
Naruto : I am back in tme

Battlegod · Fantasía
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30 Chs

gather everyone it's a A class mission

Tsunade calls every one says. it's a very important mission for everyone. the nation hidden in Island of long grass,Makigusa, is asking for our help because they are getting regularly attacked by the "pirates of night" group of rouge ninja and all are at least "C" and "B" rank ninja on bingo book. So it will at least take you months to catch them dead or alive. Shaikamaru asks Tsunade who is leader of the group. Tsunade says it's Kara of mist he was once the ninja with most powerful mist ability to make anyone go blind in open sunny day and when someone enters his mist they never got out cause his mist has mixed poison and steals chakra from the victim slowly the more chakra get stolen the more his mist gets thicker. He is one of person on whom Sharingan dosent work and was called Sharingan killer. Hearing this sasuke got angry and says I will personally have a chat with him in calm voice. Shikamaru see's the eye of sasuke which had three kamui now and asks Tsunade are we only genin going cause we don't match the power level. Tsunade says no their will be three Jonin Kakashi, Guy and Asuma will go with you. Kurama in midst of conversation says this is something that never happened in past, Naruto says this is result of changing past I think. Kurama says I don't know but I think it will be best for us to not just blindly follow what happened in future, and there is good news I don't know how but I I think our chakra is merging means you can use my chakra without any damage for little time. Naruto says I can't use chakra for 1 more month. Jiraya suddenly intervenes the place and says I will also come with you. Tsunade asks why does jiraya wants to go with them. Jiraya says cause it has something to do with me but I don't know how. Naruto wishpers is this what grand geezer toad said. Jiraya says yes. Tsunade agrees and says you will depart from here 1 weak later and it will least take you 20 days to go to the island,so I will now announce who will go to this mission. First Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, Neji, Tenten, Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, Kiba, Shino,Haku and Zabuza and three Jonin Kakashi, Guy and Asuma and one sanin Jiraya. After that everybody was dismissed. Jiraya asks Naruto to help him train the Jutsu of the nothingness. Kurama overtakes Naruto and says Naruto is ujumaki and it takes lot of time to recover chakra for him while you also have noticed he has more life energy even compared with other Uzumaki so remember I will teach this jutsu but use only in very critical situation, this jutsu is very difficult to master but as you have trained as sage you will not face many problems, kurama says first sit and close your eyes and try to communicate with the nature and ask for their help and if you feel they said yes release you chakra very slowly and spread it in nature when your chakra reserve is empety ask for theii Chakra the chakra from nature will enter your body and your black hole means your chakra reseve will be filled. Jiraya thinks this is simmilar to sage training and it helped me make progress in my sage mode. Jiraya says I think I know how it works and I think it will take me 2 months to fully master it. Kurama thinks it took 3 year to complete create and master this jutsu for Naruto and half moth for present Naruto And it will take jiraya just two months to master it, He is something else Naruto then is visited by Tsunade and tsunade is shocked to see jiraya there and says what are you doing here Jiraya says a student is teaching his master here and rubs the hair of Naruto. Jiraya asks why are you here, tsunade says I can't comprehend the Jutsu. Jiraya says its just like the sage jutsu so first practise the sage jutsu of first Hokage and then you can master it. Tsunade asks did you learn the Jutsu jiraya says I can perform little bit but not quite good but in two months I can master it. Tsunade then leaves the place saying I will first learn the Senju sage jutsu of my grandfather. Naruto says to jiraya for train him for new jutsu to which jiraya nods and says I will teach you new tai jutsu. Naruto asks why tai jutsu. Jiraya says it's tai jutsu from old times I practised it after finding the parts of book all over the world it's not great and powerful or advanced but it grant's very basic structure and can help shape generaly over hundred types of tai jutsu. Naruto says I don't understand what are you saying, jiraya sighs and says it means its very good tai jutsu which only I know in this world. Naruto says yes pervy geezer I will train that tai jutsu. Naruto then asks jiraya what he has to do. To which jiraya responds you have to stand in horse stance for 2 hours everyday if it's easy I will add weight if it's too light and after that you will follow the moves I am gonna show you it's look weak but will have great effect on your body. This moves was invented by monks who lived in mountains away from world too build their body to live in the mountains and generation after this was developed in fighting style to protect them self. So look carefully first you open your both hands slowly like birds open their wings and feel you are flying after some time make circle looking formation with your hand like this and feel the chakra inside your body going out and in as you breath.... after showing the whole move jiraya says it's not powerful looking but when we practice it your control over your body and mind becomes great and your concentration power increase.

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