
Naruto : I am back in tme

Battlegod · Fantasía
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30 Chs

the assassin of mist

Kakashi notice the long big sword and no sound when he moves .he yells be alert we are facing one of seven sword of mist Zabuza. and fight between Kakashi and Zabuza begins and Kakashi gets captured in water sealing sphere jutsu. then sasuke throws big ninja star at Zabuza which becomes two and both of them dodged by Zabuza little did he know it was Naruto who transformed into big ninja star and Naruto throws multiple kunai at Zabuza and Zabuza had to dodge it and Kakashi gets released. Kakashi starts to fight Zabuza using sharingan which shocks sasuke and Naruto back off the fight sce and form three man protection position to protect Tazuna and Zabuza gets defeated.suddenly a feminine looking boy arrives wearing mask and takes Zabuza away. little did they know Naruto transformed into one of zabuza kunai when they arrive at their hideout and release transformation jutsu and says if you bak off hear and go somewhere far away I will let you live or you can work under me but if you try again something I am gonna make you feel you were dead. zabuza laughs and says you are gonna make me feel death I am the reaper of mist and you a brat from land in peace gonna and takes his fighting position. Naruto uses sound genjutsu where they see there worst nightmare. and faints Naruto then took haku as hostage and when zabuza wakes up says this here is you fainted boy. everything that happens to boy in your genjutsu I will do to him in real life so think properly releasing lots of kurama chakra around me. zabuza promised to work under Naruto.

Naruto then sigh and said good choice you made. now I will tell you when I need you until then go to land of sound and observe Orichimaru. Naruto shadow clone gets released and new bridge starts building.

Naruto leaves the mist village and says kakasi sensei everything resolved pretty quickly and we completed a big mission. i think I will take a short rest of 1 week. Kakashi says if it will be classify as a B class mission than we will take a break and chunin exam is coming near so take a rest and train hard.they reached hokage office after some days travel. Kakashi report everything to hokage and hokage classify this mission as B class mission but they get paid for C class mission.

Naruto arrives at home and take off the weight which weigh total 300 kg know this resulted in making his body very quick and chakra reserve is now 1.5 times stronger. comparing 9 Times stronger from base. meaning he has more chakra than 15 kakashi combined as kid and it will grow stronger as he grows. seeing this kurama says you gonna become tailed beast itself. with 10 times more chakra you will have same as 4/5 of shukaku chakra.

Naruto says this time enemy is more powerful than grandpa Haguromo and Kaguya. I have to become strong and enjoy my life. i will now make my chakra heavy so I don't use weights cause more of this and I gonna be walking metal man and jumps to sleep on bed but gets stuck on ceiling. Naruto then lays on bed says I have to control my strength so I don't hurt anyone and me too.∆

next few days he climbs mountai with 200 kg weigh which he made by making his chakra heavy and lee spots him comin near him says I am might lee are you traing. Naruto replies I am Naruto Uzumaki and I am training taijutsu and my body for chunin exam. Naruto then says are you buy chance disciple of Konaha blue beast might guy. lee with very big grin🥴 on his face said yes my teacher is best tai jutsu user might guy. Naruto then tains with lee for two weeks.

the chunin exam starts and three arrive at registration acentre and register. zabuza had recived the mesage of let haku participate in chunin exam as sound village ninja and keep eye on other sound ninja. when haku arrived there with two more ninja very loyal to zabuza. he tell him to injure or kill every sound ninja. If possible early in 2nd exam if you can do it now it will be good too.