
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Cómic
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58 Chs

Chapter 9

Heaven - Second floor.

Lucifer and Michael did not take their eyes off each other as they began to float and slowly spin, waiting for who would take the first step, lurking.

Lucifer was confident of dealing easily with his little brother at first before the Intervention of his father who did not calculate that he would intervene helping Michael, since when He goes out he does it for a while and pays more attention to other things leaving him in charge. , but now that he appeared and gave his help to Michael it made him more cautious, an offense to him, since Michael is not worth his time but with the help of his father he turned him into someone with whom he should move with concern and care. for your Internal Annoyance.

Michael, like Lucifer, did not let his guard down even with the help that his father gives him, which is his strength, since Lucifer did not seem even fazed by that fact, something that made him cautious. He thought that before he was strong, but if it were not for his Father, Lucifer would have subjected him to Him who possessed four Wings with his mere presence. I never expected that since Lucifer never responded to his advances of believing himself to be his "Equal", surely his brother would mock him when He was no longer with Him and his Actions, since He showed her not recently the great difference that existed between Them and He did not deny that it is great.

"Focus My son."

The Archangel heard his father's voice and resumed his determination, he has to stop Lucifer or He will do more damage and put his Innocent brothers in danger for his Selfish desires.

The spectators below look with surprise and curiosity at what would be the outcome of this apparent rebellion against their Father by none other than their brother Lucifer, something difficult to believe but they had it happening before their eyes.

Beelzebub, like his "brothers", looks silently at Lucifer and Michael without paying attention to his captive "brothers", since depending on who will win this Fight, Heaven would take a big turn, Wait for his Leader to win.

A luminous Light collided with an Opaque Light without either of them retreating but trying to overcome the Other while a Light pressure began to fall on everyone.

No one saw what happened when a powerful blizzard shook them all and a screeching sound was heard.


Michael collided his spear of Light against Lucifer's with The Archangel being surprised by his brother's abnormal strength. If his Father did not help him, he is sure that he would have disappeared in the face of such strength and power.

Lucifer: " Surprised ?"... - he mocked, connecting his knee to Michael's abdomen, who gasped and retreated a few meters back but quickly recovered to dodge a spear that was going at his head to his surprise.

Lucifer gritted his teeth.

Michael created another Spear of Light in his free hand, now having two spears, and charged at Lucifer at great speed, since he was waiting for him, and they began to clash spears, creating small sonic Hondas.



Michael noticed how agile his brother is with a single Spear and opened his bright golden eyes as they emitted a powerful Light that made Lucifer retreat, who opened his own crimson eyes and emitted a strange pressure that crushed Michael's Light.

Lucifer: " Weak tricks "... - he mocked with his deep voice that did not convey feelings although internally he is upset. Michael's strength is almost the same as his and he is sure that Michael did not know that trick he just did. At least his "father" has not given Michael more power, surely because Este's body will not resist it, but he has given him enough power to be a great Annoyance.

Michael sighed, calming his breathing, the first thing was over and the nerves he may have had for his brother were gone, his pressure will not subdue him again, it's time.

The Light shone behind Michael as his eyes took on a powerful glow much to the chagrin of Lucifer who released more of his power with his crimson eyes glowing.

Michael: Let's begin ... - he said calmly with his voice imposing in power.

Lucifer smirked before disappearing as did Michael.




The Angels could only watch as a Lumisono flash collides with an Opaque one without being able to follow their brothers.

Lucifer's followers silently support him, hoping he wins.

Beelzebub:My Lord... - He murmured, looking at the flashes in silence and appreciating the strength of the strong.

Eden .

In this one you could see a beautiful platinum-haired blonde lying under a tree that gives her shade, getting back up.



The blonde being none other than Gabriel who stretched out his arms in satisfaction, opening his beautiful bright gray eyes as he felt the Multiple chaotic energies of his brothers.

Gabriel sighed with curiosity, since the greatest energies came from the second floor like his father's but not his brother Naruto's, so it couldn't be anything important but looking a little at what is happening wouldn't hurt.

With Lucifer and Michael.

They clashed spears of Light with Michael moving his Extra Spear to Lucifer's unprotected side who stepped back before creating a spear of Light with his Free hand and sending it against Michael who cut it in Half but in that "Millisecond" it took to cut the Spear of Light lost sight of Lucifer.


An Expansive Honda echoed.


Michael almost screamed due to the blow on his back that sent him towards the ground but he recovered by spinning his wings a few times and sent a kick in the direction of the surprised Lucifer who was following him closely and connecting his blow throughout East's abdomen doing so. Spitting saliva as he backed away.

