
Naruto : Golden Coin

This is a story that takes place in the Naruto universe, but because the protagonist is someone who was reincarnated in this universe, he knows how the story goes. And with that in mind, he will have to work hard not to die in countless canonical events, and of course, non-canonical ones that he will create unintentionally or willingly. I hope you all enjoy this great adventure.

MasterR · Cómic
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71 Chs

Gold and Lightning

Kakashi fought against four mysterious ninjas, including the one with the headband marked with the village symbol. Luckily for him, two of the ninjas were Genin-level, while one was a Chunin, and the one with the headband was a Jounin. However, he was deadlocked with the four ninjas, unable to break free to help his team members.

He eventually noticed what was happening on the battlefield while leaping from tree to tree, witnessing the strike that hit Haruka and Denji, and then Ryo rushing to their aid. With that, Kakashi clenched his fist and threw a kunai at one of the ninjas, freeing up his hands.

He jumped backward, holding one hand over the other, and a large amount of chakra began to gather over his palm, crackling like enraged lightning. Then, like a bolt of lightning, Kakashi darted towards the four ninjas.

Ryo saw that the blow would be blocked, even though it was a surprise attack. The ninja he was attacking was much more skilled than to fall for such a trick. Probably a Chunin or Jounin. But that wouldn't deter Ryo; he had more advantages over the opponent than the ninja had against him.

As the weapons clashed, the blade of Ryo's katana quickly turned golden as he infused a significant amount of chakra from the gold coin, about 40% of his total, covering the sword momentarily and making it glow gold. It touched the kunai, swiftly cutting it in half as if it offered no resistance.

The two spots in the forest shone—one in blinding golden light and the other in an equally intense white light, illuminating the dusk falling upon them. Then, silence. In front of Ryo, the ninja fell to the ground, blood spraying forward, bathing the ground and Ryo in crimson red.

He glanced at the scene for just a moment before turning his attention to Denji, hearing Haruka's call. "Ryo, Denji!" As she spoke, he was already by his colleague's side, wiping away the blood with some white cloths. Ryo saw numerous lacerations and deep cuts.

Without wasting time, he placed both hands, already infused with chakra, on Denji's back. The young man was still breathing, but he had lost a significant amount of blood. Ryo continued to heal his colleague while assessing the rest of the injuries. "He'll be fine. Luckily, he wasn't hit in any critical areas."

Ryo spoke as he saw Haruka become calmer. However, she was injured too, although not to the extent that Ryo needed to heal her. He removed one hand from Denji and grabbed a scroll, tossing it to Haruka. "Open it. There are some bandages inside. Use them to cover your wounds."

On the other side of the scene, the four ninja bodies fell to the ground while Kakashi, now with his chakra reserves depleted, breathed heavily. But now, all the ninjas had either been killed or incapacitated. He looked around and noticed one lone mysterious ninja still alive but unconscious. He walked over to the ninja, disarmed him, and then tied him up.

After a few minutes, he approached the other three and saw that they were still alive, relieving him. He then dropped the unconscious ninja beside them. "How's Denji?" he asked, with Ryo responding promptly, "He'll be unconscious for a while, having lost a lot of blood, but he's out of danger now."

"Good. How long until we can move Denji?" Ryo, still treating the wounds and closing them, replied, "Another 5 minutes before we can move without risk of reopening the wounds. But if necessary, I can bandage him up now. The deeper wounds have already been closed, leaving only the cuts caused by the wind release jutsu."

"We shouldn't stay here for long; I don't think there'll be another group coming. Kakashi leaned against a tree, pulling out a piece of paper from the ninja with the headband. On it was Kakashi's name and, beside it, the reward he had in the Bingo book, a generous sum.

All of this had happened because of him, but was it part of some hidden plot from one of the other villages? Kakashi didn't know what to think, but analyzing everything, he realized there might be something deeper going on. Fortunately, they had managed to capture one of the ninjas and would gather more information through a thorough interrogation.

After a few minutes, a group of Konoha ninjas patrolling the area finally arrived. Kakashi approached them immediately to brief them on the situation. After a minute or two, the ninjas started inspecting the battlefield and performing some standard procedures in such situations.

With the situation resolved, Ryo managed to transport Denji back to Konoha with Haruka's help. As they returned to the village, Ryo left Denji and Haruka at the hospital. Both of them were already exhausted from the mission. Meanwhile, Kakashi waited outside the hospital. As soon as Ryo left the premises, Kakashi walked over to the Jounin and spoke.

"The missions have been completed, but both of them won't be well for at least another week. Do you know why we were attacked within Konoha's territory, Kakashi-sensei?" Ryo inquired. Kakashi shook his head. "We still don't know. Few villages would dare to do something like this so close to our territory."

"Yes, it reminded me of the case with Kentou-sensei. They pursued him almost to the village entrance," Kakashi said, looking at Ryo, recalling the incident from a few months ago. The event had been detrimental to Konoha, as they were left without an experienced ninja medic, and it made them appear weak in the eyes of other nations.


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