
Naruto: God Of The Moon

I can't access my other account that had Naruto: Crescent Moon and Fairy Tail: Goddess Of Darkness so yeah... This novel is currently on break so don't expect any updates since I'm starting school in like a week. :(

Whatupmyfellowkids · Cómic
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12 Chs

Chapter 3: Thirst For Immortality

Chapter 3: Thirst For Immortality

(Time Skip 1 Year)

A young boy transforms into a genin in under a second with no difficulty. Staring at his arm the transformed boy smiles maliciously.

'Ive finally managed to master the transformation jutsu, I no longer need to make handseals and I've reduced the time needed to transform to under half a second. Now I can perfectly transform into anyone without any flaws it's time I started my plan.'

Late in the night Aikaga flies above the hospital as a white bird. Landing on the roof his body changes into a much smaller form, something much more repulsive, a cockroach. The young boy disguised as a small cockroach slips through a crack in the wall entering a patient's room.

The small cockroach jumps through the crack with a silent landing, gazing around the cockroach walks under the door of the patient's room.

'There shouldn't be anyone working at this time so I'm not in any danger of being caught.'

Passing by patient's rooms and offices he finally finds what he was looking for.

'So this is it, the record rooms. Here I can steal information and medical jutsu.'

Aikaga transforms back into his real body and he pulls out a blank scroll he had transformed to be part of his body. Grabbing multiple important scrolls from the shelves he begins to quickly jot down everything written on them. Before he starts writing things down he stores multiple tanks with a strange liquid inside of them. After 4 hours of writing Aikaga transforms the scrolls to be part of his body and he dips out of the hospital building the same way he came in.

'I now have a way to implant a sharingan in my eye and a container to hold eyes when I'm not using them. I've already singled out a young Uchiha genin that will take a C-rank bandit extermination mission so now I can get a pair of sharingan to steal jutsu with.'

Aikaga turns into a white dove as he flies over many of the many buildings of the village appreciating the amazing sight.

'Quite beautiful isn't it? I always wondered why people would ever want to die, it's always been my dream to live happily ever after. The idea of living forever always attracted me. Why should I have to die? Because it's the natural way of life? So are illnesses but humans have tried their hardest to remove them from the natural cycle of life. Why should death be any different? Death affects all, a disease that affects all of humanity, a common enemy that should be removed. Humans have been conditioned to accept death as a natural part of life, as an endpoint that made the journey worth the travel but I despise that ideology. I never want to experience death, I never want to be living as a crippled old man awaiting death with no way out. The very thought terrifies me, I swear that I will never have to experience that. When I woke up in the academy I was terrified that my life had ended, that I would never again experience joy but now I have a chance. A chance at immortality, a chance of eternal happiness, a chance at escaping the omnipotent reaper of death. I will take this chance so that in the future I may enjoy the fruits of my burdens in eternal bliss.'

The white dove's feathers fall as it morphs into a small boy with a strange twisted smile as he sits down on a mat closing his eyes and after a few minutes Aikaga finds himself in a very different place.

Deep in this boy's mind is a spiritual avatar of himself walking down a hall, it opens a door to a giant library filled with hundreds upon hundreds of books. Large collums of books labeled with various titles are spread throughout the library with labels such as Chakra Theory, Economics, Politics and much more. Had anyone actually opened any of these books they would be surprised at the vast information collected in this one place.

The avatar opens a book labeled jutsu and several blue windows pop up around the book.

[Non-Elemental Jutsu: D-Rank: Transformation Jutsu, Substitution Jutsu, Clone Jutsu, Body Flicker.]

[Genjutsu: D-Rank: Hellview Landscape.]

The avatar closes the book and all he sighs at his incompetence.

"Well this is really disappointing, I've only been able to master these 5 jutsu with no handseals and under a second in the time span of a year. I'm starting to doubt I even have a natural chakra affinity but at the very least I can focus on just that and the basics of medical jutsu. Although I could implant a stolen sharingan I wouldn't be able to use it with my chunin level reserves. I suspect the only reason I was able to reach chunin level in chakra was due to the boost in spiritual energy from my last life's experience. Without that boost I probably would have taken multiple years to reach chunin level. Thankfully I still have 6 more years untill I'm required to take the final exam, I'm not sure when the 3rd world war will start but I know I have a few more years.'

The avatar evaporates into air and Aikaga wakes up in his apartment with a strained face.

'It still takes to long to enter my mindscape, I've customized it to suit my needs as a library for my memories but it still isn't perfect.'

Aikaga grabs his scrolls containing stolen information and jutsu and he spends the next few weeks learning one of his most important jutsu, the mystic palm.

Next is his chakra affinity reveal, it's not anything special because the MC is just a random orphan.

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