
Naruto: Fusion Center

Thrown into the Naruto world as The young Patriarch of the half-extinct Senju clan, he now has to re-populate the clan as well as become strong to survive.

truepowerscaler1 · Cómic
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14 Chs

Chapter 5

[ 1 Year later ]

On the training grounds of the Senju clan, Murakami was seen standing motionless. Still, the training ground was suddenly filled with big winds as the chakra of Murakami radiated to the outside.

"Sister Tsunade, be careful, or I may defeat you~," Murakami said as his eyes locked with Tsunade, She smiled and her pink lips turned into an arc as she saw the smile on his face.

Tsunade snorted as a smile made it onto her beautiful face, her forehead was now adorned with a purple diamond mark, she must have learned a hundred healings by now from Mito.

"Brat it is still 100 years early for you to even think about touching me, only in a fight, of course, ~" Murakami looked at Tsunade with a sweat on his forehead, ever since her affection for him had reached 80, she has been teasing him non stop.

"You might be right, my body is maybe weak compared to you, but with ninjutsu? nobody is my opponent!" Murakami nodded at Tsunade, his body was still not strong, but only because he wanted to fuse his body with something else.

"Now, let the battle start!" Murakami smirked as he took a small coin out, Tsunade smirked as she saw the coin get thrown into the air, and the tension builds up as the coin nears the ground.


The moment the ground is touched by the coin, Tsunade kicks the ground leaving a small dent and her figure turns into an after image, Murakami grunts in frustration as he blocks a punch.

Murakami groans as the fist of Tsunade impacts his crossed hand, he gets pushed back by the force leaving marks on the floor, but Tsunade does not give up and she punches him again.

Murakami gets ready and runs at Tsunade with his faster=st speed, his body leaves an afterimage in the air as he appears in front of Tsunade, he pumps chakra into his fist, and when his fist is about to hit her, the chakra in his fist exploded.


Tsunade dodged with a smirk and Murakami hit the air with such force that it exploded into a shockwave that traveled forward, with kage level chakra, even if his body is weak, his chakra release fist he created can hurt anyone.

"What the hell!" Tsunade shouted with her mouth open in shock, behind her a ditch that went for many meters was created from the force of Murakami hitting the air.

"What was that Murakami?" Tsunade looked at Murakami with shock, she could do that too, but Murakami was barely 9 years old, and this was inconceivable for someone like her.

"I used your chakra-enhanced punches and I used some chakra enhancement research that Uncle Tobirama left for me" Murakami lied a little with a shrug, he just used Tsunade's technique and fused it with other techniques that increase power temporarily.

"Tch!, and you did not call your favorite sister to tell her~," Tsunade said with a teasing voice, Murakami just looked at her with an expression that said I give up.

"This is a secret technique that only the Senju clan will be able to use, and you need to be a certain rank to get it" Murakami shrugged before walking towards the exit of the training ground.

Tsunade clicked her teeth seeing Murakami walking away from her, she followed him and they talked as they reached the main house where Mito lived.

Murakami and Tsunade entered the Room, and Murakami instantly noticed a person sitting down next to Mito, it was a little girl who looked to be about 7 years old

"Good morning you 2, come and sit as I have something to tell you," Mito said with a smile as she drank her tea, Murakami and Tsunade sat down and looked at the girl sitting next to Mito.

"I would like to introduce to you Uzumaki Kushina, she will be living with us from now on, so make sure to take care of her" Murakami and Tsunade instantly understood.

'Kushina must be here because she is gonna be the next vessel of the nine tails, but it is earlier than I remember, maybe me being here changed something' Murakami thought with some worry.

If the timeline is messed up, then the information he knows could be useless to him, not that he cares as this is his life and not anyone else.

Kushina hid behind Mito as she looked at the Handsome boy and the big sister in front of her, her eyes wandered to Murakami and she met his eyes, instantly she hid her head behind Mito with a blush.

"Looks like someone is shy, Hello Kushina my name is Murakami" Murakami extended his hand to Kushina with a smile, he had a gentle look on his face, after all, he did not want to intimidate her.

Kushina peaked out from behind Mito and her eyes blinked curiously as she looked at the gentle face of Murakami, her nefariousness eased and she extended her hand to shake his.

"H-hello.." A whisper that Murakami almost did not hear came out of her mouth and Murakami shook her hand with a smile, Kushina blushed as she saw the smile on his face and she became nervous again, quickly hiding behind Mito again.

"Wow, that brat fell head over heels for you~" Tsunade looked a this with a smirk as she said this, Mito looked at Tsunade with a smile and Tsunade froze before she shut her mouth.

"No, she is just nervous... I think" Murakami said with a smile, but he looked over to Kushina and saw her looking at him with a blush, he shook his head before sadness set in.

Looks like Mito no longer has much time, at most a year and she will be gone, his eye became slightly moist before he blinked and stopped himself from cryin'.

Suddenly Murakami felt himself get hugged, he opened his eyes and looked at Kushina in surprise, she was standing up and hugging his head while he was sitting down.

"D-don't be sad..." Murakami looked at her in surprise, along with Tsunade and Mito, how did she know he was sad, he by now had basically the best acting in the world, after all, he had to act like he did not know anyone when he first transmigrated.

Murakami smiled as he hugged her back, he looked at her with a smile before saying.

"Thanks, I feel much better!" Kushina nodded before letting him go with a small blush on her face, her nervousness now going away as she realized she was in good hands.

'Looks like she has the mind's eye of Kagura and she can sense emotions like Naruto and the nine tails' Murakami thought with surprise, but he should have expected this, as the mind of Kagura is absolutely busted.

"Murakami, since you are the strongest in the clan in jutsus, I decided that you should teach Kushina instead of her going to the ninja academy" 

Mito said as he realized that Kushina didn't need to go to school to have bonded since Murakami was here.

Murakami looked at Mito in surprise, but he nodded hesitantly, most of the time, Tsunade was out doing missions, and Mito was just that... Mito, with Kushina here will have some company at least.

"Ok" Kushina released a sigh she did not know she was holding back, if he refused then she did not know what she would do, he was her first friend if he could be even called that.

"Well, I will have to go now as I got some business to take care of, see you later" Murakami got up, and with a goodbye, he walked out of the room leaving the 3 women to talk among themselves.

Murakami walked to the sealed room where only he was allowed, he opened the door and walked inside making sure to close it Afterward, he closed his eyes and he soon felt something like a liquid flowing over his clothes.

Murakami opened his eyes, and looked into a mirror, and whistled, he wore a white ninja shirt, black ninja pants, and ninja sandals revealing his toes, on top he had a blue warring states armor.

Now this armor is not ordinary, he has fused every warring state armor in this room along with some chakra conductive metal, this armor is now so hard and resistant to the chakra that it can probably resist 60% of any attack.

Murakami has even fused it with an Axolotl, this caused a mutation in the fusion, and the armor gained consciousness as the axolotl was not yet dead, only on the brink of dying.

The armor gained its regenerative powers, resistance against blunt forces, and most impressively, the armor can regenerate from a small piece as small as a nail, don't ask how Murakami knows.

"You ready pal?" Murakami put his palm on the small mouth full of sharp teeth on his chest, a pair of Red eyes appeared above the mouth and blinked twice, meaning yes.

"All right, let's go and make you an undestroyable armor!"


Leave a power stone for me, please


Name: Senju Murakami

Age: 10

Chakra: low Kage

Body: Chunin

Kekkei genkai: Wood release.

Sage Body: Primary

Ninjutsu: Steam blade, water torrent, wind of fire...


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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