Both did not delay and charged against The Other again but with more ferocity and power.

The screeches of the spears could be heard by all the Waiting Angels as well as the small Expansive Slings of wind caused by the speed and power of their attacks that created currents of winds.

But still, the Angels could not follow their brothers until they appeared out of nowhere clashing spears and then disappeared.



Michael sang distracting Lucifer in his high speed race which The Archangel took advantage of and to Lucifer's surprise and pain a spear of Light cut a piece of one of his Wings which made him close his eyes for a second but Michael did not give up. Appearing in front of his brother, he landed a powerful blow on Este's abdomen.


Lucifer spat saliva looking at the ground of Heaven before trying to kick one of Michael's legs which retracted it, being that by self-reflection Lucifer created a spear of Light with his other Hand and sent it to Michael's chest who retreated but not enough. .

Lucifer felt that he touched something with his Spear and raised his face looking at... "Micha... No, those eyes... It's his father.

Lucifer: heheh... I knew that He's not worth it even with your help... but you intervene... because you don't bring your truth... WOWHHHH...

Lucifer spit out again, this time some bloody saliva, now looking into the eyes of his brother who had hit him with another blow to his abdomen. .. Him next to his father... The two fight together for Intervals...


Lucifer tried to back away from Instinct when Michael destroyed his Spear with his hand only to be held by Strange golden chains that came out of the ground before a super Luminous Light hit him.


Lucifer screamed in pain, surprised that the Light hurt him like that, it... burned him.

The intense light ended after a few seconds and Lucifer was seen on the ground kneeling gasping for air while "Michael" stood in front of him.


After a few seconds he spoke.

"You have disappointed Me, My son... why? Why do you do it, This."

Lucifer understood who defeated him with Irony and raised his sweaty and somewhat dirty face due to the effort of enduring that light that did not burn him on the outside but inside it was another case.

Gasping for Air, Lucifer spat at his father's feet and a horrendous grimace, full of jealousy, envy and greed, appeared on his face, something that God could read very easily for the pain in his heart.

Lucifer did not answer anything in "rebellion" which God assumed.

THAT ? !.

NO ! .

Lucifer diverted his attention to his right, noticing how his followers were captured by surprise by his other brothers. He was not surprised, since if He fell, they would not be able to do anything. He was their strength and driving force to do things, without Him. They could do nothing and were easy to capture and subdue until Beelzebub could not with the Light of Zadkiel.

Lucifer tried to move against the chains that held him but nothing, he noticed that his powers were removed or he doesn't know, so close and at the same time so far from his tasks.


God whispered with apprehension before Hardening his heart, he has to make an Example but I never expect to do it with Him.


God imposed through Michael when the Wings of all the rebels even the Others who were defeated on the Other floors unfolded and to his Disbelief began to lose their shine or what was left of them becoming dark and partly Skeletal like that of the Bats something which only Lucifer noticed as he closed his eyes, the rebels' Halos began to disappear while they felt strangely unpleasant.

The Angels only look surprised, as their "brothers" lose their Wings, the ones that connect them to Them.

Zadkiel looked with a solemn look at his brother Lucifer who is kneeling before his father who speaks through Michael, Was this what he was looking for?, to disappoint father?... - the Angel asked herself and also because of how she dragged others of her brothers with Him.


All the Angels looked with surprise at their rebellious brothers and how their father punished them almost as he did with Him, their brother " Samael ".


God roared when the Clouds beneath the rebels began to open and swallow each one of them.

Lucifer opened his now dark crimson eyes looking directly into Michael's through whom his father looks and God noticed, his son... He is lost in his darkness to his great pain.

Lucifer began to slowly descend through the hole that formed beneath him but even so, he did not take his eyes off his father until he was swallowed completely and God left Michael's body that was stunned.


First floor.

Naruto appeared in East raising an eyebrow because of how the first heaven is, it seemed that his brothers were placed to train in East and caused damage. Wasn't it better to do it in the Twin Rooms ?

Naruto began to float slightly in the direction where he senses some of his brothers...

Father ...

Naruto suddenly stopped and looked between his children and opened his eyes in surprise.

Naruto: Lucifer ... - he whispered without knowing what his brother was doing with others in that place. Is it more like how they arrived?

Naruto prepared to go to Terra and find out what his brother is doing there but he was Interrupted before he could do so.

"You will not abandon Heaven Naruto."

Naruto heard his father and suddenly found himself in his own room instead of First Heaven or Even Terra.

Naruto: Father...

"You have disappointed me, just like your brother Naruto. They have both let themselves be carried away by their Pride and believe they are higher than their creator. They have hidden from me, lied to me and played at being God."

