
Naruto: God Of The Moon

I can't access my other account that had Naruto: Crescent Moon and Fairy Tail: Goddess Of Darkness so yeah... This novel is currently on break so don't expect any updates since I'm starting school in like a week. :(

Whatupmyfellowkids · Cómic
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12 Chs

Chapter 7: War Is Approaching

Chapter 7: War Is Approaching

(General POV)

The leaf jonin commander bows to the 3rd Hokage after finishing his mission report. Hiruzen sighs at the information that war is approaching and the fact that Onoki has lost control over some of the rock villages elders.

"War is inevitable, Onoki along with the rest of the Kage cannot prevent it. Any more delay will merely weaken the Kage's authority as people try to take power from them. They must agree with the common population to stay in power otherwise those beneath them will claw at the structure that holds up the seat of Kage."

Hiruzen grimaces as he continues with his thoughts of what will happen if the Kage delay the war.

"That's only interval conflict, what about the threat of the other villages. Even if the 5 great villages are internally fighting and can't provide forces to create conflict between each other, then small villages will take the opportunity to gain power, money, territory and slaves."

Hiruzen makes hand gestures to signal a anbu to come out of the shadows.

"Inform the village elders, civilian council and the clan heads to come to the meeting in a week. It's necessary to discuss logistics, potential allies, war strategies, trade routes and expenses we can afford when the war starts."

An anbu comes out from the shadows before disappearing in a swirl of leaves.

(1 Week Later)

All of the most important, strongest, richest and influential people in Konohagakure gather together in one room. At the head is Hiruzen, the 3rd Hokage and current leader of the hidden leaf. To his right are the civilian council, made of the fire nations nobles and merchants that control most of the trade in the land of Fire, they are also the richest. To his left are Konohagakure's clan heads who run the individual clan that they belong to, they control most of the military force of the land of Fire and are each around elite jonin level. Currently a heated debate is occurring between the two most powerful and influential men in Konohagakure, Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzo Shimura.

"We must force Tsunade Senju to come back and fight in the war Hiruzen. You've become soft, so soft that even your own shinobi can directly refuse your orders without consequences. Tsunade Senju abandoned the leaf and even now you continue to defend her honor despite that."

Hiruzen grips the table in extreme anger at Danzo's accusations against his student.

"Danzo I warn you that your power comes from me, I allowed Tsunade to leave the village due to her contributions during the 2 great shinobi war."

Rumors spread throughout the civilian council some members snickering at Danzo's insults. A certain lazy clan head speaks up to voice his opinion and to refute Danzo's accusations.

"With all due respect lord Danzo, the 3rd Hokage made a promise to Tsunade before the war even started that if she participated she would be allowed to leave Konohagakure. Tsunade agreed to participate in the war despite her fiance dying shortly before it and she continued to fight in the war even after her brother died leaving her as the only Senju left. To spit on the name of Tsunade is demeaning of any honorable shinobi, isn't it lord Danzo?"

Hearing the words of Shikaku an unlikely person speaks up, Fugaku Uchiha.

"Why isn't this information wide spread in Konohagakure? If most of the shinobi in Konohagakure knew of this information it would greatly improve the image of Tsunade Senju. It almost seems like someone is purposefully trying to bring down the reputation of one of the legendary sanin by keeping this a secret despite being available to everyone."

Hiruzen sighs as the shinobi clan heads stare at Danzo with ill intentions.

"Now is not the time to fight among each other, we must work as one to win the war. We are completely surrounded from all sides by the other great nations, everyone will try to take over our land because it is the key to take over the other nations. But we will not fall, as the leaves of our village fall they become fertilizer to grow more leaves and continue the will of fire."

In a completely different part of the village Aikaga writes down his notes of an experiment he just conducted.

'So the effects of applying yang release over and over to isolated cells causes them to become stronger and more durable. If I'm correct I should be able create an entirely new kekkei genkai if I manage to mutate my cells through extreme amounts of yang release over a period of time. From the information I've gathered by spying on members of the kaguya clan in the land of water I can conclude that their bodies are stronger than normal people due to their natural affinity to yang release. I assume this is how new kekkei genkai appear in the world, over generations of ninja there will be certain members of that family branch with an extraordinary high affinity to either yang or yin release that can cause mutations in cells that create new kekkei genkai. I need to run tests on live human subjects before trying this on myself however. While I may be right I'm not sure if there are any risks in mutating my cells with certain types of chakra. The sharingan is advanced through the creation of otsutsuki chakra created through harsh training or overwhelming negative emotions so I should theoretically should be able to do the same with yang release. I would try to mutate my cells with yin release but I haven't seen any effects in any of the tests. Perhaps it's because yin release is spiritual and yang release is physical but I do know that their isn't any benefit to trying to mutate my cells with yin release so I'll focus on yang release.'

Aikaga runs yin chakra through a human being strapped to a table and the human's physical strength increases before their body explodes. Wiping the blood off his glasses Aikaga writes down some more notes.

'Too much yang chakra applied to a human's cells at once causes their body to explode from the rapid increase in strength. I wonder whether this would still happen if the subject is a shinobi rather than an ordinary civilian? Just another theory I need to test in the future...'

Yeah the MC is gonna get a completely unique bloodline limit that gives physical form to light. Basically the opposite of Shikamaru's hidden technique but way stronger and more versatile.

Whatupmyfellowkidscreators' thoughts