Book from [ Adrian king1]
The trip was… normal.
Eiji had half expected something to happen as his team moved through the Land of Fire towards the Land of Earth. He was sure some group would attack them, Tayuya would be especially troublesome and cause a fight or even that an Akatsuki member would find them first, intent on stopping their mission before it even started. Instead, nothing at all happened.
He was getting a little too paranoid, it seemed.
It had Eiji almost nostalgic, remembering that one first C rank mission he'd gone on with Anko. Nothing impressive had happened for a while before they'd found that one injured pair of ninja, and even then it wasn't all that. How he missed those days. They were much simpler than what his life had become after less than a year.
'Less than a year,' He thought ruefully. 'It took less than a year for everything to go to shit. Why am I not surprised?'
Regardless, he would take what he could, grateful that the group of misfits he'd gathered around himself was working somewhat well and had some time to get used to one another. He'd half expected them to be troublesome, especially Tayuya. However, they were surprisingly serious though… If one ignored the looks both females were sending one another, and so long as they didn't start fighting or yelling at each other, he'd gladly do so.
'I'm so glad I don't have to go through the Land of Rain though,' Eiji thought, once more, trying to focus on the path he was taking. Nobody knew that Akatsuki's arguably strongest members were in that small country, it seemed. That had almost spelled Eiji's doom, really, since everyone seemed to believe the Land of Rain was the best place to move through if one tried to go to either the Land of Wind or the Land of Earth.
For once, Eiji was glad that Iwa wanted him there as fast as possible. That had allowed him to argue that, even if it was the safest - and hadn't that been a fun way to express it? - it probably wasn't the fastest. Then, there'd been a bit of an argument, but eventually the higher ups had agreed that it was better to go through the Land of Neck… He was still getting over that name too.
Hunting Akatsuki, he might be, but he was nowhere near prepared to go after Konan and fucking Pain. He needed to prepare for that, probably max out the Jutsu he hadn't even gotten to try out yet. He needed to train his team so that they might hold their ground against the Paths. He needed to make sure he could attack Konan, with her paper body thing.
There was a lot he had to do to even think about charging at them, that was for sure.
"Bimbo, I swear to God, if you skip me one more time-"
"Well, I won't skip you… This one reversed the playing direction, right?" Temari asked innocently, knowing very well what the card did.
"Pretty sure it does," Jirobo nodded. Eiji could see the corner of his mouth twitching at the same time Tayuya's eye did. He should have known better than to let those two sit next to each other.
"Bimbo…" The flute player growled.
"Don't worry, Tayuya," Eiji told the girl with a smile. Better to defuse the situation before it escalated. 'Maybe Uno wasn't the best of ideas.'
"You think?" Kage asked sarcastically in his mind.
Thus, Eiji skipped Jirobo, giving poor Tayuya a chance to finally play.
"I don't even have that color!"
'Well, I tried…'
"You are one freak of nature, you know that, right, Creepy Eyes?" Tayuya asked him with the same scowl that she always wore.
"Don't know what makes you say that," Eiji replied with a shrug as he continued working on his Lightning Manipulation, the sparks now flying much more often, almost consecutively. He was almost finished with the first stage of the nature manipulation training, really, which had him a little excited.
"She is, kind of right, Eiji, much as it pains me to admit it," Temari admitted, sounding like it truly hurt her to do so. 'God, those two really don't like each other,' He complained to himself, before looking up. He looked around, trying to see what they were talking about.
He was doing nothing weird though.
"You guys have any idea what they are talking about?" He asked his clones.
One of them was currently frowning at the notebook in his hands. It contained the new technique he was working on. Which was ready, but he couldn't help but continue checking it over and memorizing it. It needed to be perfect, otherwise everything could go to shit.
A few more were working on Fire Manipulation instead, which was understandably going much slower than the one he had an affinity for. On that note, there was another clone that was currently working on a Fire Release jutsu. He guessed that it would be more useful against Konan than Lightning Release. it was worth the try, at least.
"No idea," They replied at the same time. Eiji saw then, baffled, how both girls' eyes twitched in annoyance.
"Truly…" Temari breathed out exasperated.
"What the hell…?" Tayuya asked, incredulous.
Jirobo remained silent when he sent a questioning glance his way.
"They think your training habits are insane," Kabuto replied when he turned towards him, making Eiji pause.
"Are they?" He asked in his mind.
"I mean, you do train a whole lot. Understandable, given what you know and all… but most other people aren't like that," Hachi explained, although even he sounded incredulous that Eiji didn't know what was strange.
"Really, I mean, this world is insane anyway. One would think these people would care more to be stronger. Especially shinobi," He pointed out.
"Not everyone is as afraid of death as you are, Eiji. They are, but not to the same extent as you since you have… personal experience with it," Hachi continued and Eiji nodded slowly.