Naruto: Father, that's not... - He tried to say only to be interrupted again.

"Why did you create life Naruto? Why didn't you tell me? What was your motive? Compare yourself to me? Try what Lucifer did?"

Naruto opened his eyes in surprise as his father found out.

Naruto: Father, I didn't do it with any other intention than to make you happy... I thought that if I did something like what you did...

"You compare yourself to your Creator Naruto, you play at being one, that's the same thing Lucifer did but instead you created life, without permission, I hide it from me, you compare yourself to me...So you will hereby be punished anyway... At the moment you will not be able to intervene or leave heaven... You have disappointed me Naruto, I will think about your punishment...

Naruto blinked, lowering his head without understanding, his father didn't let him explain himself and he didn't know about Lucifer and...

Naruto looked through his children again, ignoring that his father was doing the same.


Lucifer and his followers who fell noticed that they have fallen in the most similar thing to the earth only that there is no Sun, nor a Moon to believe that it is the earth that "He" created.

Lucifer in his fall quickly noticed the Strange signs of life that received him in the Place to which "He" Sent them.

Already touching land like his followers, Lucifer took a better look at who it was.

Lucifer: Children and Lilith?... - He murmured for a second before letting out a deep and amused laugh to the curiosity of his followers but no fun for the other group, much less Lilith herself.

Lucifer: So this was where he went to have the first "human" Woman with Children? Hahaha... - he mocked, amused, and began to walk without any concern in the direction of the beautiful black-haired woman who is surrounded by her "children." who wear togas of different colors for your curiosity but They are not of your Interest.

Lucifer smiled looking at how the "human", A human weaker than an Angel did not retreat before his powerful gaze, Interesting.

Beelzebub followed Lucifer but a little behind while his followers look expectantly, since they have to talk to their Leader about what they were going to do now that they were Expelled from Heaven by "El", since trying to call him father causes them unpleasant sensations.

Lucifer arrived a few meters from Lilith without stopping, while he ignored the black-haired boy next to her with a serious look.

Lucifer: At some point I looked for you but I didn't find you... - he said calmly, since he had heard about Her and her Expulsion from Eden by her father, which was when He tried to look for her to get her on his side but She had already disappeared and had his plans in March as to come down to earth for Her.

Lilith did not respond as she looked at Lucifer seriously. She could feel Naruto surrounding her and seeing through them her "brother", who for some reason came to this place that was only for them and if Naruto has not told her why he came, It's because He doesn't know either.

Lucifer: don't you speak? I apologize if I make you lose He speaks... - He said with a rambling smile, since He knows that He is beautiful and sometimes the same thing happened with some of his sisters who followed Him and were Expelled with the.

Mnemosyne, who is still in Lilith's group, wondered what was happening if not a few minutes ago Naruto left and now his brother is coming along with more "Angels" and Naruto didn't tell them anything about this.

Lucifer arrived, already a few steps from Lilith and was going to speak again when he noticed the Boy next to her who shares hair color with Lilith and almost the same height even his skin color is the same.

Lucifer: And you are? Do you have a name?... - He asked with curiosity to the Boy with strangely familiar eyes.

The Boy did not answer him and Lucifer fired him, he is not of Interest as This beautiful black-haired woman with dark eyes who had Heard that she Opposed her father with determination just like He did but for different reasons, but still She has her Interest.

"So Lilith...

Lucifer suddenly appeared in front of Esta playing El Cachete of the beautiful black-haired woman when she stepped back after almost losing her hand to a passing red Spear.

Lilith was not surprised.

Lucifer diverted his gaze to the Boy who stood in front of Lilith, while holding in one of his hands a Strange red Spear with which he attacked him.

Lucifer: Your c...

Satan: The only one who can touch Mother is Father... - He said with his own deep and powerful voice that surprised Lucifer when some Young Boys like the black-haired man took a step forward and Lucifer's followers did not hesitate to do the same.

Lucifer passed his surprise quickly and smiled.

Lucifer: do you think you can face Me?... - He asked with an amused smile, since Satan did not respond nor did he flinch at his apparent amusement.

Lucifer: well, I still need to get my Anger out with Something... - he said, spreading his Dark Wings to the surprise of Naruto who looks through Satan now.

Satan [father]... - he thought calmly.

"Overwhelm him".

Satan smiled at his father's response and nodded silently.

Lucifer tried to create a Spear of "Light" but a Dark One appeared but he did not give it any importance.

Satan smiled and disappeared just like Lucifer to the surprise of Beelzebub who hopes he is not Another Michael.



