
Naruto: I absorbed Orochimaru


SuperDemonWriter · Cómic
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8 Chs


After I had my beauty sleep, I headed to the prison cell where Shin was being held.

He was actually a civilian kid in Konoha born around the time of Kyuubi attack. Kyuubi's chakra is like radiation, and many babies died due to it. Some survived, and in one them, he actually developed the ability to withstand various kekkai genkais. I mean, invasive chakra.

Or, his ancestor had this ability from long ago, but didn't really know about it.

"Hi Shin~"

I waved at Shin as I reached his cell. He was just a four year old, but he already had white skin due to H-cells and two Sharingans embedded on his arm.

He couldn't really use wood release since Sharingan was balancing it, and if they stopped working, he would just grow into a tree. H-cells will simply overpower him.

He shuddered as he saw me. I often conducted experiments for Orochimaru, and I am feared. We both don't needlessly enjoy torture, but he did have a tendency to not give people anesthesia sometimes since it was a 'waste of resource'. A simply binding them so that they don't move would work well for him, but not his test subjects.

Well, that really does sound like torture. Anyway,

"How are you feeling, Shin-kun?"


He shrunk away himself into a corner, clearly afraid that he would be taken away for experimentation again.

"You don't have to fear your Kiyohime Onee-sama. She killed Orochimaru, and you all will have better living conditions from now on."

Everyone in the prison perked up at that. Excited. Well, Orochimaru didn't really need an army, and wouldn't waste the resources on them. So they were just his guinea pigs till now. Well, they are and will be nothing more than that. They don't really have any special ability and talent. If they awaken something by experimentation, good. If not, they will just kill and eat each other when they don't get food if they become too expensive.

But they don't need to know that.

"Y-you will release me!?"

I smiled. Now that I have given him hope, let's tone it down a bit.

"Tut tut Shin-kun. That's where you are wrong. Let's say Indid release you, you know what will happen? You will be immediately caught, and Orochimaru was not that cruel compared to other scientists in the world. He didn't take pleasure in torture or experiments.

You will be dissected, I mean, cut down, your limbs will be taken out, Yamanakas will enter your mind, torture you, take out the Sharingans from you and you will simply turn into a tree."

Now, he shuddered, his hopes completely shattered.

"I-I don't want to become a tree!"

So let's give him some hope a second time, but much lesser. So that he will cling to it.

"That's why I am here to offer you something. I will treat you as one of my subordinates. You won't be allowed to disobey me, but you will have certain degree of freedom. I would put you into complete sleep during experiments and you wouldn't have to suffer any pain. I will even train you to use your abilities. How about it?"

Orochimaru never really trained him anything because he feared that he will run away. Having so many Sharingans in him does make him a threat if properly trained. And he couldn't really be sent on missions because his info was too crucial and he was too valuable. How would the world react if they find out about a guy with white body and sharingans all over him?

I don't even want to think about that.

He wouldn't see the outside world. And I will only train him to run some experiments for me. They would be on a very small scale, but it will give him a sense of belonging and he will think that I depend on him. At least that's better than rotting in a prison all day.

And it's much better for your test subject be willing than hating you afterall.

"Think about it for the day. I will return tomorrow for your answer."

I just smiled at him, and left.

On my way, I met the prison guards, who asked me.

"Is Orochimaru-sama really dead?"

I just smiled and said in Orochimaru's voice.

"Who do you think is standing before you right now?"

They shuddered at his voice. They must have thought that he took over my body.

"'Orochimaru' is officially dead. His student and assistant Kiyohime 'killed' him. Isn't that right, Kizuha-kun?"


"Kukuku! Be punctual and do your job well. I will be going somewhere for a while, but my clone will be here. You can actually try something funny-"

"No Oro- No Kiyohime-sama!"

"Kukuku! Bye bye then."

And I left the prison, and started heading to Kusagakure.

Time to get two Uzumakis.