"With as dangerous as the people we have to face are, I won't take any chances," Eiji said out loud to his team. "I can relax when I'm the strongest around."
Silence followed his statement.
Then it was broken by an overenthusiastic dog.
"Good to know someone is on my side, Yuki," He said with a smile as he stopped his training to pet the ninken's head. Everyone was still staring at him. "What?"
"I don't know what's more crazy, Creepy Eyes," Tayuya replied with a disbelieving expression. "That you said that or that I believe it."
"You better believe I will." He grinned. "My dream is to be God of Shinobi, and it'll happen."
"What did I get myself into?" Temari muttered, shaking her head.
"Shut up, Bimbo," Tayuya growled, surprising everybody. Not because she insulted her, but because of how aggressive she sounded about it. Like the blonde truly had done something to annoy her. Then the redhead turned towards him. "You, Creepy Eyes."
"Yeah?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I'll take you up on that offer," She said and he blinked, trying to remember what she was talking about. "You said you could teach me about Genjutsu."
'I did say something like that, yeah,' Eiji thought, surprised. He hadn't expected her to actually take him up on his offer. Then, a grin almost split his face. All of his companions looked a little afraid of it but he didn't care. Tayuya was already very good with the Illusion Arts. With some help from him after all the knowledge he'd gained from making Wit's End? He chuckled, and noticed that Jirobo took a step back.
"I'll teach you," Eiji said, ignoring all the others and focusing on the now pale girl. Standing up, he walked up to her. "Nobody but me will be able to see through your Genjutsu by the time I'm done with you. The world will fear you."
Her lips pulled up in a slight grin.
"Now, come on. I have lots to teach you and little time. One of you," He added, turning to his clones. "Train Lightning Manipulation, and be careful, I don't want you to pop because of damage."
"Sure thing," They all said at the same time before they looked at one another to decide. Tayuya, for her part, opened her mouth to speak, sounding almost polite about it.
"Where do we start?"
"Say, you don't know if you have an affinity, do you?" Eiji asked, looking with narrowed eyes at his ninken partner. Yuki, for her part, tilted her head. "You weren't tested, were you?" He added with a grimace. "Good thing I keep all sorts of weird shit in my inventory," He mumbled to himself before subtly pulling a scroll from pouch, making it look like it actually came from there.
The dog barked a question at him.
"I want to test for your nature affinity, if you even have one," He explained as he unsealed a chakra paper from a scroll that was full of random stuff he kept around just in case. Evidently, it was the right thing to do. "If you do though, I think we might be able to apply it to the Passing Fang. Should be a fun combination, don't you think?"
Presenting the paper to the ninken, he looked on as she touched it with her paw and then…
He grinned.
"Oh, I can definitely work with that."
Temari screamed loudly as she punched the ground.
"I told you it was a bad idea," Eiji told her with a lazy smile.
"How are you so good at this?!" She demanded to know, her hands signaling the Shogi board between them. She'd suggested playing one day, when none of them felt up to the madness of Uno. The Suna nin, evidently, hadn't known what she was getting herself into.
"I've been playing Shogi with Naras for years. You might not know but strategy is their thing," Eiji told her. It wasn't like it was a secret or something. Everybody that was somebody knew that. It was like knowing what the Sharingan did or about Suna's puppets and fans.
"I'm good at strategy too," She growled before sighing and starting re-setting the board.
"I believe you. You weren't that bad, actually," He commented. "It's like with everything, you just need to work on it."
"I know."
With that done, Eiji turned to the side. He'd almost expected a 'bimbo' comment from Tayuya, but she was still devouring all the scrolls and books he'd given her, at the same time she worked on ideas for Genjutsu to apply her new knowledge with. He was even working with her to create some of her own techniques too. They still didn't quite know if she had what was needed to do that, but if it came to it, he'd do it himself.
The girl had become almost… calm, after he started training her. If that was what he needed to stop the infinite bickering between the two females, then he would gladly do so. Genjutsu didn't work on him anyway, so he could afford to make her stronger in that area.
"Want some tips too?" He asked, turning towards Temari. He'd meant it as a bit of a joke, since Suna nin had never stopped commenting about the other girl's change in attitude and training sessions. Instead of a chuckle or anything, all he got was a stare that soon turned thoughtful.
"Yes," She replied bluntly, making him blink. Then he grinned once more, something that seemed to set his team on edge for whatever reason.
"Well, you better be prepared then," He started with a warning. She better know what she was getting into this time. "There's a lot of losing in your future."
"You mean near future?"
"I know what I said."
Temari groaned.
Eiji was grinning from ear to ear, something that was quite rare since he'd left Konoha.