Pheonix roared and his brothers continued, taking Beelzebub by surprise, who received a kick in his part courtesy of Lilith, since Naruto confirmed that they are Hostile.


Beelzebub let out a more than painful scream, he didn't wait for that attack or the next one that shook his face to the side and sent him flying.


Mnemosyne quickly grasped what was happening and went to join his group to fight when, to his surprise, he saw how the children suddenly aged, from children to almost grown-up children.

Mnemosyne[ What are they? ]... - he couldn't help but wonder when they deployed different Strange Wings and without Fear went to the Front, do they even know how to fight?


A powerful explosion resounded, shaking the ground around her and Mnemosyne charged forward, splitting the ground beneath her with the powerful impulse.

Naruto from his room watches everything in silence.

"You are Lucifer's enemy."

Lucifer cursed that they were these beings and those wings, is that fire?

Lucifer created two dark spears in each of his Hands, the pains of That Light with which "He" hit him return to Him and in the midst of this and worse he does not understand how to use his new power well.

Satan suddenly appeared in front of Lucifer and without a doubt tried to impale him with his spear, which Lucifer dodged at the last second, but did not hesitate to counterattack, creating small flashes from their collisions and splitting the earth beneath them before taking flight again.



Lucifer spit out saliva when his Enemy's leg collided with his Abdomen, even in the middle of the counterattack... How did this being possess such ability? Or rather... How could he compare to Him?

Little did Lucifer know that Este was one of his brother's most powerful children and had no less inherited his ability to counterattack and close Fighting forcefully.

Lucifer raised his spear, stopping another incoming attack that shook him to his surprise and he didn't wait for the punch that went to his face and sent him crashing to the ground.



The earth breaking echoed but none of Naruto's children were more distracted than Lucifer's followers who paid to do so when they were hit in surprise.

Belphegor cursed that he left a Bad Place to a worse one, Now He is Faced with his Strange powers with which he has no familiarity with this Woman called Lilith who knows how to fight to his surprise.

Lilith looked at the dark-skinned brown-haired man with no interest as he moved his dark spear in her direction and Lilith only raised her hand as her palm was pierced by the spear that drew blood before the spear was crushed by Lilith's hand.


The Spear disappeared into small particles.

Belphegor took a step back from It with some nerves, She reminds him how it wasn't several minutes before Metraton overwhelmed and defeated him.

Lilith licked her lips with an evil smile as her eyes began to change to a deep yellow with circles in them and her skin began to slowly turn red.

Lilith: I'm going to enjoy this... - she said perversely in the middle of her transformation.


Lilith was distracted by The Familiar Scream, stopping her shift and noticed how two of Those Rebels were chasing Eva.

Lilith turned to look at her prey and it had escaped much to her displeasure and went to help her sister.

Naruto watched as two of his brothers chased Eva with the intention of harming her.


Belial, who had also aged into a beautiful young woman to help her brothers, looked for Eva with her gaze, noticing how she was being chased as she ran to that tree.

Belial grabbed Momentum, splitting the ground beneath her.


An Explosion followed behind Her and in the blink of an eye she appeared just centimeters away from Eve, noticing that Mnemosyne was doing it anyway, but when they managed to touch Eve to get her away from danger, they did not notice how She tightened her necklace and disappeared next to Them.

Naruto continued to watch what was happening when a necklace with a small green gem in the center appeared around his neck with Eva, Mnemosyne and Belial possibly asleep inside it.

Naruto sighed so this is the Annoyance he felt a long time ago.

Lilith opened her eyes somewhat surprised by the disappearance of the three but quickly recovered her Focus and looked at the Hostiles who were chasing Eva who stopped without knowing where she went only for one to receive a powerful kick in her entire neck as she fell into a dull noise and before the other could react a finger entered one of his eyes.


A horrifying scream echoed out.

Lilith did not leave him there and went for the other eye, eliciting a more than painful scream from the "Angel" before jumping back, dodging the Spears that were going at Her but ended up Impaling the unfortunate one, ending his pain.

Lilith diverted her Attention when three "Angels" girls with two pairs of Wings fell in front of Her with spears in their Hands.

Lilith: How sweet ... - she smiled as her eyes acquired the perverse yellow glow.


As a sign the three "Angels" charged at Lilith who did the same breaking the ground beneath her.



Lucifer spread his Wings in all their Splendor as well as his Darkness creating great blizzards of wind but even so Satan did not retreat or flinch, not even his Wings of fire behind Him trembled before the powerful wind and pressure.

