
Naruto: Gojo Satoru Is The Strongest

Translate During the battle against Sukuna, Gojo Satoru was cut in half. “If I have to do it again, I will never lose.” After Gojo Satoru died, he was reborn in the world of Naruto. Initially, he became a disciple of Jiraiya. In this life, he will write the strongest myth. Uchiha Madara: “Gojo Satoru, I, Madara, want to call you the strongest!” Might Guy: “Gojo Satoru is the end of my blazing youth!” Nagato: “Brother Gojo, he is a god.” Otsutsuki Kaguya: “Is that human truly an inferior creature?” Gojo Satoru: “It doesn’t matter, because you are too weak.” Access more chapters: bit.ly/Candra24 Donate: paypal.me/andicand

Takamiya_Shin · Cómic
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93 Chs

The Power of Gojo Satoru


Naruto's face finally lit up with joy.

"I've cut off the supply of Ryumyaku to this factory." Sara also nodded in satisfaction.

However, Satoru's gaze turned upwards.

There, a figure slowly emerged.

"Your Majesty the Queen, why are you here?" A slightly chubby man in a white robe walked out from a high platform, with a playful tone in his voice.

Sara stared at him, with burning anger in her eyes: "Anrokuzan!"

"Is he really Anrokuzan?" Naruto was slightly surprised, "He looks very different from Mukade."

At this moment, the puppets around seemed to have received some kind of guidance and began to activate one by one, demonstrating strong combat effectiveness.

"I command on behalf of the Queen to immediately cease the exploitation of the people and halt the research and development of weapons of war!" Sara shouted.

A trace of disgust crossed Anrokuzan's face: "Oh?"

"Your Majesty the Queen, you're too naive." He sneered, "How can I conquer the world if I relinquish the power of Ryumyaku?"


Naruto no longer hesitated and quickly drew a kunai from behind: "I won't let you succeed."

Anrokuzan looked at them and smirked disdainfully: "Just you?"

"Your Majesty, do you not think that two cats or dogs by your side can be a threat to me?"

In an instant, the puppets around him seemed to awaken and rushed towards Naruto and the others.

"Sara, run!" Naruto yelled while trying to free himself from the encirclement of several puppets in front of him.

The puppets changed direction and headed towards Sara's back.

Suddenly Sara's heart raced, and she was about to turn and flee, but she was shocked to realize that puppets had also appeared behind her!

"Sneaking up!"

Cold light flashed, and the arms of the two puppets stretched out, revealing sharp blades.

"Your Majesty the Queen, just like your mother, sleep forever." A proud smile appeared on Anrokuzan's face.

"Mother...?" Sara froze in place, a bad feeling creeping into her heart. However, at that moment, the two puppets suddenly launched their attack!

Their speed was so fast that she had no time to react!

Sara's pupils dilated, and the blades in the hands of the puppets quickly enlarged before her eyes!

"Sara!" Naruto also realized Sara's danger at the moment, with a worried expression on his face.

Anrokuzan saw Sara about to die under the blade, and he couldn't help but smirk.

"Ryumyaku is entirely mine." He closed his eyes, as if he had already imagined blood flying everywhere.

"That scene is cruel. I still don't want to watch it." He shook his head.

However, the expected screams did not come.

Anrokuzan opened his eyes, only to find a sharp knife lodged in his chest.

One behind the other, it was the two puppets.

"What's happening?" His mind paused for a moment.

He turned around and saw a white-haired man carrying Sara, not far from him.

"You..." Anrokuzan was slightly confused. Why had he turned into a hedgehog?

"Just tell me..." Satoru gently lifted his ear, "Am I a cat or a dog?"

As he finished speaking, the air around them seemed to receive a powerful impact and spread wildly outward.

This unseen repelling force was like a mighty storm, flowing directly towards Anrokuzan and the puppets he controlled, sticking them to the wall, making them unable to move.

Even the sound became very difficult to come out of his mouth.


"Who are you..."

Anrokuzan had just awakened from his current dream, realizing that the person he was facing was an existence he could not contend with.

Satoru tightly held Sara and walked towards Anrokuzan step by step.

With each step he took, Anrokuzan felt the repelling force on his body growing stronger, as if his internal organs would be crushed.

Sara stared at Satoru with her mouth agape, her heart filled with shock.

This man was incredibly strong!

"As expected of Eyepatch-sensei!" Naruto cheered loudly from a distance after disposing of the last puppet.

"Considering your words earlier..." Satoru flashed a wicked smile on his lips, "I will let you leave this world without pain."

As soon as he finished speaking, the three figures pinned to the wall turned into pieces under tremendous pressure, and Anrokuzan's body also shattered, revealing internal mechanical parts.

"Is this also a puppet?" Sara whispered to herself.

"Is everything settled, Eyepatch-sensei?" Naruto asked, jumping to Satoru's side.

"Ah, yes." Satoru answered with a smile.

However, at this moment, the scattered parts of Anrokuzan seemed to be attracted by a certain force, and the scattered puppets around them also gathered in the air under the influence of this strange power.

"What's happening?" Naruto exclaimed.

Under the influence of the mysterious power, the parts were combined into a giant monster tens of meters long, resembling a terrifying centipede.

"You want to defeat me?"

"My power is unlimited!"

Anrokuzan emerged from the centipede-like monster, full of provocation.


Satoru raised his eyebrows with a hint of amusement on his face. He once again unleashed a powerful repelling force, pressing the large figure against the wall, making it unable to move.

However, what was astonishing was that despite being pressed, the centipede-like monster was still able to rearrange itself, and Anrokuzan's shattered body parts reassembled to form a complete body.

"I told you before, you are no match for me at all!"



"I cannot die!"


Naruto watched this scene and began to feel a little bored and yawned.


"You're too oppressive!"

After several collapses and reorganizations, Anrokuzan finally couldn't withstand the pressure anymore, and the giant centipede knelt down and begged for mercy.

"I was wrong, Sara, please let this man stop. I am willing to return Ryumyaku to you."

Anrokuzan was completely defeated.

No matter how he rearranged his body, he couldn't withstand any movement in the face of this powerful force.

The gap between him and the other party was like an insurmountable gap.

He looked at the other party in horror, full of doubt in his heart: Who is this?

Satoru looked slightly bored, and he said calmly, "Change back your body first."

"It looks disgusting."

"Yes." Anrokuzan didn't dare to neglect it and immediately returned to normal size.

In his eyes, Satoru had become a demon at the moment, which was very terrifying.

At this moment, Minato and his companions also arrived.

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