
Ch. 21 Gaining Trust

"Danzo Shimura? You mean the Konoha council member? How is glorified politician the true enemy of the Uchiha" Fugaku said with a bit of gruffness in his voice.

"He merely masquerades as a council man in the light, but he runs many secretnoperations for Konoha in the dark. Hiruzen sees Uchiha as a possible threat and want us to be under the villages direct control, but Danzo wants the Uchiha clan exterminated!" Chiba spoke with such confidence that Fugaku put some credence to his words.

"...." There was an air of silence as Chiba knew Fugaku out know credence to his word. Steeling his heart, Chiba pulled the fabric from his eyes, revealing the cloudy pupils.

"...I've lost my eyes, the pride of the Uchiha clan, but I've gained a power even greater than it in exchange." Fugaku sensed the shift in the conversation as Chiba was having a mental debate.

'I need to gain a connection to Fugaku, no matter what! However, Fugaku would never believe the words of an inexperienced child.... I'll have to use my Trump card that will force Fugaku to listen to my advice!'

"What I'm about to tell you must remain a secret, a secret that you must take with you to grave" The deadly serious tone in Chiba voice convinced him that the boy wasn't lying.

"You have my word as the clans Patriarch, I will never tell another soul even after death." Fugaku said as his sharingan still watched Chiba intently.

Chiba would never simply believe the words of Ninjas in this world, every ninja were taught as children how to lie and deceive, but there was no lying to Observation Haki! Whether it was Hanbi or Fugaku, Chiba's observation Haki could sense the sincerity and truth in their words and knew they weren't lying.

"...While these eyes of mine cannot see the present, I can see into the future..." Fugaku's eyes sent wide in surprise as Chiba carefully continued, not wanted to lie infront of the patriarchs sharingan.

"After being born into this world blind, I was given the ability to see the future but needed to train for it. I have knowledge of the major world changing events in coming years and the ability to perceive a few second into the future, granting me a near perfect dodging rate." Chiba spoke extremely careful to not lie.

Fugaku was still awestruck by what Chiba said, when Chiba decided to strike while the iron is hot and make Fugaku truly believe what he was saying.

"I know this sound ridiculous, especially coming from a child.....but I can prove it. Within the next ten seconds, write down any question."

With it being close to 5 days after taking the two ration pills, Chiba started to feel the side affects start to fade slightly as his chakra begin to regenerate faster. While Chiba could technically look 15 seconds into the future, the further he looked, the exponentially more it costed.

Putting it into simple term, seeing one second into the future would costed five chakra units, seeing three seconds would cost fourty chakra units and seeing fifteen seconds would cost over a thousand chakra unit. For combat, Chiba could only go up to two seconds into the future in fear of running out of chakra mid battle.

Looking at the serious expression on Chiba face, Fugaku wordlessly played along with what he said, not believing the young boys words.

Picking up a pen, he grabbed a piece of paper and as soon as the ink touched the the white sheet of paper, the image of what he wrote appeared in Chiba's mind.

"Itachi is six years old." Chiba said as Fugaku came to a stop, his hairs on end as he looked at the blind boy.

He quickly lifted his pen and before it even touched the paper, Chiba spoke.

"The name of the first Hokage is Hashirama Senju" Chiba answered the very same moment the question appeared in Fugaku's head

"This can't be possible, you must be tricking me....." Fugaku refused to believe this child had the power to see the future.

"You still don't believe me? Then I'll peer even further into the future!" Chiba knew that simple reading out the future wouldn't be as impactful or convincing, so he decided to put on a show with his devil fruit.

Closing his eyes, there was an eerie moment of silence until suddenly a book fell off of the bookshelf, then another and sudden the pictures started falling off of the wall! The room started shaking heavily as Fugaku looked up in shock, only to see the chair Chiba was sitting was floating!

Through the use of his Sharingan, Fugaku's came to a horrifying realization, Chiba wasn't using any chakra and yet the wall of his house were shaking while the boy floated mid air!

Soon every loose object in the room started floating aswell, be it the desk, books and even the tea floated out of its cup. Fugaku was in shock of this sight, when suddenly it stopped.

With a loud thud, Chiba chair hit the ground as every object crashed, the fragile items shattering and adding to the atmosphere. Opening his cloudy eyes once again, he directed them directly at Fugaku before he spoke.

"I forsee that you will have a second child, it will be a boy. In an attempt at bridging the gap between the Uchiha and Konoha, you named your son after the Hokages father, Sasuke." Fugaku eyes widen as he got cold sweats.

Fugaku hadn't even told Makoto about naming their next child after Hiruzen's mother or father, he didn't want to get in an argument with her about naming their child something for political reasons.

"Do you believe me now? Or shall I delve further into your future" Chiba said as he started tying the fabric around his eyes once again.

"....I do believe you child, but why are you tell me this? Such a secret shouldn't be told to anyone even if you trust them, let alone someone you just met." Despite previously being shooken up, Fugaku quickly recovered from his shock and went straight to business.

"I had to tell you..... Because I forsee the genocide of the Uchiha clan in the future, and I need to stop it!"

Chakra poured out of Fugaku in anger, nearly suffocating Chiba in it's overwhelming pressure and washing down on him before Fugaku realized what he was doing and stopped.

"Who dared to attack the Uchiha! I'll deal with them immediately!" Fugaku yelled out, intently staring at Chiba.

"...After a certain event in the future, the Uchiha clan becomes the prime suspect for the cause of it and are forced to live outside of the Konoha walls. This injustice was just the beginning of it as more and more things began piling up, angering the Uchiha." Chiba kept things vague as he didn't want Fugaku to start trying to change the future.

"After years of the discrimination and Injustice, the clan had enough and desired to stage a coup.... Getting word of this, the village wanted to get rid of they Uchiha but couldn't attack first, so they manipulates a Uchiha that was gullible yet strong enough to do the job for them"

Fugaku's eyes widened as a look of realization replaced the anger on his face.

"....You mean Itachi.... Don't you.." Fugaku said dejectly.

"Yes.... Too heartbroken to stop him, both you and your wife willingly laid down your lives as Itachi took them, leaving just Sasuke alive....Itachi won't be award for stopping the coup but will instead be blamed for pointlessly murdering the entire Uchiha clan. This will cause your second son to hate Itachi with all of his heart, eventually hunting him down and killing him."

"I see...." Fugaku had a melancholy look on his face, knowing the tragic fate of his children and clan.

"Worry not, we won't allow this future to come. WILL WE?" Standing up, Chiba stretched out his tiny hand towards the Uchiha patriarch.

Seeing the blind boy, who despite having been tormented and harassed by his own clan members, used his gift for the betterment of his family and clan, Fugaku felt grateful for the boy.

Standing up as well, Fugaku's hand grabbed Chiba's.