Lucifer growled with a somewhat crazy smile filling his features, He is angry and very angry but I don't expect that it would activate this torrent of power so warm, yes, the darkness is his... his power.

Satan: Are you done?... - He asked calmly from Below and Lucifer began to slowly descend in his direction.

They both looked at each other calmly.

Satan moved to the side, allowing the person who tried to attack him from behind to pass before impaling him with his Spear through the mouth when he turned and fell.

"My children".

God from his Throne lamented the various Deaths and decided to break the two seals on Lucifer so that it would end.


Lucifer suddenly felt as if something familiar was coming back to him but at the same time different.

Lucifer: What is this?... - he asked himself when a strange purple energy began to surround him, stopping the fights due to the imminent danger that was felt in the air.

Satan frowned as Naruto opened his eyes in surprise through his.

NO! .

Naruto roared with Annoyance as he activated his power and the entirety of the 7 heavens began to tremble, even interrupting God from removing his Last Seal from Lucifer.

Lucifer, who was beginning to go through the euphoria and ecstasy of this Strange power that returned to Him, lost all that when he was the recipient of powerful golden eyes that appeared in front of Him, cutting off His breath and His power.

A powerful presence of Light overwhelmed the senses of all those present who saw practically a giant being of Light emerge facing them, but everyone knew very well that familiar back and robe.

Lucifer looked with his eyes open in surprise, unable to blink, at his brother's, unaware that he was turning into Ashes.

Through Satan, Naruto looked impassively and directly into his brother's eyes.

"N..and...and...and ...

Lucifer could not form a Prayer, his Pride, Greed and sense of fight simply died by being the recipient of that fixed gaze and even more so by the person he did not want to meet because perhaps it created a small trauma for him.

Satan/Naruto: Ad...

NO ! .

God roared, regaining his senses and releasing part of his power, overcoming Naruto's power, who was going to turn all of his expelled brothers into ashes. He expelled them so that they would seek redemption, not so that they would die and without realizing it, just like Lucifer, who at the same time Apparently he is afraid of Naruto.

God quickly released Lucifer's last seal that recovered part of his skin from what he saw but again it burned again in a second, something that surprised him. Naruto is so powerful that he still has his seals on him and he released Lucifer's. .


God ordered.

Naruto listened to his father and noticed how he helped his brother and turned on his Energy more while strange lightning bolts and more than powerful shocks shook the sky itself with all his Angel brothers frozen and scared about what was happening.

Naruto go back!

He heard again before Mormuring something for Lucifer and it started to fade but that didn't mean Satan would do it.

Lucifer quickly recovered his skin and color, saving himself, although he did not know it, from becoming Ashes by his father.

Satan watched what happened to his father as his father's giant presence began to recede.

Satan [ I understand father and no one blames you ]... - he said when Lucifer walked away from him, apparently not knowing what had happened a few minutes ago.

Satan: Hanna... do it... - he said softly but his sister heard him when he charged towards his Mother without hesitation.

Lilith seemed to regain her composure when she saw one of her daughters appear in front of her but before she could say anything, she squeezed the necklace she was wearing and they both disappeared.

Satan sighed as his skin began to turn red.

"Brother ".

Pheonix appeared at his side and without asking, he started to turn on, knowing what was coming.

Lucifer frowned from his place, noticing that part of his clothes were missing but he did not give it any importance. These Strange beings will be a good Acquisition for his group and when he corrupts them they will be like Them... Demons.

Naruto fell sitting on one of the Clouds in his room, lowering his head under his toga when soft Hands removed the Superior part of his toga and his head was better seen bowed with his hair than not allowing his face to be seen.

Gabriel: brother... - he said softly and knelt next to his dearest brother in Support without being surprised by the sudden necklace that appeared on Este's neck.

Gabriel pulled him into a worried hug when he didn't flinch.

Gabriel: Here I am... I will stay with you... - he whispered softly knowing that not a few seconds ago his father sealed the room.










Well Lucifer fell because of his sin but he is barely developing according to his name for those who say but Lucifer is this and that.

Or maybe you see, Satan Pushing Him... Lucifer has an imbalance in his powers that suddenly went from Light to Darkness like his followers.

Yes, Naruto's children can withstand part of his power and Essence, since Naruto did not exclude almost anything in creating them... this is why God was not Inflexible and punished him, because Naruto does not know what creation entails and also the Lucifer thing. He pushed God a little with Naruto.

And above all it happened very quickly... it was simply a sudden and unexpected event.

You must already know why Lucifer was beginning to turn into Ashes.

Lucifer and his followers entered a slight State of Worship so their minds turned off and they were practically unaware that they were dying.