
Naruto: Hokage's Legacy

if you see this on fanfiction.net don't worry I'm the same person. this is an AU. In this story there will be some changes some with personality or some with strength or popularity. just another day as Naruto Uzumaki but this time something is different. he meets the ghost of the previous hokage! with his dream of being the strongest how will he take advantage of this? Warning!: at first you might not like Naruto's new personality but he changes later on

KakuzuCantolopes · Cómic
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105 Chs

School days, date?

Naruto was sitting in the classroom next to Shikamaru, they had been seated together on the first day, Shikamaru called it troublesome but who cares what that lazyass thinks. "Hey Shikamaru, how are you?" "Tired" responded Shikimaru lazily as always.

"Come on, you were tired yesterday!" retorted Naruto. "Wow, it's almost as if being tired can happen more than once, who would have thought," replied Shikamaru in a fake surprised tone as he let out a chuckle.

"Whatever, what do you like to do for fun?" although they had been sitting together for almost a week they never really spoke to each other. "Sleeping." Naruto was starting to get annoyed, "What about when you're awake?" "I try to sleep." Naruto took a deep breath trying not to kick the shit out of this lazyass right now.

Not too long after Iruka started the lecture, Shikamaru went to sleep as soon as it started. Normally Naruto would tune out, the lectures from Tobirama were enough for his brain. But this lesson was about the Hokage so he would listen.

Right now Naruto was still at the bottom of the class, the reason was that Tobirama said that if he rose up too fast he would arouse suspicion so Naruto would raise up slowly but Tobirama also said to not go too high and to stay around the average. So he could have some alone time, the Hokage didn't follow him to school other than occasionally Minato.

Iruka was reading some part when he asked a question "does anybody know what unique ability the first Hokage had?" Naruto's hand shot up faster than a bullet "He used wood style!" Iruka was pleasantly surprised Naruto knew the answer "good job Naruto, that's correct."

"Oh my god, Naruto knew something the world's about to end!" the whole class started laughing. "Of course I'm going to know this, I have to be Hokage!" the whole class started laughing, "Ha, you think you can be Hokage over MY Sasuke, no way!"

Naruto was annoyed every time Sasuke was brought up, "he doesn't even want the job, there is no way he'll be Hokage." Naruto whispered but the fangirls heard it and fumed with anger. "A loser like you shouldn't even be able to say Sasuke's name, you know nothing!"

"There's no way a demon like you could become Hokage over Sasuke, nobody believes it." these comments were thrown around like there was no tomorrow until Shikamaru responded. "I believe Naruto can become Hokage." the whole room was shocked, especially Naruto.

"Do you really think HE can become a Hokage over a better ninja like Sasuke? I thought the Nara clan was supposed to be a bunch of geniuses?" Shikamaru just sighed ready to spit some wisdom. "Nobody here in this room can become Hokage, YET. We are academy students, the Hokage would put us around the same level as a rock. If Naruto seriously wants to become Hokage I believe with enough hard work he could achieve his goal. When he grows up he will probably surprise you."

"I-I believe t-that Naruto-Kun c-can become H-Hokage too!" said Hinata with the loudest most confident way she could. Naruto was so shocked, he never met anybody other than the Hokage ghosts who believed in him, this was awesome! He was extremely happy!

"Hey Shikamaru, want to get some ramen with me after school?" "Sorry, I would but I have clan training today. Maybe Hinata will want to go?" "Yeah! That's a good idea!" Shikamaru knew Hinata had a crush on Naruto and would try his best to put them together, he and Hinata were decent friends after all.

Iruka carried on with his speech until school was over. Once it ended Naruto went up to Hinata. "Hey Hinata, would you like to get some ramen with me? I asked Shikamaru and he said no so it will just be us two if you're ok with that."

Hinata froze, 'just us two. At a restaurant. Buy ourselves. Isn't this a date!' Hinata became as red as a tomato and fainted onto the floor. "HINATA!" screamed Naruto worried about his classmate, he shook her around hoping she would wake up.

After she woke up she built her courage and agreed to go with him. It didn't take them long to end up at the ichiraku ramen shop. Once entering Teuchi greeted Naruto and was surprised to see him with Hinata. "What will you be ordering today?" "Miso Ramen" Naruto responded "I'll have Shoyu if you serve that," said Hinata barely getting her words out.

Teuchi went to the back and started making the ramen. Ayame, noticing Naruto with a girl came out ready to get some juicy details." she started asking how they met and other things people would ask.

She would continuously tease Hinata making her turn red. This continued until the ramen came out. They both ate it very fast, Naruto was surprised to see Hinata eat like that. Naruto wanted another bowl but Tobirama said to save his money to buy Chakra Blades so he couldn't get any more. He didn't want to deal with Tobirama when he was mad!

Both Naruto and Hinata parted ways and Naruto went home. Upon returning he noticed he was running out of food, he began eating vegetables and fruit along with other things, it was either that or get rid of his orange clothes which he didn't want.

He grabbed the money he would need for groceries, transformed into a normal-looking kid, and walked out. Once in the store, he found what he needed, eggs, lettuce, beans, and beef. He bought the food and went home to cook.

Minato and Hashirama were teaching him how to cook. They said it was a good life skill. Minato was a much better cook than Hashirama but Hashirama wasn't too bad. He cooked himself a taco salad, one of his favorites. It wasn't as good as ramen but it was good.

His schedule was pretty similar every day. Naruto would wake up, do his morning routines with the Hokage, go to school, come home, train with the Kage, eat and sleep. He did this every day and suddenly it was time for graduation.


What did you think of the chapter? I'm going fast now but I will slow down once we get to some major parts. This was one of my favorite chapters to write.

Who wins this battle. Deidara vs Kakuzu? I think Deidara would win if Kakuzu only had one life but with 5 I think probably Kakuzu.

also apparently the first part is similar to a fanifc called true potential, I don't remember reading that because I read a lot of fanfics but anyways credit goes to them.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Please leave a review!

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