The expression was somewhat understandable then, since he kind of was in Konoha. A copy of it, but Konoha nonetheless. The main reason for his smile though, was the absolutely adorable eight-legged wolf that was currently bouncing around in the middle of a clearing. The fact that it was doing so circling around one of his deer constructs, keeping it trapped, was a little less cute, he'd admit.
"I'm glad you are having fun, Tsuchi," Eiji commented, amused. "You want me to make something other than deers or are those fine?" The response was an immediate bark as she rushed towards him, the fake prey completely forgotten in a moment. "I'll take… that as a yes," He added as the Chakra Beast started licking his face.
"You won't take the favorite spot from Kage, you know?" Hachi asked from the side, a grin that told everyone he was containing laughter in place. "Tsuchigumo loves his music."
"Shut up, will you, Hachi?!" The other Orochimaru copy shot back. His anger was somewhat ruined by the fact that he was still holding and playing the instrument in his hands. "I like playing. It has nothing to do with Tsuchi."
"Tsuchi, huh?" Hachi pointed out, making Kage's eyebrow twitch.
The creature, for her part, simply started panting. Something that Eiji was sure meant she was laughing. If the highly amused feeling he was getting was anything to go by, then he was right. Looking at the two bickering was entertaining, he would freely admit. It was much better to see them at it than it was with the females of his team on the outside.
"So, what do you want me to make, something bigger? Something smaller? Faster? Stronger?" Eiji asked curiously as he scratched Tsuchigumo's neck. For a moment, he got no response as the beast enjoyed herself contently letting him spoil her.
Eventually, she stomped on the ground, a motion that looked almost absentminded and half-hearted. He'd gotten his response though. She wanted a bit of everything. Something small and fast, that she could have even more fun chasing. Something big and strong that would put up a fight against her.
"Well, boys, it seems we have a mission of our own," He announced to Kage and Hachi, who both stopped snapping at one another to look at him. He saw them blink confusedly.
"Why are you dragging us into this?" Kage asked, annoyed. "You are the one that offered, why do we have to-" He stopped though.
Eiji could almost see Tsuchigumo peeking over his shoulder at the two, giving them the puppy dog eyes. Then she let out a pitiful whine and that had both of them grimacing. The boy had to give it to her, she knew how to wrap them all around her not-so-little fingers… paws? Whatever.
"... I guess we can help," Hachi eventually caved as Kage's shoulders slumped.
"Don't be dramatic. Tsuchi is a delight and she deserves it, don't you?" Eiji said, the last part directed at the Chakra Beast as he started scratching her neck once more. He let out a surprised laugh when she dropped to the ground next to him, apparently deciding to fully enjoy his attention while she had it. "Huh, you guys can get started with the little one's wish. It seems I have other things to do," He commented without looking at them.
He heard grumbling behind him, but he focused entirely on playing with Tsuchigumo.
"I don't think copying me is a good idea for you, big guy," Eiji told Jirobo when they stopped a sparring session. He stretched his arms up and cracked his neck as he considered his words. He almost sighed as he took in Tayuya's music in the background. "I mean, I'm more of a speed fighter. You, on the other hand, focus more on strength."
"I know, I just…" Jirobo started, before sighing. It was surprising, really. He had never seemed like the type of guy that was overly concerned by power to Eiji, even less than the rest, at elast. Then again, he supposed all ninja had that side to them. Being able to fight well was part of their lives, after all. If they didn't, then they died quickly, focused on non-battle oriented missions or retired early.
"You gotta find your own way, Jirobo," He told him sympathetically. "Maybe we can find someone to teach you when we reach Iwa," He added, unsure. He rather doubted they would be able to make that work.
Eiji already foresaw trouble in Iwa with the team he'd chosen. He'd probably be able to talk his way into letting them do the mission they had asked him to do. Getting a teacher for an ex-Sound nin that was working for him against his will was… a little more complicated a matter, really.
"Yeah, I doubt that," Jirobo replied, telling Eiji that he was aware of how the situation wouldn't allow what he was saying to happen. Then he shrugged. "It's what it is."
"Hm," The boy hummed as he regarded his teammate, considering something. "Well, if this mission goes well, maybe I can pull strings in Konoha when we get back. I'll definitely be able to find a teacher for you back there."
"If we get back, don't you mean," Jirobo corrected with a humorless chuckle. "Besides, I'm pretty sure the three of us will be thrown into a cell once we are done here. The temporary freedom is appreciated though."
Eiji noticed then that Tayuya had stopped playing, but he didn't turn around.
"I don't know how long this mission will be and how much we'll get done, but there's more to it than just what Iwa wants from us… me," He corrected with a grimace. "I'll probably need help even after this is done. If this team works out well, maybe I'll try to keep it."
