a lot of criticism after her death during the Kyuubi attack. 

After getting his memories Ryuma one time asked his father why they didn't move out of the Uchiha compounds after all they don't have that much connection with the Uchiha clan. His father replied by saying,

"It is a clan leader's order. He wants to keep unity between the Uchiha clan. That's why every person connected with Uchiha lives in the clan area."

What Ryuma heard was entirely different. thanks to his past self reading Naruto very well he knew that Fugaku was not someone who would do such things which only implies that it was Danzo who was cornering every Uchiha so that he can remove the whole clan in one full swoop.


After completing his dinner Ryuma spoke to his father, " Dad I learned about chakra paper today in the academy. So can you please get me one I wanted to know my affinity."

Hearing Ryuma's words Ryujin replied, " Even though they cost a lot, worry not, your mother and I saved some chakra papers that we got from the mission. Wait for a second let me get it for you"

Ryuma knew his father very well. He has a handsome face and a calm and kind personality. Even though he was still a chunin like his mother. Maybe it was his dad's personality that made his mother fall for him. 

While Ryuma's mind was processing some useless thoughts Ryujin bought chakra paper and handed it to him. Ryuma took the paper and with Ryujin's instructions flowed his chakra into the paper. As Ryuma's chakra courses through the paper the chakra paper instantly wrinkles.

 Looking at the paper Ryujin spoke, "So you have a lightning affinity just like your mother."


"Is it strong?" Ryuma asked


" Yeah, it is. Once you become a genin I will have you all the jutsu scrolls related to lightning affinity that your mother had alongside with my wind affinity scroll too".


" Dad, do I have to train my affinities?"


" Yes Ryuma, you have to train them. But don't worry I will give you the scroll on how to train lightning elements and after you complete that I will also give you the scroll of the wind element."


" Thanks a lot, Dad.... Also, can you teach me the body flicker technique? "


" Hahaha… it looks like you are interested in jutsus a lot. So let's do this after you complete these two tasks. I will give you a scroll related to methods to master Lightning affinity and help you in learning body flicker technique".


Ryuma looked at the two scrolls that Ryujin had given him as a task and it was none other than tree climbing and water walking exercise. With a big smile on his face, Ryuma spoke,

"Hehehe….. I will complete it in a month".


As Ryuma was packing his belongings for heading home after the academy someone called him, " Ryu my friend let's go and hit the dango shop together you know what there is a new variety of dango just launched ".

Ryuma followed the voice and found out that it was none other than  Kajitora Yuno, the class Topper from the boy's side and also Ryuma's childhood friend.

Ryuma knew about Yuno way earlier than the academy because both his and Yuno's father were comrades on the same team. If it was before Ryuma got his memories then he surely would have said that Yuno was his rival but now that's not the case. 

" Yeah let's go but we will make it quick because after this I have to prepare for the task that Father had given me tomorrow" Ryuma replied.

" Ahh, those two tasks that you talk about well I read about them in a book at home and according to that, they help in chakra control....Now that I think about it, tell me the content of the task too. After all, I don't want to be the one left behind" Yuno replied with a cheeky smile on his face.

" Whatever I will tell you about that in the dango shop but remember we will do our practice separately" Ryuma replied with a carefree face.

" He he he .. that's not a problem. Let's see who will complete both tasks first" Yuno replied.


Inside the woods, Ryuma was practicing his tree walking and water walking simultaneously the whole reason why he decided not to practice together with Yuno was due to shadow clone jutsu.

Due to the single-hand sign, Ryuma very much knew about shadows clone jutsu after all Naruto spammed it in the entire show. Also, even though it wasn't a forbidden jutsu like multi shadow clone technique but he didn't want to get caught using it, so Ryuma ordered the shadow clone to go near the riverside while he decided to practice in the woods. 

Due to him knowing the storylines there were many things that he can use for himself. One such thing was shadow clones. Even though he was only able to create 1 shadow clone, unlike Naruto who can spam thousands of them due to his freaking massive chakra pool afterall even if we divide something close to infinity we would still get infinite. 

Secondly, he was thinking of recreating the purple lightning of Kakashi. There was nothing other than this that he can think of after all, rasengan and Chidori were one of the only jutsu that requires no hand sign after mastering them completely and jutsu that requires close to no hand signs were a lot beneficial in fights. But the fact that Rasengan was the legacy of the fourth hokage and Chidori was the creation of Kakashi implies that he can't use both of them in public and due to Chidori's downside he can't even use it without his sharingan. So that leaves him with purple lightning, the upgraded version of Chidori. 

Even though he was not sure that he could pull it off, knowing close to all of the steps to create the jutsu was in itself was beneficial so there was no loss for him. 

He decided to start working on it after mastering both tree and water walking. 

The steps that he was gonna follow were those through which it got created in the first place. First, he will master Rasengan, secondly add lightning chakra to it which will happen after he completes his elemental training, thirdly he has to collapse the Rasengan and maintain the chakra on his entire hand and lastly Change some frequency on it so that it will get Violet color. 

Even though he was not sure whether the last step would work or not But his being a science student in his past life presents him with the idea of changing the frequency of light generated by Chidori to get the color purple lightning. Deciding his current plans for future Ryuma started his training.


It's finally started ( =_=)

I hope you will like the chapter.....

~ 2k words (working hard)




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