"Real subtle, Creepy Eyes," Tayuya said and Eiji could almost hear the sneer in her voice.
"Not trying to be subtle. I don't think that's my style. Just saying things as they are. If you want to avoid being thrown back into a cell, work well and I won't have a reason to let that happen. This is a chance for you, do with it as you will," He told them before walking to a tree, sitting against it and welcoming Yuki once the ninken walked up to him, deciding to lie beside him.
He took in both ex-Sound nin's expressions and started wondering what the future held for them… and him too for that matter.
"I think I preferred Creepy Face to Scary Face," Tayuya mumbled, garnering nods from Jirobo and, surprisingly, Temari. Kabuto, for his part, looked away, withholding his opinion. Yuki simply barked happily next to Eiji.
As for the boy himself, he had some idea of what she was referring to. Granted, he had no clue where the Creepy Face came from but the Scary face did make some sense. After all, their little trip was coming to an end. Nothing had happened through it, shockingly, but… it was a prelude, Eiji supposed.
'The calm before the storm,' He thought, closing his eyes for a moment.
With Iwa so close by, the times to try to relax a bit were no longer a thing. He needed to focus on the mission. Training and playing would be rare, that much he knew. Maybe not so much because he'd have to be on guard always, but because he couldn't afford to look like he wasn't taking the mission seriously.
He could give no ammunition against him to the people of the Stone, that much he knew.
He didn't want to imagine how unbearable the people would get if they thought he wasn't taking the mission seriously. How would they react? Would they send him away? Eiji almost wanted that to happen. To go back home and deal with Akatsuki later on, when he was more prepared, stronger, with even better Jutsu… However, that would only bring trouble, maybe even ruin the chances of true peace between the villages.
'For the future,' He thought with a grimace. Because, what was the point of dealing with Akatsuki and the rest of the mess that waited for him around the corner if another World Shinobi War broke out? No, he would build a future with peace, where he wouldn't have to worry about his friends' safety.
There would be a happy ending, he'd make sure of that.
With a sigh, Eiji re-focused on the path. It was an… imposing sight, the massive mountains. It reminded Eiji of the forests around Konoha, not because they looked anything alike, but because they held the same feeling. The same greatness to it all. That, together with the knowledge that somewhere in there was a village full of ninja. One of the five main villages at that. It was something that both awed and scared him.
"Never thought I would come here," Temari commented as they continued walking up the mountain. She didn't seem to be talking to anyone in particular though. Eiji understood though, the other villages were places that one knew, of course, but never thought about visiting. The chances weren't zero, of course. The Chunin exams were a thing after all, but it was still… strange, to be going there.
"Is this how going to Konoha felt for you?" Eiji asked, with his eyes fixed forward.
"It is," She admitted, still looking around, taking in the views as they moved higher and higher.
Eiji wondered, the more they moved towards the village, if there were ninja already following them. He was sure there were. First, because he was sure they would have a similar system to Konoha, with patrols around the forests, or mountains in that case. Second, because Yuki would occasionally twitch in one direction or another, looking around.
"I know," He told her when she'd let out a low growl. "But let's not make a scene, yeah?" He asked, placing a hand on the dog's head. "Iwa nin have already found us," He told the group, who simply nodded, unsurprised. 'Well, they are good shinobi, even if they aren't very 'good' in other aspects,' Eiji thought, somewhat relieved to see some more proof that they were competent, at the very least.
They weren't approached by anyone though, and time passed in relative silence. He guessed that they had been informed of his group's imminent arrival. How long had they been waiting? Had they guessed or just kept waiting? Had Hiruzen sent someone faster with a message? Eiji guessed that it wouldn't be too weird for someone to specialize in traveling fast as a messenger.
Eiji sighed, his fingers absently running through Yuki's fur. He was nervous, he would admit. Each step he took, he was closer to being in front of an Akatsuki member. Even if one took away that detail, the situation he was in wasn't good. Then, how would one describe it with them involved?
"Take a deep breath in, Eiji," Hachi warned him. "You are affecting Tsuchigumo. Relax," He added and Eiji withheld a grimace as he did as he was told. He was too nervous. He needed to focus, to calm down and stop letting his fears control him.
"Everything is going to be fine, Eiji," Kage reassured him, uncharacteristically. The boy could almost hear music being played by the Orochimaru shard. That gave him an idea.
"Tayuya," He called, making the girl turn towards him. "Can you play something, please?" Eiji asked, making sure to phrase it like a true question and not subtle order. He wouldn't have cared if she refused, not really. However, despite the unnerving tone of her music, he could use the calming part of it too, if he was honest.
He took a deep breath in, almost smiling when he heard the flute.
Then, as if it were summoned in front of him, he saw far in front of them, a stone wall rising from the ground.
Iwagakure lay in front of them, finally.